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r * i P | FORT MILL, S. C. I t GENERAL INFORMATION. \ CITY-GOVERNMENT. j W FA. It. McELHANEY Mayor / W \ C. s. LINK - Clerk 1 W I D. N. GASTON...Chief of Police 1 ) DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ( i No. 31 Southbound 0:00 a. m. J + No. 35 Southbound 7:12 n. m. I j No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. j ! I No. 30 Northbound 8:50 a. m. \ 1 j No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. J F No. 32 Northbound 9:07 p. m. f + No. 113 Southbound ..12:09 p. m ?. "j No. 114 Northbound . .11:50 a. m. j l { Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at F j Fort Mill only when flagged. j i MAILS UL.USK. I ^ } For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. i ^ ^ \ For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. I J For train No. 28.. 6:00 p. m. J * Note?No mail is despatched on { j trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 1 [ and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. J j POSTOFFJCE HOURS. j I Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I J Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. m., 5 to 5:30 p. m. j j YOU ARE ALL RIGHT1 NOW Did it ever occur to you that ( only one man in five is physically 1 able to secure an old line life insurance policy? , You may be that man this . week, but you may he one of the ( four who can't next week. BETTER TAKE IT NOW , The UNION CENTRAL offers : the best enntraet nt I The Lowest Net Cost of All Ask one of our policyholders 1 and take his advice. The lowest net cost of all. i BAILES~& LINK, District Agents. : If vou don't fret it from the UNION CENTRAL, you pay 1 more. ' AN ORDINANCE } Providing An Annual Street Tax and I Collection of Same. Be it ordained l>y the Mayor and . Aldermen of the town of Fort Mill, in Council assembled and by authority of the same: } Section 1. All men resident in the | ) town of Fort Mill between the a^es of J twenty-one and fifty-five years, and not exempt by statute, shall pay unto the town treasmer annually on or before ( the fifteenth day of May, the sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) in payment of street taxes. I Sec. 2. Any person refusing after ( le^al notice pay this tax shall be fined i in the sum of not less than Five Dol- , lars or be imprisoned not less than ten days. Sec. 3. That all ordinances and ' parts of ordinances inconsistent with i this ordinance are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in council assembled this third day of March, 1914. 1 A. R. McELHANEY, f Attest: Mayor. | 4 C. S. LINK, Clerk. 1' __________________________ ( DOGTi&XDUE L Notice is hereby given to owners of , dogs or those having dogs in their t |>ossession that a tax of one dollar on males and two dollars on females is now due. Failure to comply with the ? ordinance made and provided covering ^ the above tax will subject the person ? so doing to a Fine of not less than ten J dollars. < C Bv order of the Mayor. * C. S. I.INK, Clerk. 1 I ^ Particular Mechanics I V are always pleased when they t go on a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our c Lumber Yard. r It makes work easier if good s material is used, and the work is f better, too. Let us figure with i you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company, ; ???1???????? j j, L OVER 66 YEARS' t k ?tfi CXPEniENCE: r iTtTL'L^ ' Trade Marks Jr rjmDesigns J T yyyv Copyriqhts Ac. Anyone aemllng a akelrh nn<t doacrlptlon may ^ onlrkly aaoertniti our opinion freo whether kii liivoiillon t? probably patentable. Coniniutilra. C ilnnaatrlctly confidential. HAN0H00K on I'm cot a , out free. tlldaat agency for eeourTng patent*. 1'atent* taken through Moon A Co. receive special notice, without charge, lu the \ Scientific American, i A handsomely Ulo*trate<1 weekly. I.arceat clr- C eolation of any aeleotlUe Journal. Ternia. $.1 a year; four montha, $L tkilU by All newaOoalera. r MUNN & Co.3648""""' New York t Branch Offlee. OS K Bt, Wash lug ton. 1). C. Stacks of ok] papers for sale at The I c linn office r ? . sr-?;. yv. