University of South Carolina Libraries
' ;r' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm???? v *v% A mm u. o. mAtA Nh chapter *r*| r. a. m., u. i Regular Convocation Thursday nigh October 8th, at 8 o'clock. W. B. Meacham, Jr., Secy. ?qi.i 1 ?' -!? tax notice?1914. Office of the County Treasurer of YV>i County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 14, 1914. Notice is hereby given that the TA BOOKS for York county will be open* on THURSDAY, the 15TH DAY 0 OCTOBEFf, 1914, and remain open unl the :UST DAY OF DECEMBER. 191 for the collection of STATE, COUNTS SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for tl fiscal year 1914, without penalty; aft* which day ONE per cent pehalty wi be added to all payments made in tl month of January, 1915, and TWO p< cent penalty will be added to all pa; ments made in the month of Februar 1915, and SEVEN per cent penalty wi be added to all payments made fro the 1st day of March, 1915, to the 151 day of March, 1915, and after this dai all unpaid taxes will go into executioi and all unpaid Single Polls will 1 turned over to the several Magistral for prosecution in accordance with lav For the convenience of taxpayers, will attend the following places on tl days named: At Yorkville, Thursday, October 15 At Smyrna, Thursday, October 22. a a tt' l n rs * _ ? n ^ ni mcaory urove, rnnayana oaiu riuy, October 23 and 24. At Sharon, Monday, October 26. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, Oct ber 27. At Tirzah, Wednesday, October 28. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, O tober 29 and 30. At Yorkvllle from Saturday, Octob< 31, to Tuesday, November 3. At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clo< a. m. Wednesday, November 4, to o'clock p. m. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturda , November 6 and 7. At Rock Hill, from Monday, Nover ber 9, to Saturday, November 14. And at Yorkville from Monday, N vember 16, until Thursday, the 31 day of December, 1914/ after whi< date the penalties will attach as stat< above. Note?The Tax Books are made i by Townships, and parties writii about taxes will always expedite ma tern if they will mention the townsh or townships in which their properi or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer of York County. I jSSS TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but won't run the furnace nor bal bread. If you have hot air i your house or oven, it must 1 produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hai and Soft Coal and our prices ai way down. Phone orders to 7 Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, Accuracy^^^^r^^-i Penetration c^^r"High Power" JTM Repeating Rifle No.425 List Price S20.O0 ^ / ?? <' And ,3o ' QrSS. J\ calibers /, Uic I>rr.irk'iun Autoloading '/ Cartrkl^*. j Big Game Rifle that ? V Vti Makes ???U* Sure Fire N? Balks No Jams Onfcf fnxn your Dtiler. X/rf < Srnd for Handttomrlx Illustrated nt^v, K'llr Caliilif No. II Iv I. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., I \ V O KotSOO. ? T } York County Fair October 14, 15, 1( Aeroplane Flight Daily. New Fai Grounds. H'o r s 4 Races, Biger Pre mi uins. Get liv? stock and Farr exhibits ready. Ill llil ftiiu M>o>a> i 1 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. ' The taxable value of Fort Mill J ' township for the year 1914 is1 t, $591,925, as compared with $635,045 for 1913. YV. A. Wright and wife, of Jenks Jones, W. Va., were rk visitors the last week at the home of Mrs. L. S. Nivens in Upper Fort Mill. x Fort Mill friends of Mr. Wm. U Banks will be interested to know 4, that he has resigned the editorship of the Anderson Daily Mail ir to accept a position with the ill State agricultural department at ie Columbia. ?r y~ W. B. Byers, of Rock Hill, has ili sent the governor his resignam tion as a member of the Federal [v election commission for York is county. His successor had not been named up to yesterday. v; The Yorkville Enquirer esti- R le mates that 25 per cent, of the farmers of York county are able to hold their cotton without any r- financial aid. In Fort Mill townsh.p, we venture the estimate o- that even a greater per cent, of the farmers are holding the c_ staple. pr York County's second annual fair will be held at Rock Hill * next week, beginning Wednesday and continuing through Friday. y. The fair management promises n_ all the* visitors plenty of amusement for each day and it is ex? pected that the crowds in attendance will greatly outnumber Id the attendance of last year. >P The report of Joe M. Taylor, agent for the census bureau for ip York county, shows that up to ty September 25th there had been 5,645 bales of cotton ginned in York county, as compared with - 2,372 bales up to the same date last year. It is not believed, however, that more than 1,000 i bales of the number ginned has been sold up to this time. Fort Mill friends of Mr. Robt. Y. Williamson will regret to learn that he is critically ill at his home, just across the State 1 line in Mecklenburg, as the re suit of a stroke of paralysis = which he suffered some days ago. Mr. Williamson was up to m a few years ago a resident of this city and is well known in this section. ^ Announcement is made through a Spencer, N. C., newspaper of the engagement of Miss Alice L Armstrong and Mr. Wm. H. , Womble, the marriage to take place Thursday, October 22. 