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k % LIKE FAIRYLAND COM FUL OF WORLD MANY EUROPEAN N CISCO UPON A * I 4 Marvels of Sculpture, / Tremendous Colonr Palaces on Shcres Muiitha before its opening day, the United States will celebrate tt world's exhibits begun. The exposition today stands re overshadowing and eclipsing every la the stupendous exhibit pah Portugal, from Spain, from Italy, 1 deed all portions of the world wll Shortly after the Kuropean wt putlon from $100,000 to $400,000; . and ordered construction rushed u actively with their plans and exhl The greatest live stock show than half a million dollars is assu live stock will he shown, including subjects of special Interest on the registered animals of this class. The huge "Zone," the vast am Hundreds of great congresses Those who are planning to yh ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE A handsome book of sixty Panama-Pacific International K and of the Panama canal and c The booklet Is for nrosneetlve feat which the exposition is to of Publications. Panama-Pacific GREATisT'LIVE STOCK SHO PAN/ WjK/v., ~?r> Copyright, 1914. t?y Panama I'.ullU- lot The ureal est and most compre Panama 1'acitlc International Expos every country in the world, includli More than one-half million dollars i the vast live stoelf h?rn? iu?irn?lno !lvc Mtork show will Inst thrnushnti SUPERB HALF-DOME OF THE PANA -I ?. . ;^.v "jy< Copyright, 1914. by Panama Pacific Int< Wonderful muMim and sculptur Uuu lu San Kraocueo, ISM5. The al ?. lyinhcJfcaJ sculpture! frouj* by Al \h* >*lt ht *up?uiu4 Vj the % IE TRUE IS MOST MARV I'S EXPOSITIONS, READT ATIONS WILL BE REPRE! SPLENDID SCALE?VAST ARISE IN FOREIGN SECT \rchitecture, Color, Wonder lades, Great Towers and Mil of San Francisco Bay on February. 20, 1915, the vast Panama-] le opening of the Panama renal, had be< vealed as a supreme triumph In nrrhitei other exposition In the history of the ires wonderful exhibits from England, t'n 'rom Sweden. Norway. Denmark, .lapan. 1 delight the vast throngs that meet In ir broke out the Netherlands govemmen Japan applied for more exhibit space; It pon the wonderful Italian pavilions; Dc bitors from Clerinany and England applli in the world's history will be held duri rod in premiums and prizes for this col tho Rretonnese and the Houlonnaise fri part of the French government, which ( usemeut section, will delight visitors fro and conventions will he held in San Fi 'it America's rrent nlinu- In ill", mo,- ini PANAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL E MAILED FREE OF CHARGE. pases, profusely Illustrated lit .colors at xposilton to be held In San Francisco fr anal region, will be mailed by the Expos visitors and will also contain Informal! celebrate, the building of the Panama c International Exposition, Exposition P.ui W IN THE HISTORY OF THE WQF ^MA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXF - mtrtiL' ;rni' -r: T-V .'rl . --f^' Vi^T^^MWSS^' Suf . 'Miaiional fclxponltton Company. hsnsive live stock show in the history c ition. Kntries of valuable and rare bre itg France, Kngland, Helgium hjh! other s offered in prizes and purses for winnit more than forty acres, with the great ji f the period of the exposition, from Febi COURT OF THE FOUR SEASONS A PACIFIC INTERNAT10NAL EXP *rn?tl.>nal Exposition Company. ei aduri the great exhibit palaces of tlx kin picture altos a the hair dome Jo the < bart Jeager*, the caMtniM xculptor, raj pytiniiiihlhW aid oa the i|My ?n ELOUS AND BEAUTI- | I MONTHS BEFORE TIME 5ENTED AT SAN FRANFOREIGN PAVILIONS iON. fui Gardens, Vast Facades, larets, Characterize City of Pacific International Exposition, at which ?n completed ajid the installation of the ?ture, a marvelous fairyland cotne true, world. * m Germany, from the Netherlands, from China, the Argentine. Bolivia, and inSan Francisco. t increased ith fund for official particialy ratified its appropriation of $400,000 mmark, Sweden and Norway proceeded r?d for exhibit space. ng the period of the exposition. More ossal exhibition. Many now breeds of >m Brittany and Boulogne, France, the lesires to foster a demand abroad for m nil parts of the world. rancisco. <e advantage of the following offer: iXPOSITION AND PANAMA CANAL id giving detailed descriptions ??f the om February 20 to Deeetnber 4. 1915, lition tree of charge to all inquirers, on concerning the groat engineering anal. Write to the Manager, Bureau 'ding, San Francisco, for booklet. tt.0 'OSITION, SAN FRANCISCO. 1915 I if the world will be staged at the vest : eds of live stock will be shown from I countries in the European war zone. | IS live slock. This photograph shows ldging amphitheater In the center. The rtiary 20 to December 4, 1915. ' I T THE l 03ITI0N, SAN FRANCISCO. 