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TRESPASS NOTICE. The public is hereby warned against hunting or trespassing in any manner upon the lands of the undersigned. Violators of this notice will be dealt with as provided by law. Mrs. Hattie Mack. u I " m?:?s [Notice To Trespassers My lands in Pleasant Valley community are posted against hunting, fishing, or trespassing in manner whatsoever. It is my purpose to see that the law is observed, insofar as my lands arc concerned, and I will ; prosecute any and all ^persons disregarding this n inr> My overseer and tenants have orders to kill any dog found roving the place. J. J. BAILES. AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Levies of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C., for the Current Year 1914, for Ordinary Purposes, to Pay for the Interest on the Waterworks Roods, Provide a Sinking Fund, to Purchase Fire Protective Equipment, the Time of Payment Thereof, and Penalty for Non-payment of Same. Re it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, the town council, of Fort Mill, S. C., by authority of the same: see. i. mm a levy 01 ion u'M mills on each and every dollar of real and personal properly, not exempt from taxation, held, owned, or liable for taxation, within the town of Fort Mill, S. C., on the 1st day of January, 1914, he, and the same is hereby made for the following purposes: For ordinary purjMises J mills For Interest on Waterworks bonds. 2$ mills For Sinking Fund . lj mills For Fire Protective Equipment mills See. 2. That said taxes shall become due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer on the 1st day of November. I9l4. Taxes may be paid up to and including the 16th day of November, I9l4. Thereafter and up to the 1st day of January, l9l5, a penalty of i5v will attach to said taxes not paid byNovember 15, 1914. Sec. 3. After January 1st, l9l5. executions will be issued against all delin quenta for the amount of taxes, nenalty, and costs, in accordance with the ~**uvvs of the State of South Carolina and Municipal Ordinances. Done and ratified in Council in regular session assembled in Fort Mill, S. C., this 20th day of October, I9l4. A. R. McELHANEY, Attest: Mavor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but t won't run the furnace nor bake broad. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, fSTEVEKISl v> ?. Accuracy^^^v^, Penetration ^sr" High Power" 8 Repeating j Rifle No.425 | y '' '' " $20'?C ? ~ A Bi^ Game Rifle that I . Mikes Goodi~V/' Sure Fire No15;iIks XoJavns VrL*' .'*& "t krff .i > ? r IVjI*".. Jy f Send lor IJ.iml<M?fii?-l) ltln>( r.ilvt) I Killt (\?|jl??*f No. II J J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., I ? f O lv? '?# Ckicopet falls, Mass. J 1 tl ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mrs. D. G. Gillespie, of Tazewell. Va., is a guest of her sister, Mrs. J. H. Lewis, in this city. Miss Addie Harris and Mrs. ! Azile Harris are spending a few days as guests of Mrs. L. E. t : ~ cu?iu.. xt r> uiguu, in cm?riu.y, j."*. Miss Mary Boyd returned to; her home in this city several days ago from a visit of several j months to her sister, Mrs. J. J. Stewart, in Conover, N. C. ' Mary, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. R. Garrison, has been dangerously ill of i j pneumonia for some days at the i home of her parents on Booth street. Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Massey and children, of Mossy Creek. Va., arrived Wednesday morning I to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P>. Henry Massey, i of this city, j Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Vondileech j | and daughter. Miss Alma, of Charleston, were guests the last week in the home of W. L. Hall ! in this city. Mr. Vondileech is' on a vacation from the Panama canal, where he has been emi ployed for the past eight years, j Mrs. J. H. McMurray has as guests this week Mrs. J. E. Mc| Cutchen of Bishopville, Mrs. C. P. Quattlebaum of Conway and Mrs. J. C. Harlee of Florence, all ' of whom were her class-mates j while at school. Reports favorable to his re- j covery are being daily received 