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Dr. E". E. Gillespie, of Yorkville, has declined the call extended him recently by the Tenth Avenue church of Charlotte. Mrs. E. L. Hughes, of this city, who has been ill for several weeks, was on Monday taken for treatment to one of the Charlotte hospitals. For the steenth time this winter, this sectjon was visited by snow Saturday night, about two inches being estimated as the depth of the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence S. McMurray. whose marriage took place in Rock Hill the evening of Wednesday. March 18, spent several days at the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. McMurray, the last week. Mr. R. E. Henry, a prominent member of the Virginia bar. whose home is at Tazewell, Va., spent several days of the last week with his son, Mr. R. E. Henry. Jr., of Fort mill. The 1914 telephone directory of the Fort Mill Telephone exchange is just off the press and will be distributed to the patrons of the exchange within the next few days. The list of subscribers this year shows a gratifying increase over last year. The date for the regular spring teachers' examinations has heen sot by the State board of education for the first Friday in May. As usual, all prospective applicants for teachers' license may qualify by taking- the examination at their county court house at that time. The box supper given Friday night at Gold Mill academy for school benefit was reported as having been very successful, about 200 persons having attended, and quite a nice little sum of money was realized. The co-operation of the housewives of the town has been asked by city council in making Fort Mill a "spotless" town, and as an inducement council will offer lase prizes to the home owners who show the most cleanly premises on clean-up day, April >1. Fruit growers of this section jxpress themselves as hopeful if a "bumper" crop for the are sent year, basing their hopes an the fact, they say, that the ecent cold weather had retardHi the blooming of the trees intil so late a date that there is ittle danger in the fruit being njured by frost. The Times is requested to anion nee that an oyster supjaer, 'or the benefit of the Gold Hill school, w ill be triven next Satnr lav night at the home of Mr. ,V. H. VVindie, in Gold Hill. The public is cordially invited to ittend. Little Albert Fennell, whose serious illness of pneumonia vas noted in the last issue of The rimes, has steadily improved in :ondition for several days and he attending physician now feels hat the little fellow's complete ecovery will follow in a short imo. The pupils of the high school lepartment of the Fort Mill pubic schools were given a holiday Thursday and Friday in order hat the superintendent and high ichool teacner, Prof. ,1. P. Coates md Miss Lawrence, could attend i meeting of the State Teachers' issociation at Spartanburg. The neeting at Spartanburg was atended by teachers from the enire State. For t hp inffti'mntimi 1-if v * %/ niMVi\/ii \'l VIIUDU vho may not. be posted along he line, it is stated that all roters having city registration :ertideates issued for the late nunicipal election can use these lame certificates in the election or a bond issue on Friday. \pril 3. The opening of the egistration books some two veeks ago was for the purpose if giving those who failed to egister last fall an opportunity o do so. At a meeting the last week of he board of trustees of (lold Hill ichool. Friday, April 21, was the late decided upon for the close if the spring term of the school. Vs heretofore, the closing of the ichool will be marked by public 'xercises by the pupils, relearsals for which will begin vithin a few days. Hon. .lohn j. McLaurin, of Bennettsvilie, andidate for governor, has aclepted an invitation to attend he school closing and deliver in address. A large crowd I loubtless will hear Mr. McLauin. THE FORT 1 | Miss Fannie Spratt. of Ches j ter, was the guest Monday oi j Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Spratt. Misses