University of South Carolina Libraries
. * The Fort Mill Times. Established in 1891. ? . FORT MILL. S. C? THURSDAY. OCTOBEB 29. 1914 ? ? " ??? ret Year. ; STATE NEWS ARRANGED FOR QUICK READING. After picking two-thirds of the crop, farmers of Spartanburg county are said to be plowing under what remains of their cotton to make way for grain sowing. The bank of Calhoun Falls has closed its doors by order of the hoard of directors, owing to recent, heavy losses and to stringency in the money market. Depositors will be paid in full. One of the interesting exhibits at the State fair this week is that showing an ear of corn from the crop of each of the 1.700 boys in the State who are members of the hoys' corn clubs. The Richland Volunteers, with Captain Roman in command, are this week doing guard duty at the State fair grounds in Columbia. A detail of the company is on duty at all hours and the men have been sworn in as special officers. Thursday night the poslollice at Peak, Lexington county, was broken into, the safe blown open and $415 worth of stamps and registered mail stolen. Nothing else in the postotfice or drugstore in which the postoffice is located was disturbed. Governor Please has granted a parole to Thomas Brown, who was convicted in Charleston last June of housebreaking and sentenced to five- years. A narole was also granted toO. 10. Brown, who was convicted in Charleston in June, 1912, of obtaining goods under false pretenses and sentenced to three years. Will Hughes, sentenced to life imprisonment little more than a year ago for the murder of Color Co*, near Tuckapau, Spartan tan hurt? county, Monday afternoon killed Robert Stephens, the guard in charge of the gang on which he was a prisoner, with a pick, robbed him of his two pistols and $40 in cash and made his escape. Thomas C. Shaw, of Greenville County, has been appointed to.succeed R. I>. Hare, of Saluda, as secretary of the 5th civil service district, with headquarters at Atlanta. This distrist comprises the States of South Carolina. Georgia. Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. Rev. R. A. Ragby. 1). D.. of Liberty. Mo., has been called to the pastorate of the First *Raptist church of Chester to succeed Rev. \Y. R. Thayer, who will go 1 to Sumter to accept the pastorate of the First Raptist church of that city. Dr. Ilaghy was foriru i'Iv at Greenwood and is well known in South Carolina. The Greenwood Index recently rai imI the question as to the expiration of the terms of the members of the present Legislature. Section 10, Article of me constitution 01 impo nxeo me terms of office, the date of expiration being "on Monday suc*" ceeding the general* election." Thi being the case, it would he unlawful for the extraordinary session to hold longer than November 9th. t. -On account of a marked decrease in demand for cotton, due to the nations of Europe being * at war, and the apparent necesj sity for reducing the acreage in ^^ otton, the farmers of the State P?ire planning to devote a larger area to two such valuable crops as oats and wheat. The war increases the demand for both oats and wheat., so there will be a ready market at good prices for these grains, and under such Conditions both crops could be largely grown by South Carolina farmers at a profit. HOUSE PASSES MEASURE ( FOR $24,000,000 RONDS ^ 9 The South Carolina House of Representatives Tuesday night r fussed to its third reading the f bill providing submission to the c people in the election November a :? of tbe question of. issuing r $24 000,(K)0 in f> per cent. State s bonds to be loaned on notes; h secured by cotton warehouse re- a ceipts on the basis of nine cents ; f a pound. The Senate has al-1 r reailv iimsspH tho bill in n T . ? - what different form. ' p __ "Huge Jolce," Says Ble? se. . f Governor Blease described the , t proposed bond issue of $25,000,- t 000 retirement of cotton by the t State as "a huge joke" and advised the Legislature "to quit t jockeying for political position "a and get down to something that r will help the people" in a mes- t sage to the General Assembly h Monday night. He declared the t proposed ssue would not help t 1 hose for whom it was originally 1; intended, and the delay that li must necessarily elapse before1 a the funds would become avail- t able in March 1015, would de- c feat the pin pore. t Will Make Chairs. s The directors of the State b penitentiary have decided to as- t; suipe the management of the K chair mill, which has been in operation at the prison for more d than one year. It was said by t members of the board, after a t special call meeting, that A. D. ; t Martin of Louisville had practi- v rally abandoned bis contract. The mill has been closed for two ii months, it is said, because of a v lack of material. "We are going to embark in the chair factory business," said a member of the board, "and T b.'lieve that we will be able to C ; dispose of the product. Between ' s I 25 and ;>0 prisoners have been J R employed in the mill. The mill1 b has been closed for two months I v and we must find employment11 for the prisoners. A repro-1 v sentative of A. I). Martin was j t present at the meeting and I i {stated that Mr. Martin was un-[ able to st cure raw material for H itherpill." o Under tiie contract Mr. Mar- t tin was to act as selling agent o for the prison. The penitentiary y will receive pay for the pris- r oners, whether employed or not. t i Great