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^tof 4fjM^ Esrsone IM"? I j^ Ing e|fljHuw|^ppj^^ Inland fl^^anon on the water highways of France is much more, important than one might suppose from the situation of the streams. A cehsus taken in" 1912 brought to light the fact that there were 15,141 boats of three tons and over, capable of carrying over 4,000,000 tons. As regards capacity, 78 per cent, can carry more than 300 tons; 13 per cent., 200 to to 300 tons; 5 per cent., 100 to 200 tons, and 4 per cent., 3 to 100 tons. Of the boats in use, 1,700 were of iron. These were encountered chiefly on the seine, the can&Js of fans ana the Marne, and in the neighborhood of the Rhine. There is an interesting international phase of this humble, but by no means unimportant, branch of French navigation, due to the connection between the waterways of France and those of neighboring countries. Among the boats covered by the census 83 per cent, were JYench, 14 per cent, Belgian and 3 per cent. German. The Belgian boats, having an average capacity of 317 tons, are seen on almost all the waterways of the northern, eastern and central regions of France, but chiefly in the frontier departments. FAD HAS SOME DRAWBACKS "Engagement Tooth," That Threatens to Become Popular, May Not Be the 8ucceea Looked For. Speaking of fads, there's that newest one in New York?the engagement tooth, you know. An engaged girl started it by having a amall diamond placed in a gold setting placed as a crown to one of her front teeth?all to be paid for by her prospective husband. By and by we may distinguish the engaged girl by her glittering tooth?and the married woman by two of the same. But it is ruled that for each engagement and each marriage a tooth must be decorated, dentists will be overworked and some women won't have teeth enough to go around? that is, they won't unless there is a falling off in the divorce line of activity. Of course the new idea is freakish. But it's worse. Because when you see a girl who has no diamonds in her smile you'll know at once that she neeer has been engaged. At present when finger ringF are used it is easy for a girl to smilf knowingly. But with the evidence tacked to her teeth every smile will be a revelation, won't it? TO THE FLOOR WALKER. Lady?Where are your shoes? Plnnr Wn 1 Iroi- An fko ??<..? _ ww II I IIU tliai II IIIAII , madam. Ladj?Do you carry gentlemen'* hata? Floor Walker?Yea, on the top story. Lady?Where are the vests? Floor Walker?Always down the main aisle, madam. Lady?Where is your underwear: Floor Walker?On both the first and second stories. Lady?And belts; where do you keep them? Floor Walker?Tust over the balcony, Ma'am.?New York World. ONLY ONE ELLEN TERRY. There is only one Ellen Terry only one woman that I ever met whf ihas that delightful inconsequential way of saying things. I met her on< day when she was last in New York iShe was just coming out of a shop "How is dear Joe?" she asked, referring to a mutual friend. "He ii well and happy," I answered. "Ii his hair as red as ever?" she asked "Yes, quite," I answered. "Than! Ood 1" she exclaimed fervently jumped into her cab and drove away She didn't mean anything, she didn'1 care whether his hair was red, whit< or blue, but that was Ellen Terry's way of saying things, and I laughed as I walked up the street every tinru I thought of it.?Exchange. PRESERVE HISTORICAL RELICS. France, a country rich in historical monuments, has enacted a las looking toward their preservation It is decreed that an inventory of al historical monuments and huildingi in France shall be taken during th< next three years, with the view ol discovering those in need of restoration. The law also decrees that private owners shall he held responsiblf for their upkeep. Under this law it will be no longer possible for an) rich American to acquire the cathedral of Notre Dame, pull it down and rebuild it in New York, Kalamazoo or Oshkoeh for the purpose ol attesting his interest in history and art . HIS SPKCIALTY. "What kind of a drink would yos Offer an electrician T should think ho would ptmtm SUNMTSaiOOL Lesson (By B. O. BKLLEK8, Director of Kvenlnc Department, The Moody Bible InotKat*., Chicago.) LESSON FOR MARCH 8 WATCH FULNE88. ? (Ttmptranci LaMon.) LESSON TEXT?"Luke 12 ! QOLDKN TEXT?"Blwifl are those I Mrvant* whom the Lord when he cometh bell find watching."?Luke 13:S7. The words of Jesus are the greatest I authority the believer has upon which to found his belief in the Second Coming. Some refuse to have much to do with this important theme because others have perverted it or else "overly : emphasized it" yet in the 260 chapters in the New Testament there are 318 distinct references to this theme, a far : greater proportion than is placed upon I some of the doctrines upon which : whole denominations have been founded. Relative Value. I. The exhortation to watch, w. 35' 40. This is the beginning of a new paragraph. Jesus has been showing i the relative value of material possesj slons and the Kingdom of Qod and I epitomises his teaching in v. 34. He now sets before his disciplines what 1 shall their attitude towards him during I his absence (II. Pet. 3:11, 12 R. V., TlI tus 2:13; II. Tim. 4:8). Thus to be watchful seems to contradict his sug! gestions about anxiety. We