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j FORT MILL, S. C. j ' GENERAL INFORMATION. : f - I CITY GOVERNMENT. \ A. R. McELHANEY Mayor / C. S. LINK Clerk $. i D. n. gaston...Chief of Police t ; departure of trains, f l4o. 31 Southbound 6:00 a. m. i ?? No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I i No. 27 Southbound 5:27 p. m. j No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. \ No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. | i No. 32 Northbound 9:02 p. m. f i ? No. 113 Southbound.. 11:57 a. m. i No. 114 Northbound..11:57 a. m. J Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at f Fort Mill only when flagged. 1 ! MAILS CLOSE. I For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. J For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. I For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. J Note ? No mail is despatched on f trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 j and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, f POSTOFFICE HOURS. j Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I ] Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. 5 to 5:30 p. m. i WATERMELON Seed, GANTELOUPE Seed, a ft nnrii UAKUtN Seed. Largest and best assortment at Ardrey's Drug Store. Did you ever think That if you can hardly make ends meet now, what your wife and children would do were the family income cutoff by your death? Would you miss eight or ten cents a day now? That much will carry $1,000 of life insurance in the ? Union Central TLife A guaranteed estate which cannot be taken from you. TAKF. TT NOW for you may not be able to get it next week. BEST POLICIES BESTCOMPANY Three Hundred and Eighty-Five Million Dollars of Insurance in Force. "Lowest Net Cost of All." BAILES & LINK, District Agents. Ill NytwSParticular Mechanics are always pleased when they go on a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if good material is used, and the work is better, too. I^et us figure with you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company, OVER 66 YEARS' E X RI E N C Trade Marks ^h|H||Iv Designs T TWIT* Copyrights Ac. Anyone tending a aketrh and description may quickly aacertnln our opinion froe oiiotlmr an Invantlon Is probably patontable. CommunionUnnaatrlrtly confidential. HANDbOQK onl'ateiite ant free. ( Idaat aeenry for eecurlng patent*. I'atanta taken through Munn A Co. receive 1 tp#ti*i notice, without cbargo. In the Scientific American. A handeoroely llteatratert weekly. Iarpul circulation of any erlentlllo Journal. Trrma, $3 a y??tSa- ?l BuidbynU newadeotera. . I ITENS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mrs. Ella Goodson, of Columbia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rodgers, in this | city. Miss Marguerite Link, of Hickory, N. C., is visiting at the home of hef brother, C. S. Link, in this citv. I Mrs. W. L. Ainsley, of St. ; Petersburg, Fla., is a guest at the home of her son, Mr. George i a : i a. . 1 _ e , /\insiey, just suuin 01 town. Mi ss Kathleen Jeter has re- i turned to her home in Union, having finished the term of the I Barbersville school, as principal. | Mrs. Pattie Hague and Mrs. ! J. T. Anderson, both of Morganton, N. C., were quests the past week of their niece, Mrs. J. B. Elliott, in this city. E. W. Netherland, formerly superinrendent of the Oconee River mills, Dublin, Ga.. has become overseer of carding- in mill No. 1 of the Fort Mill Manufacturing company. i W. G. Dorton, who for a year or more has held a clerical position with the E. W. Kimbrell company in this city, left Monday evening for Charlotte, where he has accepted a similar position. W. F. Lev,is and sister. Miss Mary Lewis, were among the attendants Thursday night in Asheville, N. C.. at the marriage of Mr. R. E. Henry, of , this city, and Miss Sarah McCrary, of Asheville. The Mecklenburg county board of education Monday awarded $(>,000 annually for the upkeep of the farm life school which is ; to be built at Pineville this summer. The fund comes out of the State and county general school fund. I A pleasant social event of the week for the Baraca class of the Fort Mill Baptist church will be an ice cream supper tomor- i row evening at 8 o'clock. The < supper will be served in the , class room of the church and all numbers are cordially invited to be present. Services, preparatory to communion on the Sabbath, will begin at the Presbyterian church ; Friday morning at 10 o'clock. Services each day at 10 a. m and 8 p. m. Rev. VV. B. Arrowood, of Sharon, will assist the pastor ' in this meeting. All are cordially invited to attend these | services. Memorial services at Flint Hill j church will be held on next Saturday, beginning with a sermon by the pastor at 11 a. m. , and continuing until the afternoon. Hon. Thos. F. McDow, of i Yorkville, will deliver the memorial address. The public is cordially invited to attend the service. Max Frankel, manager of the Majestic Theatre, has received word from his old home in Germany that his brother, Morris Frankel, will reach New York ' city during the present week. Mr. Frankel has not seen his brother since leaving home six years ago and it is probable he j will pay a visit to New York in I the near future. During the last week Mr. , I. V. Lytle