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THE FORT HILL TIMES. | Democratic ? Published Thuradava. ' ; B. W. BRADFORD - - RJitnrand Proprietor. HOBJCKHTIOM Rates: One Year. .. Bix Month* The Times invitee contributions on llvcsuhjrcl' Hat <loe? not agree to publieh more than 200 word* on anr subject. The right is reserved to edh eeerv communication enbmitted for publication On application to the publisher, advertising rates are made known to those interested. Telephone, local and longdistance. Ho. lit. Rntered at the postomce ai Fort Mill. S. C.. ar ra lit matter of the second class. THURSDAY. FEB. 6. 191f?. Don't Sell Livestock. The Progressive Farmer urges the farmers of the South not to be so eager to sell their horses and mules, quoting a Georgia weekly to the effect that experience shows that these ani Imals always are higher after a war than they were before. The demand created by the v war in Europe is very strong, and prices for animals which come within the very rigid specifications are good. The Progressive Farmer says it is a well known fact that the earnings of the farmers of any community are usually in proportion to the number of horses they keep. Of course, it is poor economy to keep horses and mules to a number beyond those needed, for idleness for them means a heavy expense without any return! It is likely, however, that did our Southern farmers use more horses and mules they not only would inrri?nRP rViPir (rrnss inonmoa Hnf their net profits as well. Handwork on a farm is expensive labor, and as a general proposition, it is safe to say, selling off horses and mules is bad management. Crowns and military genius may bring greatness to kings and emperors and generals, but there are heights to which even they may not aspire. They cannot edit a country newspaper. There is no Retting away from the fact that your business will not boost you unless you boost your business. Printer's ink is some booster. 0 Many a Rood politician has been spoiled in the making of a poor preacher. When a man believes in him-; self others soon share his beliefs, j Luck is the silent partner of the man with brains and hustle. Cotton Node Further Gains. I*ast week marked small gains I and recessions in cotton, prices working higher on a good spot demand and a continued large export movement and falling off tin. 1am Ueknvtt* 1 - ? uinin ucn?jr anurv cttrimig, S<liniU- I lated by the belief on the bear aide that a re-action was overdue. The market was more responsive to buying than to selling and at no time were prices under the prior week's close. At. their best they were 39 to 31 r points over last week's finals while the close was at a net gain of 19 points. ; ?ell Poultry by Weight. ' F. C. Hare, poultry husbandman of Clemson college, is urging facers and poultrymen in South Carolina to sell poultry by 1 ^veight and riot by the piece or Bmur. This, h? says, is the only , I ' \ prqiuiaoie way. selling fowls by j I the pair. Mr. Hare says, isusualI ly unfair to either the buyer orl I seller. In several communities, I there has been a movement re- j I com iy to adopt the practice of; I aatlia* by weight, | mk New Law as to Narcotics. Druggists, physicians, den- j tists, veterinarians and hospital authorities throughout the coun- ] try have received the first in- i stallment of printed matter ; relative to the Harrison act, an 1 act of federal legislation, which < makes it unlawful on arid after ? March 1 for any person, firm or corporation, to produce, import, ( manufacture, deai in, dispense, sell or give away narcotics drugs] j or drugs containing more than a certain percentage of opium, morphine, heroin, codeine, etc., or their derivatives, unless such ' person, firm or corporation has | registered his name, place of business and place or places where such business is to be carried on, with the collector of 1 internal revenue of his district, ; and paid a special tax of .