need to i remember, however, that the child of the Kingdom is in entirely new relationship with the world. His : deBlre is not for self enrichment but ' rather to be in such relations with God as his rights demand and thus to bring 1 tn nthom th?lr Vifirhoat irnnH Thlu nar. able epitomizes opportunity. Rightly to make use of none'a opportunities j spells happiness for the disciple when he the king shall appear. The evidence that we are watching for his appearlng consists of the readiness of the Individual who is or is not watching. , r. 36; I. Pet. 1:13. Jesus knocks at the . Individual heart (Rev. 8:20) but when i he comes 'twill be to be present at a feast, v. 36. We cannot contract this j time and there is no call to service to. ! morrow. Lions girt, ready for the batj tie or for the race, and lamps burning, (light is always the result of something being consumed), are today's vis> lble evidence of continuous service. Peter's Question, i II. The explanation to Peter, w. 41-48- Between this parable and the one which follows, Peter Interrupts by asking the question, "Lord, speakest thou this parable unto us, or even un to all?" That which follows Is his ani swer to that question but It is also a continuance of the teaching just given. In this part Jesus refers to stewards (bond-servants) that it is their supreme business to seek the Kingdom by selling In order to give. The one work of a servant is to give to the members of an household, each In due season his portion of the father's bountiful grace. John 21:15-17: I. Pet. . 5:2; Jer. 3:15. There are many de> ceitful servants who first feed themselves, or feed only a portion of the i household, or who feed chaff rather than bread, even the true bread of life, I. Pet. 2:2; 4:10, 11. Jesus teaches us 1 that each bond-servant shall likewise | De judged and tnat suddenly. III. The exhortation. Jesus Christ here presents to us the fact that we shall all be judged. That the measure , of our reward or of our punishment is dependent upon the measure of our : knowledge and of our opportunity, James 4:17. To him to whom much , is given, of him shall much be required. Our present responsibility is that of being ready for the coming ol the King and of his Kingdom. The expression of that readiness is evidenced by our lives of service. There are ol course many other phases of service not included in this parable, but our Lord is emphasising opportunity, stewardship, service, watchfulness. In or der to fulfill our service we must enter t Into fellowship with the king in hla I reign, and those who enter into thai fellowship, who are faithful, he will ? reward vv. 37, 43. The measure of our punishment is conditioned upon the measure of our knowledge (v. 48) and our knowledge can be enlarged as we use our opportunities. 1 IV. The Golden Text, (v. 37). la ? Intended to fix our attention upon the acts of our Lord when he Bhall return . It seems astonishing that he shall com pel those whom he finds watching tc ' ' seat themselves that he may gird him | self and serve them. Here we gird t I ourselves that we may serve him by )| serving others (Matt. 25:40). But in , that tomorrow the day of his victory, I he will gird himself and serve those who have been watchfulness and obe - dient servants. This is a suggestion of the exceeding grace mentioned by tbe Apostle Paul, Rom. 11:33. V. The Temperance Leaaon is suggested by the conduct of those who . are not watching for the King's apr peaiing (v. 45). They were indulging | in the animal pleasures of the moment The Kingdom of Ood la not in eating I and drinking hut consists of righteousl ness and peace and Joy in tbe Holy ) Spirit, Rom. 14:17. The effect of inp temperance on the death rates, on the next generation, from an economic * standpoint or viewed from any angle, * Is only the result of the most criminal ? shortsightedness. A clear apprehenp sion of the fact of the imminence of r his return would change ail lives. tHE COULDN'T. j "Kate, I believe you could write I four name in the dust on that piano," aid the lady of the house. "No, I couldn't, ma'am," replied the new girl. "But you must not contradict me, ' Kate." "Why not, ma'am? I can't read ' Mr Bacon ? That snakes are "charmed* by music is denied by a j scientist who has been investigating | in Ceylon and who says that their ! actions are inspired by curiosity. I Egbert?Our friend the scientists ^ probably tried the bagpipes on 'gin. I LESS DYSPEPSIA NOWHERES THEREON. The fact thst there is less dyspepsia and indigestion in this community than there used to be is lnrgely, we believe, j due to 'he extensive use of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets., hundreds of packages ; of which we l ave sold. No wotder wr I have faith in them.' No wonder we are I U'illincr tn nlFor than. tn I?nn I IS " ? ? sv J"" * " entirely ut our risk. | Among other things they contain Prp in and Bismuth, two of the greatest iligestive aids known to medica science. They soothe the inflamed stomach, allay pa:n, check heartburn and distress, help to digest the f< od, anc tend te quickly restore the stnrnn<*h te i i?s natural, comfortable, healthy state. i There is no red tape abcat our guuiantee. It means just what, it says. i We'll ask you no questions. Your won is e ough for