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fl t^^mmammmmmmmmm^ Notice To Trespassers My lands in Pleasant Valley community are nnat.pH ncrninat Kiitifini* H r ~E> ?????*?&? , fishing, or trespassing in I * manner whatsoever. It I is my purpose to see I that the law is observed, insofar as my lands are concerned, and I will prosecute any and all persons disregarding this notice. My overseer and tenants have orders to kill \ any dog found roving the place. J. J. BAILES. I STATEMENT Of the condition of the Savins* Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of business Oct. 21, 1914. RESOURCES. I.onus nnil Discounts $75 522 47 Overdrafts :;7t> 10 Furniture and Fixtures.. 241889 Due from Ranks and llanker' :i 422 78 Currency 2 :n*i ut Silver and other minor coin. 1 07C 41 Total $85 146 65 L.I Altll.lTIKS. t'aiiitalStock pnki in $26 000 00 Surplus Fund 12 000 00 I indiv idisl I'rofitx. less Current Expenses and Taxes Fakl 800 00 Individual Deposits subject to check 42 2TC! 45 Cashior's Checks. 11380 Bills Payable. including Certificates for Money Borrower!. 5(10001) Totnl. . S35 14GC5 STATE of SOUTH CAROLINA. ? County of York. I Before n?e came W. B. Meachnni. Cashier of the above named tiank. who. lieinir duly sworn, says that theulsiveand foregoing statement is a true eondition of said lank, as shown hy the liouks of suid hank. W. B. MKACHAM. Sworn to and suliscribed liefore me. this 27th day of October. 1S?14. T. B. SPKATT. Notary Public. Correct Attest .1 H. McMUItKAY. I S L MKACHAM. Directors. W. B MKACHAM Jr.? AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Levies of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C., for the Current Year 1914, for Ordinary Purposes, to Pay for the Interest on the Waterworks Bonds, Provide a Sinking Fund, to * Purchase Fire Protec'"ve Equipment, the Time of Payn. ?r*. Thereof, and Penalty for Non-payn.e t of Same. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen, the town council, of Fort Mill, S. C., by authority of the same: Sec. 1. That a levy of ten (lOj mills on each and every dollar of real and |a-rsonal property, not exempt from luxation, held, owned, or liable for taxation, within the town of Fort Mill, S. C., on the 1st day of January, i9t4, be, and the same is hereby made for the following purposes: Fbr ordinary purposes.. It mills For Interest on Waterworks bonds 2A mills For Sinking Fund *11 mills For Fire Protective Equip ment 3J mills Sec. 2. That said taxes shall become due and payable at the oflice of the City Treasurer on the 1st day of November. i9l4. Taxes may be paid up to and including the lfith day of November. ltd I. Thereafter and up to the 1st day of January, t9l5, a penalty of 15'r will attach to said taxes not paid by November lf>, i9l-l. See. 3. After January 1st, l9l5, executions will be issued against all delinquents for the amount of taxes, penalty. ami costs, in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina Municipal Ordinances. Done and ratified in Council in regular session assembled in Fort Mill, S. C.. this 20th day of October, I9l4. A. R. McELHANEY, Altest: Mayor. 0. S. LINK, Clerk. TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, J". Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill. - - - S, C. 1 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Miss Amy Garrison of Steele Creek, has returned home after spending a few days with friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Graham, of Greenville, have been, guests in the home of Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrick for several days. P.ert Patterson returned to his home in this city Tuesday eve! ning from a two months' trip to California ami other Western States. j The condition of Dr. T. S. i Kirkpatrick. who has been serij ously ill for some days, was this morning reported as somewhat improved. County Treasurer Neil will be in Fort Mill tomorrow and Saturi day for the purpose of issuing receipts to those who settle their i taxes. I The Legislature having ad' journed Monday night. Representative ,1. R. Haile returned to his home in this city Tuesday morning. I Mr. T. Hey ward Merritt and family, who moved from Fort Mill to Edgemoor about two years ago, have moved to Rock Hill, where they will reside in the future. An oyster supper for the benefit of Pleasant Hill school, in Lower Steele Creek, will he given the night of November 6th at the home of Mr. J. P. Stroup. The public is cordially invited to > attend. President Wilson Thursday issued a proclamation designating Thursday. November 26. as Thanksgiving Day. The procla; mntion nfr lormrHi nnnn i fact that the United States is at I peace, while the rest of the i world is at war, Mr. J. Walker Lynn, who has ! been on duty as city night i watchman for some weeks, was on Tuesday evening elected by council as chief of police of