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DON'T HURT YOUR [ LIVER WITH CALOMEL L When your liver becomes torpid and sluggish, you can take *; calomel and whip it into action, d but the calomel will leave your * body weaker and sicker than i ever. Calomel is a very power- h ful drug, a form of mercury, a add need* never be used because there is a perfect remedy to take p the place of calomel, that has ' all of calomel's good medicinal * ? effects with none of its danger- r ous and uncertain follow-ups. s Its name is Dodson's Liver Tone. 3 Ardrey's Drug store sells Dod- f son's Liver Tone with the guar- c antee that if you don't find that j, it treats you much better than calomel, they will give you your money back with a smile. Dod- t son's Liver Tone is a true tonic a for the liver, purely vegetable t and with such a pleasant taste c that it is no trouble to get children to take it. It is absolutely impossible for it to do anyone s any harm. * i TAX NOTICE?1914. I Office of the County Treasurer of York [ County. | v i.ii - o r? o . ii ini j I * LUrKVIIl^, O. 14, Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York countv will be opened on THURSDAY, the lf?TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1914, and remain open until the 81 ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1914, for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1914, without penalty; after which day ONE per cent penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of January, 1915, and TWO per cent penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of February, 1915, and SEVEN per cent penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1st day of March, 1915, to the 15th day of March. 1916, and after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law,For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Yorkville, Thursday, October 15. At Smyrna, Thursday, October 22. At Hickory Grove, Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24. At Sharon, Monday, October 26. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, October 27. At Tirzah, Wednesday, October 28. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, October 29 and 80. At Yorkvllle from Saturday, October 31, to Tuesday, November 3. At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, November 4, to 8 o'clock p. m. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 6 and 7. r At Rock Hill, from Monday, November 9, to Saturday, November 14. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 16, until Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1914, after which ? date the penalties will attach as stated above^ Note?The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the township i or townships in which their property 1 or properties are located. j HARRY E. NEIL, ] Treasurer of York County. I _ ! TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor bake bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be 1 produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard < and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. ] Quick delivery. 11 Fort Mill Lumber Company, ; A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. (Estimates cheerfully furnished on all classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30. Jm Harry Foster. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - - . S. C. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic < Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Eczema. etc. Aatiseptie Aasiyse, used internally or externally. 25c fc.Katfslur Mstmry HE <QMWL twpi m miffft < > ^ 3* .N . 'Vf .-. . ; __i ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Chas. R. Weeks, president of! he York Fair association, spent i everal hours in Fort Mill Moniay distributing premium lists nd otherwise advertising the fork county fair which i& to be leld at Rock Hill Octobefr 14. lf> .nd 16. The Rev. Dr. C. C. Brown, of Beaufort, S. C., will preach at ''lint Hill ^church .next Sunday norning at the usual hour for ervices, and in the afternoon at 1:30 he will deliver a sermon rom the Fort Mill Baptist hurch. The public is cordially nvited to attend the services. The Times is requested to state hat a protracted meeting to last i week or longer will begin at he local Methodist church on Sunday, October 4. The Rev. j I. P. Attaway, of Oswego. S. C.. ; in uncle of the pastor of the rort Mill church, will do the ireaching. ivirs. naymona Mcniinaney ot ?ort Mill, and Messrs. Archie Seaty of Camden and Thomas Seaty of McBee attended the iineral of their sister, Miss Ella Seaty, whose body was brought lere for interment at the Beaver >eek cemetery Tuesday.?Heath Springs correspondence Lancaser News. ^ Information received yesterday >y Mr. N. L. Carothers from Columbia was to the effect that lis wife, Mrs. Mannie Carothers, vas extremely ill and that the ittending physicians were of the pinion that she could survive >ut a few days at best. Mrs. Carothers