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v V _ NOTICE OF ELECTION. % State of South Carolina. County of York. Notice is hereby given that the General Election for State and County Officer* will he held at the voting precincts prescribed by law in said county, on Tuesday, November 3,1914, said day being Tuesday following the first Monday in November, as prescribed by the State Constitution. The qualifications for suffrage: Managers of election shall require of every elector offering to vote at any election, before allowing hini to vote, the production of his registration certificate and proof of the payment of all taxe*, inducing poll tax, assessed against him and collefctible during the previous year. The production of a certificate or of the receipt of the officer authorized to collect such taxes shall be conclusive proof of the payment thereof. There shall be separate and distinct ballots at this election for the following officers, to wit: (1) Governer and Lieutenant Governor; (2) Other State Officers; (3) Circuit Solicitor; (4) State Senator; (5> Members of House of Representatives: (6) County Officers. On which shall be the name or names of the person or persons voted for as such officers, respectively, and the office for which they are voted. There shall be separate boxes in which said ballots are to be deposited and each ballot box shall be labelled in plain Roman letters with the office or officers voted for. Whenever a vote is to be taken on any specinl question or questions a box shall be provided, properly labelled for that purpose, and the ba(lots therefor on such question or questions shall lie deposited therein. Before the hour fixed for opening the polls Managers and Clerks must take and subscribe to the Constitutional oath. The Chnirman of the Board of Managers can administer the oath to the other members and to the Clerk; a Notary Public must administer the oath to the Chairman. The Managers elect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. and closed at I o'clock p. in., except in the city of Charleston, where they shall be opened at 7. a. m. and closed a U p. m. The Managers have the [tower to fill a vacancy, and if none of the managers attend. the citizens can appoint irom among the qunlitied voters, the managers, who, after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the close of the election, the managers. and clerk must proceed publicly to open the ballot boxes ami count the ballots therein, and continue without adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the res'.'n for each office and sign the same. Within three days thereafter, the chairman of the board, or someone designated by the board, must deliver to the commissioners of election the poll list, the boxes Containing the ballots and written statements of the result of the election. At the said election separate boxes will be provided at which qualified electors will vote upon the adoption or rejection of an amendment to the State Constitution, as provided in the following Joint Resolutions: No. 24J. A iiiivri' ni?OAt irnn*Avt a- n n .ivun i nr.nvi.u uwn col ropose nil Amendment to Article X of the Constitution, by Adding Thereto Section 10, to Emp iwer the Cities of Sumter and Darlington and the Towns of Helton and Walhalla to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Improvements. Section 1. Proposed Amendment to Article X of the Constitution He it resolved by the general assembly of the state of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Article X of the state Constitution, to be known as Section i(> of said Article X, be agreed to by of the members elected to each House and entered on the Journals, respectively, with yeas and nays taken thereon, and he submitted to the qualified electors of the state at the next general election thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the following section to Article X of the constitution, to be, and be known as, section lt>: Sec. i??. Sumter, Darlington, Bolton and Walhalla to be Permitted to Assess Abutting Property for Permanent Improvement. The (leneral A^s-mbly may authorize the corporate authorities of the cities of Sumter and Darlington ami the towns of Walhalla and Helton to levy an assessment upon abutting pro.ierty for the purjiose of paying for permanent improvements on streets and sidewalks immediately abutting said property: Provided, That said improvements shall be ordered only upon I he written consent of one-half of the owners of property abutting upon the street, sidewalk, or part