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* . \ 1 ???? 1 u! Noticej To Trespassers I My lands in Pleasant | Valley community are I posted against hunting, j fishing, or trespassing in I manner whatsoever. It I is my purpose to sec | that the law is observed, I insofar as my lands are 8 concerned, and I will gj 5 prosecute any and all l! | persons disregarding this |j I notice. My overseer and tenants have orders to kill any dog found roving the place. J. J. BAILES. STATEMENT Of the condition of the Savings Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of business Oct. 21, 19*4. RESOURCES. I .onus xinil Discounts. . . $75 522 47 Overdrafts * 876 10 Furniture nntl Fixture* ... 2 448 Kit Due from Hanks and Bankers 422 78 Currency 2 :too tat Silver ami other minor coin I 070 41 Tnlnl $85 140-65 1.1 ABILITIES. Capital Stock imiil in $25 0(10 00 Surplus Film) 12 000 Oil Un.iivi.lcil 1'inlits. less Current Expenses ami Taxes 1'ni.l 800(0 lii.livi.luul Deposits subject to check ... 42 2218 45 i a?mrr H I HOCKS 111120 Hills Payable. iiiclndintr (/Prlilir*lm for Money Borrowed. . 5 000 00 Total $85146 65 STATK OK SOUTH CAROLINA. ? County ok York. ? 5>jv Before me came W. B. Mcachani, Cashier of the nliuve namnl l>ank. who. bcintc <loly sworn, rays that the alNtveund forexoinK statement is n true condition of said bank. as shown by the hooks of | said Imnk. W. B. MKACHAM. | Sworn to anil siihscrilied liefore me. this 27th ! day of Octolier. 191-1. T. It. SPRATT. Notary Public. Correct Atti-xt .1. II Mi MURRAY, i S. I.. MKACHAM. Directors. W. U. MKACHAM Jr. I AN ORDINANCE Fixing the Levies *>f the Town of Fort . Mill, S. ('., for the Current Year 1914, for Ordinary Purposes, to Pay j for the Interest on the Waterworks Bonds, Provide a Sinking Fund, to | ? Purchase Fire Protective Equipment, i the Time of Payment Thereof,, and 1 Penalty for Non-payment of Same. j lie it ordained by the Mayor and Al- | urniH ii, me town council, oi rort Mill, S. ('., by authority of the same: Si c. 1. That a levy of ten (10; mills on each anil every dollar of real and personal property, not exempt from taxation, held, owned, or liable for taxation, within the town of Fort Mill, S. C., on the 1st day-of January, i9i4, be, and the same is hereby made for the following purposes: For ordinary purposes 3 mills For Interest on Waterworks bonds 2A mills For Sinking Fund ij mills For Fire Protective Equipment 31 mills See. 2. That said taxes shall become due and puyable at the office of th< City Trea^irer on the 1st day of November. l9i4. Taxes may be paid up to and including the l5th day of November, l9l4. Thereafter and up to the 1st day of January, l9l5, a penalty of lii'/ will attach to said taxes not paid by November lf>, l9l4. See. 3. After January 1st, l9l.r>, executions will be issued against all delinquents for the amount of taxes, penalty, and costs, in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina and Municipal Ordinances. Done and ratified in Council in regular session assembled in Fort Mill, S. C., this 20th day of October, l9l4. t\. K. ftll'MillANt'.Y, AtU'st: Mayor. | C. S. 4.1 NK. Clt'rk. *lo? TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning' fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are ; f way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT I .AW. Rock Hill, . . S.C. % T ITEMS-OF LOCAL INTEREST. Born SatUVday to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Capps of Belmont, N. C., a son. L Miss Dora Grier returned to her home in this city Tuesday morning after a visit to friends in Yorkvillc and Charlotte Miss Winnifred Watt of Austin, Texas, is visiting relatives; in Fort Mill, a guest in the home' of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Grier. County Treasurer Neil will spend Friday and Saturday of next week in Fort Mill for the purpose of accommodating those who wish to pay State and; county taxes. Rev. S. P. Hair, pastor of the, Fort Mill Baptist church for the oast five venrs. has received n 1 call from the Baptist church a Bel ton and has the call under consideration. Miss Violet Culp, one of the j accommodating central telephone, girls, has heen seriously ill at her home on East Booth street for several days. Her condition ; yesterday was reported as slightly improved. An event of great interest in the Pleasant Valley section was a floral show, given Tuesday, in which a large number of contestants took part. Several Fort Mill people attended the exhibition. In a closely contested game on the local gridiron Monday after-j noon the Fort Mill high school j team met defeat at the hands of the Rock Hill squad by a score of (i to 0. It was plainly to be seen that the Fort Mill boys were outclassed by the Rock Hillians, and too, it was said by some that la^k of practice was due in part to the defeat