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d. w. ioiAXinipV <j^WrliKl inropnetQr. Subscription Rates: One Yaw S1.26 Six Months ............. ................ .66 The Times Invitee contributions on live subjects but does not scree to publish more then 200 words en sny subject. The rfcrht is reserved to edit very communication submitted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising vatea are made known to those interested. Teleohone. local and lonir distance. No. 112. Entered at the Doetoffice at Fort Mill. S. C.. as mail matter of the second class. THURSDAY. MARCH5.1914. The News in Wrong. In an editorial *n The Times last week the st^ement was made that the lawyer, members of the General Assembly "are able to get through the Legislature almost any kind of legislation they desire." There is a deal of difference between that statement and the statement the York News undertal ts to put in The Times' mouth when it credits The Times with s;: ing "that they (the lawyers) can get through any kind of legislation tney aesire. i ne j imcs maao no such statement aid The News could have been in better business than misquoting this paper. Nor did we say anything in the editorial that would give offense to any of the non-professional members of the legislature, as The News undertook to show. There are many good men in the Legislature, both inside and outside the profession of law. but we stand by the statement that there are too many lawyers in the General Assembly, particularly in the Senate. We have all seen how the lawyer members of the Senate have trifled with the interests of the people during the present session of the Legislature until complaint is ( going up all over the State about the dilatory tactics adopted by i that body in refusing to act upon the measures sent over : there from the House. Why has % the Senate failed to vote on the Fortner bill? Is the failure due 1 to political cowardice? If not, j perhaps The News will be able to ( give the reason therefor. If , every county in South Carolina ] was represented in the Senate j by a man as anxious to expedite the work of that body in the interest of his constituents as the Senator from York, there would be no occasion for complaint. There is nothing in the i point The News tries to raise1 in apology for the Senate in the statement that "the Senate has trimmed the appropriation bill something like $325,000." The News must have known that the action of the Senate in this connection was a "stall," pure and simple, for political effect; that the bill had to go to conference with the House members, and that the Senate knew when it trimmed the appropriation bill that the House never would agree to all its amendments, or to any considerable part of them. So we say there is nothing in The News' apology fur the Senate. Nr. Lee's Marksmanship. Speaking of the record which Mr. Tom K. Lee, a Fort Mill i young man, has made recently f in his home city, Birmingham, Ala., The ledger prints the following: "The shooting of Mr. Lee has c been phenomenal and his records f will probably be unequalled for s years if, indeed, they are ever t tied. As each record is perfect r he can never be beaten on that d number of shots. a "His work has attracted the t attention of the entire country d and his records are accepted by u the war department of the )< United States which has sent out notices of them over the,b country. : u "The Stevens Rifle and Arms v company, manufacturers of the v kind of gun he shoots with, has'c sent him the best small guage a rifle the company makes, in d recognition of his wonderful tl ^ marksmanship. The Peters fi \ Cartridge company has notified b him that it is sending him a tl iarge shipment of cartridges in n appreciation of his work." ja ^ . *r i PUBLIC SCHOOL HONOR BOLL By Prof. J. P. Coats. A pupil must make an average of 95 per cent on his studies, 95 per cent, on deportment, and 95 per cent on attendance for his name to be on the honor roll of the Fort Mill graded school. The following have the honor for February: First Grade?Nannie Lee Philips, Kate McLaughlin, Marion Jones, Effie Rich, Edith Parks, I<ouise Patterson, B. W. Bradford, James Ferguson, Clyde Merritt, Crawford Wilson, Alva Fennell, Tom Harris, Hoyt Laney, Midas Link. Second Grade?Elizabeth Ardrey, Lawrence Armstrong, William Hafner, Mary Kimbrell, Katherine Massey, Mary Moore, Bertha Moore, Ernest Wagner, Steven Parks, Lee Carothers. Third Grade?Frank Jones, W1IH0 Ronnotf TT.llo Moo MaVI . . .... W ?