of eiih r. pr<?posed to be improved, and upon condition that said assessment of abutting property owners not exceeding two thirds (2-3) of the cost thereof. Sec. 2. Ballot?That the electors voting at such general election in favor of the proposed amendment shall deposit a hallot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon : "Amendment to Article X of the Constitution by adding Section 16, empowering the cities of Sumter and Darlington and the towns of Helton and Walhalla to assess abutting property for permanent improvement Yes." And those voting against proposed amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Article X of the Constitution, by adding Section 16, empowering the ci.ies of Sumter and Darling lington and the towns of Belton and NValhulla to assess abutting property for permanent improvement ?No." See. 3. Managers of Election. ? The managers of election shad canvass said vote and certify the result as now provided by law, and shall provide separate boxes for said ballots. No. 542. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 9, Article II. of the Constitution, by Adding Thereto, on Line Three, After the Word "College" and Before the Word "the," the Following: "South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, Located at Cedar Springs." Section 1. South Carolina School for Deaf and Blind?Amendment to Conatituttoo. Be it resolved by the General AaaetaiAy of the State of South Carolina, That the following amend' ment to Section 8, Article 2, of the Constitution of South Carolina, be I agfeed to by a two-thirds vote of the * members elected to each House, and entered on the Journals, respectively, | with yeas and nays taken thereon, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the following words to Section 8, Article 2, of the Constitution, after the I word "college" and before the word | "the," on line three of said section, ; "South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, located at Cedar Springs," so that said section, when so amended, is to be and be known as Section 8, Article 2, and sh.aU read as follows: Section 8. The General Assembly may provide for the maintenance of Clemson Agricultural College. South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, located at Cedar Springs, the Univer- ' sity of South Carolina, and the Winthrop Normal and Industrial College, a branch thereof, as now established by law, and may create scholarships therein; the proceeds realized from the landscript given by the Act of Congress, passed the second day of .July, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-two. for the support of an agricultural college, and anv lands or funds which have heretofore been or may hereafter be given or appropriated for educational purposes by the Congress of the United States, shall be applied us directed-in the acts appropriating the same. Provided, That the General Assembly shall, as soon as practicable, wholly separate Claflin college from Clallin university, and provide for a separate corps of professors and instructors therein, representation to be given to men and women of the nejjro race, and it shall be the Colored Normal. Industrial. Agrii cultural and Mechanical College of this ( State. , I Sec. 2. That the electors voting at '-auch general election in favor of the ' proposed amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plaintv , written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Section 8, Article 2, of the Constitution, by inserting the words ! 'South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, located at Cedar Springs.' on line three of said section. For amendment, Yes." Those voting against said proposed amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Section 8, Article 2, of the Constitution, by inserting the words 'South Carolina School for the Deaf . an<1 Blind, located at Cedar Springs,' on line three of said section. Against amendment, No." Sec. 3. The managers of election shall canvass said vote, and certify the ! result as now provided by law, and shall provide a separate box for said ballot. .. No. 543. A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend Section 7, Article VIII of the Constitution, Relating to Municipal Bonded Indebtedness, by Adding a Proviso Thereto, Relating to the School District of Yorkville. Section 1. Constitutional Amendment Relating to Bonded Indebtedness. Yorkyille School District. ?Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 7, Article 8, of i the constitution of the State of South j Carolina be agreed to: And at the end j thereof the following words: Provided, i further, That the limitations imposed I by this section and by section 5 of Ar| ticle 10 of this constitution shall not 1 apply to the bonded indebtedness in| curred by the school district of YorkI ville, in the county of York, when the , proceeds of said bonds are applied exi clusively to erecting, or making additions to, school buildings in the said disj trict, and where the question of incurr>! ing such indebtedhess is submitted to the qualified electors of said district, as provided in the constitution, upon the question of bonded indebtedness. Sec. 2. That the question of adopting this amendment shall be submitted at the next general election for Representatives to the Sectors as follows: Those in favor of the amendment will deposit | a ballot with the following words plain I ly written or printed thereon: "ConstiI tutional amendment to Section 7, Arti! cle 8, of the Constitution, relating to | bonded indebtedness, as proposed by a Joint Resolution entitled 4A Joint ResI olution to amend Section 7, Article 8, ! of the Constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness, by adding a | proviso thereto, relating to the school ' district of Yorkville' ?Yes." Those opI posed to said amendment' shall cast a , ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Constitutional amendment to Section 7. Artic'e 8, of the Constitution, relating to mun cipal bonded indebtedness, as prol>osed by a Joint Resolution entitled 'A Joint Resolution to Amend Section 7, Article 8, of the Constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebtedness, by adding a proviso thereto, relating to the school district of Yorkvilie' No." No 544. j A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an , Amendment to Article X of the Constitution, by Adding Thereto Section 16. to Empower the Cities of Florence and Orangeburg ami the Town of l.andrum to Assess Abutting Property forTVomanent Improvements, j Section '. Constitutional Amendment Allowing Certain Cities and Towns to Assess Abutting Property. Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Article 10, of the State constitution, to be known as Section 16 of said Article 10, be agreed U|K>n by two-thirds of the members elected to each Houses and entered on the Journals res|>ectively, with yeas and nays, and taken thereon, and be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election thereafter for Representatives, to wit: Add the following section to Article 10 of the constitution, to be and be known as section 16. Section 16. The General Assembly may authorize the corporate authorities of the cities of Florence and Orangeburg and the town of l.andrum to levy an assessment upon abutting property for the purpose of paymg for permanent improvements on streets imme1 dia(ely abutting such property: Pro vided, That the said improvements be , ordered only on the written consent of majority of the owners of property abutting upon the street, sidewalk, or part of either, proposed to be improved, < i and upon the condition that Baid cor porate authorities shall pay at least one-third of the coat of said improve jnaota. V Sec. 2. That those electors, at said | v election voting in favor of said amend- a ment, shall deposit a ballot with the fol- o lowing words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Article 10 of t State Constitution by adding Section s 16, empowering the cities of Florence s and Orangeburg and the town of Lan- v drum to assess abutting property for o permanent improvements.?Yes." And / those voting against the said amend- ii ment shall deposit a ballot with the fol- C lowing words plainly written or printed ii thereon: "Amendment to Article 10 of c the State Constitution by adding Sec- ! p tion 16, empowering the cities of Flor- v ence and Orangeburg and the town of d Landrum to assess abutting property v for permanent improvements. ? No." c No. 547. | A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend c Section 20, Article III, of the Consti- i, tution, by Adding Thereto the Follow- f ing: "Except Where There is Only 0 Une t^amlulate Nominated for the Place to be Filled at Such Election, / in Which Case the Election Shall be Viva Voce Without Any Roll Call." Section 1. Constitutional Amendment Relating to Elections. ? Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the following amendment to Section 20, Article 3, of the constitution of the State of South Carolina, be agreed to by a two-thirds vote of the members elected to each House, and entered on the Journals, respectively, with the yeas and nays r taken thereon, and be submitted to the i qualified Rectors of the State at the next general election thereafter for Representatives, to-wit: Add the fol- ' lowing words to Section 20, Article 3, of the constitution: "Except where j there is only one candidate nominated i for the place to be fdled at such election, in which case the election shall be viva voce without any roll call," and that said election, when so amended, is to be and be known as Section 20, Article 3, and shall read as follows: Section 20. In all elections by the Assembly or either House thereof, the members shall vote viva I voce anil their votes, thus given, shall ! be entered upon the Journal of the j House to which they, respectively, t belong, except where there is only one candidate nominated for the place to 1 be filled at such election, in which case the election shall be viva voce without any roll call. Sec. 2. Ballots That the electors at such general election in favor of the propositi amendment shall deposit . a ballot with the following words 1 plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Section 20, Article 3, of the constitution, relating to elections viva voce by the General Assembly? , 'Yes." And those voting against "the said proposed amendment shall deposit a ballot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Section 20, Article 3, of the constitution, relating to elections viva voce bv the General Assembly?'No.' " Sec. 3. The Managers of Election shall canvass said vote and certify the result as now provided by luw, and shall provide a separate box for said ballots. ] No. 550. \ a lAixrtp n ncrvi TtmiAvt a __ - n <iuu\ i Kr.ouuu nuiM w> t\mend Section 7, Article 8, of the Constitu- s tion. Relating to Mnnicipal Bonded r Indebtedness by Adding a Proviso a Thereto as to the City of Florence. ^ Section 1. Constitutional Amendment Relating to Bonded Indebtedness City of Florence ?Be it resolved by the General Assembly of the State of South Carolina, That the .limitations imposed by this section and Section 5, Article 10, of the constitution, shall not apply to the bonded indebtedness incurred by the city of Florence, in the county of Florence, when the proceeds of said i>onds are applied ex- J* clusively for the building, erecting, , establishing and maintaining of streets, Q waterworks, lighting plants and sewerage system or for the payment of * debts already incurred, exclusively for i ( any of said purposes; and when the i. question of incurring such indebted- I news is submitted to the qualified elec- [ tors of said municipality, as provided ! in the constitution upon the question " of bonded indebtedness. Sec. 2. That the question of adopt- i * ing this amendment shall be submitted i at the next general election for Repre- ' , sentatives to the electors as follows: 1 Those in favor of the amendment will deposit a ballot with the following 1 f words plainly written or printed there-*! on: "Constitutional Amendment to Section 7, Article 8, of the constitution, relating to municipal bonded indebted- , ness, as proposed by Joint Resolution i ^ entitled 'A Joint Resolution to amend ' Section 7, Article 8, of the constitution, r relating to municipal bonded indebtedness by adding a proviso thereto as to the city of Florence' Yes." Those v opj>oscd to the said amendment will ? deposit a ballot with the following 1 ^ words plainly written or printed there- v on: "Constitutional Amendment to n Section 7, Article 8, of the constitu- ,, tion, relating to municipal bonded in ucMictiiico^f art |iiu)/vsaj \jy a UUIIll j rr Resolution entitled 'A Joint Resolution : to amend Section 7r Article 8, of the I t constitution. relating to municipal i bonded indebtedness by adding a pro- v viso thereto as to the city of I' lor- ^ ence' No." No. 561. J A JOINT RESOLUTION to Amend' Section 7, of Article 8, of the Con- s stitution of this State by Adding a r Proviso Thereto so as to Empower j, the Cities of Cheater and Sumter Each to Issue bonds to an Amount ^ not Exceeding Fifteen per cent, of the Assessed Value of the Taxable Property Therein for the Improvement of Streets ami Sidewalks. Section 1. Constitutional Amendment Permitting Chester and Sumter to Issue bonds for Street Improve- j p ments. ? Be it resolved by the General a Assembly of the State of South Caro- n lina, That Section 7, of Article 8, of A the constitution, be amended as fol- ol lows. Add at the end of the said tl section the following: Provided, fur- a