1915 a i ! '* \ ' ( f;: 1 u a Panama Pacific International Kxpoui- J Court of the Four Stuont, croKowl Uy yraaanttag **Tka Hanaai" TV* <al?a> > Ipn Tfcato-" SEEMS ABSINTHE IS DOOMED { Beverage About Which There Hai Been Much Complaint la in Fair Way to Diaappear. The summary suppression of absinthe drinking in Paris bv the prefect of police accomplishes at a stroke and as a war measure what years of peaceful agitation had failed to effect. The French bare been trying to prevent by law the sale of the | noxious beverage, but though its use was prohibited in the army and navy popular consumption has continued to increase and amounted in 1910 to 36,000,000 liters. Belgium, Hoi- : land and Switzerland now forbid the manufacture or sale of absinthe, and its importation into the United States has Icon illegal since October 1, 1912. The way is now open for ! Urn nee to stop it by making the j (tnergency measure a permanent ; government policy. Assuming that <in- nviion is cTeuiumijr mKen ami i ahsinthe ilrinking prohibited where it has been more prevalent, the war will have olTeete<l a moral reform hardly secondary to the suppression , of opium traffic iti China, It is commonly agreed that absinthe is the worst alcoholic beverage in its toxic and convulsant effectg, and it is not mere coincidence that lunacy, tuberculosis and degeneracy have increased proportionally with the consumption of the green liquor. The i "febrifuge" which the French soldiers brought home from Algiers in 1 IK 1-1-II was destined to become a national nerve poison, and it would l?e poetic justice if the present war -hould end the evil in trod need hv the nthcr. WILLING TO HELP I 91 He?1 s'poae a kiss'd atop her, but }lie won't close her face long enough to give me a chanct! ______ | ^ UNCANNY SKILL. '1 Coroner Conxion Norton of Free- |< port was talking to ? New York re- ' j porter about the Carman case. 4 "fireat skill has been displayed in < u.;_. - * ? ? ! v i in- coroner enacu. < T'ncnnnv skill. I might almost say. 4 -Til! which reminds me of the young ? lady at Coney. a "A young ladv met a young gentle- i nan at Coney, and they took a bath, in*l a long walk on the beach, and ^ Ihen they sat down side by side on " he white, clean sand. ' The spot was a lonely one, and 4 the young mail began to talk of love. 1 ITr drew nearer and nearer to the ^ ro\mg lady. Finally he reached out i lis arm to eneirele her waist. "Jtnt she drew back sharply, and ^ it the same time she took a pair of i arge white cotton gloves from her '^j inllillmc * A "'If you're going to Ik; friendly, 3 ieorge,' she said, 'just slip on these. <; My steady's a detective, and if he ? 'omul y??ur finger prints on this here ? vhite Mr of mine?' " ENS IN HINGLANO. * : < J Mrs. X relates that while in Lon- 1 Ion she inquired in a shop if they 4 lad any fresh eggs. 4 "Yes, mum, plenty," said the <j lerk ; "them with a hen on 'em are ; 4 resh." i 2 "I don't see any with a hen on hem." said Mrs. X. looking around or a nest. ? "The lettei 'hen,' uinin, not the! < >ird. 'Hen' stands for 'noo laid,' < num. ; 2 4 SMALL FRY. j 4 " You've done pfet'tv well, Hiram." ^ "Yep." I "Why <lon't you endow a college?" "What college would condescend o accept my little $100,000?" THE OTHER POINT OF VIEW. 4 "So you are taking summer hoardrs this year?" "Yep; we didn't have to, hut my ' ?ife love* to hear 'em talk that city ? oaJect."?Jw4g?. ? Let Us Write Your ???????? Fire Insurance. ~ ?? =,, ? ^ We represent some of the strongest companies in the world. Rates too low for you ??????????????.. to take the risk. : : Bailes & Link, District Agents. i" i Your Signature I ill m Tty On a check gives you dig^5^ | K5iip HB !j| nity and substance in the '(Ir'1#1 ij i; community presuming, coui se* ^ie c^e? I 1 men v^10 can casiiy a^* /' A \ count will not do so be- I / cause they fear the bank g Hr^>might fail. There is less ! I chance of the bank being j | selves being "touched." ^ ' 1 l'1 "" and our bank is as solid as a rock. Savings Bank of Fort Mill. I jl W. B. MEACHAM, Prisidcnl W. B. MEACHAM, Jr., Cashier {j ?????*?? ?*.* | Patterson s Sale j | is Going Right On. j __ J Every day is a bigger and better ? I business. 1 he people of this com- ^ munity certainly do appreciate New I High Class Merchandise at our "go- ? away-profit" sale prices. Watch the * crowds with their packages wrapped ^ in green?they are from Patterson's. Don't forget the prizes to be given + away on closing dav of salp SaHir- t day, the 21 st. An $ 18 Suit of Clothes absolutely free. Also, the I Stetson hat free each Saturday to the farmer bringing the largest number of grown people to our store on a two-hcrse wagon/ V Patterson's Dry Goods Store I TELEPHONE NO. 85. "SELLS IT FOR LESS." ? i+ > v*v#>*v?v