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F j Notice I 1 To Trespassers i I Mir lanHfl in Plnnmnl I ?N>J AAA Ji AVClOail b Valley community are posted against hunting, fifhing,-or trespassing in " .<rs manner whatsoever. It is my purpose to see that the law is observed, insofar as my land| are concerned, and I will prosecute any and all persons disregarding this notice. I My overs er and ten- | ants have orders to kill any doe: found rovine I the place. * | J. J. BAILES. | No. 9941. Report of the Condition of FIRST NATIONAL BANK At Fort Mill, in the State of South Carolina, at the cloie of business Oct. 31, 1914. Resource*: Ijoansand Discount* $82 424 (>3 I Overdrafts. secured and unsecured .. 328 74 j 11. S. bunds to Kocuro rirntlnltnn 9f. UHft IM1 i Commercial paper deposited to aecure circulation ........ ... .... 12100110 premiums on U. S. bonds 232 43 Stock in Federal Reserve hank 270 00 Hanking house. Furnilurv nnil Fixtures. 2 GOO (10 Duo front National Hanks (not reserve agents) 3 106 14 Due from approved Reserve Agents in t enirnl Reserve Cities $3,374.31; in a| other Reserve Cities 3 374 91 j Notes of other National Hanks . . 400 00 | Fractional Patter Currency. Nickels and Centa 137 14 (.awful Money Raaerve in bank, vix: Specie.... .. (i 600 00 l?egnl-tendor notra. 2 200 00 S 80000 Rislemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (6 Per cent, of circulation) . 1 7(4)00 Due from U. S. Treasurer .... 50 00 Totnl $186 424 0G LiabilitiMt Capital Stock paid in StDOOOO Surplus fund S00000 Undivided I'rotlts, less Expenses and Taxes pa itl 90S 0B National Bank Notes outstanding 34 000 00 Individual deposits subject to check ... $64 482 GB Demand certitieates of deposit 6 464 63 Cashier's cheeks outstanding 173 70 71 120 37 Total.. ! J13f> 424 0T> State of South Carolina. County of York. s.s. I. Y. It. S|>ratt. Cashier of the abovo-named hank. do solemnly swear that the above statemcn" is true to the lest of my knowledge anil belief. T. B. SPRATT, Cashier. Subscribed anil sworn to la-fore me this 9th day of Nov., 1914. W. B. MEACHAM. Notary Public. Correct?Attest: W. B. AUDREY i J. I? SPRAT!" - Diri-ctors. L A. HARRIS \ AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Levies of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C., for the Current Year l<k1d ft\r OpfUnnrv Pnriutuuu !>?*? for the Interest on the Waterworks Bonds, Provide a Sinking Fund, to Purchase Fire Protective Equipment, the Time of Payment Thereof, and Penalty for Non-payment of Same. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, the town council, of Fort Mill, S. C., by authority of the same: Sec. 1. Thnt a levy of ten (10) mills on each arid every dollar of real and personal property, not exempt from taxation, held, owned, or liable for taxation, within the town of Fort Mill, S. (1., on the 1st day of January, i9l4, be, and the same is hereby made for the following purposes: k For ordinary purposes .. .'1 mills For Interest on Waterworks bonds ..2} mills For Sinking Fund li mills For Fire Protective Equipment mills Sec. 2. That said taxes shall become due and payable at the office of the City Treasurer on the 1st day of November. i9i4. Taxes may be paid up to !tml iiipimlinrr iKo 11 a r\ f* Mnuo m _ ber, kOl'l. Thereafter and up to the 1st tlnv of January, i9i5, a penalty of i5> will attach to said taxes not paid by November 16, I9i4. See. 3. After January 1st, i9if?, executions will be issued against all delinqu< nts for the amount of taxes, penalty. and costs, in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina and Municipal Ordinances. !>one and ratified in Council in regulai session assembled in Fort Mill, S. C., this 20th dav of October, l9l4. - A. R. McKI,HANKY, Attest: Mavor. C S. IJNK, Clerk. \ TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake _ ^bread. If you have hot air in ?f^V??M V\ iMin /\ r\M AIIAVt 1 f tvtlio# K/\ jruui Jiuuat? ui uvcn, it uiuat, uc produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mil Lumber Campny. , * # i *; f ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST! i Mrs. A. C. Wallace has been seriously ill for some days of typhoid at her home on Booth street, this city. Dr. T. S. KirkpstHcfc; who has | been ill for some weeks', under-. went-an operation tfbohe of the Lnariotte hospitals Wednesday. 