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b?! L 1 [ I FORT^MJILL, S. C. | f ( GENERfl INFORMATION. ( I #nmfr ? - f CITY C.OVERNMENT. \ f A. U. McK; :IANEY Mayor f ] C. S. LINK - Clerk i f Ih N. (.IAS V'J.J Chief of Police \ j DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. ( f No. 31 Southbound 6:00 a. m. J "J1 No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. I No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. I I No. 36 Nor.hhound 8:60 a. m. { . No. 28 Noi thLound 6:30 p. m. j J No. 32 Northbound... 9:07 p. m.' f |- No. 113 Southbound. 12:09 p. m. 4. 1 No. 114 NorJhhoiinrl 11 !.5() a. m. t ? Note?Trans 31 and 32 stop at f j Fort Mill 01 ! when flaprgetf.- . J I MA ! S CLOSE. I j For train N . 36 8:30 a. m. J For train No 27 4:50 p. rn. I J For train f . 28 6:00 p. m. J I Note?Ni. oi.iil is despatched on J 1 trains 31, 3. and 35. Trains 27 \ f and 28 do n<. handle mail Sunday. J I POSTOl I ICE HOURS. 5 Daily 7:-' a. m. to 7:30 p. m. I j Sunday 0:3n . 10a. m., 5 to5:30 p. m. J PERSON \L MENTION. Mrs. All< i J. Graham and children, oi Greenville are visitors at the i me of Dr. T. S. Kirkpatrick. i this city. Mr. J. C. i oatwright of Pineville, was a visitor to Fort Mill Monday. Miss Floi rce Boyd, accompanied hy M . ses Susie Edwards and Virginia Taylor, came up Saturday al. rnoon from Y\inthrop collej < and spent until Monday at In r hotne in this city. Misses Lain Parks and Esther McMurray, v i;ng ladies of Winthrop college, >pent Sunday and Monday at ti.eir homes in Fort Mill. Miss Isabt Massey is visiting friends in !S< ety- Hill. W. G. I . in. of Charlotte, was a guest i re last week at the home of R. 1 (irier in this city. Mrs. A. lh . -rand Miss .land Robinson, of Chester, were guests in I t Mill Friday of David L. SI.;.i ostein, brother of the former. Willis Mow : \ grandson of Mrs. W. R. Howi' . of Fort Mill, left here several? ys ago for Chicago where, aftu . ..king a course in telegraphy, e will enter the service of tie Illinois Central railroad. Mrs. Dot r.s and daughter, Miss Louise 1 vvns, of Pineville, have been nests for several days of Mi. r. W. Eason who has been ill i< . some time at her home on Cl( urn street. A . ? * ??* * Giving the I Lomer 5 Per Cent. Determim? <> do a much larger cash busim:. during 1911 than ever before, the enterprising firm of McE; uney & Co. has hit upon a novel plan of bringing tlte cash trad iis way. Included in the store'.- equipment is one of the largt * t and very latest style National cash registers, and as some one r* marked recently, ^ "That mad i does everything but talk." I the pressing ol button and e turn of a lever ^^^ H|fek^iachinc isters the amount \ :ether for credit, the d; ' of the purchase, paid onaccon: ; or paid out, and at the same t.: ie issues a neatl> printed coui i bearing this information ale r with the firm's name and a i ture of the proprietor. As . means of showing the custorm i .at his trade is appreciated, a \ itie of 5 per cent. lias Been p . - d on each cash coupon and upon coupons on "paid on acc? : .t," provided the payment is i. de on or before the 5th of th? tonth. The plan is becoming t, ie popular in the tow n and Low hip, several people having s:t. d during the last few weeks a dicient amount of the coupons \ iih which to buy cfothing, sin ?.< and articles from the firm's pi very or hardware departments. Mr. McElhaney says that h s cash business is steadily inei? Mug, which fact he attribute. <> the firm's method of selling . >r less than the other fellow 1 issuing the cash coupons whim are equivalent to 5 cents off <. each dollar spent with the fin- Adv. TAX RE1 L :NS FOR 1914. Office of t; County Auditor of York aunty, S. C. York villi-, S. < . December 2, 1912. As required I statute, my books will be opened >v oflice in Yorkville '*" on THUKSDAv> JANUARY I. 1911, and be kept < j i until FKBRUAHY T " 20, 1914, for 11 it-pose of listing for A' taxation all 1 SONAL and REAL r*. PROPERTY I . in York County on January 1, 191 . Taxpayers \v please remember this is the year foi . assessment of REAL ESTATE. For the pur; e of facilitating the taking of retu. and for the greater convenience ? xpayers, I will be at the following aces on the dates named. And at Yor! from Thursday, February f>. until I ay; February 20. 7. All males bet-., en the ages of twenty-one -and sixt \ ears, except Confederate soldiers <. r the age of fifty years, are lia! ' ? a |>oU tax of $1.00, and all persoi liable are especially requested to g \ the numbers of their respective srl districts in making their returns. , lik. ADUSM. LOVE, ?>' County Auditor. k -J 1" ' I ii 1 i . ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. . Following the custonv adopted recently by a -number of the cotton mills of South Carolina, the two Fort Mill mills on Saturday began paying their employees each week instead of each two weeks as formerly. It is said the employees are highly pleased with the weekly pay plan. The Times is requested by the Young Peoples' Missionary society of the Fort Mill Methodist ; church to extend thanks to the I public for the liberal patronage given the Majestic Theatre Thursday night, through which the society realized the sum of $14.30 to be used toward buying a new organ for the church. | Announcement is made that Capt. MI C. Willis, of Yorkville, iH a candidate for the office of adjutant general. Captain Willis has been an officer in the national guard for ten years or longer and is well known throughout the State. He is an extensive planter of this county and has made his home at Yorkville for ! many years. Accompanied by a windstorm I of cyclonic velocity, there was a | considerable fall of hail throughout this section Saturday morna ing about (> o'clock. Immediately after the hailstorm the mercury began to descend and when night came on Saturday the temperature was well nigh down to the freezing point. There was a heavy frost and considerable ice on Sunday morning. For the benefit of Philadelphia Methodist church, a supper will ! be given at the home of Mr. .J. H. Sufton in Upper Fort Mill on next Saturday afternoon, 3 to 10 o'clock. Oysters will be served at 25 cents per plate, and ( Iw.c. ...U.v A~ * *' - uniot v> iiv> uw iiul I'are jor ine bivalves, will for 25 cents be furnished with other delicious eatables and deserts. The public is cordially invited to attend. The new express rates ordered recently by the interstate commerce commission became effecti ve Sunday. The new rates show a decided reduction, in many cases the cut being more than half. It is believed that a good deal of matter that is shipped hy freight at present will be sent by express hereafter as in many cases it can be sent as cheaply and besides have insurance w ithout extra cost. A new enterprise is announced for this community in the statement of John J. Bailes that he will establish a commercial dairy on the Valley Farm owned by him and located within a few miles of Fort Mill. Preliminary w ork is now being done in fencing about 200 acres, and modern barns will be erected. Mr. Bailes will plant crops this spring with a view to supplying the needs of his herd during the coming winter which will number 20 or 25 head of cattle. City council at its last meeting decided among other things to try out for economic reasons the meter system of using current i for lighting the town's streets instead of continuing the lights under the old flat rate for the j current. According to the new arrangement the street lights I Kn**rt r i uui ii tav.ii infill I X fill IIUMV. UUIR until 11 o'clock and mornings are lighted from 5:30 to 6.30. The plan will he tried out durirg February and. if found to effect a saving, as compared with the | old flat-rated system, will he adopted permanently. It is understood that council also will have additional lights erected at various points in the town within the next few weeks. M E A C II A Closing < On lonjr and short Kimo and short Kimonas, 21c, 38 Hobcs, $1.18 and $2.98. Undei I Our line for Men, Women Hos One of our banner depar want the best 10, 15 and 2i Silk In nlI the fast colors and v M EACH Al It's better at the same pi Thfiforkville Board of Trade in its jninual meeting Thursday night declared itself in favor of good roads, and committees were appointed to further the building of roads out of Yorkville. One committee, headed by J. E. Lowry, will agitate the question of building an "air line" road from Yorkville to Rock Hill, while another committee, of which J. A. Tate is chairman, will ask the Legislature to provide for working the road from Yorkville to the Cherokee line. The Baraca class of the Fort Mill Baptist church now has an enrollment of 44, and 33 of the members were present last Sunday morning. After the routine business had been transacted, f ho loocnn f V\n /lotr moo f oiirrUf iiv ivocvii avi 111^ uaj nao tau^ia by Mr. J. P. Coats, in a highly interesting and instructive manner. The Baracas have recently organized an orchestra of eleven pieces and is progressing nicely with its music. The public is cordially invited to go out and hear the orchestra next Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Information was received in Fort Mill Thursday afternoon telling of the death at Morganton, N. C., of Mr. M. M. Culp, a brother of the late Messrs T. G. and L. N. Culp, of Fort Mill, death being due to a general breaking down of health incident to old age. Mr. Culp was 74 years old, and is survived by a wife and several grown children who reside at Mooresville, N. C. Messrs. D. G. Kimbrell, E. W. Kimbrell and Miss Carrie Kimbrell, of this city, relatives of the deceased, attended the funeral at Mooresville Friday. YES, AND OTHER "BIG GUNS." "The church militant, my son, mentis tho church engaged in warfare." "And are the canons what it fights with, pa?"