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I m 1 i i?w **gg^*agsgi I j FORT MILL, S. C. j I | OENERtl INFORMATION. | J OITX G?vERNj||NT^; No. 81 SoutHOTGnd 6:00 a. m. < No. 35 Southbodfad 7:12 a. m. No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. i No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. No. 28 Northbound 6:30 p. m. v No. 82 Northbound 9:07 p. m. I i , No. 113 Southbound..12:09 p. m. . , No. 114 Northbound-.11:50 a. m. | Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at 1 <* Fort Mill only when flagged. t MAILS CLOSE. For train No. 86 d:30 a. m. ,1 For train No. 27 4:50 p. m. For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. i Note?No mail is despatched on trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 j and 28 do not handle mail Sunday. POSTOFFICE HOURS. 1 Daily....7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I i Sunday 9:30 tolOa. 5 to6:30 p. a. i YOU CAN'T EARN MONEY WHEN YOUR'E LAID UP There are a lot of people in this town who can't afford to be sick. Perhaps none of you feel that you can, but certeinly some of you can't, for as scion as you are sick, your wages stop and worry and debts begin to pile up. The sensible thing to do, as soon as you feel run down and worn out, no matter what the cause, is to take something just as qnicd as you can to build up health and strength. Make yourself more comfortable and provide against serious sicknef. nr.. ^ fA- i t: yvc uun t uuneve intr?; i? any uuici medicine made that will do as much towards saving your health and thus helping you save your money as Rexall OK ive Oil Emulsion. It is a medicine that gets right at the trouble and relieves it y toning the nerves, enriching the bloodj and giving new strength to the whola body. It doesh't do this by means of alcohol or habit-forming drugs, because it contains none. It strength and health-giving power is due to pure Olive Oil and Hypophosphites, long endorsed by successful physicians, the one for its food ealue, tne other for its tonic value. Here, for the first time, they are combined, and the result is a real nerve, biood and body-building medicine?a real strenglhener that we are proud to tell you about. You don't need to hesitate in using it, because if if doosu't do all we say it will and satisfy you in every way, it will cost you nothing. If it doesn't make you strong and well again, come back and get your money. It will be given ta you without word or question. Sold only at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town by us. $1.00?Arbrey's Drug Store, Fort Mill, S. C. v DOG T/ X DUE Notice is hereby given to owners of dogs or those having dogs in their possession that a tax of one dollar on males and two dollars on females is now due. Failure to comply with the ordinance made and provided covering the above tax will subject the person ?r so doing to a fine of not less than ten dollars. By order of the Mayor. C. S. LINK, Clerk. FOR SALE, on reasonable terms, and at a fair price, the Mary Stephenson place, in Indian Land township. Lancaster county. One hundred acres, and a part of the Sizer lands. Address, J. Harry Foster, Attorney, Rock Hill. S. C. Office, Railroad Avenue. FOR SALE. Eggs for hatching from the following standard bred strains at prices named per setting: Partridge Wyanl dottes, $1.50; R. I. Reds, $1.50; Buff Orpingtons, $1.50; White Wyandottes, ' $1.50; Single Comb Brown Leghorns, $1.25; White Rocks, $1.50. Fort Mill Poultry Association, Fort Mill, S. C. LICENSE TAX DUE. Notice is hereby given that the Annual License Tax of the town of Fort Mill, S. C., is due and payable, without penalty, before March 1, 1914. By order of Council this 16th day of January, 1914. C. S. LINK, Clerk. Ml Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they go on a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if good material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us figure with you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company, 'Phone 72. * - - ?? ?? over es years' experience ia H I 1 J J * L r. ? f. I j . I II k 1 Trade Mark? 'n|H|Vv Designs ~fWlv* Copyrights Ac. Anyone .ending a aketeh and description may <|nlokly nanerlnlti our opinion froe whether an Invention la probably patentable, Conimnnlratlonaatrlctly miiildimtlnl. HANDBOOK on Patent# ?nt free. Oldest agency for aocurlng patenta. i'atenta taken through Munn A Co. reoalya Syria! tut'ic*, without charge, lu the Scientific JUnericati. A handsomely llinatrated weekly. Tjireeat dprulation of ary aelentmo Journal. Ternia, $S a year; four months, $L Sold by all newsdoaleni. MUNN & Co *? ifew York iMui fiht. mWBU WMfclMtPOelXCL . aJ.