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TAX NOTICE-1914. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 14, 1914. Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened ' on THURSDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1914, and remain open until the 31 ST DAY OF DECEMBER. 1914. for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the | fiscal year 1914. without penalty; after j which day ONE per cent penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January. 1915. and TWO per ceni penalty win ue auciea to an payments made in the month of February, 1915, and SEVEN per cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1915, to the 15th i day of March, 1915, and after this date ull unpaid taxes will go into executions and ull unpaid Single Tolls will he turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. j For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 ; will attend the following places on the days named: And at Yorkville from Monday, No- | vember 10, until Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1911. alter which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note The Tax Hooks are made up by Townships, and parties writing apout taxes will always expedite mat- i tors if they will mention the township , or townships in which their property ! or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. ____________ Notice To Trespassers My iujiua in Pleasant Valley community arc posted against hunting, I n x iisxiing, or trespassing in manner whatsoever. It is my purpose to see that the law is observed, insofar as my lands are concerned, and I will prosecute any and all persons disregarding this notice. My overseer and tenants have orders to kill any dog found roving the place. J. J. BAILES. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Annual Meeting to Be held On January 7, 191S. Yorkville, S. C., Dec. 15, 1914 Pursuant to law as set forth in section 989 of the Civil Code, notice is hereby given to whom it may concern, that the annual meeting of the County Board of Commissioners of York county, will be held in the office of the County Supervisor at Yorkville, on Thursday, January 7th, 1915, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m. Under Section 998 of the Civil Code, all claims against the county not pre- I viously presented, must be tiled with the Clerk of the Board on or before Jununry 1, 1915, and holders of claims will take notice that if the same are not presented and filed (luring the year in which they are contracted or the-year following, such claims will be forever barred. All claims against Y'ork county must l?e itemized, and they must be ac companied by affidavits of the claimants setting forth that the amounts claimed arc just, true, due and owing, and that no part thereof has been paid by discount or otherwise. All persons authorized by law to administer oaths, are required to probate claims against the county free of charge. By order of the Board. THOS. W. BOYI), Supervisor. Annie C. Wallace. Clerk. $m TALK IS CHEAP KB an(* *s alr*8bt 'n *ts P^ace' but it P^M won't run the furnace nor hake j ;tp|;l bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be rafvKproduced by burning fuel. t&Sr? We handle the very best Hard |^^Band Soft Coal and our prices are |||||?vay down. Phone orders to 72. deliverv If! Mill Lumber Company, i A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. imatea cheerfully furnished on all i ii'Juiirs of brick and wood work, i TalfiViMn No. 30 j V A ==^__ i 11 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. J. A. Withers, of Fayetteville. N. C., was anionpr the Christmas visitors to Fort Mill. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Lee, of Blackville. spent several days of the last week with relatives in Fort Mill. John T. Windell, of Yonkers. N. Y.. is a visitor at the home of his brother, W. H. Windell, in Upper Fort Mill. M rs. J. C. Hunter and little ,1^ Lt _ r r l. r\ /-i uaugmer, ot i iioerty, ?>. l ., arrived Tuesday for a visit to Mrs. Hunter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. .1. Massev, in this ety. The second term of the 1914-15 session of the Fort Mill graded school will open next Monday morning. Parents are reqnested to have their children present on the opening day. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Kimbrell, of Charlotte, were visitors the last week at the home of Mr. W. E. Kimbrell in Upper Fort Mill. The little daughter of Night Policeman Frank Hunnisuck, who has been ill of pneumonia for some days, is reported much improved. Farmers and others traveling the roads of the township say that t hp rnorlO K/\nr? ...? .uuuc ua?c iiui uccn ill as bad condition in several years. The rural carriers also confirm the reports. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McGregor and children of Forest City. N. C.. spent the holidays with Mrs. McGregor's mother. Mrs. Augusta Gulp, in this city. Invitations have been issued by the local troop of Boy Scouts of America to a "camp supper" to he given Friday evening in the hoys' hall on Main street. The amount of cotton ginned in York county prior to December 13 was 3(1,204 bales, as against 37,1(1(1 hales to the same date of 1913, according to figures given out by Special Agent Joe M. Taylor. There are acres and acres of ( corn standing in the fields of . Bethel township, which havej" nnt liPPn nr.rl lint Kn .. vv M1IV* ?i tax liv/t Ut ^aillUl' ed, says the Yorkville Enquirer. Tho corn was planted after the hail storm and failed to fully mature. I l The National Union bank of Rock IIill has adopted a plan whereby it hopes to aid the farm- j ers of the county. The bank will loan farmers money with which to buy hops and will wait until next fall for the return of the money. Mr. Herbert L. Merritt, son /.f IVT v I TVf TV* -J? il-' vi mi. ?j. m. mcrriLL ol mis 4 township, who has been in the 4 recruiting service of the United < States army for several years ^ stationed at Ft. Keogh, Mon- ^ tana, lias lately been transferred to Manilla, P. I. < In a letter to The Times a few < days ago Robt. B. White, a Port < Mill man, requests that his ? paper be forwarded to Naco, i Arizona, he having been ordered with his regiment, the 11th * infantry, from Texas City to j < Naco the last week. , The work of circulating the ; prohibition petitions in Fort Mill 1 has gone ahead without holdup < during the last week and at last < reports something like one-half . of the voters of the township had 1 , attached their signatures to the , petitions. 4 Of the 14 pardons and paroles < granted Monday by Governor < Please, the onlv York rnnritv - convict included in the list was Andrew Hardwick, colored, who was convicted of manslaughter in 1910 and sentenced to 10 years. He was serving his term on the j York county chaingang. The Rev. S. P. Hair of thp Fort Mill Baptist church requests , The Times to publicly thank , those members of his congrega- ( tion who gave him such a cordial welcome on his recent return < with his family from a visit to Ulackville. The many good ' things which had been gathered J together in the pursonage prior < to Mr. Hair's return were duly appreciated by himself and fam ily. I Happy N We close the old ye hope that you and you happy Christmas, and t V ? Ied peace and prosperity We heartily apprecia during 1914 and for th solved to conduct our I which will merit an ev< patronage. Our stocks during the new yet everything in first-class merch able as possible. Again we thank you and wish MILLS & \ "We Buy and S GREETING!: That your peace, hap- ! \ piness and prosperity I may increase as the I year 1915 grows old- *? er, is the hearty good I wish of this store. i Prosperity will arrive early to the man who does his trading at the store that I "Sells It For Less." . 1 Patterson's Dry Goods Store I TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS." ; Times Advertising Brings Big Results. j few Year I ar 1914 in the earnest- I irs have had a happy, o wish for you unbound/ during the New Year. te the support given us e new year we have resusiness in that manner- - ** m re- *? in larger share or your* ir will, as heretofore, include andise, with prices as reason you prosperity. rOUNG CO. iell Everything." ! Resolve now to begin the | ! I \l # I I New Year right by I i trading with us. ; i: ! o Best wishes for 1915. : i Parks Drug Company, ; The Dike Store. + Subscriptions taken for all the Magazines. ? I ! TO OUR FRIENDS j - And Our Friends' Friends: I # ' 1 As the year nineteen fourteen < 1 < closes, we want to thank ev? erybody for every favor shown < I us this last year, and to w**h ? each one a happy and prosper- < > ! i ous 1915. | Good Groceries is our motto. ' w i O > A S t Stewart & Lulp, t t Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 t t. ' X * .