purchased from Mr. S. \V. Parks the house and lot 1 on East Booth street known as the "Tom Harris" property, the: : consideration being $1,100, it; ' was stated. The property con- j sists of a five-room cottage and a lot fronting several hundred feet on Booth street and con taming something like two acres of area. i An affair of much social interest and pleasure was the "old- < time spelling bee" given by the ' Home Missionary society at the | i home of Mrs. J. J. Bailes on ; l Friday night. The contests! ; under the direction of W. B. J Ardrey were exceedingly lively and mirth producing and the attendance was very large. It developed very early in the game that a number of the contestants had suffered a lapse of memory since the days when the blue j black speller was a power in the land. Memorial Day Exercises. Memorial Day will be observed I by the people of Fort Mill and vicinity Sunday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. The exercises will begin at the Presbyterian church, where1 at the hour designated above a line of march will be formed and the procession will march to i New Unity cemetery, where. V THE FOR*,! ' after exercises appropriate to tht * occasion, the graves of the oh " soldiers will be decorated. All citizens and especially the school children are requested to attend the exercises. The local Memorial association and the Daughters of the Confederacy are requested to meet at the home of Mrs. R. F. Grier Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock to complete arrangements for the proper observance of the day. School Closing Nay 22. The Fort Mill school will close the present session Friday, May 22. The baccalaureate sermon will be preacbed Sunday, May 17, by Rev. B. P. Wells of Rock Hill. On Wednesday evening, beginning at 8:30 o'clock, the primary and intermediate grades will give an entertainment. [ Thursday afternoon at 6:30 o'clock the crowning of the' May Queen and the Daisy Chain procession with the May Pole Dance will be held on the grounds of the school. Thursday evening at 8:30 o'clock, the graduating exercises will be held. The graduating address will be delivered by Dr. Reed Smith of Columbia. The public is cordially invited to attend all of these exercises. FEEL GOOD?LAUGH? BE HAPPY AND WELL Take Some Dodson't Liver Tone To-night and See How Much Better You Will Feel Tomorrow. Thousands of former sufferers from constipation, biliousness, sick headache and stomach ills are now brighter, healthier, happier through taking Dodson's Liver Tone, the medicine which was made to use instead of calomel. They have learned to smile again. Dodson's fine remedy is so different from calomei. You feel good after taking Dodson's. There are no depressing aftereffects, such as with calomel and other strong and violent purgatives. You do not change your habits or diet when taking Dodson's Liver Tone. There is no pain nor gripe, no change in your regular habits. Liver Tone promptly clears the dulled brain and clogged system in an. easy, nanural way, assisting Nature in the struggle against constipation and biliousness. Dodson's also stimulates you and builds you up and strengthens at the same time. A reliable, pleasant-tasting vegetable liquid, Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed without condition by Ardrey's Drug store, who will cheerfully refund purchase price (50c) instantly without. uuestion in event of nnv dissatisfaction with the remedy or its resnlts. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Operation of Bicycles and Motor Vehicles Upon the Streets and I'ublic Places of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the town of Fort Mil), in council assembled and by authority of the same: Section 1. That no person shall ride a bicycle upon any street or public , place of the town of Fort Mill, S. C.t unless the same shall be equipped with a serviceable bell for warning pedestrians; nor shall any person ride a bicycle upon any public street or place of the town of Fort Mill in the night time without having a lighted lamp attached Ihereto. Sec. 2. That no person shall operate a motor vehicle of any description upon any street or public places of the town of Fort Mill at a speed greater than twelve miles per hour; nor shall any person operate a motor vehicle of any description u|?on any street or public place of said town unless the said vehicle shall be equipped with a serviceable bell or horn for warning pedestrians; nor shall any person operate a motor vehicle upon any public place of said town in the night time without having a lighted lamp attached thereto. Son !i Tltttt lunrnintr Ku oitKor K<?11 ... t, "J Ulll < ?r horn shall be sounded by any bicycle < or motor vehicle before turning any i corner upon any street of said town and < at all other times when advisable to , prevent accident to either vehicle or ! < person; that all such bicycles and motor < vehicles of any description shall turn < to the right when passing other < vehicles at all times. * Sec. 1. That all ordinances or parts 4 of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. f>. That any violation of the < above ordinance shall be deemed a mis- , demeanor and shall be punishable by a line of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment or hard labor ujw?n the pub- ! lie works for not more than 30 days. Done and ratified in council this 21st dav of April. 