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" ' ." I ' I , ? FORT MILL, S. c7j GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. A. R. McELHANEY Mayor 1 C. S. LINK Clerk D. N. GASTON...Chief of Police j | DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. No. SI Southbound 6:00 a. m. j * ?? No. 36 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I No. 27 Southbound 5:27 p. m. I (No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. f No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. 1 No. 32 Northbound 9:02 p. m. f Mn 113 SmitKKniiml 11 *R7 o m t 1 No. 114 a. m. T f Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at f 1 Fort Mill only when flagged. 1 ( MAILS CLOSE. I 3 For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. j I For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. I 3 For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. J I Note?No mail is despatched on [ 1 trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 J [ and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, f 3 POSTOFFICE HOURS. 3 * Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I | Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. 5 to 5:30 p. m. ^ Cash Coupons Taken at the "Movie." For every 10 cents spent at Ardrev's Drug: Store today and tomorrow you will receive a Cash Coupon of one cent which will apply on an entrance ticket to the Majestic Theatre Friday afternoon and night, when a special program is on for the benefit of the Home Missionary Society. Purchases amounting to one dollar will secure one adult entrance. Seven cents in cash and three cents in coupons will secure an entrance. In other words, the coupons will pass at their face value at ticket booth Same as money Amounts paid on account will receive one-half value in coupons. Coupons now outstanding will be honored at the Theatre for entrance. ARDREY'S DRUG STORE. P. S. In order to save time and confusion, return the Coupons to our store, where a ticket to the Theatre will be exchanged for them. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Eczema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c Did you ever think That if you can hardly make ends meet now, what your wife and children would do were the family income cut off by your death? Would you miss eight or ten cents a day now? That mucl will carry $1,000 of life insurance in the {Union Central Hife A guaranteed estate which cannot be taken from you. TAKE IT NOW, for you may not be able to get it next week. BEST POLICIES BEST COMPANY Three Hundred and Eighty-Five Million Dollars of Insurance in Force. Lowest iset Lost 01 ail BAILES & LINK, m ' District Agents. Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they goon a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if good material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us figure with you on your next bill. Fwt MiU Lumber Company, 4 r . 4 \ V A \ I , ~rr [ ITqiS Of LOCAL IHTEREp. By a vote of 153 to 59 tie city of Rock Hill on Monday voted to adopt a commission form of government with a city manager. Mrs. J. T. McGregor and children, of Fofest City, N. C., are guest0 at the home of Mrs. Augusta Culp, on Confederate street. | Mrs. J. C. Hunter and little daughter, of Liberty, S. C., are | visiting at the home of Mrs. j Hunter's father, Mr. L. .T. Mas| sey, in this city. Miss Isabel Fewell, of Rock Hill, was the guest Saturday and Sunday of Miss Isabel Grier in this city. Miss Vivian Neely, of Ebenezer, spent Sunday in Fort Mill as the guest of Miss Isabel Massey. I Miss Carrie Belle Poag, of Rock Hill, is a guest this week of Miss Cammie Smith in this city. Friends of Mr. David A. Lee will regret to know that he is seriously ill at his home on Forest street. Dr. J. L. Spratt, VV. B. Meacham, .Jr., and .1. M. Massey left Monday for Atlanta where they are attending the Shriners convention. Mr. T. F. Lytic and family several days ago moved into the cottage on East Booth street} recently bought by Mr. Lytle : from Mr. S. W. Parks. Winthrop's birthday being celebrated as a holiday at Winthrop college Tuesday, several Fort Mill young lady students of that institution spent the day at their homes in this city. An infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thomasson, one of the twins which came to their home about six weeks ago, died Friday and was buried Saturday in New Unity cemetery. Mrs. Lizzie Ormand, of (irattan, together with Mr. Rochelle Sutton and Miss Myrtle Sutton of the township, left several days ago for a visit to relatives in St. Petersbnrg, Fla. Mrs. E. L. Mace arrived in Fort Mill Sunday evening from Marion and, with her husband, has taken board with Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Carothers on White street. Dr. Mace has charge of the prescription department of the Massey drug store. Report on the streets Monday j was to the effect that Mayor A. R. McElhaney had traded his house and lot on Spratt street to Mr. .]