of the locals. Fort Mill friends of Mr. F. Mason Crum, formerly superintendent of the local graded schools, will be interested to know that he is this week in charge of the Orangeburg county agricultural exhibit at the State fair. Mr. Crum is one of the demonstration aerents for Oranoe- : burp county. I Magistrate R. P. Harris, of this city, is ir receipt of a letter from the bureau of vital statis-! tics of the State board of health requesting him to accept the position of registrar for Fort Mill township, under the provisions of the vital statistics act. passed by the last General Assembly and recently signed by the governor. i Quite a number of Fort Mill people went over to Rock Hill Tuesday to witness the per-1 formances in that city of the1 John H. Sparks show. The Sparks show visited Fort Mill some years ago as a one-ring affair, but it has since grown to where two rings and an elevated stage are employed in its exhibitions. At a special meeting of town J council Friday night called for the purpose of electing a chief of police to fill the vacancy made by the resignation of D. N. I Gaston, the election was post- 1 poned until the regular meeting of council in November, the office to be temporarily tilled at H the discretion of Mayor EeFJ-' i haney. A number of applica- I i tions for the place were received. < The Board of Water Com- 1 missioners of Fort Mill has < posted at the local postoffice a < notice requesting all residents of < the town who wish to obtain i water for domestic use from the 4 town's water system to make 4 application for same to some < member of the board at once. ^ The board w ill furnish full in- ^ formation regarding same to all ^ citizens interested. 4 It appears now that the water- 4 works system here which was < authorized by the issue of bonds ^ some time ago and held up through failure 0/ the contractor to meet his obligations will ; shortly be installed. B. F. Rob- 1 erts. of Macon, Ga.. who has the 1 new contract has been here <j since Mohday of last week and i distributing pipe and opening ditches for the laying of the <j same. f t / ??I Rem< I mi < r\ I - me big 1U * ???????????? < Mills & Y r Is Now in Cut Price Sale | For 10 days we offer Special Cut Prices to match the price of cotton. ') Best 10 and 12 I-2c Ginghams. $2.50 Woolnap Blankets $1.00 ;jj Percales, Outings, Flannel- $1.00 Watches 75c }?. ette, etc., at. 8c $4.00 Clocks $2.50 p' Beat Spool Cotton 4c Best Shoes on the market at 'c\ $1.00 Dress Goods 50c 75 to 90c on the dollar. ? 50c Dress Goods 25c u, , . . . , , _r ? $20 Ladies* Suits $10 Watches, Je*?dr\ Etc., at <?? m $7.50 Ladies' Suits $3.75 vrto 80c ?" t,u' (,ollar$3.00 Hats $1.50 New stock ladies' and ehil$2.00 Hats $1.00 dren's Ha. .coats just ar$1.50 Hats 75c rived at $I.f 0 to $4.50. 51V Caps. 25c New styles Lidies' and chil25c Caps.. 19c dren's Hats at about half I 50c Baby Blankets 39c the usual prices. These are only a few of the Special Bargains. Come early and get first choice. These prices are good for 10 days?CASH ON LA'. L. J. Massey^^l I Order Coal NOW I While We Can Guarantee Prices. * We have on hand a big lot of f COAL bought before the recent \ war scare. Get your order in novvt and be protcected against \ any advance in prices. Summer prices hold good until we dispose \ of our present supply. Phone 15. , Stewart & Gulp, \ Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 . / / ' / ' . * * ?Zl 3mber Days' Sale it oung Co.'s Full Swing. t J I . \ Financial Aid | t . <v> This bank is constantly on the alert for oppor- * . ? ? tunities to be useful in the upbuilding of this entire community. We want to aid every industry that ^ seeks and merits our co-operation. + ^ The best way to be sure of this co-operation is to ^ beccme a depositor of this bank. In this way we ? can get better acquainted, join forces and work to- f gether. ? I The First National Bank, | ? Fort Mill, - - - S. C. | :v.*. MEAGHA1KT & EPFS Of All Times To spend your money wisely, now is the time. Every time you buy a dollar's worth of goods, you are investing your money and when you invest money you want it to mnl.'O fVia ,???* ?? Kocit .ntiinnn /? 1 v * 111U11S > iici,uii? ui interest. i ou never mane much interest by J>uying cheap merchandise. A good article of anything is cheapest, because it brings you greater results by doubling your interest. So, the harder the times, the better goods you want. This is no new theory with us. We have been preaching it for 29years. You know we sell good merchandise and have been all these years, and with as small profit as an honest firm could sell them. But the times are here that we must cut still leaver, so we have made up our minds to do this. Now, if you want to buy good merchandise cheaper than at aim time in all your life, come to see ~ " MEACHAM Sc EPFS s ? \ v y v . *