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1 _ j # i * ???- umass WATER FOR EOYPTS WASTES British Firm G?ta Concession to Irrigate tO,000 Acraa of Land That , la New Wasta. A concession in upper Egypt which is regarded as of great importance : has been granted by tba goTernment , 1o the well-known British firm of John Jackson of London. According to details now published, this -trill effect the irrigation of about sixty thousand acres of land upon which the concessionaries will . erect apparatus for iusuring a perennial supply of watpr. Capital of $?,500,000 is said to be involved, and I he concession is granted for a period of -15 years. The scheme, it is stated. will add greatly to the prosperity of a wide district, and is welcomed by leading business men both in Egypt and at home as contributing to the prosperity of the country. Sir John Jackson, who is the head of the Jackson firm, is famous as the constructor of some of the greatest engineering triumphs in the world, among them the Chile railway, the great harbor at Singapore, the naval docks at Ferrol, the gigantic irrigation scheme in Mesopotamia, and enormous works in Asia Minor. SPARROWS KILL CEDAR TREES Death Follow* Denuding of lark, Taken by the Small f?eete fer Neet Material. It has been discovered there is another serious crime to be charged to the other iniquities of the Bparrow. At an old homestead in St. Louis stand several tine cedar trees that were planted in the pioneer days when Jefferson City was a village. This spring several of the trees died, and others are showing indications of the same fate. An observer investigated, and he lays the death of the trees to the sparrow. He noticed that swamis of the pugnacious little pests at certain limes Hew around the living and the dead cedars. Watchful waiting dislL-1 4.1 ?J- X_ X i i vimcu mm nipy weni 10 ine trees to get strips of the fibrous bark to construct nests. The Knglish sparrow makes a nest of dimensions altogether disproportionate to its size. Hundreds of them working on one cedar tree soou stripped it of hark. The denuding of the trees killed them. NIGHT SCHOOL IN PRISON. Night school has been established in Nebraska's state prison. There i:JO inmates gather in the classrooms for instruction in shorthand, typewriting. bookkeeping and all common school branches. A number of men are taking extension work from the. University of Nebraska. They receive no credit for this work unless after release they enter the 41 Diversity as regular students. Some contemplate doing this. A member of the state l>oard said in visiting the school: '"The board of pardons will lake into consideration the time and kind of work done by men wIjo nrake application for pardons.'' Twentylive hundred dollars has been pro yided for the school hv the legislature. FEATHERED ALARM CLOCK. A cock pheasant, near Sandusky, <>., apparently hag taken it on itself to do alarm clock duty. Every morning it tlies upon the window sill of a number of houses, where it tiaps ami crows until its presence is recognized. As soon as one farmer is . awakened the bird goes on, waking up at?ont a dozen persons every morning. TROUBLE WITH Hit ENGLISH. Muster?Alphonse, tell the chauffeur that I want the limousine left out. Valet (to chauffeur)?Monsieur desire zat ze limousine he omitted. SOME POPULARITY. Uabe?Smith is a mighty popular fellow, isn't he? Steve?Should say he was. Why, even his relatives speak well of him. i * NOT FOR HERB. "Why don't you go in more for , mental devlopment, Nerissa?" "Mental development won't make your clothes hang right." I OTHERWISE GOOD. "Jaggaon comes of a good family, j doesn't ha?" ''Very, 1 don't Juaew ?m other ttung egeuoltf/* / ldjg? * fe- - M ADE TO KEEP HIS WHISKERS 0Rvon the Ruler of Groat Austrian Empire Had to' Submit to Powerful Opposition. A little while ago. gays the Vienna iFigaro, the Emperor Francis Joseph intimated to his barber that it was his intention to have himself follv abarved ."after the American fashion/' as he expressed it, and that hereafter he would go smooth-faced. When design was communicated to the -Archduke Ferdinand he deemed it his duty to notify the court of this intention. Were the venerable chief of the house of Hapsburg to cause this long-established Austrian type of facial decoration to disappear what deplorable consequences would follow, for this new style would, out of deference to the emperor, l>e at once adopted hv most of the officers of tbe army. Then there could be nothing less than tbe suppression of su effigy on postage stamps and photograph* consecrated and popularized by a growth of more than sixty years. The archdukes and the archduchesses k the grand marshal, the grand master of ceremonies, the grand chamberlain, all the great dignitaries of the empire, were called iq>on to present to the sovereign the consequences of his resolution. It would be nothing less tliau an overturning of all the traditions of the state. But old men are obstinate. The emperor persisted in his resolution, and it was necessary to give the most potent reasons to conquer his resistance. So the court chaplain, who is a prelate of the pope, was called. Francis Joseph yielded at last. He was made to cotnprebend thaf he should bend his will to the welfare of the empire, and the whiskers that frame in bis imperial feature will remain as an important part of hia prestige. OF COURSE ?r A'a) v.