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WHEN SPRING CAME The Old Story?Jumping at Conclusions. y JEANNE O. LOIZEAUX. Jfc came tardily, with a sudden burst, after long, rigid cold, a winter of discontent, the dreariest in William Failing's young life. From T-h* past October when he had ceased to be, so far as Betty was concerned, he had aimplv set his teeth and endured things, grinding out routine work in the office as though fiends pursued. For the rest, he ate and slept?when he could. He kuew work was his only salvation, though he had now nothing to make money for. Betty was not going to marry him. Washburn had won. Not that she j ever promised to niarrv Failing. In fact, he had not asked her. But he had been so happily confident the whole benntiful summer .and autumn that she eared just as he did. They had been inseparable to such an extent that Jerry Washburn had apparently given up his long pursuit of the girl and had gone "back J vast." Washburn had money and ability, too. Now Failing cursed himself for not having made sure of the girl in words. He had not spoken because he was working so desperately to he made junior partner in his business, so that he might have something definite to offer her. Remembering this, his rugged blond face grew set and hard. She had not been willing to wait for him! She had dropped him without warning, cruelly, without a word Ik?fore or after. The shock had come in October One evening lie had taken Betty out on the lake, and they snent hours of delight in the flooding moonlight. The next morning the senior partner had railed him into the "throne room," and after much pompous prelude made him junior partner with a fourth interest in the business and an increase of salary that made his heart leap Hetty-wards. Excited, exultant, he had tried to thank the senior partner, hut the wise old <hap had wared him away "You'll l>e no good for some time - t I ^ i ? g?n tun ui uere aim tone a vacation !' Off with you !" Failing liait snatched his lint. Then he ran out to the street and walked toward Betty's home. Ho had to feel the ground under his feet -he could not have endured a street, ear! When he reached the hig old place and had rung the hell the little inaid admitted him. Miss Betty was out for a walk. Would lie see anyone else? She would he hack in an hour or so. He would walk about; perhaps he would meet her. His head and his heart were high. And never through a long life would he forget the heart-sickness of the rest. Down the street he had swung all radiant with joy, and turn;I1/# ? _i -i ...K a wiucr mm auuosi run over little Erie Cross, Hetty's house guest, for whom he ha?l never cared much. Her big eyes were almost feverishly bright, hut her cheeks were pale and she was manifestly excited. To pass time he turned and walked with her a little. "You're a laggard in love!" sho Hung at him. "Lochinvar has come out of the East and captured your fair lady, fie came last night and invited himself to broakfast this morning. He dragged her off before he really decently could. 1 went off hy myself, but I saw them cooing in the woods just now. What made you let him take her from under your very eyes?" Then she chattered ou about anything. everything. Failing left her as soon us he conld. He never liked her wordiness. So Washburn was back! Well, ht was sorry for the fellow! Failing gave Evie's chaff no credence. Almost unconsciously he made his way through the wood to the crooked path she loved so well. Then, quite suddenly, he l?*d flAon what made his heart stand still. He turned away after a heart-sick instant. Washburn, browned and big, was leaning over Betty, his Betty, kiiwing both her small hands. Failing had never dared m much. Evie's words came to him, and he strode away, blinded by hurt and anger. So that was her truatworthinaaa I Beoauae she was not formally Marvels of Yellowstone PANAMi Copyright. 1014. by Panama PRrlflc Inlbri One of tlie most marvelous featijr 1915 will be a gigantic representation cost of $<00,000. under the supervision supervising the work. In the backgro large circular Bpace In the center of tl producing the topographical features o little below him there will be a water wonderful geysers In the park, which The above view shows this wondt NORTH FACADE OF THE HUGE PANAM ri Copyright, 1914. hy 1'hiihiiih I'mIAc lntrr This photograph shows tho north Exposition. San Francisco. 