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Vast Exhibit Pal and Install THIRTY-SIX GREAT FOREIGN NATIONS UNRIVALED IN 1 An education such as one could Intcrns#iona] Exposition at San Fraru M (h's exposition the people of 1 i i-eriitig ot the Panama canal. Hund tea one of the greatest events in the At the great exposition, which w nam ns will make elaborate governir fl.2O0.0OM ?n its display, which will its own borders Italy will show Its installed uu elaborate exhibit In the ' 'lie elates of the Union will mak they should know It will have the op favor! : conditions and clrcumst&nc Some of the marvels of the Pan .?lti< :i opens on February 20, 1915, am i aili mi s will grant low round trips the particulars as to the exposition, r >lh v. ing offer: ATTRACTIVE BOOK ON THE F A liandsmnio book of sixty pj l'anrsna Pacllic International Exp< and of the Panama canal and cam The booklet in intended an a gem inn the uroat engineering feat n Heatlm* Panvna Pacific Internat . ^ greaTdomTo <\.p> lull. l>y I'-inamt pAclflo Intei v vlewr of the Palace of Horticu minor domes are to carry an arrange <Vu;e h I Ml feet In height and 151 ft ii?_ Pjk Id.- International Exposition v ENTRANCE TO 1 ;j||^ jp|| C.\>pyri*iil, '914. br P.?n#m* Psrlflr Jnt*i This pljntnarnph shows tho Rren half-douio id known an th? Haif-Dom< (ho mosaic in Uio vault or tho hulf-d decorative artist* in \inerfca. To ih I'juianu faciflc International Fx posit ALWAYS PAID FOR - Apiopo* of ili" Kvcnf si rain on Colonel li'ooo-veir. iwiiti. i?^ i .. m i m. I<V" f muit.Ahliott ?;u?l in Vow* York: rit~r mint rtlwnv- In* piid (or |Mi?I for with time. vitt) health, wilt) work." Sin it hi jr. hortor Abbott a>? It In!: "There's a story al>out ]M>]?ularitv, ' jL*fiutte's popolanty, which, like a laces Are'Alreadj ation of World's POWERS TO DISPLAY THEIR HISTORY?RAILROADS GRANT L ODAY TO VISIT HUGE EXPOSITII not receive In o lifetime will bo afford) cisco next year. the United Staten. joined by the nations i reds of years from ncv/ the world w!l! r history of the I'nlted States, and inde? rill excel any universal exposition in the lent exhibits. A single South American be the most comprehensive ever made priceless works of art; Canada will dls] huge Canadian Pavilion, built at a cost e wonderful displays and those who do r #fcrtunity to learn more of Its wealth anf ea that tlysy could obtain In no other ama-Paclfic International Exposition are d closes December 4. 15?ir>. remaining opc wdth extraordinary privileges of routing. If you wish further information about 'AIMAMA-PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EX MAILED FREE OF ^ CHARGE. profusely Illustrated In colors and >sltion to be held in San Francisco froir il region, will bo mailed by the Expouit! ral guide to prospective visitors and wll bich the exposition is to celebrate. "iVr lon&l Exposition. Exposition Building, S F THF WnMnFRFIJI PAI APP OP I mitt, ' ' #/_ national Exposition Company. Iture, showing completed pylon with d naont of vines and flowers that will fori st In diameter, being (lie largest hemlspl 411 open 1q San Fnyicisco in February. QiE VAST EXHIBIT PALACE OF F ' / ' ' ^SHSKS96SS5fi^ JsMI r? >ttonal Ktivmlllon Company t: western portnl or entranoeway of the ? of Vijcor and Is in foot in height. Hrl ome, which, was designed by ?Mr. Jules o left are seen some of the ornamental s 011 opens at ban Francisco in February > parable, has a universal application, j "I a Tat v<kt to, at a funeral after the rr\njution, was t remeinlotislv applau leil b\ tftc people, who (inallv ' took his lil?rs.?s I.ij ? ?= fringe ami droii liitu home to bis hotel thornsolves. i " *"N*<mi must have boon pleased,* a ' friend said to Lafayette afterward. " 'Yes, i wu/ he answered; 'only '' | never saw my horses again.*" ' I ?; ?' ? I r Completed Exhibits Begun PROGRESS IN CONCLAVE OF OW ROUND TRIPS?PLAN DN. sd through the great Panama-Paclfle V of the world, will celebrate the official ot-ail the opening of the Panama canal d of the whole world. > history of the world, thirty-six great country, the Argentine, is expending by a South American country outside play its vast progress, and has already of $300,000. lot know this great country as well as 1 progress and great Institutions under way. depicted upon this page. The expo>n, therefore, ulmnst ten months. The Any railroad agent will furnish you the exposition, take advantage of the POSITION AND PANAMA CANAL giving detailed descriptions of the 1 February 20 to December 4. 