ther. That the limitation imposed by ^ this section and Section 5. of Article ol 10, of the constitution, shall not apply ?n to the bonded indebtedness incurred by ti the cities of Chester and Sumter, but qi the said cities of Cheater and Sumter n< may increase each its bonded indebted- R ness to an amount not exceeding lc fifteen per cent, of the assessed value st of'he taxable property therein where S ! aid bonds are issued for the sole purpose of paying the expenses or lianili- rr ties incurred or to be incurred in the ti improvement of streets and sidewalks as -J rhere the abutting property owners re being assessed for two-thirds or ; i ne-half of the cost thereof. Sec. 2. That the electors voting at , ( he next general election for Rejire- , i entatives favoring such amendment ( hall cast a ballot with the following zords plainly written or printed there- j n: "Amendment to Section 7, of i irticle 8, of the constitution, by add- | tig a proviso empowering the cities of ( 'heBter and Sumter to each increase ts bonded indebtedness to fifteen per ; ent. of the taxable value of the property therein?Yes." And those oting against said amendment shall leposit a ballot with the following zords plainly written or printed therein: "Amendment to Section 7, of trticle 8, of the constitution, bv addng thereto a proviso empowering the ities of Chester and Sumter each to ncrease its bonded indebtedness to j ifteen per cent, of the taxable value if the property therein ?No." No. 553. t JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Constitution, by Adding Thereto a Sec lion lo Dc Designated as Section 15a. to Empewer the Towns of Latta and Dillon to Assess Abutting Property I for Permanent Improvements. Section I. Constitutional Amendnent to Permit Towns of Latta and : )illon to Assess Abuttin^Property.? I 3e it resolved by the General Assom>ly of the State of South Carolina, rhat the following amendment to the j institution. Article 10, to be known is Section 15a of said Article, be agreed o by two-thirds of the members rlected to each House, and entered on he Journals, respectively, with yeas ind nays taken thereon, and be sub- , nitted to the qualified electors of the State at the next general election hereafter for Representatives, to-wit: iy adding the following section to Vrticle 10 of the constitution, to be ind be known as Section 15a: Section 15a. The General Assembly nay authorize the corporate authorises of the towns of Latta and Dillon o levy an assessment upon abutting iroperty for the purpose of paying or permanent improvements on streets ind sidewalks, or streets or sidewalks, mmediatelv abutting such property: Provided, 'That said improvements bo irdered only uj?on the written consent >f a majority of the owners of the j roperty abutting upon the streets or idewalks, or part of either proposed o be improved, and upon the condition hat the corporate authorities shall pay rt least one-half of the costs of such mprovements. Sec. 2. Election.?That the electors j mting at such general election in favor if the proposed amendment shall de- j K>sit a ballot with the^jjollowing words ; ilainly written or printed thereon: 'Amendment to Article 10 of the con- ' titution, by adding Section 15a, em- j lowering the towns of Latta and Dillon ; o assess abutting projierty for pormn- j lent improvements ^ es." And those i roting against said proposed amendnent shall deposit a ballot with the ollowing words phiinly written or trinted thereon: "Section l.r>a. em)owering the towns of Latta and )illon to assess abutting property for >ermanent improvements -No." Sec. 3. The managers of election hall canvass said vote and certify the esult as now provided by law, and hall provide a separate box for said mllot. No. 558. t JOINT RESOLUTION to A/nend Section 1. Article XII, of the Con- i stitution, by Striking Out the Words "Blind, Deaf and Dumb" After the Word "Insane" on Line Two, and Before the Word "And" on Line Two. Section I. Constitutional Amend- ' nent With Reference to "Blind, Deaf nd Dumb."?Be it resolved by the Jeneral Assembly of the State of louth Carolina, That the following .mendment to Section 1, Article 12, of he constitution of the State of South 'arolina be, and agreed to, by a two- i hirds vote of the members elected to ach House, and entered on the Joural, respectively, with the yeas and j ays taken thereon, and be submitted r> the qualified electors of the State at 1 he next general election thereafter or Representatives, to-wit: By strikig out the words "blind, deaf and umb" on line two of Section 1, Arti- ! I le 12, of the constitution, so that said i ection, when so amended, is to be, \ nd be known as. Section 1, Article 12. | nd shall read as follows: I Section 1. Institutions for the care f the insane and the |>oor shall always e fostered and supported by this fofo ??.wl ..Lr.ll Iw LL.?