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First Game on Friday. Members of the football team of the Port Mill graded school have been doing hard practice for a week or more getting in shape for the game to be played Friday at Yorkville with the school team of that town. iii i ii i n J. B. MACK cQjM CHAPTER R. A. M? U. D. Regular Convocation Thursday night, October 8th, at 8 o'clock. W. B. Meacham, Jr., Secy. Regular communicat i o n of Catawba Lodge No. 56. Thursday night Oct. 1. All AyW/\ members requested to W. B. Meacham. Jr., Sec'y. DON'T HURT YOUR LIVER WITH CALOMEL When your liver becomes torpid and sluggish, you can take calomel and whip it into action, but the calomel will leave your body weaker and sicker than ever. Calomel is a very powerful drug, a form of mercury, and need' never be used because there is a perfect remedy to take the place of calomel, that has all of calomel's good medicinal effects with none of its dangerous and uncertain follow-ups. Its name is Dodson's Liver Tone. Ardrev's Drn<rstnr*? spIIc rind son's Liver Tone with the guar-1 antee that if you don't find that: it treats you much better than calomel, they will give you your money back with a smile. Dodson's Liver Tone is a true tonic for the liver, purely vegetable and with such a pleasant taste that it is no trouble to get children to take it. It is absolutely impossible for it to do anyone any harm. TAX NOTICE-1914. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 14, 1914, Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on THURSDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1914, and remain open until the HIST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1914, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1914. without penalty; after which day ONE per cpnt penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1915, and TWO per * cent penalty will be added to all pay ments made in the month of February, 1915, and SEVEN per cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1915, to the 15th day of March, 1915, and afte?_this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law; For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 , will attend the following places on the days named: At Yorkville, Thursday, October 15. At Smyrna, Thursday, October 22. At UicKory Grove, Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24. At Sharon. Monday, October 26. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, October 27. At Tirzah, Wednesday, October 28. At Clover, Thursday "and Friday, October 29 und 30. At Yorkville from Saturday, October 31, to Tuesday, November 3. At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. in. Wednesday, November 4, to 8 o'clock p. m. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 6 and 7. At Rock Hill, from Monday, November 9, to Saturday, November 14. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 16, until Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1914, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note The Tax Books are made up . by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the township or townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, , Treasurer of York County. ' TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, hut it j won't run the furnace nor bake I bread. If you have hot air in j your house or oven, it must be 1 produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mid Lmtor Caopuy, ' r i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. At a meeting of the trustees of Massey school, in Lower Fort: Mill, a few days ago Miss Flossie : Davis, of Orangeburg was elected teacher for the next j term which begins the first of j November. Friends in this city and sec! tion of Mrs. Mannie Carothers j will be pleased to learn that her | condition has shown considerable i imnrovement dnrinc lnct week, according to a report received yesterday by her husband Mr. N. L. Carothers. / Jake Truesdale, a young negro, was convicted before Mayor McElhaney Monday of the double charge of gambling and drunk and disorderly conduct and sentenced to pay a fine of $20 or serve 45 days on the county works. Jake took the days. Invitations have been issued j to the approaching: marriage of Dr. John Lester Ransom, of Steele Creek, and Miss Mary Query, also of Steele Creek, the marriapre to take place at the | home of the bride's father, Mr. Frank S. Query, near Pineville. the afternoon of October 14th. Of interest to the farmers of this section is the announcement that Mr. J. J. Bailes contemplates the erection in the near future of a grain shelling plant at his lumber yard west of the railway in this city. The machinery is to be electrically driven. It is rot unlikely that a little later Mr. Bailes will add a grist mill to the plant. The management of the Maifictin TKoof?o PV...#- . jvuviv xiivui>'?. 