1915, Ion free of charge to all inquirers, il also contain information concernIte to the Manager. Hurean of Puban Francisco, for booklet. JORTICULTURE. ecorative sculpture In position. The n a screen for the lights. The main lerlcal dome In the xvorltl. The Pana1015. 00D PRODUCTS \ I " ?* i iEix litiV? Palace of Food Products. The lllinM, riotous colors are employed Id tluerln, one of tlie most celebrated ihr 11 tie* that wf'.l he in bloom when the . 1918. A BIG MISTAKE. "\Vfmtrt i!i<? matter?" we asked of the June groom. Tin in had. My wife says her faith in me is hopelessly shattered." "What terrible thing have you lone y " *"*11 didn't seem so terrible at the itart. 1 broke a dish and tried to tdawe it on ray wife's oat," X) SEEMS A HOODOO ON ^ST I Incumbent at BeC-a Talis of the Series. 1 of Misfortunes Which Befell Hie Predecessors. St range! v enough, writes Sybil > Bficiipr in the Wide World, our " nrpileccssors at Hie Boira consalsteji i "?u aii i-\|irnwimi varying vicjw- v i tudos which, forging a curious obain ? of misforinne. made Beira hardly an ' cnriahle post wprc one inclined. to * superstilion. a? will hp vph frwfU tin* ' v J following: ' Tip fit>i f M a it to he appointed woe I ihe captain of r man-of-war. hi* ' -hio doing duty a# the consulate. ; * j After three or four months' stay he j contracted so hail an at tack of ma- ' lari-i liiat he (lied shortly afterward. J ''"hp nert consul who came, fright- 1 i*n-d <?f the surrounding swampi. ' purchased an old sailing ship, turned s it into a hulk and fitted it up iuto a I most comfortable residence. In some ; ? mysterious way. however, his flout;,.1# i.Ak 1. 1 _ -M-ii ii - ?'i; ii>iiu<- iik in im: miiinie or ?ne 1 night, lie and his wife only escaping '.viMi their lives. The catastrophe so 1 discouraged him tTimt he lpft soon after. ^ I Number three wa* unfortunate enough to lose his wife from the effects of fever, and she wae buried j there. Number four nearly lost his < life bv being shot at while breakfasting. the bullet passing within a few inches of his head and going through ihe :idjoinin r door. The consul fol- ? losing him wa< our unfortunate 1 t.r.'divoK??nr. ulio ivu' brutally inurdcrcil in bis office. being stabbed in the neck. Such an unbroken history of d -aster in connection with a consuhiie is rarelv to be met with. BRIGHT LAO ' '~T"o~T i Teacher?When' are your sums? 1 u*K:? ?? u_io ? > ' k "*; ui^iiTTcvaiDii urm me i)|) an' rubbed Vm off me slate, i, QUEER TRAITS OF ANtMAL*. Many animals and inserts have curious ways of doing things for which I here is no a parent scientific reason. A llv on the window pane will crawl to the top. fly hack to the1 wit torn and crawl up again. This j order is seldom reverse ?why, no : one knows. It is on record that a flv | crawled tip a window pane 33 times, returning each time to the same piece, the Presbyterian slates. j Mens scratch for final with the sun behind (hein, the reason being I luit I lie rays reflect on the minute panicles. \ blind , hew will pick grain and not miss a kernel, Cats seldom lie with their feet to the fire. 1 I suaIIv they lie on the left side, i I togs lie with their forepaws to the lire. i \ mouse will ignore a food supply < "iiulii ieni for .a meal and run great < n-'x-t to nihole ai s wholesale supply. < 11 will hide at tho source of food } supply and not depart frem if until ^ ictuallv di-t urhed. It isn't true lh*r .t mouse run* t<? it- hole *i the lirai < ularm. t ,? SOUNDS LIKE IT. < < ~ < "(irayre married a man whose J head is solid ivorv." i Nonsense!" \ i "Von know what I mean. She i I married a stick." < ''Married * slick with an ivnrr < head, eh? Hy jinks, she innat h?Te * married ? walking stick!" J HE NEEDED THEM. ItcsjKillcred i'edesiriau (rictiin < of parsing motor car in muddy < street) 1 want to see some mud- < gnarrfs. ' "For what make of cycle, air?" * "They're not for a cycle; they're * for n*\"?I .on den Punch. DEAR, Sin. < 1 "Cliotlie is ?-oafliiNi 10 \ "Dear dear. Serioua?" t 1 "Yea, indeed. Some ruiftat ^ slapped Jiiin an the wriat and broke ; 4 tua watch or ratal." i ^ II I ,? ??rI JARDEN HIS HUNTING GROUND Jttt* Man Wat Vary Small, but Aln Vary Brava and Datarmirtcd. 1 went into the garden in the cool >f v.he eveninsr. when the place was a shadow*, though amply lighted by be lightr thai; came from the powlered gold of the west, and as 1 calked about I heard a rustle behind lie hedge "of raspberry fines and tall veeds. 