1915. as it of the building is Roman, w ith dfcnort f.lncoln lleachc/ made the world's fli | feet long and four hundred font t W?. ad secretly loved Washhurn all the line, ami had surrendered at I lie nan's iirsl word. ' William Failing had gone straight lome and parked his things. Then le made a call at the oil ice and hank, anight a ticket, and hy night was on j lis war to Colorado for a month * j vacation in the wilds, taking his mi.-- I . ... . ? ... i viy wiiu mm. .\i leasi lie woman t iiave to hear her engagement discussed and have people pity him. ? Finally he had come grimly hack 10 work as though liciid-pursucd. lie , heard no word of her, and could not to save his life have asked a (piesion about her. lie inwardly raged localise 110 one mentioned her in his presence. I>id they think him such .1 weakling that lie couldn't hear il. Twice since his return he had met 1 ' ier oil the street. She ha rely rceog- ; .lized him, and lie lifted his lint with distant courtesy. At least she was not yel married. Of course tlu* announcement of ngagement anil the wedding date 'lad been in the papers while he was away. He had hoped that seeing her would somehow lessen her vital clearness to him, hut it only made things worse. lie had worked and worried himself?ami half the otlicc force?thin until the <dd man hade him remember that employes were men, not 111aHiines. Then he became considerate of them not of himself. It was a day in February that he had again seen Hetty. This time it was in a book shop. Iler eyes were bent over an open volume, and hefore she saw him lie had time to notice that her small nturlnvnl --W ?I hands had grown fragile. Then; was no look of hridal happiness about her. This time he was going over to apeak to her, hut, looking up, she gave him such a grave little how ami immediately joined a friend who was near her. After that he knew something was wrong, and hraeed himself a little. This (letitiourt strength tided him over some l>ad weeks. Then spring came, at a leap, a sudden warmth, a inciting, an unseasonable time when aid in en croak ml ol danger to fruit x, . ' ^TY IRK IN VAST REPRODUCTION I-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPI ' ' ''i " i:itt<?nnl Kxposltlon Company, es ?>r the huge rananiR-raclflo Internn of the Yellowstone National pnrk, bu i of Mr. J. R. Kathrens. the famous p und of the picture Is seen an exact di lie picture will be filled by a topograpl f the park. The man on the right la fall 85 feet high, falling lhto a great will be one of the moat attractive sec ?rful exhibit as It appeared while und? PALACE OF MACHINERY BUILt A-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXP mm im i "i.H'.'wji -: * nnlli>nal FIxpnettton Company, facade of the great 1'alace of Alachlu appeared :dx months before the open itions suggestive of machinery and in rat indoor aeroplane flight. The V'alac trees, and morning papers interviewed doctors us to the effect of such warm spells on the public health. Out* morning Failing deliberately* left the olliee and set olf for a walk. He walked jniles. First lie avoided Hetty's house, and then came back and made himself pans it. The sun was hot, and little leaves, like a green mist, were beginning to. wreathe the trees. Hirds twittered and carried straws, and children were bnrchended at play. So it was that he came upon her, us once before. But this time she was alone, her arm up against a great tree triftik, her face hidden in the arm. lie came a little nearer. She was manifestly crying. Betty crying! lie could not help letting everything hut his old love for her melt a\\4^ like the winter's snow. lie was behind her in an instant, taking her by the shoulders, turning her around to face him. She resisted at lirst, but did not try to conceal the tears in her eyes. "If? he makes you unhappy I'll? shake the life out of him!" he said. "At best Washburn could never? love you as I always have?" "What do you mean, William Failing!" Iler eyes were wide with utter astonishment. "Aren't you?engaged to him? I saw him?kissing your hand?you don't allow things of that sort for "nothing?*' Her look stopped him. Light had conic *n her. And the man saw her love for him. Site had to push hint away with hotji hands. "Von?saw thai ? I ? lie made me refuse him again. 1 had just told Iiiiii there was somebody else. 1 didn't let him take my hands ?he just did it. That was the instant you chose to see! If you had waited! And then?never to come near me again, or send me a word !" She put her arms up over her face with the gesture of a child. "Oh," he said, sheltering her in his anus. "If you knew what 1 have boon through!" She gave a yueer little laugh. _^- v ^ ^ ^ ru'***JSI^IO^ 1^15 tlonal Exposition in San Francisco in iit by the Union Pacific railroad at a roducer, who is now in San Francisco ipllcatlon of the Old Faithful inn. The tiical map 220 feet In diameter and relooking over a cliff 100 feet high; a basin below the cliff. Them will b? tions of the "Zone." ?r construction in September. 