?Boston Evening Tran- i script. Special Trip to Dallas and New Orleans Via the Southern Railwav The Southern Railway has arrayed a special tour to Dallas, Texas, for the South Carolina delegates and others desiring to attend the Sixth National Corn Exposition. The party will leave on the "Carolina Special" Monday, February 16, going via Asheville, Memphis arid Little Rock; returning via Houston, New Orleans, Montgomery and Atlanta, arriving home February 27. The daylight trip through Arkansas and Texas, spending three and a half days at Dallas and Ft. Worth, one day at Houston and two days at New Orleans during the Mardi Gras. Exceptionally low rates open to everybody. Fur details.apply to S. H. McLean, Division Passenger Agent, Columbia, S. C. (adv?feb 16) Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they soon a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if pood material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us fipure with you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company, IYI ?? E P P S 3ut Prices nas and Hath Robes. I/)np ryr ^ r\o i ?in . ? L-, <.u-, ami .>i.ZD. iiatn rwear. and Children is complete. >iel*y tments. Wo havo what you > cents school hose made. Hose vhite, 50c and $1.00. M Sc EPFS rice, if it came from Epps'. WOE, TIMES, FOM MILL. SOI [big fl Fo, I ? Dress G I Percale, Galatea I See the Dis] I 1 MIL I Telephone 125 gSBB Our Fi: Of Fine Young Mules is on hand a our stables on Railroad Street. 11 buying. We can please you. iL We also carry a full line of Bi and positively our prices are the 1 ity of the poods we sell. MILLS & \ || WHO'S YOUF I ' To buy Coal with judgr 1 ment is our purpose anc Coal that stands up to ' for it in word and arlvp I ^ the endorsement its user reasons for urging you t j I Our "Blue" 1 Principles failing short c agitate some tall thinkin I Stewart T Quick Delivery Stockholders' Meeting. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the stockholders of Perpetual Building and Loan Association of Fort Mill, S. C., will he held on Monday, March 9th at 3 o'clock p. m. in the. oflice of the Secretary at Fort Mill, S. C., for the purpose of considering the advisability of increasing the capital stock of the Association to a maximum amount of $500,000. W B. MKACIlAM, J. L. SPRATT, Pres. I Sec'y. 4t 1 4? tJTH CAROLINA v ' ^ v2 B i CAS . o . 1 daiuraay ingham, ch? A big variety of stri] worth 1 0 and 12 1-2 Short 1< l^lOLll, going S play in our Shov oace each week XS& Y rst Car ind ready for your inspection at : will pay you to see them before . ,7/ i iggies, Wagons, Harness, Etc., owest consistent with the qual'OUNG CO. t COALMAN? j nent as to its every ele1 your protection. ^ every claim we make rtisement and meriting s accord, are the best ^ o use Gem Coal I t >f that mark ought to l ! g on your part. & cuip, i Telephone No. 15. f REPAIR SHOP. I have opened a first-class Harness and Shoe Repair Shop in the rear of W. I.. Hall's store. 1 All work guaranteed. I will appreciate a part of your patronage. J. Harvey MoKinney. J> Harry Foster, ATTORNEY; AT RAW. Rock Hill, - . - S. C. , H S^ r & Mond g line in all the most :ks, worth I 0 and 1 2 pes, figures and soli< !c yard, going above mgths, the 15 cent aturday and Mondaj it Windows, am for bargain: OUNG "Buy and Have Y< T estec Don't take medicines caused by defective eyesi perience in fitting glasses, i_ _ 11 i.; 1 - /? J r - * rect an Kinus 01 aeiecis. Absolute satisfaction pi are very low, so why will this service and pay twice [ L. J. IV 1 Where Are f In your time you have see the good fellows as they are c ^ Where are they now? W Then ?the fellows who v f Trrtmey slowly until they hac ? no*. ? ^ They are the employers^ ployed. This doesn't imply ^ thrift; the hardworking, thrif L bone of this and anv other cor 7 ^ ^ saves can become his own bos We'll help you alontf 1 guarding your interests safelj of courtesy and modern scienl The First N< Fort Mill, FOR SALE. Ejjffs for hatching from (ho following stindard bred swa ns at prices named per setting: F Partridge^ Wyandottes, $1.50; R. I. Reds, $1.50; HufT Orpin^'$1.50; White.VVyandottes, $1.50; Single Comb Hrown Leghorns. $1.2.5; White Rocks, $1.50. Fort Mill Poultry Association, Fort Mill,?5. C. n'lPtfl Cjtl'C as THE ONLY GENUINE ARNICA SALVE i <T T7 I k I ^ P 4 I lay- . 1 I :J popular 7 1 1 -2c, at 2 ^ i 1 colors, 71 /-? I days at 2 ^ I qT':,y' i0c ? ? 1 1 watch this I ' I the spendthrifts are the em- ? j that every employe is a spend- % ty laboring man is the back- ^ nmunity. But every man who 'Z ;s. I )y welcoming small deposits, Z r and giving you the very best % Lille banking service. ? itional Bank, f I i "Is Jones in a bad condition "Very much do. He had an atta^^^^^H oi loconioiive taxes ana is now catamogc condition." MEAN "What a color so if the marked-down aaleaJ^JHH|^B^^^J^Q aj. n =r_J )ur Eyes I Free. j for headache, when it is | .-Ui- on ? ?t X ITiUI OV7 ycitia CA" we are in position to corjaranteed, and our prices 1 you go to a stranger for i i as much for your glasses? J lassey. | j | They Now? | i J n a good many spendthrifts? ? * #H ailed. * Ali I J e don't need to tell you. ? /orked hard and saved their $ (1 1 backing capital ?where are I i