^v?M*vvi| A^IIU m?\/ AUVU1haney, Anna Wolfe, Mary Jones, Janie Boyne. Fourth Grade?Elma Bradford, Marion Parks, Harriette Crawford. Fifth Grade?Atmar Adcock, Hattie Belk, Sophie Link, Ollie Hood. Sixth Grade?William Grier, Melvin Blackmon, Odell Kimbrell, Beatrice Parks, Grace Erwin. Eighth Grade? William Ardrey, Barron Bennett, Robert Erwin, William Erwin, John A. Boyd, Marjorie Mills, Bernice Mills, Mary McLaughlin. Grade?Willie K. Barber, Alice Bradford. Tenth Grade?Zenas Grier, Sadie Yongue, Esther Meacham, Olive Harris, Margaret Spratt, Frances Smith. Blames the Groundhog. The Rock Hill Herald a few days ago received the following article, showing that there are those who are confident that the groundhog is responsible for the weather conditions of the past two weeks: You may sometimes fail in getting your little two-pound bundle of groundhog from the butcher on time, or even later discover that it contains a trace of ground beef, but the sceptic on the groundhog as a weather prognosticator has disappeared to his own warm cozy corner. All signs fail sometimes, but this year the second day of February was beautifully clear and mild, just the kind of a day for the most prudent and well raised groundhog to sally forth from his borough to size up weather conditions for the coming six weeks, and now even we here in Rock Hill can scarcely believe imid the "57" varieties of weather since February 2, that ;here "ain't nothin' in signs." We may consult our best medical almanacs, and even the earned Professors of agriculture is to the right time of the moon ;o plant onions or Irish potatoes uid through some neglect otherwise fail or make a short crop. Planting in the moon may be all ight, but planting in the earth ' s better. Any of us are liable to fail sometimes, with all our knowledge and farsightedness, but when it comes right down to strict high grade mid'ling bus- ! ness, Mr. Groundhog as a proglosticator of the weather is a c.?i. * i " ui liic iirst magnitude. lie :an give the weather man cards i tnd spades and beat him at his < >wn game. Such weather can . lardly be described in more 'orceful IanRuaRe than that used inder similar circumstances by i resident of the mountainous egions of Virginia, who in the 1 :ourse of his letter to a paper vrose as follows: "First it blew , ind then it snew, and then it 'riz, and then it thew." Wednesday Adjournment Day. The Senate and House on Sat-' lay fixed Wednesday as the day or final adjournment of the 1914 , ;ession of the Legislature, but he legislative day of March 4 s nay be extended through Thurs- 5 lay and even into Friday. The ippropriation bill will hardly go ] f\ fha rrauamar hafnva lA/?/4??n w v.av F VI UVI MVI VI V f? CUUC3- , J lay morning and he can keep it ' intil Saturday if it takes that . ung for him to consider it. 1 It appears now that there will >e little if any general legislation ipon expected lines. Nothing rill come of the efforts to pro- i ide for primary reform, the 11 ompulsory education bills will 11 go to the junk heap, either irectly or by the veto route; here will be no revision or modi- \ cation of the present abomina- 1 a le system of tax assessments; v here will be no highway com-1 lission legislation nor tax on j utomobiles for better roads. I TBCrO&TH JSSgliGare /hWmas for IT \ FIGURE W YOURSE ctQL/ V UM J HEN you buy a? ?J shoe, with li fl tered and ] aBlr 1 you get ver fiSF^ ?but buy c Mr SHOES wii.h the Pell "T radc J facturers guarantee you mi 5 and better fit than you will r! on the market for the same ^ a big saving in your shoe b isn't it worth a trial? We | of the LONGWEAR line. 3 your inspection?all styles, al I Patterson's Dry Gc I Store. i "Sells It For Less.' LOCAL WOMAN NOW A BIG ADVERTISER When one of our woman customers recently bought five bottles of Har- , mony Hair Reautifier