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V / s. r1 . - . . / y TRESPASSERS y LESLIE TRENT. "ltemember, Dorothy, that I am most particular about trespassers as the place/' admonished Miss Priaci.Ha Fenn as she climbed into the station bus. I "T leave the place in your care and I do hope that when I come borne I won'r find a whole posae of fiahenn*? sittiiig by mv trout stream. Goodb\\ dear, and send word at once if you are ill or anything happens? Martha will take care of you?and yes, Mr. Penny, I'm ready?good-by, T>orothy, good-hy!" After Mies Priscilia Fenn bad bought ami paid for trout caught in her own brook by wily fisher lads, she established a system of patrol along the banks that involved her household in additional labor and kept the "three women keyed up to high nervous tension all the time. As for Dorothy, she did not much care, for she loved, the deep woods and the brown brook was a favorite retreat for her. "Now, Miss Dorothy, you ain't ever going down to that nasty brook this morning?" protested Martha with the familiarity of an old ana privileged servitor. "Theui trout* ain't biting every day?why, I've heard tell that Mr. Whittaker himself has been known to fish for three days without catching a bite even ; but he's a dreadful crank at it. So 'lain't likeJv them Is)vh will ketch anything if they do fish." "I dare say you're right, Martha, but I promised Aunt Priscilia I would keep watch and you know she is very particular about it. Suppose you ring the big bell for ine when luncheon is ready?then I will he sure to hear it." "Very well. Miss Dorothy, hut look here?" Martha went to a chim nov cupboard and look from it an ancient and rusted pistol of enormous size. "1 never go into the deep woods without this weapon and you take it in case anybody scares you. 1j*w, it ain't loaded?I wouldn't carry it if it was! Rut you can show it and frighten *eni off. There, I'll put it in (hie iittle basket with some pears and unities run along now." "O. Martha, von arc the funniest old dear!" laughs! Dorothy. "If you hear a tretncndouaVx plosion you will know thai tliis old cannon has gone off and frightened :tll the (roilI to death. Ho. Iiiiim, if they onlv would depart to other streams we wouldn't have to do gentry-go. eh. Martha?" Kstablished under an oak whose shining green leaves overhung the i dancing stream. Dorothy tossed aside her hat and allowed I lie vagrant bnvze to ruflle her red-gold hair. \fter awhile she got up and walked along the hank of the stream, following a striped chipmunk darting through the underbrush. The chipmunk disappeared in his hole, ami a flock of chickadee* performed antics on the branches of a dogwood tree. There was a splash?a sharp exclamation and the whirring of a reel. Dorothy lorgol everything save that there wag a trespasser near by. Silently she went back to her basket and was astonished to find that she nad wandered so far?why, she had even crossed the brook on the stepping-stones in her chase of the chipmunk who waa a venturesome inite-and she hid the pistol in ihe blouse of her sailor suit and went back across the stepping-stonas to that spot beyond the alders where she had heard the sound of a fisher- i man's reel spinning out. At last she could see him?a sunbrowned hatless youth clad m old ( lot lies, with h nirw? ? - J. ?, *. . vv*a IIIU ICClll ami hif* blue eyes bright with exeiteii.ent us he played a splendid trout in und out of the deeps and shallows of the stream. At last he whooped exultantly and landed the speckled beauty on (he mossy ban I#. "\yiiat are you doing here?" asked Dorothy sternly as she broke through the alders and stood liefore liiin, a slender, white-clad girl with aceoaing brown eyes l>elow a serious forehead. "Why?ah?you can see!" he explained. removing his pipe and showing splendid white teeth in a pleasant smile. " t should think you'd be ashamed of yourself." went on IVirothy contemptuously. lie flushed. "You mean fishing out of season? Well, 1 suppose I should, bat the fish didn't came for luncheon, and I promised Antanin 1 that i would get Aim m Aanhna,*1 ** - . . . * * *v "It is too bad that Antonio will to disappointed for, of course, you cannot take the fish away/' said Dorothy. ''Indeed?" he aaked coolly. "Why not, please T" "Because it belougs* to my aunt Miss frenn. There are signs pla'inly reading 