Agricultural Exhibit. c What is believed to be the greatest exhibition of farm demonstration work ever pre-J I seated under one roof is that! f which is being made at the {[ South Carolina State Fair in i1 Columbia by the demonstrrtion % agents of Clemson College and the United States Department of [1 Agriculture. The entire wall c space of the great steel building ] * on the fair grounds is occupied * by booths ol' the county agents, I ? S the poultry and canning club I agents and the special agents I ? will) hilV'i' huuitinioi<to?o of ' i (Uemson Colli de. Agents have I c( ! been preparing for this ex-' J hibiiion for several months. A | unique feature of the arrange- ? metus was the procuring of c cold storage accommodations in ^ .Columbia in the spring so that fresh vegetables might be sent , in by the agents from time to ! time and kept in good condition t until the fair. t Cuts His Salary. Heading the list with a 20 per , cent, reduction of his own salary, ( Fairfax Harrison, president of h the Southern railroad, has in- j augurated a retrenchment plan 11 designed to effect equally all ; t ' officers and interest in the corpo- 1 I rat ion. Gi a luated reductions ! * of all salaries above $2,500 a year and a reduction of the divi- t dend of preferred stockholders ( from 5 to t 1-2 per cent., pay- j able in deferred scrip, are in- , j cl uded in tlie plan. 1J 3ERMAN RAID ON PORTS F( CHECKED FOR PRESENT The German raid on the Chan- i lei ports, as they are called in ojg England. seems to have been Ur heckcd for the time being, or noi t any rate, the Germans have tor nade little, if any. progress wa ince they crossed the Yser canal S ist Saturday. However, they th< re still pushing with all the tin orces at their command and are als neeting with stubborn resistance shi rom French, British and Bel- An ;ian troops. ' ha< Losses on both sides continue wa proportionate to the fierceness of hei he battle, which means that a hey are greater than in any bat- ow !e since the war began. Along the Belgian coast where of he Allies are assisted by French pel ,nd British warships, they ap- Ar arently have more than held inc heir own and. after inflcting ma leavy losses on the Germans wa 1 1 1 ?l ?1 * nert'. nave ueen coropeuea 10 sot ry for an opening farther in- ths wd. Up until Tuesday the Al- fei ies had been forced to give way cat t some points, but since that fcai imc, according to French official wh ommunication, they have held bel heir positions at every point. The opposing forces are so for trong that it must be many days De efore a decisive result is at- ma nined by either side, despite the th( reat losses they are suffering. as* Further east the French have th< riven the Germans, who were St; hreatening Nancy, back across coi he border where it is believed del hey have prepared to spend the ( winter. as Serious battles are progress i ig coi 11 southern Poland and Galicia, ha without decisive results. ma : rei Miss Armstrong Weds. A Thursday evening in the First to baptist church of Spencer. N. mc Miss Marguerite Alice Arm- Fr trong was happily married to 1r. Hugh Womble, of Glendon. ?I. C. The marriage ceremony th< ifas pronounced by the Rev. Dr. it' E. T. Carter, immediately after *)0 vhich the bridal couple left for a rip to Asheville and other points n Western North Carolina. Mrs. Womble is a daughter of frf dr. and Mrs. J. Lee Armstrong, ?f Spencer, and a grand daugh- = er of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutton, rj ?f Fort Mill. She is a charming jjj roung woman and is greatly ad-! Jn nired by a host of friends in this Cj ownship. Mr. Womble is a pop- Cj ilar young business man of Glen- Cj Ion. C{ a - n i ? *r . In asks auppori 01 voters. n] N. F. Walker, superintendent ju >f the school for the deaf and n] he blind at Cedar Springs, has n] ssued a circular letter to the fjj roters of the State in regard to j|J wo amendments to be voted |jj ipon at the coming general K (lection. It is stated that if the C! wo proposed amendments are G| approved by the people of the jj! Jtate the school for the deaf and jjl >lind will no longer be classed Qj vith the penal and charitable [3 institutions, but with the edu- m ational department of the State. jfl )ne amendment is necessary to ^ ake the school from the penal md charitable section, it is de- xj lared, while the second is neces- |jj ;ary to place the school under In he educational section. In Little Cotton Selling. jj] Very few of the farmers of |gj iiis sevuun are selling meir t'lH- lu on, waiting for a better price or jjj >robably the delusive hope of! |0 lelp from the United States gov- j H rnment or the State Legislature. jjj Cotton picking progresses as us- m ml. but a large per cent, of the Cj finned staple is either placed in Ijjj ocal warehouses or hauled back In .0 the farms. jj) A number of the farmers here- Jjn ibouts are evidently doing their [uu >est to put into practical use the Vffn volumes of advice given them by {"] he newspapers and professors IDi >f agriculture and are sowing |{fj ind preparing to sow large pro- IJffl portions of their land in small [Cm {rain. [5] REIGN PORTS OPERED TO AMERICAN COTTON ?ir Edward Grey, British For- t :n Minister, has. assured the ^ lited States that England will 1 t interfere with American cot- 11 1 shipments as contraband of e ir. v lir Edward's assurance reached t ? State Department Sunday v ough Ambassador Page, who I o reported that the British v ip Camperdoon, laden with aerican cotton and products, c d been detained at St. Orna-1 * iy, Scotland, not because of,c r manifest, but on account of disagreement bet ween her i * ners and the charter party. 