University of South Carolina Libraries
' . r' 4- ? **+- % " | FORT MILL, S. C. ( GENERAL INFORMATION. CITY GOVERNMENT. I A. R. McELHANEY Mayor i1 C. S. LINK Clerk 1 D. N. GASTON...Chief of Police j ! DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. No. 31 Southbound 6:00 a. m. i No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I No. 27 Southbound 5:27 p. m. ] No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. f 1 No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. i No. 32 Northbound 9:02 p. m. f X No. 113 Southbound.. 11:57 a. m. X i No. 114 North bound.. 11:57 a. m. j ' Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at f l Fort Mill only when flagged. j f MAILS CLOSE. f J For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. j \ For train No. 27 4:50 p. ni. I 1 For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. J I Note?No mail is despatched on [ I trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 j [ and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, f 1 POSTOFFICE HOURS. j I Daily ..7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. \ \ 1 Sunday 0:30 to 10a. 5 to5:30 p. m. i WATERMELON Seed, 6ANTEL0UPE Seed, UAHUtN Seed. Largest and best assortment at Ardrey's Drug Store, j i?erne?ea??? Did you (ever think That if you can hardly make ends meet now, what your wife and children would do were the family income cutoff by your death? Would you miss eight or ten cents a day now? That much will carry $1,000 of life insurance in the Union Central Uife A guaranteed estate which cannot be taken from you. TAKE IT NOW. for you may not be able to get it next week. BEST POLICIES BEST COMPANY Three Hundred and Eighty-Five Million Dollars of Insurance in Force. "lowest Net Cost of All." BAILES & LINK, District Agents. VJL M Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they go on a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if good material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us figure with you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company, ^^AAA^^OVER 65 YEARS' ' \IP@ Trade Marks TIIHir OcaiaNS ' Copyrights Ac. Anyone tending a (ketch and deacrlotIon may quickly ascertain our opinion free a hoi her an InrenUon la probably patanlahlo. Cnnimunlcatlonaatiictly conMantlal. HAN0B00K on I'aionu ant fr*a oldest agency for securing patent*. Patents taken through Munn A Co. rocelse Urtilaallti. without charge. In the Scientific American. A kaaSowely lllaetratod weekly, larywt clrre taitoa of any eetenUAe Journal. Terma. $3 a r*"- * ?|1 Sold by all newsdealer*. SuasrsSsA* 7 W*-" , ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Alex Young, of Charlotte, was a Fort Mill visitor Sunday. The present session of the Fort Mill school will close on May 28. John M. Patterson, of Charlotte, spent Sunday in Fort Mill with relatives. Joe Belk was at home for several days this week from the Presbyterian college at Clinton. D. N. Gaston. Fort Mill's rhipf of police, has been under treatment in a Chariotte hospital for several days. Col. Leroy Springs, of Lancaster, left Saturday night for New York, after spending a few hours in Fort Mill on business. Uncle Sam has licked Vic Huerta on every goods box and street corner in Fort Mill during the last ten days. Mrs. ,1. H. Witherspoon. of Yorkville, was a guest several days the last week of Mrs. Effie Thompson, in this city. Little Thomas Spratt has been seriously ill for some days at the home of his parents, Capt. and Mrs. T. B. Spratt, in Sprattville. The Rev. R. G. McLees, with Mrs. McLees. arrived Saturday afternoon from Winnsboro for a visit to Mrs. McLees' sister. Mrs. .1. B. Elliott, of this city. The date of the Veserans' Keunion at Anderson is May 2728, instead of "April 27-28" as stated through error in last Thursday's Times. On account of the Confederate veterans' reunion next week, the Southern Railway announces a round-trip rate from Fort Mill to Jacksonville of $8.35. The condition of Charlie, the little (>-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Steele who has been seriously ill for some days, was reported as some better yesterday. The old-time "spelling bee" which was to have been given Friday evening at the home of Mrs. J. J. Bailes, has been postponed until tomorrow (Friday) evening. Mrs. J. N. At water has accepted a position in the Textile Industrial Institute of Spartanburg. Mr. Atwater will close out his business here and will accept a position in Spartanburg. At a meeting Thursday evening of the board of trustees of the Fort Mill public schools. Miss Blanche Lawrence was elected as music teacher for the term of 1914-15. Teachers for the advanced grades were also elected but the names of these were withheld, pending the acceptance or refusal of those named. Harvey McAteer, a young man employed at the Parks Grocery company in this city, and Miss Alice Anderson, were married in Rock Ilill last Sunday. Mrs. McAteer is a daughter of Mr. S. A. Anderson, who recently moved from Fort Mill to the Steel Creek section. The York Baptist Sunday j school convention will be held in Yorkville on Tuesday and Wednesday, May 5 and (>. Delegates from each Sunday school in the county are expected to be present. The delegates from the Fort Mill church are ,1. T. Young. S. F. Meachbm. W. B. M each