'Xo trespassing/ and yet you have trespassed on her proprrtv. Please throw it back in the stream." "Pardon me. but it is my own." he with a puzzled stare at h?r, with wL?eh was mingled reluctant admiration. "Then 1 will throw it l>a<-k/ .said Dorothy b-mvelv, for if thpre was one il: I iv? ?i? .1 i tuiiig ujurr i nun uumiipr inai sue loathed to'touch it was the cold body of a fish. He stood looking at her with angry amusement in his eyes as she went, toward the fish and touched its brown tail. It flopped wildly. Dorothy jumped back. Her foot slipped on the muddy hank and she fell into the anna of the shabby fisherman, whose pipe went to destruction on the stones below. "Not hurt, 1 hope?" said the fisherman, not unkindly. There was a straDge light in his eves and Dorothy's cheeks were like two roses as he quickly released her. "No, I am not hurt," began Dorothy, strongly inclined to crv hecause of her varied feelings. At that instant her eyes lighted on the great pistol which had fallen unheeded from her blouse. The strange fisherman spied it at th* Batne instant. "Is that yours?" he asked. "Yes?at least it's Martha's?I brought it along for protection,said Dorothy with what dignity she could sumrnou. He actually picked it up and did not smile as he restored the ancient weapon to her. "I nope you will have no occasion to use it," lie said, and Dorothy loved him at once because the smile that twitched his lips never materialized. She look the pistol and held it rather gingerly. ''You will go?and you will put the fish hack before it dies?" she asked almost pleadingly. "Yes, 1 will go, if you desire it. and I will put the tish back into the stream?but you don't know Antonio; he can swear in throe languages !" The youth grasped the trout and deftly whisked him into the hrook where he struggled for m moment liefore sinking slowlv down with gently moving tins until he was out of sight in the dark pool. "There!" breathed Dorothy with relief. "Thank you so much." The young man looked at. her hesitatingly; then, as if arriving at some decision he picked up his rod and eniptv creel and made as if to leave the spot. "I wonder why you think I should leave niv own property." lie said with a whimsical smile. "Your own projieriv ?'" echoed Dorothy. "Why this is part of Miss Feun's place." "Pardon me, hut you are mistaken. This is the Whittuker land?you see Miss Fenn's property is divided from ours hv that brushwood hedge on the other side of the brook." He pointed back aiong the way she had come. "But 011 this side of the hrook the dividing line is that stone post half covered with cathrior. and you evi dentlv cnitMed the boundary on to our land without knowing it." Dorothy was rosy with mortification. 'Then I am a trespasser, not you!" she-cried ruefully. ' Never a trespasser on \\ liittaker land," he smiled gallantly. "Thank von?and the lish why, it was your own !" "Never mind ? I expect he's thanking you for his life." "And your horrid \ntonio who swears in three languages?" He laughed gaily. "(), there an* other cooks if Antonio leaves inc. hut there are not. , many ? pleasant adventures." "i must go no*." said Dorothy | FARM ALFALFA, RYE, BURI CLOVER, VETCH, RAPE 6HUM and APPLER OA and FULCASTER WHEA' Buy from Seed Headqua Smith-Fewel Rock Hi % 4 'iz V.v^ . hastily. "I Uear^He luncheon beU.A "If you are stopping with Miss Fenn we may meet again," said the | youth eagerly. "I am John Whit- ' taker, and Miss Priscilla and I used ] to be great pals. She always kept a ' pot of ginger cookies for me?but I have been away from the old place i for many years, and she probably has J forgotten me." "T don't believe so, for I know the ! cookie pot is always filled?and yon j better comp and see. anyway." snid Dorothy over her shoulder. "1 believe I'll call on Miss Priscilla this evening." he mused. "I feel an appetite for ginyer coolcioa * THE TE8T. "When do von regard a man aa .1 J oin r "A mau isn't really old." replied < Colonel Dasher, ''until he is willing to own up to gont instead of railing | it 'tango toe.' " It is our purp any and all busj to us in such aI manner as to m; rons* relations v both satisfactory Savings HIS SCHEME First Actor?1 wish 1 had some money. Second Actor?What would von ! do?pay your hoard bill ? First Actor?No; so I'd have enough money to move. LIFEBOATS FOR WATER PLAN ES~~ The llriiish admiralty has decided that all waterplanes used hy the naval airmen shall carry a miniature lifelmat suspended underneath the body of the machine. In so doing Ihcv have adopted au idea of Lieutenant Spencer (Irey, who last summer had built for him a tiny dinghy which he carried beneath his machine. It waa made of cedar, and with a couple of small oars, a mast and sail, weighed ahout thirty pounds. It has frequently carried two passoncrer.s ?