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TRYING. "Is your husbaud pleased with hia appointment to the bench?" "I'm afraid not. He says it's a very trying situation." | IT8 USE. "They say they can use every particle of a hog except its squeal." "Couldn't they utilise that for an investigating committee?" 4. A WIFE COULD. Patience?Why, they say that man can't spend his income. Patrice?Well, he ought to get ! married. NOTICE TO FARMERS. Notice is hereby given that until further notice the gins of the Fort Mill Mfg. Company will bo operated only on Thursday and Friday of each ?1. TU- * _:n -r ? wecK. me K,,sl ?uu "i tne company will be operated on Monday of each week. TRESPASS NOTICE. The public is hereby warned against bunting or trespassing in any manner upon tne lands of the undersigned. Violators of this notice will be dealt with as provided by law. Mrs. Hattie Mack. Notice Trespassers My lands in Pleasant V n 1 Ipv enmmiinitr ora posted against hunting, fishing, or trespassing in manner whatsoever. It is my purpose to see that the law is observed, insofar as my lands are concerned, and I will prosecute any and all persons disregarding this notice. My ove seer and ten- | ants nave orders to kill any dog found roving the place. J. J. BAILES. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Levies of the Town of Fort v Mill, S. C., for the Current Yeur 1914, for Ordinary Purposes, to Pay for the Interest on the Waterworks Bonds, Provide a Sinking Fund, to Purchase Fire Protective Equipment, the Time of Payment Thereof, and Penalty for Non-paymwit of Same. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, the town council, of Fort Mill, S. C., by authority of the same: Sec. 1. That a levy, of ten (10; mills on each and every dollar of real and personal property, not exempt from taxation, neld, owned, or liable for taxation, within the town o# Fort Mill, S. v,., on rne ist day ol January, 1914, be, and the same is hereby made for the fol lowing purposes: For oirhnary purposes .'1 mills For Interest on Waterworks bonds 2J mills For Sinking Fund 1} mills For Fire Protective Equipment 3J mills Sec. 2. That said taxes shall become due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer on the 1st day of November. i9l4. Taxes may be paid up to and including the l5th day of November, I9l4. Thereafter and up to the tst day of January, l9l5, a penalty of lf?V will attach to said taxes not paid by < November 15, l9t4. Sec. 3. After January 1st, l9lf?, executions will be issued against all delinquents for the amount of taxes, penalty. and costs, in accordance with the law's of the State of South Carolina and Municipal Ordinances. Done and ratified in Council in regular session assembled in Fort Mill, S. C., this 20th dav of October, i9t4. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mayor. C. S. I.1NK, Clerk. m TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake 1 bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be ( produced by burning fuel. * We handle the very best Hard 1 and Soft Coal and our prices are ' way down. Phone orders to 72. 1 Quick delivery. Fort Mill lumber Comply, ; % ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Just 17 more shopping: days before Christmas. The best price for cotton on the local market this morning was 7 1-4 cents. Seed. 30 cents. I S. H. Blankenship of this township, has been drawn as one of the fourth week jurors for the present term of York court. About all that now remains to complete the waterworks system of Fort Mill is the connecting of the big electric pump in Sprattville with the pipe line to the tank on Ardrey Hill. Vminnr nnrvnl n rvf ^ auuii{S |n.u(jig ui iiic iuh il UIC rehearsing nightly for an entertainment to be given at the auditorium at an early date. A small admission fee is to he charged and the proceeds are to be used in the school library. Beginning Tuesday a Federal tax of one cent per message is collected from each person who pays toll on a telegram, or, in other words, on each message sent "paid" and received "collect." The friends here and elsewhere of Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrick, who has been ill for several weeks at a Charlotte hospital, will be plad to know that he has returned to his home in this city and is steadily regaining his health. An employee of the Charlotte Brick company, whose plant at Grattan has been closed down for some time, says it is understood that the works will be started with a full force of hands on next Monday morning. The brick plant gives employment to somothing like 100 people. The dead body of Martha Leech, a negress who was sent f rom the York county home to the Sthte asylum some months ago, was found in an old barn a few miles out of Columbia Monday. The woman disappeared from the asylum on October 24, and it was thought that her death occurred shortly thereafter. Chief of Police J. W. Lynn returned Saturday from Norfolk, Va., where he had gone on Friday to deliver to the naval authorities Chas Little, a recruit who had essayed to leave the I navy yard without the proper j permission. Little was arrested i Wednesday in this city, where it is understood he has relatives. 1 This was the young man's! second desertion from the navy. The following officers have been elected to serve Catawba Lodge No. 56, A. F. M., during! the cominc vear: W. M f!n-. rothers, master; F. E. Ardrey, I senior warden; F. M. Mack. ! junior warden; W. B. Meaeham, Jr., treasurer; S. W. Parks, secretary; L. M. Massey, senior deacon; J. VV. Collins, junior deacon; R. P. Harris and E. L. Hughes, stewards, and J. L. Lyles, tiler. The installation of these officers will be held on the night of December 21. The attention of Fort Mill people is again called to the sale to be conducted Thursday, December 10, by the ladies of the Home Missionary society. It was previously stated that the sale would be conducted in the Jones buildi ng, but this storeroom is j now occupied and at a meeting Tuesday of the society it was decided to hold the sale in the dental parlors of Dr. J. L. Spratt. V nriouc - . uiviwva ouiiauir ivi Christmas present will bo offered by the ladies, and the public is requested to visit the sale and assist the cause for charity. Belgrade Falls Before Austrians. A Berlin dispatch of Wednesday says that Belgrade, until the outbreak of the war Servia's capital, was taken by the Austrian troops. The Servians previously had evacuated the city. In the engagement it is claimed that the Austro-German j forces effected the capture of, 30,000 prisoners, and the victory is counted one of the most important successes yet obtained. I Our Fire am Is still] The ridiculously low class goods haye broi store during the last not been to this R 111 snouia come at onc< large part of the stoc made drastic cuts < store. This is the gi tunity ever known he MILLS & Y "We Buy and S I' | Just Bear in Mind j | "Patterson j { Sells j % I lt ! i For Less." j I i ' ii'it'i 'iiBinwnnnw? I * - n .. > rv ^1 1 n : ratterson s Dry Uoods Store : ; TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS.*' I Times Advertising Brings Big Results.] 1 Water Sale I Rnnmintf wmmmmmmmmmmmmcmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm prices on these highjght hundreds to our : week. If you have I emarkable Sale, you 11 s. The damage to a II k is slight, yet we have II .1 jii everytning in our reatest saving oppor:re on high-class goods rQUNG CO. ell Everything." | | \ A Better Face Cream I f If you ever try Dike's Peroxogen Cream, you will always if f use it. Our customers say, "Once they try it, they always buy it." It | | Dike's Peroxogen Cream r T Is greaseless and contains a good percentage of peroxide * of hydrogen. The first application leaves the skin smooth * T as velvet. It cleans out the pores and gives the flesh the T Z glow of health. Then too it is an antiseptic and clears the Z Z waste matter from the pores. ^ Dike's Peroxogen Cream costs only 25c. It'.s the best '1 ^ cream you ever used. Better try it. || I Parks Drug Company, The Dike Store. < > & I Removal Notice f : i ' A. I On account of damage by fire to * t the building which we have occu- ? pied for a number of years, we * t were forced to change quarters ? and are now located in the hand some new building at the corner t 4 of Main and Cleboi We shall continue to handle the t ; best in our line and ask a contin uance of your patronage. ^1" JP_ ?? | utcvv ail uc t Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 f