Susie Dick, Alta An| derson, Adele Pitts and Gordon j Fields, Winthrop young ladies, and Joe Mack, of Davidson College. were guests Sunday of Mrs. I - Vf_ -i- ^ niittie iwacK in cms cicy. Rev. J. S. Snyder, of Pacolet, j filled the pulpit of the Fort Mill Baptist church Sunday night in the absence of the pastor, Rev. S. P. Hair, who was engaged in revival services at Pacolet. J. H. McMurray, who holds the position of Satrap in the official divan of Suez Temple, D. O. K. K., attended a ceremonial session of the order in Salisbury, N. C., Tuesday night. I Persons familiar with school conditions in the northern section of the township will not be surprised to know that a movement is on foot to divide the district, No. 89, which includes the Gold Hill and Flint Hill communities. It is learned that a survey j to determine the dividing line, j has been made and petitions ask- j ing for the division likely will be I circulated within a few days. Fort Mill people will be interested to know that Robt. B. White, of this city, a member of the Seventeenth infantry, U. S. A., did not accompany his regiment which was sent from Ft. McPherson, Ga., to the Mexican border the last week. A small detachment from the regiment 1 was left at Ft. McPherson to look after the post and Mr. White, a member of the hospital corps, was one of the number remaining at the post. Looks Like Gold Ore. If a specimen of rock which bore evidence of containing gold 1 that was exhibited on the streets Tuesday by J. .1. Bailes should | turn out to be the real article. | it would not be surprising to see a veritable "California goldrush" to the Pleasant Valley section within a short time. The discovery of supposedly gold-bearing ore was made some r days ago while Mr. Bailes was | _ overseeing some work in a se- ~ eluded part of his Valley farm. Several pieces of the rock were I collected by Mr. Bailes and these I will be given expert examina- | tion to determine what, if any, | value they may have. 1 In the meantime, Mr. Bailes, | while not hunting a buyer, will n consider, in strictest confidence, I all bids for the purchase of his f Pleasant Valley farm. FOS SALE, WANTED, LOST, FOUND. 1 WANTKD Agoodsound Mule, under j ten years of age. Will pay cash. Answer quick. L. A. Harris & Co. MONEY- To lend on real estate. I I Address Miss Jane Harris, care O. W. E \ Potts, Route :t, Fort Mill. I FOR SALE Queen Incubator, 220- P i Egg capacity, and two Brooders. 1 ; Price $l.r> for the lot. I). A. Lee. S ft uAti^ ft jr uiiuu p3 My eggs art- hatching unusually well I this year, several hens having hatched Is 1(M( per cent of their eggs. Kggs $1.00 M per lf?; $1.25 by mail or express. fg Elmwooa Farm, s. E. Bailee, Prop. I BRAINS DULLED BY : CONSTIPATION Some People Only Half Alive: Dod- ( 4 ton's Liver Tone Clean* You Out and Wakes You Up. ^ When constipation is having I ? its evil effects on your body and I ? brain. Nature is doing her best 4 to offset them and overcome the , + cause itself. Hut usually Nature I ? cannot do this unaided. In the past, many sufferers j at such a time used to turn fb ? dangerous calomel in hope of relief. For some people calomel < 4 does appear to give a temporary j 4 I benefit, but as a matter of fact I 1 1 it is a poison that proves to be 1 injurious and even dangerous to 7 many. If you have ever taken calomel you probably have suf fered from evil conditions fol- 4 ! lowing its use. ^ But nowadays great numbers . of people have learned how to 7 feel better, brighter and healthier i by taking Hudson's Liver Tone instead of calomel. Indeed, this 4 harmless vegetable liquid is! ? recommended and guaranteed by the Hudson Medicine Co. and 1 Ardrey's Hrug store who will refund the purchase price te you without question if you are not completely satisfied with it. * (iet a bottle of Hudson's Liver ' Tone for only 50c and learn for 1 yourself how easily and naturally 1 it assists Nature in getting rid of and correcting constipation J and biliousness, how it clears c away the sick headache and T the coated tongue and sets you ? right without ache or gripe, > without any interference with 1 your regular habits. Fine for 1 the children. They like to take 11 it. KILL TIMES, FORT MILL, 8< ? 