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V:,S? ' p ^ ' A*ft* Pi", A -."5? fovL kV* "^7jr. - ''.""'.I ' ^ ','r -.# '*- \ W-} ." ' & %f> fe- ' ; ' f. ' * *??' .* * ' . " i", HOW TO ENJOY ACHIEVEMENT x One Should Indulgo In It Moderately, According to Argumonto Mod* by Author. Achievement mint be moderately indulged in, not made the pretext for a debauch. If one hat achieved a new cottage, for example, let him take numerous week-end vacations from it. And let not an author ait down and read through lue own book the moment it comes from the hinder. A few more months will suffice to blur the meraorv of those imrroaa ble, nauseating foundry proof*. If he forbears?instead of being sickened bv the stuff, no gentle reader, I . - venture to predict, will be more keenly and delicately intrigued by the volume's vigor and subtleties. If you have just made your fortune, be sure, in the course of your continental wanderings, to take many a third-class carriage full wf wittv peasants, and stop at many an unpretentious inn "Of the White Hind," with bowered rose garden and howling green running down to the trout tilled river, and mine ample hostess herself to make and bring you the dish for which she ia fanions over half the countryside. Thus you will increase by at least one Rsedekeriau star-powder the luster of the next Grand Hotel Royal da 1'Universe which may receive you?RobPTt H >4oVia nfflnw in 4 Ko iflonlio PRODUCE LESS MAPLE SUGAR For Various Reasons tha Output Haa Boon Steadily Decreasing for Soma Years Past. The making of maple sirup anil sugar in Canada in moat of the older and more settled parts is gradually on the wane, as most of the "augar hushes" give way to cu It irated* farms. From 1850 to 1890 the prodnctiou of maple sugar, together with its equivalent in sirup, increased year by year, hut since that time it has. steadily fallen. The industry is confined in Canada to Quebec, Ontario, Sew Brunswick, sn<| Nora Scotia. It is . estimated that this industry, repreHciiiing an anuual valuation of almost $2,000,000, is carried on bv about 55.000 growers. While many of these operate their larger of smaller wood lots preserved upon their good farms, a vastly larger number take their sap from rough and atonv areas that would have comparatively little value if the trees were removed. The increasing value of maple wood and the comparatively low price of maple sugar and sirup, due to unfair competition from cheap, adulterated products, has Jed in recent years to the removal of many fine sugar or chard* that had produced crops of deliciounncs* ymrlv for moot of a cent wry. QUITE SO. At a club frequented by doctors the discussion came up recently whether a person could lire without a brain.' During the discourse one of the doctors said: "When I was practising medicine in Indiaua a remarkable case came under my supervision. A man. while out hunting, had leaned upon his shotgun and the weajKui had gone off accidentally, making a large wound iu his head just above the ear. The brain was laid bare and in bringing the patient to the hospital a handful of the gray matter leaked out. fie was trepanned and dually recovered, hia mental faculties apparently as good as ever." "Your story ia interesting." interrupted an auditor, "hut it sounds to me somewhat inconsistent." "Why so?" questioned the narrator. "Because." auawored the other doctor. "if he had ever had a handful of brains he wouldn't have leaned on the gun."?National Manthly. A STEADY TALKER. "You used to say that the sound of my voice ravished your eara." "So I did, but since that time inj ears have had nine years of uninterrupted ravishment." FAME AND OTHERWISE. "hivary time I ses grandfather's aword I want to go to war." "Welir "But every t>ine i notice grandfather** wooden leg i cool down." QUESTION OF TIME. Soniiy?Pa, were the minute men of 1776 Americans or Knglish? !