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" ' i. Lt : GENERAL INFORMATION. ( !CITY GOVERNMENT. \ A. R. McELHANEY Mayor f ] C. S. LINK Clerk 1 ( D. N.GASTON..-Chief of Police T 1 DEPARTURE CTF TRAINS. " { f No. 31 Southbound 6:00 a. m. J No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I 2 No. 27 Southbound... 5:27 p. m. i L No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. F i No. 28'Northbound 6:30 p. m. ] f No. 32 Northbound 0:02 p. m. f < + No. 113 Southbound.. 11:57 a. m. i 3 No. 114 Northbound 11:57 a. m. j I Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at f J Fort Mill only when flagged. j I MAILS CLOSE. I i For train No. 36 8:30 a. m.- j t f?r train No. 27 4:50 p. m. I H ^ j For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. J I Note?No mail is despatched on f ^ 1 trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 1 J and 28 do not handle mail Sunday, f J POSTOFFICE HOURS. 2 * Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I 1 Sunday 9:30 to 10a. m . 5 to 5:30 p. m. i WATERMELON Seed, 6ANTEL0UPE Seed, GARDEN I C 1 uccu. \ Largest and best assortment at Ardrey's Drug Store. Compare These Rates With the other fellow's. Net premiums on One Thousand Dollars Insurance in 1914 on Ten-year Term policies in the 39nton Central Xife issued in 1913. Age Premium 21. $8.77 22.... 8.83 23.. 8.89 * 24 ... 8.9G 25... ..... 9.04 30 9.49 85 10.23 40 11.48 45. 13.82 50 18.03 55 25.03 60 36.34 Don't make a mistake that you will have to pay for each year as long as you live. If you don't get it from the UNION CENTRAL you pay more than you ought to. "Lowest Net Cost of All." SEE US. BAILES & LINK, District Agents. mmmm Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they pro on a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our . Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if prood material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us fiprure with you on your next bill. \ Fort Mill Lumber Company, 1?HZZ \ ^kyiy^OVCR 65 YEARS' v experience i> S R /.ill ; L 1 1 I k I 1 Trade Marks Designs COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone tending a aketrh and deaorlptlnn may onlokiT aautrtalit our opinion frae whether an oirantlnn I. probably patentable. Coniniuiu.-ai lonaauict.': oonndent ImI. HANDBOOK on Patent* miii fraa. Oileat acotior for securing patent*. Patent* Ui?a through Munn A Co. re.vl.e tpirlM notie*. wit bout charge. In the Scientific American. A hand*omely limit rat wd weekly. I.*rr**t circulation of any,ct?ntiAa journal. Torn,*. 13 a yaar; {anr pw>??MLfa. *Aa by *11 newadealer*. MUNN Newark r * ; .* . ; g'" I itmc ap i Ar tt nrmrcr 1 | lllil'10 VI bVVWi miUlMI. | Hon. J. R. Haile left Monday morning for Greenville where he will attend as a juror the term of United States court in that citv. The little one-year-old son of Capt. and Mrs. T. B. Spratt has been dangerously ill of pneumonia : at the home of its parents in Sprattville for some days. Mrs. W. L. Reardon returned to her home at Graniteville Saturday morning after a two weeks' visit to her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. W. F. Harris, in this city. An infant of Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Fite died Thursday night at the home of its parents in the village of the Fort Mill Mfg. company and was buried Thursday afternoon in New Unity cemetery. Governor Blease the last week granted a parole to A1 Pratt, convicted in York county in November 1913 of housebreaking and larceny and sentenced to serve 15 months on the county chaingang. Fnrf Mill fripnds nf Mr nnH Mrs. Howard A. Banks, of Washington, D. C., will regret to learn that their little son, Robert, is ill of inflammatory rheumatism. The little fellow is to be given treatment at the Naval hospital. The Sutton school in western Fort Mill closed a most succesful term on last Wednesday. The school was taught by Miss Alice Armstrong, of Spencer. N. C., who will return to Fort Mill J about the first of July and open the school for a two-months summer term. Mr. A. B. Sheppard, who for several years has been engaged as a loom fixer in mill No. 2, of the Fort Mill Mfg. company, has resigned the position. Mr. Sheppard has several offers of positions in other places but has not yet decided where he will locate. The grain crops of this section nrp rpnnrtpf) tn Ka ovnonh'Annllv ^ 4 vpx/k wvi vvr MV Viwupciv/liailj good, notwithstanding the late cold spell, and large crops are expected to be harvested. The government bureau reports the condition of the wheat crop of the country as being considerably above the average. For the benefit of veterans of the township who desire to