$1 and otherwise complied with the provisions of the act. The enforcement of the act]1 will be in charge of federal officers, deputies working '.under D. C. Hoy ward, internal revenue collector, of Columbia. "Economy Day." On Saturday, Feb. 13, the demonstration forces of Clemson College will hold what they term "Fertilizer and Economy Day" at every important point in South Carolina. Two important problems of the present for our farmers will be discussed, namely: What fertilizers to use, when and how much, how to make l*onl mnnov oo vinna in tUo mnn i,VM? ativaivj vu* IllgO III tllV IIIOII' agement of the farm and farm home. Each meeting will be addressed by experts. The meeting in Rock Hill will beheld at the assembly hall of the Chamber of Commerce and will be in charge of Demonstration Agent McKeown. Farmers and their wives are urged to be present.?The Record. Predicts Second Flood. Prophesy of a great tidal wave soon to wipe %the continent of North America off the map. except a fortunate few who will gather on Lookout Mountain, was sent to Mayor Thompson by T. A. Teate of Thomasville, Ga., says the Chattanooga Times. Teate says that he had a dream and that it was an inspiration i for him to warn the people of the inpending disaster. His letter to the mayor follows: "Thomasville, Ga., Jan. 17, 1915?To the Hon. Mayor, Chattanooga, Tenn. My Dear Sir: I have for some time been considerably wrought up over a dream that I had more than a year ago, and as 1 firmly believe that this dream was an inspiration to me to warn the people of the present generation of a great deluge .that is shortly to blot us off of the earth, by a disastrous tidal jyave, I am writing you, as vour citv was seen in this rlrpnm and also Lookout Mountain, and the mountain was the spot on which a great" many people were saved from the great disaster, This dream has been typewritten more than a year and it gives the date of the great volcanic upheaval in midocean. If you have any faith in such warnings, and you want to see this dream and read it, I will mail it to you, if you will promise to return it! after doing so. I am willing for you to show it to one of your best newspapers there and if you and him think well of it and he wants to, he can let it appear j in his paper as a warning to your city to prepare for the event, that some flesh may be spared to again replenish the new earth. Yours very truly. "T. A. Teate." General orders for the annual inspection of the National Guard of South Carolina have been sent out to all company commanders from the office of W. W. Moore, adjutant general. The inspections are to begin next Monday at Edgefield. The inspection of the Fort Mill company *ill be held on Friday, March 2& ! Yorl County News Items. ' * (Yorkvillc Enquirer.) Ed Cowser, a negro boy, was 1 placed in the county jail last night charged with the theft of 1 i watch, the property of Mr. W. M. Whitesides of Hickory jrove No. 2. The watch was stolen last Wednesday. Supervisor Boyd, Commissioners Smith and 9Jackson and Engineer Miller went out today to inspect the Yorkville and Rock Hill road to Fishing creek with a view to getting an idea as to the work to be done in connection with the rebuilding that is soon to be commenced. The home of Mr. Hugh Wallace who lives on Filbert No. 1, was destroyed by fire between seven and e*ght o'clock Tuesday night. The origin of the fire is unknown, neither Mr. Wallace nor any of his family being at home at the time. None of the contents were saved. The house, which is the property of Mr. John Hartness, was insured. It is not likely that there will be any large steel bridges built in York county this year for the simple reason that there is no money with which to build. Asked yesterday if any bridges similar to that built over Fishing Creek on the Saluda road near Rock Hill, would be constructed this year, Supervisor Boyd said that it was not likely. Although steel bridges are needed over one or two streams in the county the financial condition of the county will not permit such expenditure. Interested Over Appointments. Considerable interest has been aroused in York over the appoint- ' ments made by Governor Manning for York county. The following is the list of appointments: County auditor, Broadus M. Love; county treasurer, Harry E. Neil; connty commissioners, J. C. Kirkpatrick, J. E. Latham. Magistrates: Bethel, Horace E. Johnson; Bethesda, E. A. Crawford; Broad River, R. L. A. Smith; Bullock Creek, J. L. imncan; uatawDa, J. winnate: F^benezer, T. B. Glenn; Fort Mill, It. P. Harris; Kind's Mountain, A. J. Quinn; York, J. C. Comer. - York News. During the last few days a quantity of lumber has been placed on Main street, preparatory to rebuilding the Ardrey'" building which was fireswept the night of November 10. It is understood that other building will be commenced in the burnt district as spon as the weather will permit. Harmony t Toilet Pre Can now Ardrev's M A full supply i ' * t - LICENSE'TAX DUF. Notice is hereby Riven that annual license tax on .ill per&n-, linns, and corporations, doing busiiess in Fort Mill as provided by ordinance heretofore published is due and payable without penalty on or before March 1, 1915, for the calendar year ending December 31st 1915. A. R. McELHANEY. Attest: Mayor. C. SVI.INK, Clerk. Wf. I1.