* ?'lliejr were our men. Sonny There not have been OS eff thy if they were hear ana. * l; , ' . * _ *' ^-R . * - ' ' M : . iRr! WANDERINGS OF A WATCH* ~ tary Told aa Simple Truth la <8omawhat of a Strain an tha Moat CnaSutaua Mind. No writer of fiction could have invented a stranger story than that of the curious adventures of a watch, which Capt. George Xicbols, an ol<Jtiroe SsJrm shipmaster and mefcbant, used to tall as the literal tratjh. At Manila in 1803, says Captain Nichols. I employed a Mr. Kerr to aaaiat ma in my bnsinesz. Be took a great fancy to my watch, and proposed to give me his own watch with soma indigo to hoot in exchange fof it. We find fived upon a quintal and a half of indigo, worth then more than $1i?0 anrt f k-ent mv r-h.iin and seals. The indigo I sold for $130 more than the original coal of my watch. and besides, J got a watch that proved to be a better timepiece than mine had been. Some twelve years or uiore after this I was in company with Cant. William lender of Salem, when he took froin his pocket a gold watch. "That watch," said 1. "looks exactly like the one 1 sold to Mr. Kerr in Manila." "[ know the whole history of that watch," replied Mr. Lander. "I was in Manila after you left, wheu Mr. Kerr told me that he had sold your watch to a sea captain from New York or Philadelphia, and that in i passing Agulhan Bank, near the Cape | of (food Hope, the captain accidentally loat it overboard. Two or three day a after, as another vessel was passing the bank, one of the crew caught a ftsh. and on opening it found a gold watch. He carried the watch to Calcutta, and sold it to Captain Biackier of Marblehead. from whom I got it." This was Captain ljuider's story, and I have no doubt that the watch taken from* fi?h whm s*m? that Mr. Kerr had from ma.? Youth's Companion. NO COIN l. Af. P. Cum us?They say that Easter is a movable feast. Nocash?I'd like to put it off for about ten years. THE FADDIST. Are you a faddist? If not. you are au exceptional person arid too conservative for the good of your 1 Hi- o. j .? - * - ntm1111. raus are me apice or lire. And that is the main reason why the majority of us are faddists. We constantly look for and instantly seiae (he la I est fad that comes along and contribute our share of energy toward making it the prevailing craze of the hour. . . . We readily and willingly succumb to the newest ragtime song, the neweat dance, the newest breakfast fo?>d, the newest outdoor amusement, the newest hit of slang or anything new just so it is new. It is as easy to relinquish an old fad for a new one as it is to breathe. The faddist gets a greal deal of pleasure out of life.? Kvansrille Courier. A FRIOHTENCO HOSSl. Kedd? You say the horse ran awav as an automobile was passing? tlreene?Yea. "I thought his horse was aocoa ?,! i.. 1.: i?t" imuni Mf aiiimiiiMMif*. I 'He in; hut there w*c a mhiiiii in the toniieau wearing one oi thoee ' jfreent wigs.*' * INTtRStTINO CONTENT?. "The f anama canal holds Aft enormous amount of water." "Y?," replied the intui woo ibwlikes suggestions of scandal; "and some mud/' TMI ORVIOUt ONE "What do you think was the tirst question they inked the appiiuaju to become an emergency policewoman *" "J suppose they asked her if she < nan good at a pinoh?" ? -m SB ? r, * \i * ' * * ^ :5s / > : vlr.; ?V?raj9^t$ - ' '; V ' ' .'; ' .