Fort Mill, succeeding Mr. I). N. Gaston, who resigned some days days ago. Mr. Frank Hunnisuck was elected night man. The general, election held in ' n t i# J run wiiu lvionaay was an event I in which the people seemed little interested, there being only about half a hundred votes cast. There were no ballots east here for or against the cotton bond issue, though it is understood that the measure was voted upon at some points in the State. It is believed, however, that if Fort Mill had been given an opportunity to vote upon the measure, the result would have been almost unanimovsly against ! it. ^ Probably the first Fort Mill woman to exercise the privilege of the franchise is Miss Ada White, who is a resident of Seattle. Washington. In a letter received a few days ago by Miss Xoe White, sister of Miss Ada White, the latter made the statement that she had registered for the State and congressional election to l>e held in Washington Tuesday. Woman suffrage was adopted in Washington several years ago. It is presumed that Miss White voted the Democratic ticket. Mr. W. A. Wilkerson and two I daughters. Misses Helen and Madge, and Mrs. L. D. Moore came up from Chester Sunday by auto and spent the day with Mr. VYilkerson's sister. Mrs. J. H. Kimbrell, east of town. With idea! weather, the laying of the mains for Fort Mill's water system Iras progressed nicely during the past ten days. The mains have been laid and tested out from a point near the Fort Mill Mfg. company's plant i fVi rnnorh VA. t-iifo of /> VIII wMf^n *? "Iivv mu tt \,\r ville, a distance of about one-half mile. With continued good weather it is expected that all the piping will be in place in about three weeks. ? County Teacher*' Association. The County Teachers' Association will meet in Yorkville on Saturday morning November 14. at 11 o'clock. Ity order of the executive committee. JOHN K. CAKROLL, Secretary. # -? I ONLY A FEW . OF < Big Ten [ Our Sale has been a com appreciate the patronage the Don't m P. r!pv of Our -?? - ? ?vya J lots of Bargains for you. **" Remember, every 50-cenl ties you to one vote on the we will give away absolutel) 3 o'clock. Follow the crowds and cc i MILLS & Y "We Buy and Sc I I ______ I Don't Take Medicine | For Headache It is often caused by eye strain, and nothing hut proper glasses will cure it. ! We give you a scientific $5.00 test FREE and do not advise glasses unless you need them. For the preset.t we are cutting the price of (Ilasses in half. We have had :>0 years' experience in this line, and are prepared to correct any defect that can be corrected with ' glasses. Call and see what we can do for you. We advise you abI soiutelv free of charge. L. J. Massey. .Jeweler and Optician. IM I Order Coal NOW | ' ? f * While We Can Guarantee Prices. We have on hand a big lot of ?j ; COAL bought before the recent ; war scare. Get your order in ; now and be protcected against ; it any advance in prices. Summer | ; prices hold good until we dispose ^ of our present supply. Phone I 5. 'I Stewart & Culp, | Quick Delivery Telephone No. IS MORE DAYS DUR lays' Sale. I plete success so far, and we public has given us. H Big Sale, for we still have t cash purchase here entiFour Barrels of Flour that 1 J free Saturdav affrernr?r?r? af >me to the Big Sale. % ft OUNG CO. _ ! r> i 5? - m 11 j It May Be Your Kidneys, t ?W?????????????1^??? .' ? ?. t Did von evor think of thnt"? i The following symptoms are present where kidneys are disordered: Dizziness, pain in the back and biliousness. Then too, you get tired easily. ?. Correct kidney disorders as soon as they appear. When ^ youa kidneys and liver get sluggish in action, your whole ^ system is open to the attacks of disease. ^ Dike's Kidney and Liver Remedy gives prompt relief + firm all kidney and liver ailments. This preparation builds up the kidneys?puts them in perfect order. Why suffer ? why endanger your entire system Dike's Kidney and Liver Remedy restores kidney health. For prompt, quick action use Dike's Kidney and Liver f > Remedy. _?______ Parks Drue? Comnanv t The Dike Store. + ! # t M E A C H A M & E P P S Great Slaughter of Millinery No Hats reserved. All must pro at about one-half price. You must see our hats at $1.98 and $2.98, really $8.00 and $5.00 Hats. SUITS and CLOAKS. All Suits and Cloaks must go at some price. Suits from $8.98 up. Ivonp: Coats $8.25 up. I INDRRWKAR We hn\/P t-Vif* airpnnv fnr tho - - - .... , . ....... ? . W ? ?- v??v IVJ *X/? VMV AflV I btll I Inderwear for women and children. All garments that do not wear for two seasons will be replaced with a new garment. So you run no risk by bying this underwear. Women's vest and pants, 50c. Union Suits, bleached and unbleached, $1.00. Misses' and Children's Union Suits, 2 to 14 years, 50c. Women's Cotton Sweaters, to close, 35c. Men's Sweaters at 35c up. ? ? MEACHAM 3c EPFS 4 M. ' %Jy ,?