1 j I Spe< Our complete I $3.25 Ladi 3.00 " 2.50 " i n r g i./D 1.50 " I Don't miss th TWO DAYS C . Mil Telei Just A New styles in Lai and Sandals- the lies ..... i. * ?t u?avc ever snowil. New Dress Goods Poplins, Linens and A the kind that does not Come and see ou styles and prices will L. J. IV WHO'S YOUF [ o buy Coal with judgi ment is our purpose ant Coal that stands up to for it in word and adve the endorsement its usei reasons for urging you \ rv,? uoi vyur Dtue Principles falling short c agitate some tall thinkin Stewart Quick Delivery Police Duty Left to Burgher#. In the eightet nth century the wholt infety and order of Glasgow. Scot and. were in) rusted to the unp&H i:.d reluctant burghers. Kvery cltl :en who was between the years ol ightcen and sixty, and paid a yearly ent amounting to $15, had to take hit urn at guarding the city. "On tcuet >r drum." say:, a writer, "the gentle nan was at his post it ten at night md strolled with weary tread anr awning gait along the Trongate anc iigh street, and up the pitch dark anas, of winter nights till four In th? norning. After that hour tho city was rltbout a pollcs." )tJTH CAROLINA SPECIAL 1 PICTORIAI The ** 3 W Size 18 INCHLS W :ial for Saturi s line of Ladies* and C ies* Dresses at $2.49 " 2.29 " 1.98 " 1.39 " 1.19 lis big sale. We have )NLY, Saturday and I\ P_ v.. IS iX. I Oil )hone 12 jrrived 1 < 4 4 4 liics' Oxfords, Pumps ? t and prettiest Shoes 1 r 4 4 at 10c to 25c; Crepes, ^ Linoskeag Ginghams? <j fade. ^ ir New Goods. The i please you. ^ 4 I 4 lassey. < 4 i. COALMAN? f I Tient as to its every eleJ your protection. $ every claim we make rtisement and meriting * rs accord, are the best ^ to use Gem" Coal j ?f that mark ought to ^ g on your part. Z & Culp, I Telephone No. 15. t Every Woman SHOULD PEE EARN 9?bwWEEK Introducing our very complete Spring line of beautiful wool suitings, wash fabrics, fancy waistings, silks, hdkfs, petticoats, etc. lip to date N. Y. City patterns. Finest line on the market. Dealing direct with the mills you will find our prices low. If others can make $10.00 to $.'10.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat sample caae, shipped express prepaid. No money required. Exclusive territory. ~* Write for particulars. Be first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Company. 100 H 1st St, Bingham ton. N. Y. I 'ATTERN fl - REVIEW j I ? " Lady Doll | | FREE! I I We will give a pattern of this 1 beautiful doll's dress to every 9 child that calls at our Pattern B h Department, accompanied by an I N adult, during the coming week. I A Get one for your little girl HI I to-day. It's FREE. R a H !n addition to this free pat- I fi tern, we have an extensive I M H assortment of . I a ? PICTORIAL REVIEW I 9 DOLL PATTERNS , a in all styles and sizes at our Pattern Counter. | lay and Monday I I hildren's Dresses: 50c Children's Dresses at 42c ? 25c 44 44 44 21c I A few $1.00 44 44 50c 1 A few odd-size 44 44 75c | $1.25 Ladies' 44 44 98c some bargains for you. Remember, m ? ' I ing Comp'y B "Buy and Sell Everything" ^ ! DIVIDENDS \ (Payable Quarterly) f \ Every 90 days deposits in our Savings Department earn a + DIVIDEND, which is either payable at once in casfr or if \ added to the principal earns compound interest. ' Several hundred people have taken into consideration the . safety of their money handled by us under rules and regu- T. lations made by theJUnited States Government, and the fact that they can get their money at a minute's notice and are receiving these QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS from us. + I 1 We invite you to call at our bank and discuss an invest ment of this kind with us. The First National Bank, I l Fort Mill, - - - S. C. i t> ' < / 1 .......... Our Third Shipment of FINF YAUWr. MITirc M. Ullj) M. Willi I'll/LLt) Have Arrived. 9 Come now and get 1 st pick * MILLS & YOUNG CO. g 1