attend the annual State reunion at Anderson we will state that the reunion is to be held on Monday and Tuesday, the 27th and 28th of April. It is presumed that the railroads will, as usual, allow excursion rates on account of the occasion. District Meeting U. D. C. Today. Arrangements were completed several days ago by the Florence Thornwell Chapter, U. D. C., for the entertainment of the delegates to the Ridge district conference to be held in Fort Mill today (Thursday). The meeting will be held in the hall of Catawba lodge, A. F. M., and will open at 10:30 o'clock this morning. Mrs. R. F. Crier, president of the local chapter, ?ii ? win can me meeting to oruer, after which prayer will be offered by the Rev. S. P. Hair. An address of welcome from the town will be made bv Mayor A. R. McElhanev, while Mr. W. B. Ardre.v will welcome the 'delegates in behalf of the local camp of Sons of Veterans. Greeting for the local chapter of the I). A. R. will be delivered by Mrs. W. B. Ardrey and a welcome from the Florence Thorn well cnapter will be made by Mrs. NannieThornwell Roach. A song. "The Jacket of Gray." by Miss Blanche Lawrence will conclude the social side of the program. A business meeting of the Ridge district chapters will be held during the afternoon, the program for this meeting having been arranged by Miss Mary Williams, vice-president of the district. "Tigers" Doing Much Business. That the sale of whiskey through "blind tigers" and their agents is being carried on in Fort Mill and vicinity to a larger extent at present than at any time in the past was the statement made a few days ago by i one of the town's best known citizens. Tlfls particular citizen, , who does not nse whiskey in any ! form, is in position to see and know the movements of the tiger element and the above statement coming from him is significant. The dealers in THE FORT 1 e???????? whiskey, he says, are not to be found altogether among the colored population, but that a very large majority eft the negroes are either selling the stuff or know where it is being sold and will get it on short notice for one desiring it. He went further and mentioned the case of a colored man of the township who is having whiskey shipped to Fort Mill in his own name and upon taking it from the express office immediately turns it over to a colored woman residing in town who retails it out at 75 cents per pint. The j citizen who made these statements is, as stated, an absolute teetotaler, but remarked that were opportunity to present itself he would vote for a dispensary or evpn open barrooms rather i than tolerate a continuance of present conditions. TO THE PUBLIC Wo offer the services of our Registered Jersey Bull. Our fee, $1.00 in advance. L. A. Harris & Co. WANTED ?To buy old and second hand books. No school hooks wanted. Ye Old Book Shop, Asheville, N, C. TEACHERS EXAMINATION. The regular Spring examination of applicants for teacher's certificates will be held in Yorkville on Friday May 1st, 1914 beginning at 9 o'clock a. m. JOHN E. CARROLL, Supt. Education. FOR SALE. Eggs for hatching from the following standard bred strains at prices nor Pnrti-irl^o u.'...... dottes, $1 jiO; R."i. Rtnis* $T.50;" Buff Orpingtons, $1.50; White Wyandottes, $1.50; Single Comb Brown Leghorns, $1.25; White Rocks, $1.50. Fort Mill Poultry Association, Fort Mill, S. C. CALOMEL IS A FORM OF DEADLY MERCORY Instead of Such Dangerous Stuff, it is Recommended That You Take Dodson's Liver Tone for Constipation. Dodson's Liver Tone was made to take the place of calomel. Calomel is a form of mercury, a mineral and a poison. Dodson's Liver Tone is an all-vegetable liquid?never harmful. What calomel does unpleasantly and often with danger for constipation and sluggish liver, Dodson's Liver Tone does for you safely and pleasantly, with no pain and no gripe. It does not interfere in any way with your regular business, habits or diet. You feel good after taking it. The great success and wide sale of Dodson's Liver Tone are the results of what it does for people. Its merit is backed up by a guarantee of "satisfaction or your money back," as Ardrey's drug store, the druggists, will tell you. Dodson's Liver Tone was intended from the start to take the place of calomel. The label on the bottle always has said so, beginning with the first bottle sold. Dodson's Liver Tone "livens the liver," overcomes constipation agreeably and makes you feel good, and if you are not satisfied completely with it Ar1 drey's srug store will hand back ! the purchase price (50c) to you with a smile. When you pro to buy a family remedy, don't fail to judge between the plain, simple truth about Dodson's