- >" ,:" * ; f. . A PaHtratwi^^^E^Kw"<^^pMHigh Power" j?CfP< .Repeating Rifle No. 425 ^/Sj^ Lint Price ?2000 ^ / .23 .T0-S0-.32an<l .36 ' (P !T calibcw W t'? Krminctun Anto-Lo^ir^ 'iMpfv^ABii Game Rifle that r?PP^ Makes Goed. . Sure Fire No Balks No Jams waer rrem your ur?l*r. Srnd for liandaoinrly lllinlraltd I Kiflr Catalog No. 11 I I. Stevens Arms A Tool Co., I K O Uo? Orttt. I Ctopw Fait, Mm: I r It is our pu any and all bt to us in such ? manner as to i rons* relations both satisfactoi Saving ' ,j | A GAME OF PATIENCE i < > IjKJ r -t cs> Ollice Boy?Oh! you wish. m m Mr. Dodge? Hate you a card? Dunne?No; I've sent in the whole deck. I've beeu here 53 times! COOL. "Was your husband cool when you told him there was a burglar in the house "Cool," replied Mrs. Gabb. "1 should say he was cool. Why, his teeth chattered." BEERT PENStFLAQK. Bix?Wonder why the?bock been symbol is a full-sized goat. Dix?Perhaps because kida are not a I towed in a barroom. OETT1 NO SCFOJIE THE PUEUC. "That rude person had the aasur ance to say that they never read your books," said tha admirer. "I shall speak to the puhliahei about it" replied tha author, com* placently. "He will insist on advertising my worka in the literary columns instead of oa tha sporting page." CRUEL ONE. "What's the most unusual sight you ever saw?" "A co-ed on the street without I man."?Wisconsin Sphinx. Must Have PrHria The sera way M-yeend ytga laeked protein, that si went required la growing animals, te dereioy hone and muscle. bleed, nerve and tissue? that which bnllds the frame?th? Thi Immortals. Mrs Par ting tons and Mrs. Malaprops are still with us in the fleeh. Recently a woman at the opera In Chicago complained that her eeat was too far back. She said she could hear the music all right, bet the performera ea the stage "loefced Uke migne ' " '" ' '>? \ ' . V York i County Fair October 14, 15, 16. | Aeroplane Flights Daily. New Fair Grounds. ;U*orse Races, Biger Pre* miums. Get livestock and Farm exhibits ready. No. Six-Sixty-Six! Tkls la a fmcriptioa prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. ' Flee ec six doeee will break any case, and If taken tken aa a tonic the Feeer will not r return. It acts aa the Hear better tkaa Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c kiB&s NEW LIFE PILLS Tht Pills That Do Cure. rpose to handle isiness entrustsd a fair and liberal nake all our patwith this bank ry and profitable. s Bank. j i [M.ffl? KygpHy If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or finished in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to fit the purpose. i i i i I [ I I I I I I. Massey's See the Open 4a30 P? M, "* \ .MS>??iahk Jjl?i'. jtVafthtfUC<hiftlfeo r MM????????^? THE UNION CENTRAL Life Insurance Company ' Pays your premiums should you become ; totally and permanently disabled by accident or disease ' And Pays YOU | The face of the policy in installments while living. | Let us show you. THE BEST COMPANY 1 M I- 1 aVV PQT I? A I t:c Bailes Link, ' \ District Aj*ents. ' J Get the Molting Over Quickly /jk Molting time is lust tine* tl r.> n> with wh'u h f 'f^\ to pay the feetl hills. y / ,< Getitover? Feevl a gooil t'u'! r : ! ! . sir > iueliid ,< ' ? j prgtts, Poultry Regulator t: 25c. pkga. to 25 ll>. pail at $2.50. k It'? a gentle. invigorating tonic?just what the inns tustl. A-.^a Vy I prutts. Lice Killer /?> .fl.oo / and all Pratts Product* are guaranteed satisf;iction or money hack. ^4. ^a / A 91 Have |/ou Pratt* I\>ultry Hook?MO pagrt, if " For Sale hv Mel'-lhs'iuy ?Mr Co.: Mill A Young Co. I Fall Painting S is Like IFire Insurance You insure your home against fire. Why not insure it against decay caused by sunshine, rain, snow and sleet? They destroy as certainly as fire, unless the surface is protected with good paint. ACME QUALITY HOUSE PAINT gives the greatest durability and beauty, and be^t resists I J ' rain and shine. It costs less because it takes less and lasts longer. Let us show you the latest tashionable color combinations. Drug Store, il "Movies" Today Prices, Sc and 1 Oc. i #