to give to her ' friends for Christmas, she started all i by herself a mighty big advertising . campaign, because not only does each one of the women to whom she gave J a bottle of the Reautifier now consider i it indispensable for the proper care of the hair, but each of them has been the means of getting several of her friends to use it. As a consequence, if things keep on in this way for a few months longer, we will be selling more of it than of all other hair preparations combined. Sprinkle a little Harmony Hair Reautifier on you hair each time I before brushing it. Contains no oil; ? will not change oolor of hair, nor dark- ! en gray hair. 1 To keep hair and scalp dandruff-free and clean, use Harmony Shampoo. This pure |i<prid shampoo "tfives an instantaneous rich lather that immediately penetrates to every part of hair and scalp. insuring a quick, thorough cleansing. Washed oft just as quickly ( the entire operation takes only a few , momenta. Con thins nothing that can c harm the hair; leaves no harshness or t qti/*l'inAoo .nvmnvoo ju.ll a nwL'l'l CI fit III 111 l*MS. i Both preparations come in odd-shaped very ornnmental bottles, with sprinkler ] tops. Harmony Hair Beautitier, $1.00. * Harmony Shampoo, 50c. Both guaranteed to satisfy you in every way, or ] your money back. Sold only at the * more than 7,000 Hexall Stores, and in this town only by us. ? Ardrey's Drug t Store, Fort Mill, S. C. SPECIAL THURSDAY AT THE Majestic, "In the Clutches of the Ku Klux Klan," FEATURING MISS GENE GAUNTiER This is an accurate, historical production of the last exciting days of that organition. Three partB. You must see this thrilling tale of those terrible days. Homo PQ r 1 TT A* ?iaii ? >/? ? J V* Jf VU lllttjf I not get a seat. L Doors open 2 to 11 p. m. Do You Know That your breath and your responsibility do not end at the same time? "But if any provide not for his own, and specially not for His own house, he hath denied :he faith and is worse than an nfidel." ?1 Tim. 1:8. A life insurance policy in the 39mon Central vill supply the cheapest and ;asiest means of providing for if OUR household. Five cents a day vill carry $1,000 insurance at ige 30. As us what YOUR rate vill be. BA1LES & LINK, . _ \ - J. < 'mm BLL TIMES, rORTWLL, SOW ful Buying Made Many k Account? ^1 ' TAKE OUR WORD \\l ?SIT DOWX AX D \V THIS OUT FOR \\ LFl U ' an ordinary, no-name \ out a standard, regis- I protected Trade-Mark, I y little for your money i pair of LONGWEAR -Mark, and the manuore wear, better styles find in any other shoe } money. This means bill in a year's time? I I have a big assortment ready for f? Heathers. M TREE SPRAYING Time is here. It is an universally acknowledged fact that it is the only method by which a new orchard can be preserved or an old one brought back to life. We have Lime-Sulphur Solution and Arsenate Lead :he materials used for the pur- I pose, and the time to use it is I immediately before the bud ap- I pears. a P. S. ? We are making out to- I lay to those we think interested I i post card entitling the'holder I ;o one cake of Palm Oolive Soap E ree with one cake purchased. 1 n other words, two cakes for R he price of one?15 cents. R 3iease be kind enough to Return he card, even if you do nfcit care o take advantage of this free >ffer. Ardrey's Drug Store. M E A C H A ] Special ! This V A Beautiful and Round T1 at 5 cents the ^ ? M EACH AIV It's better at the same price, - MM The Pure F< Just received, a Ferry's Famous Ga variAtioo U1 Mrs. Housekeepei undecided to w dinner, call us, we hundred pounds Fre bage just in. JONES, THE Phones 14 and 8. ? ' Big Annive Of Toilet Articles Three Big, Thursday- Fri (March 5th, 6th and 7th.) cu_? l * aiaiement Dy un Massey: Strenuous strivings lead on to greater things. When one of our great men wrote: "The Law of Worthy Life is Fundamentally the Law of Strife," he laid down a law of business as well. It is only through labor and painful effort?by severe energy and resolute courage, that we move on to do greater things. It is only thru the daily striving to do better in store service and in value giving, that this store has been able to retain its enviable position. And