-L 11 -I'J? _ - -11' . I DOG TAX DUE. Notice is hereby given to all persons owning or keeping a dog in their possession that a tax of $1.00 on each male and ?'2.00 on each femnle is due and payable to the city treasurer as provided by ordinance heretofore published. Failure to make payment sub juci* inj- iwrnon ho aointf to a tine 01 not less than $10.00 A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. C. S. LINK. Clerk. TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Cftal and our prices are way down. Phone orders tc 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Accu Penetration cOgJ^High Power" \ Repeating Rifle No.425 'ft l jst IVrec $20.00 >) Iwmimilw Anto-U'wlini; A Big Game Rifle that Makes Good. ^ Sure Kirv No Hulks No Jains ?S^ Orikrfiura yiior Drakr. S.imI for ll;>nilwimcl\ IlliiklralriJ ^ - Uiflr f;.!afc* No. II J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.. \ ' r o r-.? ' Dr. King's New Discovery KILLS THE COUGH. CURES THE LUNGS. , ' of Boston % iparations ? be had at Drugstore now on hand. CALOMEL WHEN Oil MAKES YOU SIC "Orison's Liver Tone" Is Harmless To Clean Your Sluggish Liver and Bowels. Ugh! Calomel makes you sick. It's horrible! Take a dose of"the dangercua arug tonigui ana tomorrow you may lose a day's work. Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when it comes into contact with sour bile crashes into it. breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slugfjisli and "ull knocked out." if yaur ivcr is torpid and Itowels constipated or you have headache, dizziness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stomach sour, just try a spoonful of harmless Dodaon*s Liver Tone tonight on my guarantee. ?"irrr~pTiM j Put It Where gvl/ |\i j be earning more money, bee * interest. Begin this week. Savings Bank W. B. MEACHAM, Prisirfenl a!- ? ? laaHHHnaMi . 4.4 J 4 .4. ^ ^ | DONT CC i ? t * 4 Don't make yourself misera 4 that incessant cough. Get ri< 4 carry most every kind of Coi 4 DEPEND ON THESE: ? Syrup White 1 Nyal's Cherry Cough Syr Nyal's Winter Cough Syr 4 Nyal's Expectorant Coug + Bee's Laxative Cough Sy: Foley's Honey and Tar, Kennedy's Laxative Couji Chamberlain's Cough Rer 'Ramon's Cough Remedy, Nyal's Baby Cough Syru; IT, m m A. rtnn* wmm if MASStr'b ; Phor + "Get It at Masscy's?Ther r? I + ; 4,; + . . ?. . I 3^ I | + If you bury your money so ! ?L- V<%.? J?a !il. I nun it. x uu miuiiL lilt? Will 4 whereabouts. If you hide it carpet, in a sugar bowl or coa and get it. That's the burgla ture and you will hide yours i f Make OUR bank YOUR bar j| The First N< Fort Mill, Under strict supervision of llHUIIMIMItMMIIlMlli Lldus? NO! STOP! K. AND SALIVATES Here's my guarantee?Go to any drug store and get a 50 cent bottle of Dodnon'ft "Liver Tone. Take a spoonful and if it doesn't straighten you .right up and make you feel fine and vigorous I want you to go back to the .Store.hsd get your money. Dodaonla Liver Tctoe is destroying the sale of calomel becaus* it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. ? I guarantee that one spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of that. Rfkiir hih> nnrl AAnAlinaiArl uruaLt which ia clogging your System and making you feel miserable, f guarantee-that a bottle of Dodson'a Liver Tone will keep you*, entire family feeling fine for months. Give it to your children. It is hannlees-, doAn't gripe and they like its pleasant taste. ? Tl You Can Get It iBank your Savings, and they will be secure. Out of the reach of thieves or fire, but easily in your reach when you want it. Get the habit of depositing with us every week, and your savings will soon grow to respectable size. And all the time your money will :ause we give depositors good Form a good habit. . c I a/i:u l lit & UI I 1T??219 II W. B. MEACHAM, Jr., Cashier |l aass ?ii ^ *4 *4:^4^4 4*4?> )UGH j SO LOUD !! ible both day and night with 4 J of it as soon as possible. We 4 ?gh Syrup made. YOU CAN < < < Pine with Tar, < up. ! * up, - h Syrup. + rup, ^ :h Syrup, Z nedv. - ) for Children. * RUG STORE. I ie 91. I e's a Reason." + i <*> * 45 v* +>*-+.?+. v. ? y v*- t pfej&ko^oufe | THICK WALLS t i . x - r . - 4 amd ^Strong locks f is the safe ''"PLACE TO HIDE i YOUR MONEY _ ^JPUT YOUR MONEY in our. Bank i THEN YOU HAVE ; IT SAFE I . I meone may SEE yoii or may ' lout anybody knowing of its behind a picture, under the A bin, a burglar can just come ^ ir's business. Study this pic- ? n Unr Hank. ik. itional Bank, I - - - s. c. I U. S. Government. *