-. t* ^ (luest ? Waiter, this meat is like leather. Waiter?Yee. sir; it's m sa?hlle of mutton, air. NAPOLEON IN EXILE. One hundred years ago \ajw>leon arrived at the Gulf of St. Raphael and embarked on ihe Knglish frigale ! ndaunted. which was to earrv him to the little island of Klhn, in the Mediterranean, to which he had been exiled by the victorious allies. His wife and son were at the same time leaving Ramhouillet, where the Austrian emperor had come to get his daughter and take her home with him. She started for Vienna, after sending assurances to Napoleon of her constant attachment, and the wish she felt to visit him soon with her son. I?ut this wish was soon forgotten hy Maria Louisa. After her return to Austria her time was spent 'in the most frivolous occupations, and Napoleon's solicitations that she should join him were utterly disrega rded. HIS GUESS. *M'ni descended from a literary ( til n '' otaui t ho Kl/vn/lft :t ? wiuiHic lypcwnier; "do you know who it is?" 'No.'1 replied the employer, ''hut from the way you s|k*II I should make a guess that it was Josh Billinga." MEAN THING. Mr. Gotham?I have tickets for the theater, dear. Mrs. Gotham?Oh. good ! I'll run and get ready right away." "All right, dear, I guess you'll be ready iu time, then. The tickets are for tomorrow." ANTICIPATION. Howard?A fool and his monev are aoon parted. Mrs. Howard (dapping l*er hands)?Oh, John! How much are je* goui? to gifa joal?Lik All Roads W YO Three I Mammoth Collectioi Canning Clubs, Livestoc S< From FLYING MACHI1 Two HighTen High-Class Sho Ferris Wheel, Etc. All un AH schools in count; Special Tr Grand Display of Fi While colored peopl the same attractions as c Yof Admission?Adults, S BURNING STUMPS ON LAND Special Machine, Whieh Has Long Been Sought, Has Bean Invented to Do the Work. Au engineering problem of comparatively recent origin is that of adequate land clearing, particularly as found in the Pacific northwest, savs the Engineering Record. In this vicinity what is known as loggedotT lands are covered with lir and pine stumps of cut-down forest trees, varying from three to six feet in diameter. With proper clearing these logged-oir lands are found to he very valuable for agricultural enterprise, being extremely fertile owing to the many years' accumulation of a thick deposit of forest mold. Many methods have been employed for freeing the lands from stumps and preparing for seeding and culti vat ion, such an grubbing, burning, blasting and pulling either by horse, machine or donkey engine. Of these the burning out of the roots is the most favored method and a special machine has been devised for this purpose. The use of the burner is particularly simple. A hole is bored down through the center of the stump and a small stick of powder is employed to split it apart. This splitting, while not entirely essential, facilitates in allowing the fire started on top of the stump to gain rapid headway and burn more evenly. A large metal hood is then placed over the stump and hanked up with a little earth at the bottom and forms a closed hut not airtight chamber. A lire is then started and pipe connections from a blower made, after which a constant downblast is blown upon the tlamc, continually fanning it. Stumps are consumed in this ! manner in from two to four hours. EVERYTHiNOT "How's everything in your house?" asked Smith. ' Oil " U. ... ?i ifivnn, sue m Ail right."?Saturday .Journal. ANSWERED. "How old are you, Bobby?" "Six." "And when were you six?" "My last birthday." True Scotch "Cannlneaa." There Is in circulation yet another rental atory about the canny Scot. A Caledonian chieftain won a million pins In a penny raffle at a bazaar. Three daya later ha called, very wan Iand weary of aspect, "dee here," ho said to the bazaar aoerotary. "I've aooatad ckaat Iln'n thm atrarlC* 1 hhhhhbb 1 * ? ~ ill Lead to Rock Hill Oct. 14, 15, 16 for the I RK COUNTY FAIR Big Days of Enjoyment for Old and Young I n of Farm Products, Domestic Science and Arts, Displays by Boys' Corn Clubs, 'Girls' I k Exhibits, Horse Show, Fast Racing, Amusements of varied character. I ee Aviator Drop Miniature Bombs I 4E, illustrating war methods of European flyers. I Dive Acts Each Day. I Two Big Bands to Furnish the Music | ws, including Dog and Pony Show, Devil-Daring Motordome Racing, Merry-go-round, 1 attractions will be of unquestionable character and no gambling wiii be allowed i and Educational Pageant on Friday. I y will take part. Children marching in parade will be admitted to grounds free. 1 ains will be ooerated and Low Rates will apply from All Nearby Points. 8 reworks on Thursday Night. Don't Miss This le will be admitted every day, Saturday has been set aside for Colored People, with >n other days. k County Fair, Roc? c.1"' >Oc; Children, 25c. Two Aeroplane Flights Daily Going to Paint? if ?.i? i * * ... it its me nouse, Darn, fence, kitchen floor, walls or anything else, we will gladly tell you what kind to use, quantity required, the cost, and how it should be applied. We have ACME QUALITY Paints, Enamels, Stains and Varnishes for rcfinishing any shabby surface?indoors or outdoors. ' Glad to show colors and offer advice whether you decide to paint or not. / Massey's Drug Store, Fos*c?in' . % See the "Movies" Today Open 4j30 P, M. Prices, 5c and lOc. t )