1 f The newly announced attitude * the British Government will c rmit safe movement of * nerican cotton to any-point, iluding Germany, where a irket may be found. Sir Edtrd's statement is construed in c ne quarters as meaning also i it there is to be no inter-]s *ence with any non-contraband 1 -goes from a neutral country, ^ 'ried in neutral ships, even ion consigned directly to a 0 lligerent. 'v rhe British announcement c estalled action,. by the State 1 partment_ upon a request j0 ide by Southern Senators that ? i belligerents be asked to give , 1J surances that shipments of i cotton from the United ites to neutral or belligerent! intries would not be seized or!t Lained. 1 g Cotton never has been listed n either absolute or conditional n itraband but some cargoes r ve been detained and certain I p trine insurance companies have! f 'used to issue cotton policies, b fair market for cotton is said t exist in Germany, although c st of the mills in England and t ance are closed. ti The war tax bill is a law of r b land. The president signed t Thursday after its passage by v th houses of Congress. Taxes f beer and wine went into t ect immediately, but the levy n tobacco is not elTective until vember 1. Stamp taxes date o >m December 1. h aszssasHsasarasHsasBsasHSc T\ DRY C N<n Wei You We' ve sliced ou have hundreds of i see us before you 1 E. W. "W Nay Reopen Cotton Exchange.. - | As a result of the negotiations iow in progress at Washington letween officials of the United Itates treasury and representa- 1 ives of the British finance d ninister, the New York cotton 1 xchange i3 considering the ad- n isabilitv of communicating with ii he Liverpool cotton exchange p nth a view to the reopening of >oth exchanges early in No- t ember. 1 It is understood that a similar r ommunication will be forwarded p o the New Orleans cotton exhange. p The conference committee of s he New York exchange is g ormulating a message to the ? iiverpool exchange outlining the q otton situation as it is seen \ here. f Public Health Day. * The State hoard r>f health in _ ooperation with the State Fed- iration of Women's Clubs, has r et aside Wednesday, November n 8. as "public health day" for / South Carolina. o It is planned to give instruction n that day in all public schools f with regard to sanitation, the ^ onservation of public health and t he prevention and cure of dis- t ases. Pamphlets will be sent c ut and the movement will be j tushed in every way possible. h h Marriage of Miss Carothers. f Miss Mamie Carothers became t( he bride of Guy Durham, of d Shelby. N. C., Wednesday eveing at 7:45 o'clock. The cerelony was performed in the esidenee of the young woman's e arents, Mr. and Mrs. William o Carothers and was witnessed s y a few intimate friends and t he members of the family. Rev. f. E. Smith, assistant pastor of tl he First Baptist church of- li iciated. ii They left this citv on the c lorthbound 8:45 o'clock train on / he Southern railway for a short ? redding trip and later will be at ? lome in Shelby, N. C., where ? he groom is a popular business * nan. s Mrs. Durham has a wide circle v f friends and acquaintances $ lere. ? Rock Hill Herald. n L5Z 5E5S 5E5H SB 5H5E SBSBSBSifS RIG velve Da IOODS n Going' leed the Moi need the .Go r P)rv P?nnrlc nnrpc 11 ?- * j ^^wvrv?w U inheard-of Bargains tc buy. Kimbre 'here Quality Reigns ) . % \ k ;t% ? - '!!-> _ 1 1J Ml IATIONAL LAW MAKERS QUIT NATJOM'S CAPITAL The second session of the Sixty'hird Congress adjourned Saturlay. It extended from December , 1913, to October 24, 1914, and nade a record for length of time n continuous session, and inrtortarit work done. The legislation enacted during he second session of the Sixty"hird Congress covered a wide ange and will affect all the >eople. Here are some of the imortant acts of the second ession of the Sixty-Third Con:ress: The Federal Reserve ^ct, which revises the antiuated currency - laws of the Jnited States; the creation of a federal Trade Commission, to upervise the trade practices of he country; an act to supplenent the Sherman anti-trust aw; provision for a Government ailroad in Alaska, for the adniccinn k.?il a. ~ i.iboiv.i lUICIgll UUIlt MlUgS lO American registry, and the sale f cotton for future delivery. V The record for length of time or a continuous session was roken by the second session of he present Congress, it having o its credit 328 days, from Deember 1. 1913, to October 24, 914. The Fiftieth Congress eld the record until this year, aving had one session, its first, rom December 5, 1887, to Oeober 20. 1888, that being 321 ays. What the War is Costing. Paul Leroy-Beauliou, French conomist, estimates that each f the greater beligerents is pending an average equivalent o $200,000,000 monthly. In presenting these figures to he Academy of Moral and Potical Sciences he considered t probable that the war would ontinue for seven months from August 1. Accordingly the five" reater Powers engaged were ommitted to an expenditure of , 7,000,000,000. Each of the mailer States, inclnding Japan, /ill have expenses of from 600,000,000 to $800,000,000 to leet. y. I sale! On ney . | ods | r 11 i mil nmercitullv, and igj > offer you. Just ffl 11 Co., I i i . x