* a I. vow , ami r? 11??11 uc AUUJCtt WJ MUCH egulations as the General Assembly lay enact. See. 2. (Election. Thut the electors I oting at such general election in favor f the proposed amendment shall deosit a ballot with the following plainly mtten or printed thereon: "Amendicnt to Section 1, Article 12, of the onstitution, by striking out the words blind, d?-af and dumb* on line two of aid section. For amendment, Yes." 'hose voting against said proposed mendment shall deposit a ballot with he following words plainly written or rinted thereon: "Amendment to Secion 1, Article 12, of the constitution, y striking out the words 'blind, deaf nd dumb,' on line two of said section, 'or amendment, No." Sec, 8. The managers of election hall canvass said vote anil certify the esult as now provided by law, and shall rovide a separate box for said ballot. No. 560. i JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an Amendment to Article X of the Constitution by Adding Therto Sec- < tion 17, to Empower the Town of Fort Mil) to Assess Abutting Proper ty for Permanent Improvement. Section 1. Constitutional Anumdment '< 'emitting Town of Fort Mill to Assess I .butting Property for street Improvelent. lie it resolved by the General ssembly of the State of South Caro- < lina. That the following amendment to 1 le constitution, Article 10, be known s section 17 of said article, and be greed to by two-thirds of the members f each House and entered on the Jour- ' als, respectively, with yeas and navs iken thereon, and be submitted to the ualified electors of the State at the " ext general election thereafter for representatives, to wit: "Add the foliwinp section to Article 10 of the Con- J titution, to be, and to be known as. ection 17: Section J7. The General Assembly ' ? tay authorise the corporate authori i es of the town of Port Mill to levy an I iirnant upon abutting property I * - v * # for the purpose of paying for perma- I nent improvements or. streets and side- e walks, or streets or sidewalks, irnme- s Jiately abutting such property: Provided, That said improvements be'ordered only upon the written consent of two- i thirds of the owners of property abutt- j ing upon the streets or sidewalks, and \ upon the condition that the corporate s authorities shall pay at least one-half | of the cost of such improvement. I Sec. 2. That the electors voting at i such general election in favor of the s proposed amendment shall deposit a s ballot with the following words plain- r ly written or'printedthereon: "Amendment to Article 10 of the Constitution, i by adding Section 17, empowering the i town of Fort Mill to assess abutting i property for permanent improvement ? Yes." And those voting against the t proposed amendment shall deposit a bal- | lot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amend- l ment to Artic le in of the Constitution. I by adding Section 17, empowering the i town of Fort Mill to assess abutting I nron?rty for permanent improvement < No." i oee. d. The-manager of elec tion shall I canvass said vote and certify the result e as now provided by law. and shall pro vide a separate box for said ballot. e No. :i71. : A JOINT KKSOU'TION Proposing an e AmeVidrnont to Article X of the Con- i suiuuon i?y v\<i?ting Thereto Section 16, to Empower the Cities of Ander- i son, Greenwood and Towns of lien- i nettsville, Timmonsvile ami llonea ; Path to Assess Abutting Property i for Permanent Improvements. < Section 1. Constitutional Amendment for Assessment of Abutting Property for Street Improvement in Anderson, j I Greenwood, Bennettsville, Timmons- i ville and Honea Path. P.e it resolved ! < by the Genera! Assembly ??f Hu? State i of South Carolina. That thy following amendment to Article 10 he agreed to i : by two-thirds t>f tin* members eleeted to each House, and entere I on the Jour- < nals, respectively, with yeas and nays | taken thereon, and to be submitted to the qualified electors of the State at , I the next general eleetion thereafter for ! Representatives, to wit. Add the following section to Article 10 of the Constitution, to he, and be known as. See- ] tion 10. Section 10. The General Assembly may authorize the cities of Anderson, ( Greenwood and towns of