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MKH MH1S? S" 3 SPIH : DOn HURT YOUR ' LIVER WITH CALOMEL When your liver becomes torpid and sluggish, you can take calomel and wnip it into action, but the calomel will leave your body weaker and sicker than ever. Calomel is a very power-, ful drug, a form of mercury, and need never be UBed because there is a perfect remedy to take .the place of calomel, that has all of calomel's good medicinal effects with none of its dangerous and uncertain follow-ups. Its name is Dodson's Liver Tone. Ardrey's Drug store sells Dodson's Liver Tone with the guarantee that if you don't find that it treats you much better than calomel, they will give you your money back with a smile. Dodson's Liver Tone is a true tonic for the liver, purely vegetable WlfVl Clink n nlnoonnf ofn 1 m*?v? i* ibii kiuv.ii a picaoaut utotr that it is no trouble to get children to take it. It is absolutely impossible for it to do anyone any harm. TAX NOTICE? 1S14. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 14. 1914. Notice in hereby Riven that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on THURSDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1914, and remain open until the 31 ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1914. for the collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1914, without penalty; after which day ONE per cent penalty will be added to all payment* made in the month of January, 1915, and TWO per cent penalty will be added to all payments made in the month of February, 1916, and SEVEN per cent penalty will be added to all navments made from the 1st day of Kfarch, 1915, to the 15th day of March, 1915, and after litis date nil unpaid taxes will fro into executions and nil unpaid Single Tolls will be turned over to the several M agist rates for prosecution in accordance with law* For the convenience of taxpayers. 1 will attend the following places on the days named: At YorkvillejThursduy, October 15. At Smyrna, Thursday, October 22. At Hicliory Grove, Friday and Saturday, October 23 and 24. At Sharon. Monday, October 26. At McConnellsville, Tuesday, October 27. At Tirzah, Wednesday, October 28. At Clover, Thursday and Friday, October 29 and 30. At Yorkvllle from Saturday, October 81, to Tuesday, November 3. At Coates's Tavern, from 8 o'clock a. m. Wednesday, November 4, to 8 o'clock p. in. At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, November 6 and 7. y* At Rock Hill, from Monday, November 9, to Saturday, November 14. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 16, until Thursday, the 31st day of December, 1914, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. Note?The Tax Books are made up Vy Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the township or townships in which their property or properties are located. HARIIY E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. TALK IS CHEAP and is alright in its place, but it won't run the furnace nor halcc bread. If you have hot air in your house or oven, it must be produced by burning fuel. We handle the very best Hard and Soft Coal and our prices are way down. Phone orders to 72. Quick delivery. Fort Mill Lumber Company, A. A. BRADFORD, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Estimates cheerfully furnished on all classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30. J. Harry Foster. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - - S. C. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu- ' ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Spraios^Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old | Sores, tetter, Rind-Worm, Ec- I xema. etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, j ' used internally or externally. 25c Ir. Rug's Isn Mssmrary sua hkcmw, cmsv ink uhml i I - P* ! ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. , * 'I Mr. T. M. Hughes, of Lancaster. spent several days in Fort' Mill on business. County School Superintendent John E. Carroll was in Fort Mill i Tuesday on business connected i :i.u V:. .ig? - * L wit/ii nu> uince. Mr. B. C. Ferguson is making some notable improvements to his home, on Ardrey Hill, the work being done by Mr. J. M. White. The two cotton mills in this city on Monday, last, went on a 10-hour day run, stopping afternoons at 5 o'clock, and operating only four days each wppW Mrs. J. T. Young and little son, Kenyon, left Monday evening for Birmingham, Ala., where they will spend two weeks as guests in the home of Mr. Thos. K. Lee. Misses Lana Parks, Mamie | Jack Massey and Esther McMurray left Tuesday evening to resume their studies at Winthrop college. Rock Hill, which began the 1914-15 term yesterday. The Times has received a communication this week from Flint Hill, but cannot publish same as the writer failed to sign his other name. We do not print ' anonymous communications. The ginnery of the Fort Mill Mfg. company, near the South ern station, has been running regularly for the last ten days, but a majority