. H. Bailes for the latter's plantation in upper Fort Mill tow nship. Following the custom of sevi eral years, the 7 o'clock closing hour was adopted by the merchants of Fort Mill on May 1. The plan will he continued through August. At a special meeting last Wednesday evening of the directors of the First National Bank of Fort Mill the bank's pro rata share in the capital stock of the regional bank at Richmond. Va.. was authorized. The discovery of stolen goods several days ago in the woods just north of town it was hoped would lead to the apprehension of the parties who burglarized the stores of Meacham & Epps and the Mills & Young company on the night of May 1. hut up i to this time no clue has been i found. Memorial day was fittingly observed Sunday afternoon by the people of Fort Mill and vicinity. The exercises began at the Presbyterian church at 4:30 o'clock and were concluded at New Unity cemetery, where - * - * ' me graves gi me soiuier dead | were beautifully decorated with flowers by the school children. The management of the Majestic Theatre has agreed to donate a portion of the receipts of Friday's performance to the i ladies of the Home Missionary society and a cordial invitation is extended the people of the town and vicinity to visit the theatre and aid in the work for charitv. , The board of trustees of the Fort Mill school met Monday evening to fill two vacancies in the faculty, caused by the refusal of the places by teachers who had been elected at a former meeting of the hoard. The names of those selected for the places were, however, withheld by the board until it could be learned whether the parties i named would accept. 1 The Tiire8 is requested to state that the first of the summer open-air services in Confederate Park will be held by Rev. W. A. Hafner next Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The public is cordially invited to* attend this and other' services to be held in the park this summer. The supper of the Baraca class of the Fort Mill Baptist church on Friday evening was reported to have been one of the most enjoyable occasions of the season. About 30 members of the class with a few invited guests were present. Prof. Lueco Gunter, of Rock Hill, delivered a very interesting and instructive talk to the Baracas. One of The Times' young lady friends from Gold Hill called at this office Mondny to report a picnic held Friday by the young people of her section on Steel Creek. There were upwards of 100 young people in the picnic party, and the occasion was described as being one of great pleasure for the large number present. In some of the counties of the State the newspapers are carrying numbers of announcements for candidates for county officers, but in York county if there is a man who cares for election, or reelection, he has not made the fact known through the newspapers. Police Officer D. N. Gaston returned to his home in this city Monday from Charlotte, where for several weeks he has been a patient at one of the hospitals. Mr. Gaston is slowly improving in health and it is expected that he will soon be able to again assume his duties as chief of police. Announcement is made by the Southern railway that a special train will he operated between C hester and Charlotte on May 20, the occasion being the celebration of the anniversary of the Mecklenburg Delaration of Independence. The special train will pass Fort Mill going north at 8:10 a. m., and returning will leave Charlotte at 10:30 p. m. The round trip fare will be 90 cents. Cemetery Keeper J. H. Patterson has had a force of hands engaged for several days in cleaning off the two and one-half acres of land which was purchased by the town from Col. Leroy Springs some months ago and which will be taken in as an addition to New Unity cemetery. The land lies just north of the present cemetery. The meeting of the county j commissioners to award the con-1 tract for the county home building:. was not held Saturday, as had been announced, on account of the fact that several contractors who intend to submit bids, asked for more time to prepare estimates. The meeting: was postponed to next Thursday. * * * The acts of the general assembly for 1914 have been sent to the clerk of the court for distribution among the county officials and magistrates of the county.?York News. Ardrey's ad. will interest you. Look it up. YOUR MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT Leading Druggist* Will Refund Pur- I chase Price of Dodson's Liver Tone if You're Dissatisfied. Ardrey's drug store may not be willing to guarantee the safety and reliability of calomel for constipation and sluggish liver, but this store will and does stand back of Dodson's Liver Tone with an unconditional guarantee to refund the full purcnase price (,r>0c) instantly without question if you are not satisfied in every way with Liver