am, Jr.. Mrs. J. P. Coats; and Miss Nannie McElhaney. The Southern Railway has issued a very attractive booklet of Jacksonville. Fla., in which city the annual reunion of the United Confederate veterans is to be held the coming week. These booklets, which carry many illustrations and much descriptive matter of the Florida city, are given to all who desire them and will inquire at the local I passenger station. The local military organization, Co. K, 1st N. G. S. C.. was inspected Monday evening in the company's armory by Adjutant General Moore and Capt. Beacham of the United States army. Fifty-seven of the sixty members of the company were in ranks and the inspecting officers highly complimented the men for their neatness of appearance and excellent showing in the manual of arms. Postmaster B. H. Massey asks Timnc t/\ oqi? to Kn rvnKlm M. IIV ? IIIIV?1 OOt) IV 11 IVi |JUUIIt that the recent order of the department requiring the weighing and checking of parcel post packages requires considerable ti me and work, and parties hav-; ing parcels to post are requested THE FORT 1 to ?et them to the office as early as possible before the hours on which the mails close. Parties disregarding this request need not be surprised if the parcels mailed by them are not despatched until the day following. Blease Sues Colombia Record. ^ James H. Moore, editor of The Columbia Record, was arrested vul -a ' inursaay morning on two war- | rants, sworn out before a Columbia magistrate, Frank W. Blackburn, charging him with "wilfully and maliciously originating, uttering, circulating and publishing certain false statements concerning one Cole L. Blease." Mr. Moore was released under a $5,000 bond to await trial. There are two specific instances of alleged libelous statements appearing in The Record, the dates being April 16 and April 21, 1914. Each of the articles referred to was published in the editorial columns of The Record and were in regard to the proposed encampment of the j national guard at Charleston. I In each of the affidavits it is charged that the alleged editorial utterances had the effect to injure the said Cole L. Blease in his reputation, both personal and political. The State of South Carolina appears in both instances as proscutor. CALOMEL IS A FORM OF DEADLY MERCURY Instead of Such Dangerous Stuff, it is Recommended That You Take Dodson's Liver Tone for Constipation. Dodson's Liver Tone was made to take the place of calomel. Calomel is a form of mercury, a mineral and a poison. Dodson's Liver Tone is an all-vegetable liquid?never harmful. What calomel does unpleasantly and often with danger for constipation and sluggish liver, Dodson's Liver Tone does for you safely and pleasantly, with no pain and no gripe. It does not interfere in any way with your regular business, habits or diet. You feel good after taking it. The great success and wide : sale of Dodson's Liver Tone are the results of what it does for people. Its merit is backed up by a guarantee of "satisfaction or your money back,'' as Ardrey's drug store, the druggists, will tell you. Dodson's Liver Tone was intended from the start to take the place of calomel. The label on the bottle always has said so, beginning with the first bottle sold. Dodson's Liver Tone "livens the liver," overcomes constipation agreeably and makes you feel good, and if you are not satisfied completely with it Ardrey's srug store will hand back the purchase price (50c) to you with n smilr* When you go to buy a family remedy, don't fail to judge between the plain, simple truth about Dodson's and the loud claims of its imitators. That the public does so accounts for the enormous increase in the sales of Dodson's Liver Tone month after month. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Operation of Bicycles 7 and Motor Vehicles Upon the Streets ? anil Public Places of the Town of 4 Fort Mill, S. C. | Be it ordained by the Mayor and ; Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill, I in council assembled and by authority f of the same: a Section 1. That no person shall ride * a bicycle upon any street or public T place of the town of Fort Mill, S. ('., 4 unless the same shall be equipped with ^ a serviceable bell for warning pedestri- ' ans; nor shall any person ride a bicycle 7 u|?on any public street or place of the town of Fort Mill in the night time ^ without having a lighted lamp attached Kl thereto. Sec. 2. That no person shall operate j a motor vehicle of any description upon ^ any street or public places of the town ' * of Fort Mill at a speed greater than ; 7 twelve miles per hour; nor shall any person operate a motor vehicle of any 4 description uj>on any street or public * place of said town unless the said . vehicle shall be ? quipped with a service able bell or horn for warning pedes- + trinns- nnr uhnll onu ? " * ? * miij ? o\mi uj/ri ovc u | a motor vehicle uj>on any public place of < said town in the night time without having a lighted lamp attached thereto. + Sec. .1. That warning by either bell 1 or horn shall be sounded by any bicycle or motor vehicle before turning any 7 corner upon any street of suiil town and at all other times when advisable to * prevent accident to either vehicle or ? person; that all such bicycles and motor 1 vehicles of any description shall turn to the right when passing other vehicles at all times. Sec. 