of the farmers are holding their cotton for higher prices. The regular fall examination for teachers' certificates to teach in the pubiic schools of the county will be held in Yorkville October 2, according to a notice from the county superintendent of education published in another column. Special attention is called to the half-page advertisement this week of the E. W. Kimbrell company. This enterprising firm is to have a special demonstration and sale of Majestic ranges during the next week and there is to be an expert from the factory with the firm to explain the merits of this celebrated range. All the ladies and children who would like to win a prize should read the Kimbrell adv. on pfege 4. The patrons of Flint Hjll school district are highly pleased at the prospect for a handsome and commodious new school building. At a meeting Tuesday of the trustees, at which County Superintendent Carroll was present, it was decided to build the new school and all but a few minor details were arranged for the building. The new building, which is to be modern in arrangement, will occupy a site just in front of the old building and work on it is expected to begin within a short time. Ten Cents for Cotton. One of the pleasing sights to the farmers of this community is the big banners hanging in the show windows of the Mills & Young company bearing the J words, "Ten Cents For Cotton." The Mills & Young company realize that the farmers hereabouts are facing a crisis through the extremely low price of their principal farm product and are determined to help better conditions. To this end the firm is making the very liberal proposition to take in cotton at 10cents per pound on all accounts with the exception of payment on fertilizer notes. And, further, the firm nrnnnsoa oIIaiu 1A . ... V |k'? vpx/UVk' w UIIV VT A V cents for cotton in exchange for goods from any of its several departments. This move on the part of the Mills & Young concern is being highly praised by the people of this section, as it gives the farmer an opportunity to settle his obligations with the firm, as well as to lay in his fall and winter supplies, at a price for his eotton which will at least i compensate him for the pro- j duction of the crop. FOR SAL'E?Two fresh Jersey Milch Cows. Also, lot of nic??. dry Pino Wood. Apply to L. M. Massey, or phone Qi ll WF Atia AH T T JLi mi/ VII % Some special prices on ou the Bargains we have for yoi Best quality Feather Tickir in, so this is new goods. Good Outing at 6c. Bett< Canton Flannel, bleach am money, 1 0 and 2 -2c. 3 quilt lining, only 3c. See new Chevists, wh< work shirts. New lot men's and $ 1.00. Hats for all at < Big line Boys' Suits, all styles and I We offer for cash a case of New 1 8 l-2c quality/for 7c. Nothing char 'It Pays to Trade Witt I MILLS & Y II = I OA V A I * ju i ears Ago Fort Mill's first and only Jewelry Store was opened by L. J. Massey. No other firm of any kind has ever lived so long in Fort Mill. Time and again would-be competitors came and looked over the field, but soon de- parted. Did you ever stop and think why it is that we have never had any competition? There is a reason for this. We have built our business on the lasting foun- < dation of INTEGRITY. This is the only foundation that will last HO years. Competitors were not willing to meet our prices, so, we did not have any competition, which made it harder on us as competition is the life of < trade. However, we are still living and hope to serve < you many more years. We thank you most heartily for your patronage and confidence, and hope to main- ? tain it on merit alone. | Ln. J. Massey. 1 ...... 9 f Order Coal NOW \ l While We Can Guarantee Prices. * I X * We have on hand a big lot of | ? CO AI. h HOrKt til ^ - - ? IL/X^lV/l U 1-11V_ lCtClll ^ war scare. Get your order in | ^ now and be protcected against ; any advance in prices. Summer * | prices hold good until we dispose | of our present supply. Phone 15. * V t Stewart & Culp, I | - | Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15 4 / f t ? ?< - # r 7 ; T / ? W ' / . t % M'":. '*/?v % ; * - . v. x, ering YOP ir Fall stock. Come and see * ? 1 each week. ig only 1 Oc. New case just | 4 ' sr quality for 1 Oc yard. d unbleach, the best for the 6 inch Sheeting, good for sn you need goods for good and boy's Caps, 25c, 50c ill prices. prices. Let us fit your boy. y and Monday. Sheeting, good weight for sheets, ged at sale prices. ' i Mills & Young Co." II Everything." l I Financial Aid | This bank is constantly on the alert for oppor- ? tunities to be useful in the upbuilding of this entire ^ community. We want to aid every industry that \ T seeks and merits our co-operation. The best way to be sure of this co-operation is to become a depositor of this bank. In this way we can get better acquainted, join forces and work to gether. * The First National Bank, | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. ME A CHAM & EPFS New Goods Arriving Every Day, Call to See Them. M EACH AM Sc EPPS , / ? t