<*rnaa ?o "H1.CI, ;ind can l>e lowered into the sea from the aeroplane and lifted out again with verv little effort. GOOO SUBSTITUTION. He Thai stuffed turkey at Mrw. Williama' dinner waa awfully tough. She?Well, you ace her cheatnnta failed to arrive and ahe tilled the t>ird with funny columtia from the dHilv f>?pen?. SEED. t CLOVER, CRIMSON ABRUZZI RYE, PULTS, LEAP'S PROLIFIC r. ! irters? I Company, > U,S. C. TEACHERS' EXAMINATION. The regular Fall Examination of applicants for teachers' certificates -will be held in Yorkville on Friday, October 2, beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. Assistants as well as principals are required ? have a York county certificate if they expect to teach in the county the current year. Certificates from other counties and and diplomas from, accredited colleges will be recognized if presented on or before above date. * District trustees are requested to send me at once BY MAIL the name and monthly salary of each teacher emploved. JOHN E. CARROLL, Supt. of Education. No. Six-Sixty-Six This Is a prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then aa a tonic the Fever will not return. It acta on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c king'S NEW LIFE PILLS The Pills That Do Cure. >ose to handle ,ness entrustsd fair and liberal ike all our patvdth this bank and profitable. Bank. If it's a surface to be painted, enameled, stained, varnished or fin ishcd in any way, there's an Acme Quality Kind to tit the purpose. ' Massey's See the Open 4c3Q P. M WWWMW ' ( ry ' I rx * i " . ' ^ 'l* ^ ( * \ * * \ I 1,000 [ Writing Tablets direct from the factory. Take one and , T? compare with any other tablet. With one having the same number of sheets you ^ will find ours have more leaves. Every 5c or 10c Tablet is T the best possible value for the money, and only to be had by our large quantity ? buying. ARDREY'S . T PHONE 16 B York h County Fair October 14, 15, 16. A Aeroplane Flights Daily. New Fair Grounds. Horse K Races, Biger Pre- | in linns, liet live- J stock and Farm exhibits ready. Get the Molting ( Molting time is lost time there : to pay the feed bills. Get it over?Feed a good full fatioi pratts, poultry 25c. pkr*. to 25 lb. |uiil at It's a gentle. Invigorating tonic?just wli Lice Killer X5c. ami all Prmtts Products are guaranteed?a money back. A tfl //tic# you Hratl* l\mltrn Hook? HOpmgft 4 For Sale by McKlhaney & < I Paints ant Fall "Fix No money b faction as a few c Fall for "touchi floors, furniture All * .. I- - . Irui winrer long t tive and wholes* source of constat] ACME Q PAINTS AN are the kind to i us what you wai will give you tl Quality Kind fo purpose. Let \ Strong Reasons Painting. Drug Store "Movies" Pi ?r*\> if - *\ - . v \ 1 When I Have Tint.' hen I have time I'll send for you. And look your proposition through, m feeling now so strong and well I don't just heed the goods you sell. 5 wait, yes. wait, good ffifetkd of mine Till I have time. oday the ball game starts at three Tonight we haVe some friends for tea, ut someday I intend to take Protection for my family's sake. o tarry thus is not a crime Till I have time. ut one day he was called to rest And left an unprotected nest. ck Hnnc nnt honv V* J V ?vvu ??\a nvtti UIU IIU11JIIIK ? tread Of a busy world in it's fight for bread ? nd he now has time. Dead loads of time TODAY is the time?The UN3N CENTRAL the company. BAILES & LINK, District Agents. The Lowest Net Cost of All." Dver Quickly /jL ire no with which i and he sure to include (Y^w/rLul Regulator the hmi i atiafaction or | Co.; Mills & Young Co. i n* ? irimsties >r ? :ing Up" i * irings such satisents spent in the ing up" shabby and woodwork, he bright, attracome home is a it pleasure. j i f vality D FINISHES ise. Simply tell nt to do and we ie proper Acme r your particular as tell you Five cv.n u.. iwi van iiuusg 1 k Fort Mill, j S.C. ' Today rioet! 3c Mud lOo. ?