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UCRC IL ' llkllk T J - BROUC | ======= I One of the 1 commenced Wee | County, and the : t we advertised. t * % ? I Here are Son < " | APRON GINGHAM Five thousand yards of good grade Apron Checks, value 8c per yard, ten-day sale price. _ 2c I . OUTING t Eight hundred and twenty-two yards of extra $ood Outing Flaninel, value 8c per yard, ten-day sale price 3c HOSIERY One Hundred and fifty dozen pairs of ladies', misses' and chil% dren's Hose, a regular 15 cent valJ ue, ten-day sale price,... 5c I COTTON SUITINGS One thousand four hundred and sixtv-two vnnls nf PnHrtn Sinif + ings, ail shades, value 15c p< r ^ yyd, ten-day sale price.... .. 8c | PILLOW CASES ^ Seventy-one dozen full-sized * Pillow Cases, hemstitched bor+ der, regular 15c value, ten-day ^ sale price is., 9c } MEN'S PANTS ? One hundred and seventy-two pairs of men's Extra Good dress Pants, value>$2.00 per pair, ten' ^ day sale price,-_ ? 79c | i- MEN'S SUITS One hundred and ten Men's Pure Worsted Suits made to the minute, value $7.50, ten-day sale + price $3 98 I , 1 MEN'S SHOES One hundred and forty-seven puts of Men's Solid Leather Shoes, value $2.50 per pair, ten+ day sale price $1.38 1 This Sale Belli ! No Goods Cli * t Sale Lasts | But 8 * \ | More Days \ FORT MILL'S I 1 1?E^SMLT - 7,. - ' ; '-' "V "4F-* * 9MS37s ~ S >; - . % . 'STEL 0 TH HT FR< aifncAof prmArrlo r\f rvc Mi 0V/OI. V^J. W V UO V71 pv. Inesday Morning at reasons are WE G/ We have plenty of i le of the Good SUGAR. Two thousand 10-Ib. bags of Granulated Sugar, regular 85c value, ten-day 3ale price 50c FLANNELETTES. Nine hundred and thirty-six yards of Fiannelette, assorted patterns, value 121-2 cents, tenday sale price 7c li A wnvcDr*! iirrc * i/\ni/ivc.Avnicr J Three hundred dozen men's and ladies' white hemstitched Handkerchiefs, regular 10c value, ten-day sale price 2c DRESS GOODS One thousand one hundred and sixty-one yards of woolen Dress Goe ds, all shades, 50c value, tenday sale price _..33c TOWELS Sixty-two dozen good Face Towels, value 10 cents, ten-day sale price.- 3c BLOOMER PANTS One hundred and ninety-seven pairs of boys' Bloomer Pants, 50c value per pair, our ten-day sale price, 35c LADIES' SUITS One hundred and thirty-four Ladies' tailor-made Suits, all styles, value $10.00, our ten-day sale price, $4 98 MAYFLOWER SHOES Two hundred and sixty-two pairs of the famous Mayflower ..? 1 H'O unvco iui wuiiien, vaiue $o.w, j ten-day sale price $2.49 % ig Conducted by \ targed Mills ? Fort IV I BIG STORE I J . 1"\f ' / T 7 "* ' ft * > ? ' r 4.'; . * {-& .LING [E PI OM FA 4 :ople attended OL 9 o'clock, that ha WE THE PEOI ?oods on hand am Is and Prices CALICO Five thousand yards of Simpson's Calico, a regular (Jc value, ten-day sale price, 2c MADRAS One thousand eight hundred and twenty-six yds. best grade Madras, all patterns, value 121-2 cents, ten-day sale price, 9c UNDERWEAR Eighty-seven dozen men's and ladies' Fleece lined Underwear, regular value 50 cents, our tenday sale price, 35c SHEETING One thousand seven hundred and fifty yards of Sheeting, yard wide, value 8c per yard, ten-day sale price 4 l-2c BLANKETS Sixty-two full sized near wool Blankets, regular $1.25 value, ten-day sale price, 79c BOYS' SUITS One hundred and ninety-two Boys' Sunday dress Suits, Royal cloth, value $3.50 per suit, tenday sale price $1.39 LADIES' COATS Sixty-two Ladies' Wool Overcoats, made well, value $5.00, ten-day sale price, $2.98 OUR GREATEST Two hundred and eighty-seven pairs of these famous Shoes .for women, value $3.00, ten-day sale price ! $1.98 9 4 the American !c You llll, - HAVING FOR ^ , TH|T iOPL R AND IR BIG TEN DAY s ever been known 3LE BARGAINS * d none will go aw that Talk Lot OCTAGON SOAP Ten thousand bars of the famous Soap, sold the world over at 5c, ten-day sale price -2c DRESS GINGHAM One thousand two hundred and twenty-eight yards of Utility Gingham, value 12 l-2c yard, ten day sale price, 7 l-2c OVERALLS TWPntV-tuJA Hnvon mon'S Klnt, Overalls, good material. 75c value, ten-day sale price, 35c CHILDREN'S DRESSES Two hundred and eighty-seven children's school Dresses, 50c value, ten day sale price 35c WORK SHIRTS Twenty-eight doz. men's chambray work Shirts value 50c, ten day sale price, 33c BOYS' OVERCOATS Thirty-two Boys' Wool Overcoats, made to the minute, $3.00 value, ten-day sale price $1.49 CHILDREN'S SHOES One hundred and sixty-two pairs of Children's Shoes, solid leather, value $1.00, ten-day sale price, 59c STAR BRAND SHOES Four hundred and sixty pairs of the famous Star Brand Shoos, for men. value $3.50 our ten-day sale price. $1.98 Sales and Sali No Goods k ng Co. S. C. IT MILL'S BIG >???*???*?? * <*> RUTH I E NEAR, j S' SALE, which I in this grand old t md did just what " ay disappointed. id and Long f COATS' THREAD Twenty thousand spools of the * famous Coats' Thread. 5o value, ten-day sale price _ 2c ? BLEACHING One thousand two hundred and ^ ten yards of Bleaching, ldc value. ten-day sale price, 5c SWEATER COATS | Thirty-two dozen men's and : women's blue and brown (-oats, value each 7f? cents, our ten-day * sale price,_ _ . .. 35c SHEETS f Tur/inl ir_civ 4\%ll ^ a *? V.H i j -oiA uu^trn i ii 11 aj/.ru . Sheets, hemstitched, r>Oe value, ten-day sale price, 38c ? DRESS SHIRTS Twenty-eight dozen men's dress Shirts, all patterns, value 50c, ten-day sale price 23c 4 BEAR SKIN COATS ; Eighty-seven children's white 4 and red Bear Skin ('oats, $3.50 ^ value, ten-day sale price $1.48 i BOYS' SHOES I Forty pairs of Boys' dress, i patent and gunmetal Shoes, $2.50 value, ten-day sale price $1.19 T : LADIES' SHOES I Two hundred and sixty-two pairs of ladies Hand-made Shoes. plain tips, a good $2.25 value. ten-day sale price $1.39 + 4 I rage Company, j Sold to Children I Grand Prizes ; During This | Great Sale t | < GEST SALE. ' ' " < < < < < <