now it is our wish to express our heartfelt thanks to the people of Fort Mill and vicinity for the gratifying evidence of good will and a magnificent demonstration of confidence that has come to us in greatly increasing business since we opened one year ago. Hard as a rock and cold as marble would be the heart that did not cheerfully respond to such a convincing display of confidence, and in showing our sincere appreciation of the favors WE have received at your hands, it is not our desire to express I such thru the glittering generalities of cold and unfeeling type?and now it is we are going to show our appreciation in a material way in offering to you during 7 Checks for 7 Cold or Drinks for - - - Read This: Big Soa Any 10c article in the store 8c jn t^is jjne we , Any 25c article in the store 21c undersell. We ca ?i.?. brands and they Any 60c article in the store..42c everything else. ? > ? . ' ;?"7 big lot of this soa Any $ article in the store?&4c worn at a big bar) EXCEPTIONS: No reductions on Cigars, Cig 2 CHANCES A O'CLOC] . FREE. SATI] With every 25-cent pur- March 7th, w chase during these three away the Hand days we will issue two chan- en Cabinet and ces at the Kitchen Cabinet andotte Chicke and pen of Wyandottes. ber the day am THESE PRICES F Massey's Drui I <s> m e p p s | ?yg|-y^ Sale for 1 Pl We go the i l j 1 | the most gooc reek. t Ifyoudon. ? Irish Potatoes Lot of VaL | We have a iread Laces t to you the wa yr\ t Save your ( yam' t ly happy. 1 &, EPFS \ M,p , if it came from Epps'. ^ 1Y* JQt ila " s >od Store. ' p fresh supply of I irden Seeds, all For the Lf | Papers, see < when you are Ladies sh( hat to have for t ? . 1 . I Companion f< have it. rive 1 sh Florida Cab- We aUo 08 GROCER. J PARK : mm t . p 1 I srsary bale 1 ? Stationery. Ete. Busy Davs J ? day - Saturday these three days perhaps unparallelled buying opportunities. We want you all, each and every one, to come; also invite your friends who have not acquired the habit of trading with us to come; we want you to come expecting everything as represented and we promise you will not be disappointed. Cordially yours, B. F. MASSEY, Jr. Our Creed?Its Protection to You. We believe in the goods we are selling and the people to whom we are selling the goods. We believe that honest goods can be sold to honest people by honest methods. We believe in working, not waiting; in laughing, not crying; in boosting, not knocking, and in the pleasure of doing businpss Wo Inrnw Oinf """"I" ' * .. ~ ?.1U biiab ^ICUJ/IC ((CI. wum they come here for, and that the bargain today is worth two tomorrow. We believe in courtesy, in kindness, in generosity, in good cheer, in friendship and in honest competition. We believe in increasing our trade, and the way to do it is to reach for it. We are now reaching for yours with some of the greatest values it has ever been your pleasure to buy in Fort Mill. o/\ Checks for 30 Cold d**l ?3vJ Drinks for . - - yA p Sale Pay Your Account jxcell as well as During these three days and you irry all of the will receive Two Chances at the will go with Prizes. SPECIAL ?A HIG CANDY DEAL p a little shop- Come in and see for yourself, ^ain in this sale. Everybody will be here. arettes, Paints, or in Prescription Dept. i, p m . Don't Fail fRDAY, e will give To have your Tickets here. some Kitch- J.f >'?" c,an'1 come' fc"d the Pen of Wy- tickets by some one else. ns. Remem- Positively, we must have i hour. the tickets that win. OR CASH ONLY f CfA?0 Telephone y oiore, No. 91 -L. <S> iody Has a Warm ! ace for the Cold Cash. I above sentence just "one better." We have t, Is for the Cold Cash. & t believe this, ask for our prices on Seed ? }, Flour, Shorts. Coffee, Sugar, any anything ? Farm Supplies and Tools. warm place for the Cold Cash, and extend + rmest wplffimp in town tn ^ wv* aa vv 1/1. UU^ W 1 111 US. ^ .ASH COUPONS and make the whole fami LHANEY & CO. ! { I \ ? 1 ? ? ,., W v Magazines. ' I itest and Most Popular Magazine^ find j J- > >ur assortment, before you buy. ft Duld see Page 44 of the Ladies' Htyme or March?the advance Fashion S^eet. | trry Post Cards, Stationery, Etc. IS DRUG COMFY, ' S. W. PARKS, Manager. |j ^ i