us. If Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets don't restore your stomach to health and make your d gestion easy and comfortable, we want you to come back and gt t your money. They are sold only at the 7,000 Kexall Stoies hi i. in this town only by us. Three sizes, I 25c, 50c and $1.00. Ardrey's Drug Stoi t Pert Mill, S. C. Edisto High For S McElhan Fort IV! I Have \ Seen the t If not, it will pa t and see Moon. H Greatest line of < | saw; also other cr How about yoi i not getting thread| buy a pair from suit answer the se 1 I McElhan Is Your M WORKING ______________ Are you secured against 1 laugh will be on the burglai i afier all their Irouble^find c the cssh they wanted. De \ and it will be absolutely sa , ness, rats or any similar I worth having? Now is the time to save p II ing in the Savings Banl | Leroy Springs, Prest. isisasaszgHsasHasasasassESc I __ riD"U Jm That we are bette i Cj to furnish the best jUj| CROCERY line? 1 i BUI order and you will 1 ; I0' great advantage in m| filled promptly with W on the market. The Ln is par-excellent, 01 M perfect and we glad |^[ that proves unsatisfi ? PARKS [SI E. S. PAF ^ ? I wflj % ~jj<^ r% 4 ORT .. r STRENGTH FOR OLD PEOPLE A Simple Remedy Which Favors Longevity, i You set as though you just wondered how you are going to get through this trying season and do your work. | You may be overworked or have had a bad cold which has loft you l without strength, ambition or much ; Interest in life; in fact you are all ! run-down. | Let us tell you that Vlnol. our dellofis cod liver and iron tonic, is just ! the remedy you need to rebuild wast! ing tissues and replace weakness j with strength. I A prominent Boston lawyer says: "My mother, who is 76 years of age, owes her good health to Vlnol as since taking it she can walk farther ana do more than she has for yeirs. I consider It a wonderful blood making: and strength ci-eatlng tonic." We hare such faith in Vinol that If it does not Quickly build you up. restore your strength, and make you feel well again, we will return your money. Try Vinol on our guarantee. P. S. If you hare Eczema try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it. W. B. Ardrey, Druggist, FORT Mill, S. C. * J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rock Hill, - - - S. C. Grade Guano lale by ey G Go., [ill, S. C. 5 You i Moon ? Ly you to come in le will show you the Crossets you ever eations just out. ur pants, are they bare? Suppose you us and make that iason. iey & Co. oney i for You? hard luck or hard times? The rs who break into a place and nfy a check hook instead of posit your cash with this bank Te from ^thieves, fire, dampdanger. Isn't that security art of your income by depositt of Fort Mill, I W. B. Meacham, Caahr. J ? J H5H5525^5Z5Z5ZgSSZSE5Z5Zl - KNOW I r prepared than ever ^ of everything in the r3 ry us with your next jjj learn that there is a [3 having your orders Q the very best eatables [jj e quality of our goods [3 ir delivery service is S3 ly take back anything u ictory to you. jj OGERYCO. I IKS, Manager. I * I Are ^Kg \Fertilizer amm< J admitted to be * ton crop. This is not a theory rru~ 1 - ? - t B| x ne pupuianty oi B fertilizer has cause g| name: if you want fa be sure to buy the |9 If you are not alrea p ROYSTER'S fish-s '? alongside any othei I S. RC "; j Norfolk, Va. Bal jS Spartai-burg, S. C. Goi if ;**o u> 11 U O Hit 111 or anything else, use, quantity req applied. We ha i A( Paints, Enamels, any shabby surfa< Glad to shov decide to paint o Masse rAiJiiflis rituu u lubu Your invention may be small but valuable if patented. Write for booklet PARKER COOK, VictfctfBldg., D.lWashinffton, D. C. FOR SALE . > To quick buyfc% 16 acres of land, don to town, fo/ $126. caah.^011 A. k MrfOhaooy. j ^ 1 otton Require Fish-Scrap? JYSTEI TRADE MARK " t? S K*. REGISTERED ori&rial fish Ig ^niated with Fish-Scr the plant food best s\ r, but a fact proven by the ( Royster's, the original anc d a host of brands to appc to be sure of getting fish ii brand that made fish-sen dy acquainted with the sp crap fertilizer, we simply r brand and abide by the ] >YSTER GUA: timore, Md. Charlotte, N. C Columbia, S. C. Macon, G: Montgomery, Ala. \CME QUAjXfi ing to Pa: 3use, barn, fence, kii , we will gladly tell > uired, the cost, and ve 'ME QUALIt Stains and Varnisht ce?indoors or outdo v colors and offer ad r not. *y's Drug ! Fort Mill, S. C. KILL the COUCH ??D CURE THE LUNGS WTH Dr. King's New Discovery /^ONSUHIPTION Price run 1 OUGHS and 50c & $1.00 V^OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all TUSOAT and LUNO TROUBUKR, or MONEY BAGJL - ' -||, ilVi i RSSN . frtilizors | ap is universally || jited to the cot- || ixperience of many. || 1 genuine fish-scrap i| rar with fish in the p n the goods as well, 13 ip famous; F. S. R. P lendid results from g] ask that you test it ga proven results. gy NO CO. I J. Tarboro, N. C. j& a. Columbus, Ga. ^ ' I " ii- *-?. - \ int? tchen floor, walls fou what kind to how it should be ?* < "Y :s for refinishing ors. vice whether you ^ 3iore, Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain in my stomach, head and back," writer li. T- Alston, Raleigh, N. CV'and aiy liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electric Hitters made me fee! like * new man." MUCK SOCT*. AT ALL 6>t? CTOHO.