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ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. S. W. Merritt is seriously ill at | his home on Clebourne street. TKD Knef nvion nffnvA/l ...V, ? K? ,vu Wl.ton on the local market today is ; 8 cents. r ^ Mrs. V. B.*:.Casey and niece. Miss Ethel Armstrong, are visiting relatives in Shelby. N. C. Mrs. A. L. Stough. of Pineville, was a visitor yesterday in the home of T. R. Garrison, in this city. Dr. S. Eugene Massey, of Bramwcll, W. Va., arrived Monday morning for a visit to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Henry Massey, in this city. It was conceded By all that, unless he had lost his eyesight by old age, the ground hog saw his shadow Tuesday and we have six weeks more of bad weather ahead. Miss Bessie Rankin, of Mt. Holly, N. C., arrived Monday and will remain in Fort Mill for the marriage on the 17th inst. of her niece, Miss Elizabeth Nims, to Mr. F. M. Mack. C. W. McNealy, superintendent of mill No. 1 of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, Tuesday authorized The Times to state positively that the mill will resume operations on ifext Mon day. .Preliminary steps to starting the mill were taken Tuesday when the company bought a large lot of cotton from a local dealer. Of especial interest to Fort Mill people is a news item telling of the introduction by Representative W. R. Bradford in the lower house of the General Assembly of a bill requiring the reacting of the bible in the public schools of the State. Mr. Brad ford also has introduced a bill to regulate the sale of pistol cartridges in South Carolina. Not in many years have the ^ roads of this section been in a ^ condition as bad as that of the present time, the deep mud being due to a rain which has extended over a period of almost two months. The precipitation, however, has been general rather than of a washing variety and road experts who have traveled the roads state that they are not permanently damaged. Mr. W. M. Carothers, registrar for Fort Mill, has completed his vital statistics report for January and will forward the report to the authorities in (Columbia within a day or two. The repoj^ shows that during January there were six births and three deaths in Fort Mill , l:_ r\jr ? .1 n luwnsnip. ui me uirins, iour were white and two colored. The deaths were one white, a child, and two colored, an adult and a child. * Last Monday marked the close of the time in which State and county taxes could be paid with-1 out penalty, the extension granted by Governor Blease expiring on that date. The penalty during the present month is one per i cent and the penalty during the first 15 days of March will be six per cent. Tfcese figures will hold unless the General Assembly passes a bill, which has been introduced in both branches, extending the time for paying taxes without penalty until the first of May. Of interest throughout this section is the approaching marriage of Mr. F. Murray Mack and Miss Elizabeth Nims, announcement of which was made early this week. The marriage is to take place the evening of 1 * Wednesday, February 17. Miss Nims is the second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Nims, of Lower Fort Mill, and is a highly cultured and popular young woman. Mr. Mack is a son of the late Rev. Dr. J. B. Mack and, like his bride-to-be. shares I?" the eateem of a wide circle of j frienfia. % GRADED SCHOOL HONOR ROLL. [ By J. P. Coats. Supt. 1 i Following is the honor roll of I the Fort Mill public school for i the month of January: I First Grade?Mamie Robinson, Mary Culp. Azalie Hnrkev. Alma McElhaney, Inez Wolfe. Willie Bradford, Ida Louise Cnrothers. Cora Massey, Susie Patterson, Franklin Armstrong, B. W. Bradford, B. C. Ferguson,. John Jones, Charlie Steele. Elliott Bennett, Edward Harris, John McLaughlin, James Parrish. Second Grade?Marion Jones, | Willie Morton, Edith Parks. | John McKee Spratt, Kate-McLaughlin. Third Grade?Elizabeth Ardi rey, Mary Kimbrell, Katherine ; Massey, Mary Moore, Bertha ; Mnnrp Mhrtnn Parrish, Martha Thompson, William Hafner, Earle Steele. Fourth Grade? Janie Bayne, Ella Mae McElhaney, Anna ! Wolfe, Frank Jones. -Fifth Grade?Arthur Younjr, Ladson Mills, Billie Mack, Allen Parks, Elma Bradford, Marion Parks, Annie Parks. Seventh Grade?Lonnie Robinson. William Grier, Grace Erwin, Beatrice Parks, Beulah Parks. Ninth Grade?Marjorie Mills. Pleasant Valley Items. Correspondence Fort Mill Times. Misses Carrie and Alice Garrison, Miss Ruth Steele and Mr. J. R. Harris of India Hook, were guests of the latter's parents in Pleasant Valley Friday and Saturday of last week. Miss Helen Heath