Tone and its results. If you take calomel, perhaps you will seem to get temporary relief, but it often happens that the after-effects are at least unpleasant and sometimes dangerous. Calomel in large doses is a poison and actually deadly to some perhaps to you and hence its use means taking chances. With Dodson's Liver Tone you are always safe. Its reliability is so certain that it can be sold with the money-back guarantee. I It is a vegetable liquid, pleasant to take, and it cannot harm. It clears up the dulled and aching head and cleans out the clogged system in what many have found to be a wonderful way. Dodson's Liver Tone will do for you what it has done for thousands and you run no risk in trying it. Ask W. B. Ardrey about Dodson's and the guarantee. 1 1 >UTH OAEOUNA ' . 111 i IAIN OP r man, woman and I New line "I Monday at 7 c and children. MILI Special B At L. J. IS 25c Crepe 25c Suiting" 'T?r> \'rki1r? 15c Crepe 15c Ginghams 15c Foulard 15c Batiste Lots of Ladies' Hats at 1-2 Sewing Machines and Piano One $30 Boys' Bicycle, $19.; We have the best stock of S 9x12 foot Art Squares at $2, Lots of Bargains in every d L. J. IV & j Use Th Tell Miss Central to g * tell us what you need ! Good G Our stock never runs ( sent out from this hoi ^ first-class in every wa J Sliced Boile Sliced Breal | Stewart Quick Delivery Notice to Farmers: The Charlotte Semi- Weekly Observer is the only newspaper iit the South that allows Farmers to advertise Free of Charge, and the Semi-Weekly Observer prints all the news that's lit to print. Do you Want anything? Have you anything to Sell? Send your advertisement and it will be published Three Times Free of Charge and you will get the paper two weeks Free. Address "1'he Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer, Charlotte, fj. C. k 6ARC In which even money buy yc values, and th< trade with us < Just receive< means we ha\ Something ] wide, cnly 1 2 Marseilles F and dresses, 2 See our Sill? Everything i SI.00 Pretty >u the greatest amounl s very newest styles ii md we assure you yoi d our third shipment c e been selling goods f Dretty and new in Fr< l-2c. See this. We Misse in plain and figu Oc the yd. : Hose in white, black in Hosiery from the in Summer Serges 50c < Our Specia )olly Madison" Crepe, yard. The very late* A visit to our store \ LS & Y "We Buy and Sc bargains I n a ccrv>c I I O. 15c . . 15c 15c .. 10c : ioc 10c 10c price. >s 1-2 price. 50. shoes in town at lowest prices. .50. epartment. lassey. ie Line, i I ive yon No. 15. Then *i ? i w inc: unr suuiiiiiiing rne Dest ar- g ranged, most correct and largest list ? of lames before the 17th day of | May we will give $5.00 in gold. | McElhaney & Co. I i HI iuc wuy ui 7 roceries. l town, and every article ise must be absolutely " y. Try a pound of our i d Ham and kfast Bacon & Culp, f Telephone No. IS. Every Woman SHOULD 0% f" PER EARN 9?>VWEEK lino of boautiful wool suiting, wash fabrics, fancy waistings, silks, hdkfs, petticoats, etc. Up to date N. Y. City Imttorns. Finest lino on the market, dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. If others can make $lu.(hi to $30.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sample caae, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. He first to apply. Standard Dress Coods (Company, 100 1st St. liinghamton, N. Y. nmS?i ?????: P0RTDN1T1ES child should share. Make your h rvf p?iflf?fi,?/'fl/\r? f _/-wl- 4-U rv vr^v.r l~ ?.<%! H l ui ocx uoi amvjt i vjcl ll 1c v ci y uc5>1 i everything you buy. To do this nr dollars and cents will go farther. * )f Spring and Summer goods. That ast. A good line to select from, mch Tissue, a bargain, 30 inches know you will like it. res, 30-inch goods, for gowns, waists ! and fancy colors, best yet at 25c. r ? - - itants to the grown-ups' at 1 Oc to and $ 1.00. 1 Cash Sale , which goes on sale Saturday and st for waists, dresses for both ladies vill be a revelation to you. 'OUNG CO. *11 Everything." ! DIVIDENDS | (Payable Quarterly) * t I 4 Every 90 days deposits in our Savings Department earn a 4 DIVIDEND, which is either payable at once in cash or if added to the principal earns compound interest. Several hundred people have taken into consideration the T safety of their money handled by us under rules and regu- * lations made by the^United States Government, and the fact ? that they can get their money at a minute's notice and are 1 4 receiving these QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS from us. 4 . We invite you to call at our bank and discuss an invest ment of this kind with us. ! The First National Bank, i Fort Mill, - - - S. C. | t $5.00 in Gold We will give $5.00 in Gold to the person submitting to us the most complete list of names, addresses and occupations of people ever I 0 years of age, white and colored. We 1 want the name of every person in l ort Mill and the township, with the R. F. D. numbers. T~ 4-1 1 .i i