was taken to the State lospital several weeks ago for reatment for pellagra. The Times is informed that the ocal waterworks commission has elet the contract for the watervorks pipe lines to B. J. Roberts, >f Atlanta. It will be recalled hat the contract was formerly iwarded to Frank Moore, another lanvirio /iont nn/?t am Unf V*^ iv *'i L. in iiMiutii UM, uui iter i.uiiu o do the work as contracted for. t is stated that Mr. Roberts will >egin work on the lines at once. ' The hist week of the "buy-a>ale" and "hold-a-bale" movenent in Mecklenburg county esults in the pledge, already rigned, to keep six thousand lales otf the market that would inder ordinary circumstances 3e placed on the Charlotte market, says the Charlotte News. And two townships have not jeen heard from yet. Mayor A. R. McElhaney will it once begin the erection of a nine-room residence in Whiteville Park, the contract having been let several days ago to Contractor A. A. Bradford. The erection of Mayor McElhaney's residence will mark the beginning of building operations in the Whiteville Park, the new residential section of the town which was opened some weeks ago. It is stated that a number of others who bought lots in the Park will build thereon in the near future. The report of K. Shannon, custodian of the Fort Mill Warehouse company indicates that 69 knlAo 1 V- l-.-J i.V uqico nave uccii rtrtciveu mis j year for which warehouse receipts have been issued. There1 have been sold on this market not over 100 bales so far and much of the cotton brought to the local gin is hauled back to the farms after being ginned to be held for higher prices. Without doubt a lot of cotton in the seed is being held in the country and the indications in this community is that the crop will be unexpectedly short. Several Candidates. There are a number of candidates for the position of clerk of the House of Representatives 1 ?* ?? v Lu uc vacant, wince ivir. .lames A. Hoyt has been elected a member of that body. Among those who have been out for some time are Mr. J. Wilson Gibbes, of Columbia, Mr. J. Rutledge McGhee, of Batesburg and one or two others. The latest entrant is Mr. Harold C. Booker, editor of the Spartanburg Journal. The place pays $800 a year, and the work is for only about two months. i I 10s FOR We are giving l 0 cents foi accounts, with the exception notes. Remember, we have a firs of our stores to select from, over our lines before buying. There's always somethins I we feel sure that our New Fc "It Pays to Trade With MILLS & Y "We Buy and Sel <Sx Save Your Money, i Buy where you get the best goods at the lowest prices. ^ Compare our goods and prices, and we will get your patron- ^ age every time. - - w New stock of the famous Harrisburg Shoes just arrived. ^ Have been selling these Shoes for 18 years and only had ^ three complaints in the whole 18 years. They fit better and ^ last about twice as long as other shoes at the same price. ^ They are made by honest Quakers at Harrisburg, Pennsyl- ? vania. If you want extra fine and stylish shoes, we have ^ the H. & M. line from Cincinnati. They can't be beat for ^ style and service. ^ When it comes to Millinery, we^cut the price in half, ^ and give you latest up-to-the-minute styles. We can keep a ? milliner in Baltimore four weeks a great deal cheaper than 'r keeping one here 8 months in a year, and give our custom- | ers the benefit of thts immense saving. Come see the new * goods. <j? I L J. Massey. i / # \ Order Coal NOW I * w I While We Can Guarantee Prices. f 1 . i We have on hand a big lot of XX AW* ? ? - ^ I LUAL bought before the recent ; war scare. Get your order in I now and be protcected against ; any advance in prices. Summer * | prices hold good until we dispose | Iof our present supply. Phone I 5. I I Stewart & Culp, j Quick Delivery Telephone No. IS v i QRyvy. -r '?' * \ v. V COTTON I r cotton in trade or on all j of payments on fertilizer t class line of goods in each It will pay you to look ! | new coming in here, and ill Goods will please you. i Mills & Young Co." OUNG CO. 11 Everything." The First Nat'I Bank \ Calls the attention of the pub- I lie to its statement of concli tion at the close of business I Sept. 12, 1914. Published ** by order of the Comptroller I of the Currency. t =zz= The First National Bank, | Mill . . - S T : * * " f + + <+ - + - + - "> M E A G H A M & EPFS Shoes, Shoes. You know that Epps sells the best Shoes. Take for your best shoes the "Bostonian." There is no better ami few as good. Every pair guaranteed to give satisfaction and all leathers. $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 and $5. Menz Ease is the best Work Shoe made. Ask anybody who have worn mem ana see wnat tney say. r.very pair Kiiaranteed and at the same old price, $3.50. Try a pair and if not satisfied all you .have to do is to say so. American Boy is the best Boy Shoe on earth. If you don't believe it, try a pair. We are headquarters for good shoes. MEACHAM Sc ERRS