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. That any violation of the above ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a line of not more than $100.00 or by imprisonment or hard labor upon the public works for not more than 20 days. Done and ratified in council this 21st day of April, 1914. I A. R. McEI.HANKY, Attest: Mayor. C. 3. LINK, Clerk. , MILL TIMES, FORT MILL, SC Mr. a ai Always know wli Mills & Young ( and our prices ai are sure to pleas Everything in Cottor ings in all sizes and col best yet at 10c and 15c. Drc Silks in all shades, 50c Brocaded Crepe de Che Plain Crepe de Chene i Figured Crepe de Chen Batiste, 10c, 12 l-2c an< good. Don't forget on Ready-made Goo We have just r< at 2.5c and 50c. 1 Saturday and > 50c Skirts, white $1.00 Skirts, whi If you miss tliis Ml LI Special B At L. J. N 25c Crepe 25c Suiting 25c Voile 15c Crepe 15c Ginghams 15c Foulard 15c Batiste Lots of Ladies' Hats at 1-2 i Sewing Machines and Piano: One $30 Boys' Bicycle, $19.f We have the best stock of S 9x12 foot Art Squares at $2. Lots of Bargains in every d< L. J. IV ? ? T T?1 use i n Tell Miss Central to gi tell us what you need Good G: Our stock never runs d sent out from this hou first-class in every waj Sliced Boilei Sliced Breal Steward. Quick Delivery Notice to Farmers: The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Observer is the only newspaper in the South that allows Farmers to advertise Free of Charge, and the Semi-Weekly Observer prints all the news that's fit to print. I)o you Want anything? Have vou anvthintr to Sell? Send vour advertisement and it will be published Three Times Free of Charge and you will f?et the paper two weeks Free. Address The Charlotte Serai-Weekly Observer, Charlotte, fj. C. >UTH CAROLINA nd Mrs. rid Miss Goo< lere to go to buv their eo ^o. is headquarters for t *e always right. Make o e you. See our line of Hosi i, Lisle and Silks for men and won ors at 10c and 15c the pair. Chile 288 Goods and $1.00 the yard. ne in white and pink, 50c yd. in white and pink, ,%-inch, 50c. e, a beauty, at 45c yd. d 25c, the kind that's soft and ir Ready-to-wear Depart >ds. reived a complete line <i Union Suits, $1.00. Our Specia londay we offer everytlu and eolored, - - V2c te and eolored, - S9c ? Sale, you will always rc _S & "We Buy and Sc argains lASSEY'S. 15c 15c 15c l()c l()c .10c 10c :>rice. 3 1-2 price. iO. hoes in town at lowest prices. 50. ;parimeui. lassey. 9 ?????? ie Line. I ve you No. 15. Then in the way of roceries. 1 own, and every article se must be absolutely * jr. Try a pound of our ^ d Ham and [fast Bacon & Culp, I - ' Telephone No. 15. Every Woman SHOULD PER EARN 9*>VW?EK Introducing our very complete Spring line of beautiful wool suitings, wash fabrics, fancy waistings, silks, hdkfs, petticoats, etc. Un to date N. Y. City patterns. Finest line on the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. If others can make $10.00 to $.'10.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sample caae, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Be first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Company. 100 1st St. Bingham too. N. Y. 1 1 Gooddresser 1 ddresser, too, I 1/ulu 1^/i l'/\? >') I 4-* ?/? 4 K < 1^.4. A"'! - rwu^ii i/u i \?u. ti inn, lllC'll ICI USt IC1I yUU. ! hem, because our goods have the quality ur place your headquarters, too, and we iery. len at 10c to $1.00 the pair. Infant's Socks and StockIren's and Misses' Hose in white, tan and black, the Dress Goods Marseilles Plissee, 30-inch, in all colors, 20c yd. Cotton Crepes, stripes and figures, 10c and 15c yd. Beautiful line of Voiles, Klaxons, Dimities, Poplins, Ratines, etc. Girl's Windsor Ties in all colors, 25c. Laces, in Vai. Shadow, Torchon, etc., 5c to 45c. mciit. We have everything you need in >f Men's and Hoys' Summer Underwear as&.jw. 1 Cash Sale 1\ -.J I mg in Ladies' and Misses' Underskirts. E 1 $'2.25 Silk Brocaded Skirts, - - - $1.89 1KBBI ^ $2.50 Plain Silk Skirts, ... - $1.79 II V igret it. f mmmmm '^3 OUNG CO. I ill Everything." I E DIVIDENDS f V 7L t (Payable Quarterly) f T + Every 90 days deposits in our Savings Department earn a 4 DIVIDEND, which is either payable at once in cash or if added to the principal earns compound interest. Several hundred people have taken into consideration the safety of their money handled by us under rules and regu- * lations made by theJUnited States Government, and the fact ^ that they can get their money at a minute's notice and are ^ receiving these QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS from us. ^ < * , i We invite you to call at our bank and discuss an invest ment of this kind with us. i ? I | | The First National Bank, 1 4 Fort Mill, - - - S. C. 4 -~Hs&' wo words if you like, I or a few in both ears. m ^ou can t hear a word too much about getting O Ot r*d ?f Ay? nor can You hear it too often. NOW is the time and here's the place to get the remedy that puts this pest out of the way. On Saturday, April 25, We will give a 50 cent bottle of this preparation to each customer buying $10 worth of goods. I Here's the Guarantee, Sonnie. To anyone buying a bottle of "Sheppard's Fly Killer" and isn't satisfied, you just give them the 50c back and we'll make it right. ^ McElhaney & Co.