-W f -'-a. ' _ .V .Jfm*- lb i A' ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, i t Dr. J. E. Massey came over from Rock Hill Sunday morrimg to pay a professional visit to ]$-s. Edgar Jones, who has been seriously ill at her home one mile west of town for some days. Carriers of maB on the local rural routes were unable to serve their route^ Thursday on account of the snow and extreme cold, this being the first time in several years that the weather ? J ? .'i : :i_i _ r <.i 11an niaue it uupuaaiuit: iur tiieui to make their regular trips. Announcement was made in the York News of Thursday that Mr. J. T. Bigham, of Chester, would assume the editorship of that paper, succeeding Mr. C. N. Wrenshall. Mr. Bigham is a newspaper man of experience, having successfully conducted the Chester Lantern from its establishment until a short time ago. Parties having business with the county officials will now find the officials located in the old Rose hotel building in Yorkville, into which they moved the last week, and which they will occupy during the building of the county's new $75,000 court building. Confederate veterans of this and other sections will be interested to know that the date of tU? ?...?: r mc oidicicumuii ui tiie veterans to be held at Anderson has been changed to May 27 and 28. The change of dates was deemed necessary because of the dates previously determined upon condieting with those of the veterans' reunion in Jacksonville, Fla. Eight inches of snow, the heaviest s^en in this section since the year 1902, fell here Wednesday night and Thursday morning. The temperature Thursday at 8 a. m. registered 19 degrees above zero, which was the coldest morning of the season in this section. The city schools were closed Thursday on account of the extreme cold and snow, but resumed work on Friday. A slight change in the running time of several of the Southern railway passenger trains on the Charlotte-Columbia division was made on last Sunday. Under the change the trains now arrive at Fort Mill as follows: Train No. 27, 5:27 p. m.; No. 32, 9:02 p. m.; No. 113, 11:57 a. m.; No. 114, 11:57 a. m. The public would do well to make a note of these changes. ? Andrew Caldwell, a colored i man of the township, is suffering with a deep gash in his left cheek as the result of his having Saturday walked bodily through a plate glass door in the grocery department of the Mills & Young company. Caldwell started into the store to make a purchase and failed to observe the plate glass door. The shattered glass was fully insured, hut the negro went his way without compensation for his badly lacerated cheek. The York county supply bill as introduced iu the Legislature specifies that tb? levy for ordinary county purposes shall be six mills; two mills for road purposes, one half mill for count} home fund and one-half mill tc provide sinking fund and pa} interest on court house bonds. In addition provision is made with regard to old bond issues in Catawba, Ebenezer and Yorl Townships. The bill also specifies how the money received shal be spent. T. A. Mills, a well known resi dent of the town and carrier 01 mail on rural route 1, was th< victim^f a misfortune Sundaj afternoon which came nearprov ing fatal. Mr. Mills felt th< need of a dose of quinine and ii measuring the dd^e. througl mistake, poured a quantity o morphine from an unlabellec bottle into a glass and swallowec the drug. The mistake whicl had been made was quickly dis covered through the effects o the medicine and a physiciai was hurriedly summoned. Afte several hours Mr Mills was re lieved from the effects of th< morphine and Monday morninj was about his duties as usual. _ ? ^ <? White ^yttp.dottes My flock of beautiful White Wyan dottes, headed by four superb Fische males, is better this year than ever KffR" $1.00 per $1.25 by mail or ex press. Kim wood Farm, S. E. Bailee , Prop. FOR SALE A Globe (Shuj^tke*) Incubator. 15C egg capacity, flrsVclasa condition. Firs check $7.50. $. W. Bradford. ( DM y?a sec Mami'i ad. tkis week rin of Marlboro, and Representative N, W. Hardin of Cherokee, will align forces and run for governor and lieutenant governor respectively, was information given out from authoritative sources late Saturday. Senator McLaurin definitely . announced his candidacy to succeed Governor Blease, but Representative Hardin made no announcement. It is known, however, that this proposal has met his approval. Both men are now intimate friends, both agree in matters political. As regards their affiliation with the political factions of this State, it is generally conceded now that the Senator and Governor Blease have reached something closely approaching an agreement, and the stand of Representative Hardin in the lower house has always been clearly aligned with the wishes of the administration. Mexican Situation Grave. President Wilson Tuesday revealed to those who discussed Mexican affairs with him that he fully realized the gravity of the situation resulting from the killing of William S. Benton, the British subject, the reported murder of Gustav Bauch and Clemente Vergara, Americans, and General Carranza's denial of the right of the United States to look after the interests of foreigners generally in Mexico. The president spoke deploringly of armed intervention, but at the same time pointedly referred to the size and power of a country like the United States as being sufficient to warrant for a calm and patient course while compliance with the American demands was being sought. Concert by Baraca Orchestra. On account of the show being in town the Baraca Orchestra will change the date of their concert to Tuesday night of next week, March 10th. The concert will include numbers by a quartette, also soprano solo by Miss Blanche Lawrence, cornet solo by Mr. Yarborough. The orchestra numbers will include excerpts from the classic and modern operas, popular selections and ragtime; something never heard before in the city. Four violins, violin cello, bass