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ANNOU NCEMENTS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce as a candidate for County Commissioner of York County snbject to the rules of the Democratic party. H. R. M^RRITT. .IU. Yorkville, R. F. D. 3. For County Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Supervisor of York cuunty, subject to the rules of the Democratic pnmarv. Hi J. ZINKER. For Auditor. 'V We are authorized to announce Broadus M. Love as a candidate for reelection to the office of County Auditor, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary. For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection to the office of County Treasurer of York county, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. HARRY E. NEIL. House of Representatives. I hereby announce my candidacy for the House of Representatives, subject to the result of the Democratic primary. I solicit the votes of those who feel that I have the capacity to serve the State and county worthily. W. R. BRADFORD. We are authorized to announce EMMET W. PURSLEY of King's Mouni tain township as a candidate for the House of Representatives, subject to the choice of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the House of * Representatives, subject to the action of the Democratic party in the coming primary election. A. E. HUTCHISON. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. Samuel N. Johnson as a candidate for the House of Representatives subject to the action of the Democratic party in the approaching primary election. For Superintendent of Education. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Education subject to the action of the Democratic partvin the coming primary. JOHN E. CARROLL. The Times is authorized to announce that J. C. Cork is a candidate for Superintendent of Education of York county, subject to the rules of the Democratic party and the regulations of the Democratic primary. For Magistrate. The Times is authorized to announce MR. W. L. HALL as a candidate for Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to the rules of the approaching primary election. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. R. 1'. Harris as a cannidatc for reelection to the office of Magistrate of Fort Mill township, subject to the will of the voters in the approaching 9 Democratic primary. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate, for Magistrate of Indian Land township, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. J. D. POTTS. For Township Supervisor. Friends of Mr. FRED NIMS authorize The Times to announce him as a candidate for the office of Supervisor of Fort Mill township, subject to the rules of the Democratic primary. A. A. BRADFORD. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Estimates cheerfully furnished on all classes of brick and wood work. Telephone No. 30. When I Have Time. I When I have time I'll send for you. And look your proposition through. I'm feeling now so strong and well I don't just need the goods j you sell. So wait, yes, wait, good friend : of mine Till I have time. Today the ball game starts at three Tonight we have some friends for tea. But someday I intend to take Protection for my family's! sake. To tarry thus is not a crime Till I have time. But one day he was called to rest And left an unprotected nest. He does not hear the hurrying i tread Of a busy world in it's fight for bread ? And he now has time. Dead loads of time TODAY is the time?The UNION CENTRAL the company. BAILES & LINK, District Agents. "The Lowest Net Cost of All." Br. Kite's New Discovery K?LLt TMCOMH. CVKI THE LUHftt . . | ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEAEST. The annual August meeting | at Flint Hill Baptist church will begin next Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steele and little sons left Monday morning by auto for Columbia,, where i they are spending the week with i relatives. Rev. .T. C. Flardin. of Summer1 ville. Ga.. has accepted a call to I the pastorate of the Piheville I Presbyterian church and will : move his family to that place during the week. The York county board of registration will spend next Wednesday in Fort Mill for the purpose of issuing certificates to the voters of the township. Mrs. R. W. Hamilton and daughter Miss Lenora, of Union, who have been guests at the home of Osmond Barber, 4 miles east of town, have gone on an extended visit to relatives in Charleston, W. Va. On account of the absence from Fort Mill of the Rev. W. A. Hafner, there will be no preaching at Confederate Park next Sunday evening. Mr. Hafner is this week conducting a meeting at Montville, Laurens county, and will not return in time to hold services next Sunday evening. Edward Bailes. a young farmer of Upper Fort Mill, and Miss Alta Therrell, a Pleasant Valley young lady were happily married last evening at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Therrell. A large number J of friends of tne bride and groom | witnessed the ceremony. The Times is informed that Luke McCall, a mill operative who formerly worked in one of the mills in this city, was last j week tried and convicted of | manslaughter in the court at i Danville, Va., and sentenced to | live years in the State peniteni tiary. W. L. Ferguson, one of Fort Mill's crack ball players, on Monday received a handsome necktie as a reward for having batted a home-run in a game of ball at Greenwood last Wednesday. Citizens of Greenwood offered a prize to the player who would bat a home-run and Mr. Ferguson. who is noted for his stickwork, copped the prize. Joe McGinnis, a second hand in the spinning room of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company, fell dead at his work FViday morning shortly after the mill began work. His health had not been good for some time past but his death was a shock to his friends. He had been employed here for a number of years and is survived by his wife and four children. The home of Mr. Ira A. Patterson in Barbersville section was the scene of a happy gathering Tuesday when a reunion of the Patterson family, together with a number of friends, was held. The Patterson family is one of the largest families in Barbersville community, and something like 100 of the children, grandchildren and near relatives of Mr. Ira Patterson were present Tuesday to enjoy the hospitality of the home. Sam F. Massey Dead. Postmaster B. H. Massey was j summoned to Columbia Wednes- j day at noon on account of the death of his brother. Mr. Sam F. Massey. which occurred in that city Tuesday night as a result of paralysis. The remains were brought to Fort Mill on the 0 nV't/wl.' 1fQ i n I fiat ? >'! ? val-v.> VIWI1I IUOV nielli <11111 lilt: burial will be made in new Unity cemetery this morning at 10 o'clock. . Sam F. Massey was in his 69th year and was a native of Lancaster, although the greater part of his life was spent in this city. He was a Confederate veteran and some years ago entered the Soldiers' home in Columbia. He is survived by two doughters, Miss Mary Massey, of Lancaster, and Miss Frances Massey, of Rock Hill. There are also surviving a large number of relatives in this sec- j tion. To Our Friends: PROFIT-SHA Commencing with this notice we ports with every cash purchase, you may select from our catalog, I premium coupon. Save Youi See that you get coupons, and t enough saved to get a fine Dinner J Every article described in our catal turer to be of the best qualitv. An standard will be cheerfully replaced We kindly ask you not to bring i cially during the busy season, as we attention we would like. With the prices on merchandise 1 an/"] n r*r"^miiinr? r>/Ai vt..v> ?.? |/.v niiuiu v^uupun wim every our business during the year. Thanking you for past favors we assure you we will always try to me MILLS & Y I "We Buy and S< New Fall Goods Just Arrived Now is the time to get the children ready for school. Blue Bell Cheviot and Amoskeag Ginghams are the best goods on the market at 10c. They make ideal suits for boys and dresses for girls. See our big bargains in Enameled Ware and Gold Band Porcelain at 10c. We still have a few $3.50 Shoes at 95c, and lots of Summer Goods at half price. Come and get some of these bargains. L J. Massey. <?> . t m I I Big Fresh Shipment j I of I .oaf Fair#* ** \X7E have all varieties? * * * pound, raisin, spice or * chocolate, nice and fresh. * | Try them. | I lOc I I Stewart & Culp, | Quick Delivery Telephone No. 15. f v ? lkunu rl will give Profit-!! They are good for Slo other slip will r Coupons before you know 3et or some other og is guaranteed ything that does n( n your coupons on ? do not have time that has made tin purchase you wi ask a continuance irit your patronage fOUN< ell Everything." | Our D ? You frequently hear i | "The Bank is I 4. This bank is behind 4 ? positors to the full limi ? whenever such deposit t ble purpose. We invite and fully J depositors. ? _ t ? \ The First 1 ? Fort M All People! Know ye that we have on exhibition the finest stock of high class goods we have ever had the privilege of offering the people of this section. OUR PRICES are marvelously attractive and our assortment a wonder of new ideas and We also give coupons \ a swell line of July prem McElha \ ====???? I AN l I Sharing Cou- g any article that I be considered a it you will have valuable present, by the manufac)t come up to the i Saturdays, espe- 1 to give you the I lis store popular ill surely double of the same arid I CO. epositors. \ it remarked that iehind a certain man." ? *ach and every one of its de- ^ t of sound banking practice ors show a sincere and lauda- + respect the confidence of our National Bank, \ lill, - - - S. C. i I?I I profcressiveness. vith each cash purchase and have liums. ney & Co. | 'i