2 Miss Armstrong is a niece of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sutton, of Fort Mill township. For several */*; A A - 1 lci ma miss Armstrong nas taught the Sutton school and is _ well known in this city and vicinity. While there is not in Fort Mill or the township, to our knowledge, an instrument for accurately recording the rainfall, the amount of water which fell in this vicinity during Saturday and Sunday is bslieved by many to have been in excess of four inches. Asa result of the down- B pour the creeks and branches P were greatly swolen for several B days, but we have heard of no bridges being washed away or other damage resulting from the high waters. ! Money for Crop Movement. 4 The treasury department has deposited $13,029,746 in twenty- j three States for fall crop moving ! purposes up to September 28th, according to Secretary McAdoo. Of this sum Missouri has taken < > the largest amount, $1,550,000, with Maryland second, $1,450, 000. The amounts secured by other States include: North Carolina, $456,250; Ten- ? I nessee, $675,000; South Carolina, $525,000; Virginia. $798,750. | ? * Visit the Majestic Theatre tf>-dav. I An excellent program is offered. I FOR SALE?One Two-speed Indian * , ; Motorcycle, run about 1300 miles; ? '' ; equipped with electric lights and ? J- i tandem, cost new $310. Will sell for % ,, $200. One $225 Model Runabout, 100 4 " miles, $175. Address Box S7, Rock 'V j Hill, S. C. I "" FOR SALE 2-ft Oak and Hickory 1 Wood at $3.50 single cord. $3.25 for X _ 5 cord lots. OSMOND BARBER ? WaWroak Fun. ^ i . i v ? { B** A - -- ^ V Watch this space every / T^rs I % and a half cen WPPh if "star Br*n< YVCCIV. ^ than the aver ? I ^ the cost per d? A W3VS They may cost voi niviayo X fh&\\ last a dollar lor p ^ There are lots of go dome- 2 "Star Br; jjjj Are B fmii/t 3 These shoes are made 1 inino V makers. The more they r ^ make. This saving goes i ar W They are made in all N Ai^r ^ all prices?for every me W All Genuine "Star B the manufacturers' nan their star on the heel, leather. No substitutes f< Don't just g< Store and ask but come to u; Save Your Money. Buy where you get the best goods at the lowest prices. Compare our goods and prices, and we will get your patronage every time. New stock of the famous Harrisburg Shoes just arrived. Have been selling these Shoes for 18 years and only had three complaints in the whole 18 years. They fit better and last about twice as long as other shoes at the same price. They are made by honest Quakers at Harrisburg. Pennsylvania. If you want extra fine and stylish shoes, we have I the H. & M. line from Cincinnati. They can't be beat for I style and service. | When it comes to Millinery, we cut the price in half. K and give you latest up-to-the-minute styles. We can keep a milliner in Baltimore four weeks a great deal cheaper than keeping one here 8 months in a year, and give our customers the benefit of thts immense saving. Come see the new goods. L. J. Massey. Order Coal NOW ] While We Can Guarantee Prices. \ % We have on hand a big lot of . COAL bought before the recent ; war scare. Get your order in t now and be protcected against | any advance in prices. Summer prices hold good until we dispose | of our present supply. Phone 15. * ???????? Stewart & Culp, Quick Delivery Telephone No. IS e ss^Sgsg^sS^^!g?g^^=S^S^!SSSSSBSSSSSS=SSs!SS^=S!^^^S!SssS Cost Per | Day is j^SSJ "It Look ^ k. SS? \ Pays | W on the ^ w Heel \ to i ge pair of shoes gives ^ m 1 ice at a cost of three 'I |in/jp ts a day ?UV d" Shoes are better- _ age shoe, therefore J lAni'n ly is less. 1 W till i a quarter more but % K?ri... . . S Millo S l/ci anucs, uui? k? i lilio kX g I and Shoes V? || etter" & Yrkllflrf I >y the world's largest shoe- Tm JL UUlIk * nake the less they cost to A a >nto extra quality. jTf s | styles, grades and sizes- Ay f mber of thefamil/. m rand " Shoes ha vo m ie on the sole and AT Every Dhir honest if 5r leather ever used. 3 into any |p j\ J} k-, m% ___ ^ mm ^ < / unf" A\\ 7 ~ OH EVERY HEEL u ui-am I i^Mii-yij-_. ~ -: ~T ^5d""'Spil ? <S> I : Financial Aid 4 This bank is constantly on the alert for oppor tunities to be useful in the upbuilding of this entire community. We want to aid every industry that seeks and merits our co-operation. + + The best way to be sure of this co-operation is to ' - become a depositor of this bank. In this way we . can get better acquainted, join forces and work to- z. gether. The First National Bank, f | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. t M E A C H A M & EPFS ;i ' Our Fall MILLINERY Opening Yesterday Was a Grand Success. Come See the Beautiful Hats. M EACH AM Sc ERRS i /