violin, two trombones, three cornets, three clarinets, saxaphone, flute and piano in two hours of music, melody and song, playing gems ; from the world's greatest masters. Following is the prolamine: Opening March?Sailing Lange Overture?Comrades. Bowman Si?rpnnH<??T .nvn'a Tlroam \A/urron Cornet Solo?Addah Polka Losey (Mr. Yarborough.) Caprice?Heather Rose .Lange i Waltz ?Chimes of Normandy. _ Planquet , Quartette ?In a Medley of Choruses. (Heath Belk, Herbert Harris, Murray ' Mack, Alex Young.) Intermission. i Overture?The Grenadiers... Bowman Waltz Song?Garland of Old Fashioned ? Roses. (Arranged by Yarborough.) I Vocal Solo?Dreaming Days.. Ashford (Miss Blanche Lawrence.) ' Overture -Salutation .Kochler l Waltz?Blue Alsatian. (Arranged by Bowman.) Overture?Celestial Carl [ Duet from II Trovatore Verdi ^ (Meacham and Yarborough.) Admission, 15c and 25c. Seats j on sale at Massey's drug store ; Friday, March 6. ? Advt. : Don't Let Constipation Ruin Your Health ' It Deadens the Brain and Weakens the [ Body. Nature Needs Real and Harmless aid to Overcome it. Nature does her best to fight constipation and its evil effects. " She fights to the last atom of f her strength, but usually she 5 has to have assistance. j To avoid the sluggish brain . and weakened body, the sick 5 headache, coated tongue and bil' liousness. it is unwise to use un. 1 pleasant calomel, a medicine so r strong that it leaves most peoi pie "all knocked out." Don't : take chances with your health. * A great number of people have 1 learned that Dodson's Liver Tone - (50c) makes one brighter, f healthier and happier in a peri fectly easy and natural way, r with no pain nor gripe and no . bad after-effects. e We and Ardrey's Drug store guarantee it without condition s and will refund purchase price I if you are not entirely satisfied. " Dodson's Liver Tone is an absolutely safe, pleasant tasting - vegetable liquid and a wonderful 'l liver stimulant which takes the _ place of calomel, but be sure you * get Dodson's. - j WANTED?Beef Cattle, and Hogs ; for Fork, Butter, Chickens and Eggs, Be sure and see us. Phone 82. L. A Harris & Co. l| FOR SALE y ? Second hand One-horse Wagon ii _ good condition with harness, w ? MURRAY MACK. IBttjppgg, FORT MILL, SOtr lii o ^ I I s I A Re and Wo I All C at Z* ? S I Watch th I Mill: ITeleph ? as I Just Ai New styles in Ladi and Sandals?the best we have ever shown. New Dress Goods a Poplins, Linens and An the kind that does not Gome and see the styles and prrces will p I L J.M | WHO'S YOUR * To buy Coal with judgm x ment is our purpose and Coal that stands up to e * for it in word and adverl ^ the endorsement its users r reasons for urging you to i | Our "Blue ( I ? Principles falling short of agitate some tall thinking I | Stewart? ' i T Quick Delivery Stockholders' Meeting. ] Notice is hereby given that a meet- < ; ing of the stockholders of Perpetual k Building and Loan Association of F'ort , Mill, S. C., will be held on Monday, March 9th at 3 o'clock p. m. in the 1 office of the Secretary at Fort Mill, S. C., for the purpose of considering the advisability of increasing the capit tal stock of the Association to a maximum amount of $500,000. w. b. mf:agham, J. L. SPRATT. Pres. . Sec'y. 4t ' RIIPYI Ell'? 18 THE ONLY 1 GENUINE ARNICA SALVE iffit CAROLINA ?ecia C O aturday an FOR * duction of 25 \ rk Shirts. Big li FOR W< urtain Goods to per cent, reducti is space next week ; s & You one 12 rrived ies* Oxfords, Pumps and prettiest Shoes . t 10c to 25c; (>repes, | noskeag Ginghams? fade. New Goods. The lease you. assey. COALMAN? I | I ent as to its every ele- * your protection. i very claim we make tisement and meriting * i accord, are the best '2 > use jem" Coal I f that mark ought to 2 on your part. % X & Culp, 1 Telephone No. IS. | Every Woman SHOULD O C PER EARN ntroducing our very complete Spring ine of beautiful wool suitings, wash abrics, fancy waistings, silks, hdkfs, jetticoats, etc. Up to date N. Y. City >atterns. Finest line on the market, dealing direct with the mills you will ind our prices low. If others can make 110.00 to $30.00 weekly you can also. Samples, full instructions in neat samite caae, shipped express prepaid. No uoney required. Exclusive territory. Write for particulars. Be first to apply. Standard Dress Goods Company, 100 1st St. Binghamton, N. Y. V * il Sale || R id Monday. I AEN: )er cent, on alll Dress I ne to select from. I rv m m l?i % t 1 JiVlLJN: go on sale above days 1 on in price. I and see what we offer you. ing Comp'y I "Buy and Sell Everything" H J DIVIDENDS I (Payable Quarterly) t". Every 90 days deposits in our Savings Department earn a * ; DIVIDEND, which is either payable at once in cash or if ! added to the principal earns compound interest. I Several hundred people have taken into consideration the t safety of their money handled by us under rules and regu- & ; lations made by thelUnited States Government, and the fact % ; that they can get their money at a minute's notice and are Z receiving these QUARTERLY DIVIDENDS from us. ? We invite you to call at our bank and discuss an invest- f ; ment of this kind with us. : The First National Bank, I Fort Mill, - - - S. C. Our Third Shipment of FINE, YOUNG MULES Have Arrived. Come now and get 1 st pick MILLS & YOUNG CO. J Try a 25c Ad in The Times next week. I