1UII ill 111 n -I IIV v - ing picture house, announces I that great improvements to the I show will be made within the next few days. It is proposed to have the seats elevated, thus affording patrons an unobstructed view of the pictures, as well as having considerable painting and decorating done to the interior of the house. Construction work on the new residence of Mayor McElhaney, in Whiteville Park, was begun on last Monday and the house 1 will be rushed to completion as = early as possible. The house is m to contain nine rooms and when finished will be one of the handsomest and most commodious homes in the town. Through the operations of a detective employed some days ago by the town of Fort Mill several well known citizens were summoned to cofirt Wednesday afternoon to answer the charge of selling whiskey. It appeared, however, that the detective did not understand the State laws as what constitutes the sale of whiskey and the defendants were all released. The business men of the town | are making an effort to secure ? better mail facilities to the South i as at the present time, although H the Southern Railway company E operates four southbound trains I daily, only one of them takes on E n,n;i U J ' I man ncre anu tnat oniy six days j in the week. It is believed that 11 the service on trains 113 and 114 E can be extended through Fort a Mill with very little expense if Ej any at all. PUBLIC SCHOOL HONOR ROLL M By Prof. J. P. Coot*. , A pupil must make an average ; ? of 95 per cent on his studies, t 95 per cent, on deportment, and 95 pet* cent, on attendance for his name to be on the honor roll + of the Fort Mill graded school. ^ The following have the honor i for September: t First Grade?No report. Second Grade?Alva Fennell, Kate McLaughlin, Eugene Mc Kibben, Floride Nims, Edith T Parks, Julia May Parrish, Louise << Patterson, Nannie Lee Phillips, t John McKee Spratt. Third Grade-Elizabeth Ar-(* drey, Alma Lynn, Mary Kim- + brell, Katherine Massey, Mattie 2 Morton, Martha Thompson, Mar-1 garet McElhaney, Lawrence * Armstrong, Hazel Carter, Ed ward Epps, William Hafner. Edward Kimbrell, J. B. Mills. ? Fourth Grade? Ella Mae Mc- ^ Elhaney, Ruby Plyler, Maud ^ Robinson. Anna Wolfe, Olin T IlooOA A i^boov, i luun U UI1CB. T Seventh Grade?Beulah Parks, Beatrice Parks. Grace Erwin. * Ninth Grade? Marjorie Mills. I -? i _____________ It's Here That HWiMlVMRffi Our Store is full of nice, new Fa some real bargains in any line we < Long^Goat/Suit of Clothes, Boys' ? do", come in and let us show you o you a close pfice on any of our goc See our 30-ineh Sheeting for only that we are selling at 5c. A good c grade Outing, new ease just receive* Coat Suits, So to $25. Long Coal $1.25 to $3.00. ^ Hoys' Suits $1.75 to $10.00. Mis? all colors, soft soles, 25e. Children's Shoes, 50c to $2.0( Boys' Shoes, $1.50 to $3.75. Lad New lot of silks in plaid and Roi the yard. Also 36-inch Messalines A ew lot of Underwear in anything you need in Fall and Wir "It Pays to Trade Wi MILLS & \ I "We Buy and ? \ Save Your Money. Buy where you get the best goods at the lowest prices. Compare our goods and prices, and we will get your patronage every time. New stock of the famous Harrisburg Shoes just arrived. Have been selling these Shoes for 18 years and only had three complaints in the whole 18 years. They fit better and last about twice as long as other ^hoes at the same price. They are made by honest Quakers at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. If you want extra fine and stylish shoes, we have the H. & M. line from Cincinnati. They can't be beat for style and service. When it comes to Millinery, we cut the price in half, and give you latest up-to-the-minute styles. We can keep a milliner in Baltimore four weeks a great deal cheaper than keeping one here 8 months in a year, and give our customers the benefit of thts immense saving. Come see the new goods. L. J. Massey. Order Coai NOW) While We Can Guarantee Prices. f We have on hand a big lot of COAL bought before the recent ; war scare. Get your order in now and be protcected against ; any advance in prices. Summer prices hold good until we dispose i of our present supply. Phone 1 5. 4 . I Stewart & Gulp, I Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 . : t > / 1* ,v You'll Find It || Qoorls. anrl , ?, . . w nt. v.- v/iiv i y ULl 2arry. Do you need a Coat. Suit, >uit, Shoes, Overcoat, Etc? If you undine. We are prepared to give / >ds. ? . 5 and 8 l-3c yard. Also our Outing jiiality for the money. Still better I, for only 10c yard. s, $3.50 to $15. Children's Coats, *es' Suits $5 to $25. Infant 's Shoes, 3. Men's Shoes, $1.50 to $4.50. ies' shoes, $1.75 to $3.75. man stripe, good quality, at $ 1.00 5 in all the popular shades at $ 1.00. | zes and at all prices. See us for j iter Goods. i th Mills & Young Co." rOUNG CO. iell Everything." < < % I Financial Aid f ? This bank is constantly on the alert for oppor tunities to be useful in the upbuilding of this entire t T community. We want to aid every industry that. * ^ ^ ^ 4 seeks and merits our co-operation. + ^ The best way to be sure of this co-operation is to r become a depositor of this bank. In this way we ! t can get better acquainted, join forces and work to- * gether. | The First National Bank, | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. v?- ?> <? ? > M E A C H A M d EPFS Our Fall 1 MILLINERY Opening Wednesday, Oct. 7 th. Be With Us That Day. MEACHAM Sc EPFS %