1914. A. R. McF.I.HANKY, Attest: Mavor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. No. 666 Thia ii prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER. I Five or tlx do*e? will break any cue, end if taken then mm ? tonic the Fever will not return. It net* on the liver better than CekMaci end does not ?xipe or fk4f? MILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SC MILL! 0 We lead in good," is our n fast. Have yc know you are Everything in 1 Just New line Ladies' Gov Ladies' "Fitrite" Ga Ladies' Nursing Vest Ladies Underskirts, < leading shades. Gingham and Percale 12 1-2 cents. Galatea, the kind tha A few short lengths i a few days at 10c the y If you want a nice dr will save you money. Just receivec paste, etc., whi duced prices. MILI II Special B At L. J. IV 25c Crepe 25c Suiting .. 25c Voile _ 15c Crepe _ 15c Ginghams __ 15c Foulard 15c Batiste . Lots of Ladies' Hats at 1-2 j Sewing Machines and Piano: One $30 Boys' Bicycle, $10. f We have the best stock of S 9x12 foot Art Squares at $2. Ix)ts of Bargains in every d< L. J. IV I Use Th Tell Miss Central to gi i..n ...i. _ i. 1 icii us wiint you iieeu Good G Our stock never runs d sent out from this hou first-class in every wa; Sliced Boile< Sliced Breal Stewart Ouirk Deliverv Notice to Farmers: The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer is the only newspaper in the South that allows Farmers to advertise Free of Charge, and the Semi-Weekly Observer prints all the news that's fit to print. Do you Want anything? Have you anything to Sell? Send your advertisement and it will be published Three Times Free of Charge and you will get the paper two weelks Free. Address The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer. Charlotte, fsj. C. >UTH CAROLINA S & YO Fort Mill's Leading P low prices and good c lotto. Give us a call. >u bought? And did pleased. If you will c Dry Goods, we know Received vns, a big bargain at 50c and $1. uze Vests, the kind that tit. 10c. s, 25c each. 18c, 98c, $1.98, $2.25, in all the best on the market at 10c and t won't fade, 15c the yd. in Dress Goods to go on sale for d. ess cheap, give us a call. We Our Special 1, a complete line of ( ch we place on sale S Don't miss this sale? _s &~y "We Buy and Se argains lASSEY'S. 15c 15c 15c 10c 10c 10c | 10c I jriee. ? 3 1-2 price. a hoes in town at lowest prices. | jpartment. Iassey. ie Line. 1 vc you No. 15. Then in the way of roceries. ! own, and every article so must be absolutely * v. Trv a pound of our l # ar a T d Ham and (fast Bacon & Culp, | Telephone No- 15. Every Woman SHOULD PER EARN 9^vWE?K Introducing our very complete Spring line of beautiful wool suitings*, wash fabrics, fancy waistings, silks, hdkfs, petticoats, etc. Up to date N. Y.City patterns. Finest line on the market. Dealing direct with the nulls you will find our prices low. If others ran make $10.00 to $.'10.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sample caae, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. He first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Company, 100 11st St. Ringhaaaton. N. Y. ? * UNG COMFY 9 opular Priced Store. |uality. "Not how cheap, but how ^ Our Spring line of goods is going you buy from us? If you did we :all and see our up-to-date line of you will buy. Corsets. We sell the famous "American Beauty" Corset, the best out, at 50c, $1.00 and $1.50. In these corsets you will find comfort and Rood service. Sizes, 19 to 34. We can fit all. Ladies' NursinR Corsets, $1.00. We are aRents for Pictorial Review Patterns. Our June Patterns are now in stock. The well-dressed ladies use Pictorial Patterns, because in them they get the latest styles. The Summer Fashion Books are now on hand. Select a lf>c pattern and get a book, both for 25c. L Cash Sale Colgate's Powders, Soaps, Toohaturday and Monday at greatly rethe best yet. OUNG CO. 11 Everything." =u 1 DIVIDENDS I ^ (Payable Quarterly) t 4. Every 90 days deposits in our Savings Department earn a 4 DIVIDEND, which is either payable at once in cash or if added to the principal earns compound interest. ? Several hundred people have taken into consideration the - safety of their money handled by us under rules and regu- t. lations made by theiUnited States Government, and the fact ^ that they can get their money at a minute's notice and are ? 4 receiving these QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS from us. ? | | We invite you to call at our bank and discuss an invest ment of this kind with us. | | 4 TfiP Fiirsl" Natinnal Ranlr i; ? ? __ W ? m. IMWVTAAVk* VUlIXlj T I Fort Mill, - - - S. C. I I _ _____ / $5.00 in Gold We will give $5.00 in Gold to the I person submitting to us the most ^ complete list of names, addresses and occupations of people over 10 \/f?avc rtf arrp tArkifo ar?/J ^.^1 1 W/_ jr v^lai o v/i tt ^ V I litVy CAllV^l ^/ X-JJLV-JX CU W Cr* want the name of every person in Fort Mill and the township, with the R. F. D. numbers. To the one submitting the best arranged, most correct and largest list I of names before the 17th day of g May we will give $5.00 in gold. I McElhaney & Co.