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| cm-v ; aside ! nun Pi unique only with respect to its i murks of identificalisp, the num- i ber of the regional reserve b ink which issues it being, printed on; the note. But while trie note will look like other paper currency and will pass in commerce for money, it will he based upon a i ew idea in modern American ffina 'ce. Cold and silver certificates are h se I on actual anld ;in#i vilv< r ' tvinl*u*' t are easel on iii3 faith of the govcrntne ' and a gold reserve of -43 ct r.ts on the dollar. Treas ury notes are founded on gold, and . itirn I batik notes are basnj on low interest go'd bonds ' , : .sued ny the government. li the r tonal reserve note will He has d upon 40 p. r cent, of g-?i?i a'd 100 percent ot commercial patter, pronti es to pay mono due as lite r< suit of trau.-'&c.iov.a i t g in, st ick, matin 1'act ere-, ut'i-ie-. !umr anil icier ncessi i s i iJ'o. It is "ass t" cu r ev a-'-" a hi off a.-> n. ,?r ; pt?:-s' e th' i- a Oi I lion . a r;1 upon hi id iv i einaole in when' potatoes, beef, cotton, or \vn ' n tt. ['amirs' