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A Smith-Blease Near-Scrap. At the opening of the sena-! torial campaign in St. Matthews Wedneseay Senator E. D. Smith I and Governor Blease came near1 to blows when a statement with regard to the appointment of James L. Sims as United States Marshal was brought into question. Senator Smith advanced ! as if to strike Governor Blease. envincr "Ma mon in tKo III W liv image of God could call me a liar," when the chairman of the j meeting interferred and the fight! ^ ' was avoided. Road Tax Now Due. The attention of all concerned is called to the fact that the Commutation Road Tax of Three Dol.ars is now due and payable on or before July 1. 1914, after which date no commutation tax moneys can be accepted under the law. Persons failing to pay the $3.00 Commutation Tax on or before Julv 1. will be liable to Five Days' service on the road. HARRY E. NEIL. Treasurer of York County. PLEASAN1 WAY TO STOP CONSTIPATION Dodion't Liver Tone Take* the Place of Disagreeable Calomel and It* Often Dangerous After-Effect*. You probably know that calomel is a poison, a form of, mercury, very dangerous to a great many people and sometimes causing disagreeable after-effects fr\v noorlu o\ror\mtio urtin t vino it I &VTA AIVMI IJ V? VI JVHV ?T UVf tl IV U IV* J Dodson's Liver Tone is recommended as a perfectly safe and reliable remedy to take the place of calomel. This is exactly what it is made for and has been made for ever since the first bottle was put up and sold. Dodson's Liver Tone is pretty widely imitated. But be careful to judge between the loud boasts of the imitators and the plain truth of the original. Dodson's Liver Tone is sold and guaranteed by Ardrey's Drug store who will refund purchase price (50c.) instantly with a smile if you are in any way dissatisfied. Dodson's Liver Tone is a palatable vegetable liquid. Its! action is easy and natural, with j no gripe, no pain and the after- j effects are pleasant instead of disapreeable. Dodson's Liver , Tone does not interfere with your regular duties, habits and I diet, but builds and strengthens instead of weakening you or "knocking you all out" for days. Try Dodson's and feel better ^ and brighter, as thousands have. MRS. W. W. LAKE ... ? Tells Others How to Get Strong and Well. Mm. W. W. Lake of Aberdeen, MIrb.. saya: "The grippe had left mo In a weak, run-down condition from which 1 suffered for some time. I tried different remedies but nothing seemed to do me any Rood until I took Vinol, from which I received great benefit. My cough is almost entirely gone and I am strong ami well again, and I am glnd to recommend Vinol to others who sufTer as I did." w- ? _ . . ?ira. liiKo s recovery was duo to the combined action of the medicinal elements extracted from cods' livers ?oombined with the blood making and strength creating properties of tonic iron, which are contained in Vinol, and her cough disappeared aa a natural result We guarantee that Vinol will do all we claim and wilt pay back your money if Vinol does not satisfy you. P. S. Stop scratching, our Saxo Salve stops Itching. We guarantee it W. B. Ardrev, Druggist, FORT Mill. S. C. Pinion Central Uife insurance Co. i I >4 u BAILES & LINK, District Agents. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. |! James Cansler, of Tirzah, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. i S. E. Bailes of Pleasant Valley, attended a reunion of his class at Clemson college the last week. Mrs. John B. Erwin has been dangerously ill for a week or more at her home in this city. Edgar Williams of Richmond. Va,. was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McElhaney the last week. Miss kittie kirkpatrick returned to her home in this city Monday afternoon from NewYork City, where she has taken a year's course in music. Mrs. John W. Ardrey has re- | turned to her home* here from ' an extended visit to her daugh- J ters, Mrs. Jesse Oldham, of! Charlotte, and Mrs. George Stewart of Maxton, N. C. Dr. J. Lee Spratt will attend the 44th annual session of the) South Carolina State Dental 1 Association, which meets this week in Greenville. The local lodge of Freemasons have extended invitations to the i members and their families to attend a basket picnic to be held i near the home of Mr. F. Nims | on June 24, the day being one of j the festival days of the order. Mrs. Hat tie Mack left Fort j Mill last Wednesday night accompanied by Miss Hattie Relk, and William Mack, Jr., for a two weeks' visit to her sons, William and Harry Mack in New York city. Carl Faris, of Gold Hill, re?n,.ra/l TUa Tlw, 1 | 'Ui iru lu J lie lllllC? jcoicruav that he had seen several cotton blooms in the field of .1. H. Bailes. north of town. These are the first blooms reported J hereabouts this season. The Red Racket 5 and 10 cent store, owned by J. N. Atwater. was an Monday closed out to the Patt Tson Dry (leods Company which will incorporate the stock in its present business. Mr. Atwat' r will leave Fort Mill in a s tort time to take up his residence in S; artanburg. Miss Louise McMur.ay, who taught school at Estill the last 1 session, is spending: several weeks at Blowing Rock and other points in the mountains of i Western North Carolina. Miss McMurray was accompanied to th:> mountains by Miss Daisy Vaughn, of Beaufort, and Miss Frances Talliaferro, of Orange, Va., who had been her guests here for a short time. The Public Works Commission has .purchased a lot on Ardrey Hill from J. H. Pailes on which the water tank in the waterworks system will be located. The location is at a point almost the highest in town. A lease of the Spratt well, from which the town's supply of water will be | inl.A r? - 1 " 1 running iwr a period 01 ton voars at the option of the commissioners, v. as also completed. Rev. R. L. Holroyd, of Rock Hill, presidirg elder of the Rock Hill district or theM. E. church, was in Fort Mill Monday in conference with the building committee of the three churches composing the Fort Mill charge. The matter of greatest interest in hand was the rebuilding of the parsonage which was burned here about 18 months ago. A handsome and commodious structure will be built of brick, and the work will begin at once. In answer to an inquiry of The Times man, Mr. C. P. lilankenship, of Gold Hill, stater! that he would stand for renomination in the coming primary for the office of township supervisor. Mr. Rlankenship also added that for some time he had entertained the idea of not making the race again, but that many of his friends had urged him to stand for reelection, and that for this reason he would again be a candidate. A movement was put on foot some davs aim hv f! W RlaL-oxr of the Rock Hill Y~. M. C. A.7toi have a competitive relay race on July 4 between the Boy Scouts of Rock Hill. Fort Mill and Charlotte. The course to be run is that between Charlotte and Rock Hill, and the Scouts will be required to carry a letter by relays j of one quarter mile each from j the Mayor of Charlotte to the1 mayor of Rock Hill. The dis-! tance to be covered is about 27 miles, hence about 108 boys will be required to make the run. Vv, " y*Z< -;-h * ' 1 % %v * /.'A -/ ; V x'*'* i I A II or Saturday and Monday, big lol ors, on sale?the 25c bolts at 18c; th Also several lots Linen Torchon L It will pay you to attend cur week special sale prices. MILLS &~Y "We Buy and Se Special Shoe Sale I QC I %JkJ ^ld. For choice of 200 pairs of Ladies^ and Children's Shoes. Many of them are our regular $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes. No such bargains were ever offered you before. Come and get first choice. All Summer goods must go while it is summer. All Hats half price. Come see the goods. The prices will do the rest. L. J. Massey. fUse The Line.] | I f Tell Miss Central to give you No. 15. Then * tell us what you need in the way of t I Good Groceries. I A Our Qtnflf nnxrnr rnna rlftu/n on<1 ???*?? _ ?- V v? A wvnw, UiAU \J V \JA J U1 UtlC f sent out from this house must be absolutely ? first-class in every way. Try a pound of our Sliced Boiled Ham and * Sliced Breakfast Bacon ? j Stewart & Culp, | Quick Delivery Telephone No. IS. I | ... , ... UllCllUUJ Last week we received more Ne\ come and look at these. We alwa> keep the goods long. Some of the Several bolts Pretty "Dolly Madison HI a r\ 1 * r ! * ' * ^tu-incti Voile in pink, tan and blue, Pretty Figured Lawns at 1 Oc. Dont forget we are headquarters for ranging from 4c to 45c. Ladies' Long Gloves in white and bl Ladies' Silk Hose in pink, light blu< I and white, 25c. Ladies' Cook Aprons, best quality C New lot Shepherd Plaid Skirts, $ 1.9 | Our Special Kv- v''"wv'""' "*Vt 'J.--:*' ' ' - '\ v . * V^* -'< ' '* ' ' " *&>' "* - u. ' ' ;* ; >vj. 1 .a -? a Please! v Goods, and it will pay you to rs have something new?just can t New Things. Crepe at 10c the yard. ? at 20c. Same goods in white. 1 5c. | Laces. Everything pretty at prices I 1 lack, 50c and $1.00 I I red, lavender, navv blue, black 1 ? iinghams, fast colors, 50c. P 8. Serge Skirts, $2.50 to $5.00. ? L Cash Sale I t Stickerie Braid, all the pretty colle 10c bolts at 7c; the 5c bolts at 3c. ^ace, 8 and 10c quality, 5c. ly sales. Nothing charged at these X>UNG CO. | sll Everything." | ^ W?EM?III III IBIIIBI | This is "My Bank" ! That's the way we want you to feel when you t * come into this bank. We realize that next to safety, w the best advertisement a bank can have is the treat ^ ment it affords its customers. And it is the aim ot ^ each individual officer of this bank to see that each - patron is served with thoughtfulncss and courtesy. . They want patrons to feel "at home" here and free to % cosnult them upon any matter that will facilitate + . their banking transactions. ? t f 1 The First National Bank, I 7 Fort Mill, - - - S. C. * <% McElhaney & Co. j Phone 26, f. General Merchandise. | 1 ' '