I'ennettsville, Timmonsviile and Honea Path to levy i an assessment upon abutting property for the purpose of paying for perma- i I nent improvements on streets and side- j walks immediately abutting sueh prop- i erty: Provided, That said improvements shall be ordered only upon the written consent of a majority of the owners of property abutting upon the street, sidewalk or part of either proposed to be improved, and upon condition that said ( corporate authorities shall pay at least oife-half of the costs of such improvements. occ. i nut most* Hectors ;tt the said election voting in favor of the said amendment shall deposit a hallot with the following words plainly written or ' printed thereon: "Amendment to Ar- . tide lit of the State -Constitution, by adding Section lt'?, empowering the cities of Anderson, Greenwood and tintowns of Benncttsville, Timmonsville < and Honea Path to assess abutting property for permanent improvements ?\es." And those voting against tinsaid amendment shall deposit a hallot with the following words plainly written or printed thereon: "Amendment to Article 10 of the State constitution, by adding Section lb. empowering tin- ! cities of Anderson, Greenwood and tintowns of Bennet tsville, Timmonsville : and Honea Path to assess abutting property for permanent improvements 1 No:" Provided, the Act of the General Assembly putting in force this amend- I ment shall not become operative in the city of Anderson and tin- town of Honea i Path until the same be submitted to < the qualified electors of said eity and i town for approval. ; t j s KU-:< TI< >N M ANAC;KKS The following Managers of Fleetion ( have been appointed to hold th<- election at the various precincts in the said county: Aragon Mills P. B. Parks, J. H. Hollis, E. VV. Hopper. Bethel W. W. Stanton, K. N'. Miller. T. C. Burnett. Bethany J. W. Pursley, I >. T. Quinn, * W. C. Quinn. Blairsville S. I,. Blair, J. K. Warmouth, J. L. Duncan. Bullock's Creek It. G. Vinson, I.. L. I Dowdle, J. I). Good. i Clover W. D. Moore, P. Jackson. ( W. B. Hagans. t Coates's Tavern W. S. Gesslio, It. f W. Patton, J. T. Spencer. Kbenezer P. It. Blaek. J. Hope I Adams, J. B. Neely. v Port Mill?A. ('. l.ytle. S. W. Parks, I II. Windlc. i Forest Hill J. D. 11. Currence, G. c llJ \ f- ! M- n 1 . *? . ifiai tin, v . i . i?i t?nn<?ii. Hickory Grovt S. W. I.eech, T. (1. 1 McGill, K. M. Whitesides. I McConnellsvillc A. . McKnight, J. t F. Ashe, J. 0. Moore. Newport .1. A. Me Fa. Men. .J. A. : Steele, K. A. Jackson. Ogden W. M. Newsoin, J. A. (larri- t son, S. H. Simpson. i New /.ion School House A. <'. White, J. W. Wallace, Jr.. W. A. v Nicholls. d Rock Hill V. II. McFaiMen, Jesse M. M(H>re, M. (I. Itryant. t Sharon - W. (1. Hayes, S. 11. F'ratt, W. A. Faris. Smyrna S. I.. Caldwell, H. I >. Darwin, N. F. Quinn. a Tirzah T. M. Dates, F. F. Smith, ? J. M. Campbell. Yorkville It. I.. Wilkerson, S. N. f Johnson, Sr., T. F. Saudi for. The managers at each precinct named I above are re?ju< sted to delegate one of their number to secure boxes und'blanks \ for the election which will be delivered d from Yorkville by Mr. J. IS. Carroll, d clerk of this board, on Saturday, Or- a tober 31. I. J. Campbell, Chairman, h W. 15. Keller. a .1. Brown Neil, t Commissioners of State and County o Elections for York County, S. C. o October 14. 1914. NOTICE OF EI.ECTION. Statk ok Sotrnt Carolina, Coknty ok York. Notice is hereby given that the Central Election for United States Senator , md Representative in Congress will be leld at the voting precincts fixed by j aw in the County of York on Tuesday, ^ ? t Novembers, li?14, said day being Tueslay following the first Monday, as precribed by the State Constitution. The qualifications for suffrage are: Residence in the State for two years, n the Gounty one year, in the |iolling irecinct in which the elector oilers to rote, four months, and the payment iix months before any election of an\ toll tax then due and payable: Provided, 1'hat ministers in charge of an organ zed church and teachers of public chools shall be entitled to vote after iix months' residence in the State, oth >r\vise qualified. Registration.? Payment of all taxes, ncluding poll tax, assessed and collectble during the previous year. The pro luction ot a certificate or the receipt ?f the officer authorized to collect uvb axes shall be conclusive proof of the ayment thereof. Before the hour fixed for opening he polls Managers and Clerks must rake and subscribe to the Constitu ionat oath. The Chairmaii of the Hoard of Managers ean administer the uith