and the loud claims of its imitators. That the public does so accounts for the enormous increase in the sales of Dodson's Liver Tone month after month. I ft \ wjL g For Scratched I; Tables I Other Furniture and I Interior Woodwork g tewiAC J-"^/ofiKS VONDESs^ 1K?ttor?? lh* original bnuty no matter how (<arlly ai-raiched or aoiled it's * ttmitl atain and varniah rombinrilm one in 11 \'abiral IVtuyi colors, K'Atfa. tioidand Stiver iJnmnel, All Stsee. Made and eiurantMi) by PEASLEE-C AULBERT CO. l.ouisville, Ky. MASSEYS DRUG STORE Fort Mill, S. C. i DLL TIMES, TOETMILL, SOU I.) it S '1 ko rkf ? AiV ?u"^l UL Ul ways trade at 01 quality in everyl store and exami week. See our Embroidered E Plain Net in ere A big shipment and ecru. Alsc 1 Oc the ball. E to $7. Our Ha | and let us save I For Saturday ar greatly reduced line to select fro MILL Just Ai New styles in Ladi and Sandals?the best we have ever shown. New Dress Goods a Poplins, Linens and An the kind that docs not 1 Come and sec our styles and prices will p L. J. M ! Use Th $ Tell Miss Central to giv tell lis what you need ii I Good Gi Our stock never runs do * sent out from this hous ? first-class in every way ? Sliced Boiled Sliced Break ! Stewart < I Quick Delivery I <9> Notice to Farmers: 1 The Charlotte Semi-Weekly ' Observer is the only newspaper ! in the South that allows Farmers | ' to advertise Free of Charge, and ' the Semi-Weekly Observer prints P all the news that's fit to print. P I>o you Want anything? Have : you anything to Sell? Send your ' advertisement and it will be pub- ' lished Three Times Free of ^ Charge and you will get the pa- P per two weeks Free. Address " The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Ob- J error, Charlotte, N- C. I j1 An Of Good Dressing lies i ir store and we assi thing you buy, All ine our New Goods. Allover Swiss Emb louncing 25c to $1. am and white at 50c We have Jui of D. M. C. Crochet > Columbia Irish Croc beautiful line of Whit its are going fast. f you some money. Our Special id Monday. Everytl prices. White, tan, m. Don't miss this : C P V "We Buy and Se mmmmmammmmwmmmmmmmammm rrived j ies' Oxfords, Pumps and prettiest Shoes t 10c to 25c; Crepes, uoskeag Ginghams? fade. New Goods. The lease you. assey. ??i < > e Line.! e you No. 15. Then n the way of * oceries. I $ wn, and every article e must be absolutely * Try a pound of our ^ 1 Ham and * fast Bacon 6i r.,in : * V-Utp, T Telephone No. 15. | s> Every Woman SHOULD PER EARN 9^wWEEK ntroduein^ our very complete Spring no of beautiful wool suiting, wa?h ubrics, fancy waiatinRS, silks, hdkfs, etticoats, etc. Up to date N. Y. City atterns. Finest line on the market. >ealinf* direct with the mills you will ,nd our prices low. If others can make 10.00 to $.10.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sarnie caae, shipped express prepaid. No fioney required. Exclusive territory. Vrite for particulars. Be first to apply, standard Dress Goods Company, 100 at St. Binghiunton, N. Y. =?=il >en Secret. I n the quality of the material. Al- I are you that you will always get we ask you to do is to visit our New Spring Goods arriving each roideries at 50c and 75c. Swiss .00. Allover Laces 35c to 75c. the yard. st Received Thread in all numbers, in white 1 'Kpf nffnn in rroom *?tU.^ ^1- B N /iiw v/vuvii iii viv^uin dii\.i VV 1 IllC dL 9 S e Dresses, lawns, voiles, nets, at $3 dave you bought? If not, see us I Cash Sale 3ing in Linens to go on sale at gray, blue and stripes. A good sale. OUNG CO. II Everything." | i DIVIDENDS 1 (Payable Quarterly) + + Every 1)0 clays deposits in our Savings Department earn a * DIVIDEND, which is either payable at once in cash or if added to the principal earns compound interest. f. Several hundred people have taken into consideration the safety of their money handled by us under rules and regu- * lations made by the^United States (Government, and the fact 1 that they can get their money at a minute's notice and are ? receiving these QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS from us. + i i We invite you to call at our bank and discuss an invest ment of this kind with us. S ' ? ? I The First National Bank, | t I Fort Mill, - - - S. C. t I Two words if you like* ^ You hear it too often. NOW is the time and here's 3 the place to get the remedy that puts this pest out 1 of the way. | /v /m ? * ^ ? * Un Saturday, April 25, I We will give a 50 cent bottle of this preparation 2 to each customer buying $10 worth of goods. | Here's the Guarantee, Sonnie. To anyone buying a bottle of "Sheppard's Fly Killer" and isn't satisfied, you just give them the 50c back and wq'11 make it right. McElhariey & Co. J I