1 from Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrick, who underwent a serious operation in a Charlotte hospital some days I ago. Dr. Kirkpatrick's friends throughout this section hope that his recovery may be speedy and complete. I Announcement is made that Rev. Palmer Dubose, a missionary of the Presbyterian church to their Mid-China mission, will address the people of Fort Mill from the local Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Mr. Dubose is now on his ? | vacation to this country. The grocery concern of Stew Qrf AV *vl o/?i\ ^ ^ U .?? v w vui|^i n uwc |HULC U1 business was damaged by tire the night of the 10th instant, have moved into the W. L. Hall building at the corner of Main and Clebourn streets. L. J. Massey, who saved a small portion of his goods from the fire, is occupying the vacant room one door south of .Jones' grocery store on Main street. The hunting season in this j State opened last Monday and1 many of the nimrods of this city and community were afield early with gun and dogs. Birds are said to be plentiful this season, but a great many farmers object to having the birds killed and it is a good idea to j get permission before entering a man's place to hunt. Mrs. J. L. Spratt, Mrs. J. B. Elliott and Mrs. W. B. Ardrey } on Tuesday attended the State ! conference at Rock Hill of the I Daughters of the American \ Revolution, representing the Fort Mill chapter of that order " in the meeting. While in Rock I Hill Mesdames Spratt and Elliott were entertained in the 11 home of Mrs. J. K. Roach, while j i Mrs. Ardrey was with Mrs. , \ V. B. Blankenship. < < An Approaching Marriage. Cards were received here < Tuesday announcing the ap- < proaching marriage of Mr. Lad- < son M. Massey, of Fort Mill, and J Miss Anne (iilliam Hamilton, of < Jonesville, Union county, the < ceremony to take place Thursday, < November 26th, at the home of < the parents of the bride-elect, < Mraand Mrs. R. W. Hamilton, < at Jonesville Miss Hamilton is well known and greatly admired in this section, where she has frequently her sisters, Mrs. Kenneth * Nims and Mrs. Osmond Barber. i Mr. Massey is one of the town-i< ship's progressive farmers and j ^ his marriage to Miss Hamilton < will bean event of interest to < , his many friends here and else- j < ! where. (< > This Space I MILLS & Y "We Buy and S ??????HHH?????? % * mv 17^a QoIA I As it is too late in the season and our new storeroom is too smalf to re-stock in Pall and Winter Goods, we will sell oft all the Dry Goods, Shoes, Etc., that was saved from the fire at 50c to 73c on the dollar. Very few of these goods were damaged, but all go at these prices. Come early and get first choice. W/ ...1 1 C 1 n ii. we want to than* our tnends, especially the ladies, who helped to save these goods from the fire. L. J. Massey. Now in the Jones Building. | [ Removal Notice f On account of damage by fire to + the building which we have occu- t pied for a number of years, we + were forced to change quarters f and are now located in the hand some new building at the comer t of Main and Clebourn streets. J We shall continue to handle the t best in our line and ask a contin uance of your patronage. [ Stewart & Culp, ; ^ Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 f ? ?v fl Reserved for uuhu CO. * ! * ell Everything." " * ^ I A Better Face Cream j ' w t If you ever try Dike's Peroxogen Cream, you will always ? t use it. Our customers say, "Once they try it. they always f ? buy it." & | I t rv:i ? d c i urnc s rcioxogen \^ream t Is greaseless and contains a good percentage of peroxide * .. of hydrogen. The first application leaves the skin smooth T as velvet. It cleans out the pores and gives the flesh the it t glow of health. Then too?it is an antiseptic and clears the t ... waste matter from the pores. ^ Dike's Peroxogen Cream costs only 25c. It's the best t ^ cream you ever used. Better try it. ? : ;i Parks Drug Company, | The Dike Store. if ? M E A G H A M A XSPPS To Our Friends! Pending the adjustment ? of fire losses of last Tuesday, we are unable to make a statement as to the future of our business : : MEACHAM EPFS %