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j * - *y V V * . 4 "" ^ MmaiONAL I SUNMTSaiOOL I FSSrtN . L/JL^Vl 1 (By E. O. SELLERS. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute, ^ | r|j_ LESSON FOR # SEPTEMBER 6 THE GREAT COMMANDMENT8. LESSON TEXT-Mark 12:28-44. GOLDEN TEXT?"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbor ' as thyself." Luke 10:27. This lesson considers a third question asked of our Lord; two others in this connection we studied last week. It was not so much a question of placing one commandment in competition with another, but rather which commandment most clearly epitomizes or reveals the final principle in law. It was the business of this scribe to know the law and to interpret the commandments. Jesus j lu his reply quotes from Deut. 5:4. j and from Lev. 19:18, which are both: in u sense an exposition of the Deca- | logue. Love the Basis. I, The answer of Jesus, vv. 28-34. The scribe's questiou seemed to he , quite specific and so the Lord strikes at once at the heart and by his quotation reveals to us the fact that the principle which is the inspiration of the law is that of love. In passing we have here another illustration of the master's ready use and knowledge of the Scripture. Jesus makes a four-fold summary. Man must love God with (a) the heart, e. g., in sincerity and uprightness; (b) with the soul, with the warmth of the emotions, and the feelings; (c) "with all thy mind," the intellect, not as a blind devotee; (d> with "strength," viz., with intensity of service, with energy. "To love God with all the heart and soul and mind and strength is to have supreme desire for and delight in God's glory, making everything else second to that." This statement is but half, for the complement of our love of God is to love man. Man created in God's image was "so loved" by God that he gave his son (John 3:16); man can do not less and must express that love in service to others. To fail in the first is to break tlio greatest of the commandments and therefore to be guilty of all, Rom. 3:23. Human and Deity. II. The question of Jeeus, vv. 35-? I Sgt H if * * ' ' , i L V J \ v , ' j\ . ?/ * LttS^C, ? W'mV VV'S; - x--t lS U S, - iV," .. ' ?* - ; V*'*}?... 57. Our-Lord's question in return was a Messlaatc one and ho. grounds j hi8 argument on tlfe HOth Psalm, a ] Messianic one. Jesus is inferior to David as his son according to the j flesh but superior to him as lord of t the kingdom of which David himself < is a subject and not the* sovereign. ' ] Christ is both human and deity; his ^ kingdom is spiritual and earthly sov- | erelgns are honored it they are his ; subjects. ] III. The teaching of Jesus, vv. 38- ( 40. The word doctrine" in verse 38 j Is translated "teaching" in the re-1. vision. These words of warning are ( full of soleYnn significance. The i scribes, and they have their imitators j today, sought the places of prefer-,, ment. the seats of honor in the syna- \ gogue and the chief places at the ] feasts The mgtive that governed them was a selfish one. They de-] vonred widows' houses, and sought to < cover their covetousness and dishon- ] esty by long prayers and a pretense ] of piety. This brought upon them the "greater condemnation," Matt. 24:51. J 1 Law and love is here again In con- i trast. Law must become life. IV. The view of Jesus, vv. 41-44. Jesus had one look of love and compassion for his friends and the needy and another that was exceedingly ter- . rible for his enemies. Thus it was as a master teacher that he saw right at hand an illustration for his lesson. an application of the truth in tho case of the widow who gave out of her , penury and because of her love for Clod, supporting these enrping, selfish scribes. She had two mites iabout fourth-fifths of a cent) and inlvht bavo . Woolens ai Have Ad I If the war lasts any lengl sible to obtain Wool Suiting before war was declared en; dandy suit of C at the prices are even cheaper, as clothing business. McElhan* / White =- ....T1BBBB Masse 1 . '*24 ' ?. " ^ * . . V * ' ' " 1 <* ? >v . v* withheld <jTne~ except* that the"rabbis 'orbade the .offering of a single one. Her lore, however, went beyond -the 'tenth" and she gave "all,** therefore :n proportion to their means she "cast more than they all," see II Cor. 8:12. Offerings are needed still for the lord's work. Jesus is "over against the treasure" and "sees" who it la hat "casts in" how much they cast ind tbe motive behind the gift. The maste-'z iicndard ot a commendable jffcring is u*?t according to our superfluity, but ou deficiency, not what will be missed bu* what of sacrifice ind in proportion thereto. Not to please man, but God. Read II Cor. J: 1-3. Our Lord's valuation of gifts ?ast into the treasury remains for all time the true standard of measurement. The love of God unifies a man. We love because he first loved us, and In proportion as we truly apprehend his love, all that we have of heart, life, strength and mind, yea, our whole nature will unite in love. It is this which unifies society. To love him that begets Is to love him that 1b begotten. To love God is to love man and to keep all of the divine commands that concern our relations to him. No. 666 This is a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c I id Leathers Ivanced. th of time, it will be imposes, and our having bought sbles us to sell you a Jim- I old prices; in fact, some I we are going to quit the ey & Co. W \\ 2? mmjinj^pP^ :y's Dru / When I Have Time. When I have time I'll send for ? you- , And look your proposition through. I'm feeling now so strong and well I don't just need the goods you" sell. n _ !i. -? i e ** oo wan, yes, wan, good inepa of mine Till I have time. Today the ball game starts at three Tonight we have some friends for tea. But someday I intend to take Protection for my family'si sake. To tarry thus is not a crime Till I have time. But one day he was called to rest And left an unprotected nest. He does not hear the hurrying tread Of a busy world in it's fight for bread And he now has time. Dead loads of time TODAY is the time The UNION CENTRAL the company. BAILES & LINK, j District Agents. "The Lowest Net Cost of All." Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they goon a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if good material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us figure with you on your next bill. Fori Mill Lumber Company, Paintc for ^ If there is s sh painted, enameled, way, we have just exact finish desired ACA Let us show yo barn, samples of hi 'ceilings or furniture places look new and i COME IN and PAINTING GUID1 Enamel, Stain or Var how it should he put painter or decorator for YOU to refinish not require the skill < ^ A ? uui uuiiici wiui. n? g Store, - '-V-: -. '.-"'^1 . , r 4 J 6 It is our purpose to handle | any and all business entrustsd 8 to us in such a fair and liberal " "I 1 manner as to make all our pat- ! rons' relations with this bank I both satisfactory and profitable. I Savings Bank. II ?. < ? ? i I | t t * I Massey's | "The Right" Drug Store ? 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