and Mr. Howard Wolfe, of Charlotte1 spent Friday night in Pleasant Valley. We take this opportunity to express to the public our appreciation for the large attendance at the play given at the school building, Friday night of last week. And especially to those who helped to make the' = play a success. Mrs. Massey Culp has just re- ^ i turned from a short visit to j ^ relatives in Pineville. ^ Mrs. Fred Rogers, of Fort Mill, has been spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. R. M. ' Potts. Messrs. Eugene Steele and i Orin Harnett spent the week-end ir. Pleasant Valley. The steeple of the Methodist , church which was badly dam- , I aged by lightning last summer, , has been repaired. The teachers and patrons of , the Pfeasant Valley school are preparing to observe Arbor Day in their school next week. TV. a T mnvAtromorif A oooninf irvn * i nt iiii|7iuvcuiciib aoovv. laiiuii ^ and Home-makers' club will < meet at the home of Mrs. J. Z. < Bailes on Wednesday afternoon < of this week. P. V. A. < FOR SALE?Queen Incubator, 220 -> egg capacity, and two brooders, in ^ I good condition. Also White Wyan- ? dotte Eggs for Hatching purposes. Apply to D. A. LEE. Old newspapers for sale at The , Times office. t I . TAX RETURNS FOR 1915. Office of the County Auditor of York County, South Caroline. Yorkville, S. C.f Dec. 1, J914. j As required by statute, my hooks ! will he opened at my office in Yorkville on Friday, January 1, 1915 and I kept open until February 20, 1915, for the purpose of listing for taxation all 1 personal and real property held in York county on January 1, 1915. For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns and for the greater convenience of Taxpayers, I will be at the following places on the dates i namea: < At Rock Hill, from Thursday, Jan- i uary. 28, to Wednesday. February 3. And at Yorkville, from Thursday < February J, until Saturday, February 4 20. All males between the ages of < twenty-one and sixty years, except ^ Confederate soldiers over the age of fifty years are liable to a poll tax of 1 $1.00, and all persons so liable are ^ especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school dis- i tricfs in making their returns. J BROADUS M. LOVE, County Audito:-. < ? J. Harry Foster^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, r Rock Hill, - . - S. C. J - . :ni>w- ^ ^ . w ~ ' Experiei m??am i'^TT?n3fcawa^BiMifi?riMTrirri t an f" and Car< Goes into every ord< this store. That ma a call for anything y< I Remember, ours is r.nnrv;" 1 I w w w anu vvc r CERIES on hand at Keep an eye on this and keep track of have for you. MILLS & V I Agents for the famous P I! 12 Days' j I At and Below Cost Sale. I 4 1 All Winter Goods MUST. GO. I Regardless of Cost. Men's $15.00 Suits for $9.50 ^ Men's $12.50 Suits for $7.95 ? Men's $10.00 Suits for $6.75 Men's $10.00 Overcoats $6.76 Men's $7.50 Overcoats $4.75 Men's Wool Pants for 95c ^ Boys' suits about half price, prices from ? 98c to $4.98 for suits that sold up to $8.00 Ladies' Suits. ? Just ten left, worth from $15.00 to $22.00, your ^ ? choice for $7.00. + f Ladies' and Misses' Coats at half price. Best 50c Underwear, 35c. Best 25c Underwear, ? ? 18 cents. ? Best Heavy Outings at 7 l-2c yard. i About 35 pairs Blankets at manufacturer's cost. + Headlight Overalls, 90c. Boys' sizes, 45c. Men's, women's and children's Raincoats and ? Capes, 98c, $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98. A few $7.00 t uoats at All Shoes at and below cost. ; Absolutely no goods charged. ^ : Patterson's Dry Goods Store | ; TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR tESS." | > X rimes Advertising Brings Big Results. * * ^E 3* *3 er of yours that is filled in 11 kes a difference, so give us II ou may want. I the store with the "NEW ?- I /ji ^eep a Fresh line of GRO- I all times. I space from week to week I the many big bargains we I rAIINft I 'ictorial Review Patterns. ? J iBBnaHnmBHHBaoHnmMnBMMHHMHBaaBBaBmHaMMaMMH | Sow the Best? | ) R?ict'c Harden Stab I I ;; . Acknowledged by all our successful gardeners as the most productive seed on the market. Fresh supply just received. t .. if Parks Drug Company, ; The Dike Store. , V Subscriptions taken for all the Magazines. J I < - , - ? lUUUKhKItNUS ? i si And Our Friends' Friends: ? As'the year nineteen fourteen closes, we want to thank ev4 erybody for every favor shown ^ ? us this last year, and to wish 4 each one a happy and prosper- 4 ous 1915. 1 r 1 r. :? _ .. t vjv/uu viiuvcncs is our mono. f i i : ! I Stewart & Culp, j t Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 k 'l+W'i+ ?* ? * ?-t * /????v???>??*??*ttt#ttMMiMiJMMt