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S I'A . % v f %? . 1% - * * V' . -- i GIG AN ^ at vi OF NE\ S < > - > :^sssz^======= i i * . | Presents From I the Clouds. U f Promptly at 7:30 A. M. Sat- ^ T urday morning 50 tiny rubber | balloons will drop from the top v ? of our building with a tag tied 1 to each one and many of these IV * tags will call for Free Presents. *" % This is Free too all. Come and t see the fun. 1$ | | Beginning z Read Every W ' > < ???? o Without a doubt this is the ^ :: paigh ever planned in Fort Mi 0 of the consumer in our territc <; during the war in European means of immediate relief to profits with you right now?tli | don't expect to make any nion ^ are going to the people. We ; + light. We want to help. We 1 NO ADVANCE IN PRICIES. than go up. Every piece of n< on a basis of. LOW PRICED (; i 2ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZI | Dry Goods, Clothini T- ' I v JL *mw OtUl | That Sells It For Less f Wait for I There has been sales in tl * will establish a record both ?when everyone should ecc Some stores advertise woi * to get confused after reading I Sales and you'll always be s | buying from. i Important I PATT t I Don't Forget We "Sell ... , ,J| . v :* . Jsp> *" "t;"-- _ vr * K > m ITIC FC HI WM Vi FALL I >15,000 Worth of Mercl ited Among the People, f New Goods. Conditio 'onfront Us All. To Coi flighty Effort on Part of ? Going to Meet You M at 8 A. M. S ord of This Now most wonderful Selling (lamill. Quick to realize conditions >ry; and the scarcity of money countries, we have devised a the people. We will share the lis is exactly what we mean. We ley?profits are forgotten?they are doing just what we think is want to help right now. No, the prices go down rather ;w fall and winter goods marked OTTON. j, Notions, Furnishings, 25c Worth of Merchandise FREE. The first 25 women making a purchase here Saturday morn- j 141 g of $1.00 or over can select j 25c worth of merchandise Free. ! the Opening le past?there will be sales in tY for selling and for value-giving, momize and times like these yot iderful price reductions and som ; so much sale news. Better be afe. Spend your money where The Real Distress Merchandise Sale Is at - ERSON I It For Less" : : : ? * T* J'' ' ' . ' . \ '.''V tagM? I-K SE&tMBL i^. . IRCED JERPUi VlfeillVBl^ landise to be Distril Every Dollar's Wori >ns Never Dreamed < nbat Them Means : Everyone. This Stoi ore Than Half Wa aturday, C Boost the Pri Wc arc making this cxtraord VOI R good and for our own gc that in the ordinary course of et, we would suffer among the we have a tremendous stock of heavy odds. Better get husiiu with new people and give the p est values ever bought at a tini PATTERSON WILL DO HIS squrely in the face. Nothing el stock regardless of cost or pric a basis of LOW PRICED COTTC Shoes, Ladies' Coats 25c Worth of Merchandise FREE. The first 25 men making a purchase here Saturday morning of $1.00 or over can select 25c worth of merchandise Free. I of this ( ie future, but this DIS I RE! This is a time when nione i should not be careless in > V letimes overrate the actual \ safe than sorry. Make it a : you can have absolute coi * Patterson S DRY 600D t v\*'L #? A #% a i f I OALE iNDISE | ===^===========:=::==:^====:^= b- ^ , Free Presents. I th , When the doors open Saturday I + Qi J morning at 8, the first 75 peo J pie entering the store will be ^ handed a sealed envelope con- * taining a number. Several nice ?*0 presents to be given away. No ^ strings to this?nothing to buy, + just be one of the first 75 to ^ y. get in. ^ ; October 31. * ^ ice of Cotton : inarv. stupendous sacrifice for md. We realize only too well * business, with no eotton mark- . ^ rest ?perhaps sutler more as goods. No use lighting against ,\ss right now?get acquainted ^ eople of this vicinity the great- + e when they need the goods. PART. The thing was looked Ise would do hut sell this entire ? e. I*'ver\ price made here oil )N. * t _ - | ~ ?, Suits, Skirts, Hats. I ? THE STORE OF ALL I | NEW GOODS | jTeat Sale ! 5S MERCHANDISE SALE I :y is not as plentiful as usual ; Krour buying. * ralue of the goods?it is easy * point to come to Patterson's nhdence in the man you are % ? 7 Don't Get it Confused t b With Other Sales : : : t ? I Store | FORT MILL, S. C. I , ./' > '