1 His condition yesterday was reported as favorable.' Miss Ethel Hughes, eldest daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. E. L. Hughes, was attacked Saturday by diptheria, but the disease yielded to timely treatment and the young lady's condition now promises an early recovery. Probably the first shipment of home-grown corn from this place was that made Friday by Mr. Boyce Bennett, of Lower Fort \f l l * mm. to a grain-xieaier at unarlotte. There were 100 bushels in the shipment and Mr. Bennett received 95 cents per bushel for the corn. At a meeting Monday afternoon of the local Home Missionary society it was decided to hold a fancy bazaar on Thursday. December 10. The sale will take place in the vacant store room one door below Jones' grocery of OlUl V Fort Mill men who have been summoned to serve as jurors during the term of York court which convenes on Monday. Novemlipr 9M nrp- u-onL" _ . _ ~ %4i v. t. II i'Ii ?? A_V I\ S. W. Merritt, S. W. Parks and S. E. White. Second week: J. H. Bailes, J. F. Moss, W. P. Crayton. J. L. Ritch and W. D. Wolfe. Thornwell Culpand Miss Ocey Hood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hood, were married Tuesday evening in this city in^t^c presence of a few friends. The marriage.took piace at the home m..o \r d <i v?i m I o. ? . I>. UctSCJ, tut? ucremony being performed by the Rev. W. A. Hafner. In reply to a question from The Times man, Treasurer Harry Neil Friday said that tax collections up to date this fall had been exceedingly light. A majoiity of the people visit the treasurer only to learn the amount of their taxes, preferring to put off payment until later. Stole 1,241 Pennies. The post office of Stonesboro in Lancaster county was broken into a few nights ago and robbed of $27.41 by Dunbar Havins. a negro boy about 10 years of age. Wlltin An 4-K.Tk ft iivii VII x ii xa i ovic4^y uiicr i ut i I'l the theft became known. Sheriff Hunter went to Stoneboro and soon obtained from the negro youth upon whom suspicion seemed to attach a full confession of his guilt. The boy stated that he gained entrance to the building by putting his hand through the "cat hole" at the bottom of the door and with a stick pushed up the bar which fastened the door. A part of $27.41 taken by the boy were 1,241 pennies. Drug Company Receives a Charter. The Pineville Drug Company, a new corporation for the progressive village of Pineville, has been granted a charter by the secretary of State, a copy of it having been filed Thursday in the office of the clerk of the court at Charlotte. The authorized capital stock of. the new entei prise is $25,000 and the incorporators are Messrs. E. H. Hand. C. R. Adams and Ernest Porter, all of Pineville. _ , Big Yield of Cotton. Mr. J. E.. Latham of Bullock's Creek Township, who was in \\7~A 1--. i>?* i VM i\ v tin M uunv^uav, NIIU i nut he had already gotten 10 bales of cotton, averaging ;>00t pounds each, off of that three and onehalf aeres, mention of which was made in The Enquirer several weeks ago. Mr. I>atham did not expect to get rporejthan nine bales at most off-the ^hree and. a half-acre field*. ' 'He has not yet gone over the field for the last time. This is probably the banner yield of the county.? Yorkviile Enquirer. 9-4 ; ? - - - - - ' ** - I MILLS & 1 . "We Buy and 5 V ' ? 3^?l?B??SM?? I ! ! u36-V ' 7tf?-' I Don't Take Medicine I n ww _w _ _ w ror neaaacne It is often caused by eye strain, and nothing but proper glasses will cure it. We give you a scientific $5.00 test FREE and do not advise glasses unless you need them. For the present we are cutting the price of Glasses in hail. We have had SO years' experience in this line, and aiv prepared to correct any defect that can be corrected with glasses. Call and see what we can do for you. We advise you abIsolutely free of charge. L. J. Massey. Jeweler and Optician. I Order Coal NOW j r While We Can Guarantee Prices. We have on hand a big lot of ; COAL bought before the recent war scare. Get your order in I now and be protcected against 1 any advance in prices. Summer *"?**!oo Krvl/-] r*rv/~\/ 1 11 r> 1 1 t ? r ^ pilvv.o uuiu guuu uiuii vvc ui.^puar ^ of our present supply. Phone 1 5. ? f 1 4 I - , Stewart & Cuilp, Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 I ______ I I I Reserved for rOUNG CO. sell Everything." j It May Be Your Kidneys. 1 - + ? Did you ever think of that? ? The following symptoms are present where kidneys are t. it disordered: Dizziness, pain in the hack and biliousness. ?. ? Then too, you get tired easily. ? 4 ^ Correct kidney disorders as soon as they appear. When ? ^ youa kidneys ana liver get sluggish in action, your whole ^ ^ system is open to the attacks of disease. ? Dike's Kidney and Liver Remedy gives prompt relief < from all kidney and liver ailments. This preparation builds I up the kidneys?puts them in perfect order. Why suffer why endanger your entire system?Dike's Kidney and Liver Remedy restores kidney health. For prompt, (|uick action use Dike's Kidney and Liver Remedy. I Parks Drug Company, | I The Dike Store. + it i ________________________________________________ ??? M E A C H A M ?? EPFS To Our Friends! Pending the adjustment of fire losses of last Tuesday, we are unable to make a statement as to the future of our business : IVI tL /A I?I A. IVl ?St fc.l-'l-'is