1 must confess to the weeds icing there. Tbey are just beyond he edge of the garden, and I have >een waiting for a clear day to clean hem out. But to return to the rustle behind he hushes. When it was repeated [ began an investigation, and when he intruder was not scared out. went toJdlv in. Then L discovered a verv itnall youth clad in khaki and desjeratelv armed with a five-cent ijatol. "What are you looking for?" I deuanded. "Wolves and beiys," Me replied, ir it bout a quiver of the eyes. "There are none in this garden," I answered. "There might be," he said. 'You find all sorts of things in a garden at this time of day. I shot i wild eat in one." "Oh, you did!" said 1. ironically. 'I suppose it weighed 100 pounds?" "I didn't weigh it," he answered, liplnmatieallv. ? I.owell Courierriti'en. THOSE FOOLISH QUESTIONS. Friend (to unlucky angler)? Hello, have you fallen in? Angler (wringing his clothes) ? No, you idiot! This is perspiration. QUITE A DIFFERENCE. "Say, old man, lend me a fiver till pay day, will you ?" "Wkioh? Y our pay day or the day you'll pay me?" r ' ALL IN THE FAMILY. ?il v' .. -carver wa?? certainly an awful'y *ipeuiive surgeon in his <!ny." "Sot i1v?,n When he ijied he ?Ut off hU".*'?M Hfit!;OUf * <? !'!." fi^oon?Don t you like to aee train par his wife homage? Mra. Kgherl?Yea, cither that or ilimony. ! Pattersc r i is Going i | Every day is a l business. The De r ' * I munity certainly c I High Class Merch \ away-profit" sale \ ! i crowds with their in green?they are I Don't forget the > i. way on closing ( * rlai r f K n 9 1 ^4 > viu y f 11 iv. I 31. \ Clothes absolutel} \ Stetson hat free ee I farmer bringing tl of grown people I | two-hcrse wagon. : Patterson's Dt TFJfPMIff MA K ? *?. . 1 "JW"* J High Tuberculosis Death Rate. The per cent, of deatti from consumption among cement workers le 19 per cent., as against 14 per cent, fo all the male workers in the United States. They inhale great quantities of cement dust, hut souie authorities consider this a source of health because of the heavy admixture of lime. Authorities differ on tM> An*-. --- ? ? -v w. c. evfu iec?nu <vra?DQt is inconclusive. TAX NOTICE-1914. Office of the County Treasurer of Yotk County. Yorkviiie, S. C., Sepi. i4, 1914. Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for Ydfrk countv will be opened on THURSDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1914. and remain open until the ItlST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1914. for the collection of STATE. COUNTY, SCHOOL ami LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1914, without penalty; after which day ONE per cent penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1915, and TWO per cent penalty will he added to all payments made in the month of Februarv. 1915, and SEVEN per cent penalty will la? added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1915, to the lath day of March. 1915, and after this date i all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Tolls will he turned over to the several Magistrates i for prosecution in accordance with law. t For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Rock Hill, from Monday, November 9, to Saturday, November 14. I And at Yorkviiie from Monday, November lt>, until Thursday, the filst day of D>-comber. 1914, after whichdate fh( p nalties will attach as stated above. : Note? The Tax Books nre made up by Townships, and parties writing utmtui ipxcs win always expedite mai| ters if they will mention the township : t r townships in which their property I or properties are located. HARRY K. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. I A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Estimates cheerfully furnished on all clusses of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30 Electric. Bitters | Made A New Man Of Him. ? "l was suffering f jom pain .u v 1 stomach, head and hack," writes i? j T. Alston, Italeigh, N. 0., "ana v * f 1 i ver and kidneys did not work rlgh: 9 I but four bottles of ?iectric liitte* j | made me feel like a new muzx." 9 PRICE SO CTS. AT AIL DOUG STORE?" in's Sale j Right On. j v%? bigger and better * jople of this com- * lo appreciate New | andise at our 4tgo- | trices. Watch the | packages wrapped * from Patterson's. | <s? prizes to be given f a r of sa!e, Satur An $ 18 Suit of \ r free. Also, the ich Saturday to the f le largest number to our store on a $ f y Goods Store \ -sells it m less." | . (