1914. )ING 0SITI0N. SAN FRANCISCO, 1915 ery at the Punama-Paciflc International in* of the exposition. The architecture ventlon. It was in this building that e of Machinery is almost one thousand "As if I didn't know," sTie an- | swored happily. Anything in words, I however crude and commonplace, j after the winter's icy silence, was a joy to them. It was probably sillv, but the whole world about them had gone ; silly?if it is silly to be utterly happv for no particular reason save that MIiriliL' lin< conic I o TAX RETURNS FOR 1915. Office of the County Auditor of York County, South Carolina. Yorkville, S. C., Dec. 1, J914. As required by statute, my books will be opened at my office in Yorkville on Friday, .January 1, 1915 and kept open until February 20, 1915, for the purpose of listing for taxation all personal and real property held in York county on January 1, 1915. For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns and for the greater convenience of Taxpayers, 1 will be _ at the following places on the dates j named: At Ramah, (A. M. McGill's Store), Friday, January 1. At Bethany, (McGill Bros. Store), j Saturday, January 2. At Clover, on Tuesday and Wednesday, .January 5 and 0. At Bethel, (Ford, Harnett & Co's Store). Thursday. Januarv 7. At I'oint, (at Harper's) on Friday, January 8. ?t Bandana, (Perry Ferguson's Store), on Saturday, January 9. At Smyrna, on Monday, January 11. ' At Hickory Grove, on Tuesday and Wednesday, January (2 and 13. At Sharon, on Thursday and Friday, January 14 and 15. ? At Bullock's Creek, (Good's Store), on Saturday, January 16. At Tirzah, on Monday, January 18. At Newport, on Tuesday, January 19. At Fort Mill, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 20, 21 and 22. j At McConncilsvir.e, on Monday, Jan- j uary 25. At Ogden, on Tuesday, January 26. At Coates Tavern, (Roddey's) on j Wednesday, January 27. At Rock Hill, from Thursday, Jan-! uary. 28, to Wednesday, February 3. And at Yorkville, from Thursday February 4, until Saturday, February 20. All males between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years, except rHnfpflorkt*1 ovar th?? <\f fifty years are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of thejr respective school districts in making their returns. HROAI)US M. LOVE, County Auditor. DUPtfl CII'C IS THE ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE L v?r?>is ?; - ,ir? w? j?WS? *t*y}^x^mE^SKmmmin^? 3>-. Cr - , V - ,*r?3Tr ' . ^"\22u - - v .-' .?2i - " ~ - -3' * ?, - _ l^jj iJjJ^ MCpiCi^AL ^|S1iMmi? HUJB A large1 ^00 ImSHnBHBHBHHMBBHHBHH nuTHES; Feel bad, do you? Worn out ? Tired ? | tt J^prepIjd (Q) ROSE'S MEDICINAL HiM MALT WHISKEY |?f || ywnnlwt or/ Builjs muscle and flesh. Sends Ihcjoy of h B youth boundinrrlhroughyou?medicinal y ~ A | ^ but palalablo like any good whi:key. I -MtxjiP 1 BIG FREE OFFER I MEDICINAL l| Medicinal Mait and 1 w ill send you irec one extra large I *$] t^s * | ? [5* I bottle, making five bottles of Malt in all, express prepaid, I rlMLI I THIS COUPON COUPON?This offer expires December 20 I J."" in l)ou't forgot the extra bottle of MoUicinul .\l?lt >*, REGISTERED D1STU1ERV 1'' 1 '' ? N*33,6tk DISTRICT EOSE: Please ship the following: /miRwtmrtt KJ AtNIUlKI | ? R. M.Rose Co. Kam' I JbJ CHATTANOOGA, TENN. Express Office _ jaP Kxproat prepaid Ea?t ?f th? liveky Muuutaiua Post Office _______ I mbJMR% F' ?r St Suite F F I R E Not only destroys property, but the many valuable papers that money cannot re_i \\r i i ? ? i ? * (jia.ce. vvouiant 11 De to your advantage to rent one of our SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES at 50 cents a year ? It is the 6 cheapest possible insurance. Come in and talk it ever with our officers. Savings Bank of Fort Mill, W. B. MEACHAM, Prisident W. B. MFACHAM. Jr.. Cashier I Mi mmmmmmmmm mrnrnm mmmmmmmtm mm tmmammammm MMMMM mimbmmmm MMMaMMMaiCMMatMMM Mi Santa Claus Q. I Has arrived and needs I more room'to display his beautiful Christmas line, Tj \ J so we are almost giving & away the Dry Goods and Shoes that were saved from the fire. Come early and get your share. L. J. Massey. 1 w iL_ l n M 1* tiuw in me junes Duiiaing, Let Us Write Your Fire Insurance. x mmmmammmmmmmmammmmmmmamamgmmammmmmmmm We represent some of the strongest companies in the world. Rates too low for you to take the risk. : : ^ B?lM ft T ink District Agents. m