to the other Managers and to tin Hlerk; a Notary Public must admini t. r llie oath to t'hairman. The Manager lect their Chairman and Clerk. Polls at each voting place must I>. ipened at V o'clock a. in., and closed it 1 o'clock p. m.. except in the cit\ >f Charleston, where tlicv .shall I.? ipened at 7 a. m. and closed at t*> p. in. The Managers have the power to till i vacancy; and if none of the Managers attend, the citizens ean appoint, from among the qualified voters, the Man agers, wno. after being sworn, can conduct the election. At the close ot the election, the Managers and Clerk must proceed put licly to open the ballot boxes and count the ballots therein, and eontimn- with out adjournment until the same is completed, and make a statement of the result for each oftiee, and sipn the same. Within three days thereafter the Chairman of the Hoard, or some one dcsiRuatdd by the Hoard, must de liver to the Commissioners of Election the poll list, the boxes c >ntainiuR the ballots and written statements of the result ot the election. Managers of Election The following Managers of Election have been ap pointed to hold the election at the various precincts in the said Counts AraRon Mill .1. T. Heviuney. .1 ! *. Liuston. H. K. Hopper. Hethel I. II. Campbell. II. I John son, (!. C. Orotund. Bethany 1>. .1. BiRRers. (!. A. Mr Carter, .1. I). Smith. Hlairsville .1. C. Hlair. S. (i. Car roll. .1. S. Stephenson. Bullock's Creek K. M. Hank head, W. K. Ctood. J. W. Peculator. Clover .1. ! '. Currence, .1. H. Wood. B. H. Parish. Coates's Tavern T. M. Allen. I. S. lilasscoek, F. M. tlryder. Ebenozer II. W. Matthews. H. A. Minter, C. M. Steele. Forest Kill F. tl. Cook, S. S. (llenn, A. C. Harper. Fort Mill W. II. Windie, .1. F. Lee. W. T. llotiRland. Hickory (5rove II. F. Stephenson, J. K. Allison. .1. W. II. Cooil McConnollsville W . A. Aycock. A. A. Hurriss, J. P. Harnes. Newport T. W. Jackson, T. H. lilenn, .J. H. Necly. New Zion ('. i\ ('hilders, II. N. Alexander, H. M. Wallace. Option VV . H. Dunlap, I. S. Kidd, I J. E. Con rail. Rock Mill .1. IS. freighton, VV. II. Hope, Jesse Moore. Sharon K. 15. Hartness, .1. M. Sims, L. II. (ioocl. Smyrna J. II. Quinn, W. L. Whitosides, T. 15. Nichols. Tirzah VV. M. Camphell, ('. Hope; k. F. dates. Yorkville C. II. Sandifer, J. K. (Jettj's, J. M. Brian. The Managers at each precinct named ibove are requested to delegate one >f their number to secure the boxes ind blanks for the election at YorkMile, on Saturday. October .'51, from SI. J. N. ISowen, clerk of this board. J. A. C. Love, Chairman, Nye VV. Allen. Jommissioners of Federal Election for York County, S. ('. October lt>, 1914. TAX NOTICE-1914. Jffice of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. ('., Sept. 11. 1911, Notice is hereby given that the TAX {DDKS for York county will In* opened n THURSDAY. the 1.7111 DAY OK H'TOHKR, 1011. and remain open until he 21ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1014. or the collection of STATE, COUNTY, ;CHO( )L and LOCAL TAXESffor the iscal year 1014, without penalty; after vhich day ONE per rent penalty will >e added to all payments made in tin* nonth if January, 191f>. and TWO per ei.t penalty will be add* (I to all payments made in the month of February. Ola, and SEVEN per rent penally will ?n added to all payments made from he 1st day of March, 101 f?, to the 1 Jitli lay of March, 101 r?. ami after this date dl unpaid taxes will go into executions Aid all unpaid Single Rolls will be urned over to the several Magistrates or prosecution in accordance with law* For the convenience of taxpayers, I rill attend the following places on the lays named: At Clover, Thursday and Friday, Ocober 29 and 20. At Yorkvllle from Saturday, October 1, to Tues<lay, November 2, At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clock i. in. Wednesday, November 1, to 8 ('clock p. rn. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November <? and 7. At Hock Hill, from Monday, Novemier 9, to Saturday, November 14. And afr Yorkville front Monday, Noember lt?, until Thursday, the 21st ay of December. 1911. after which ate the penalties will attach as stated bove. Note The Tax Hooks are made up y Townships, and parties writing bout taxes will alwuys expedite inaters if they will mention the township r townships in which their property r properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. A. A. BRADFORD. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDF.R. Intimates cheerfully furnished on all classes of brick ami wood work. TelefdiQM No. 3D.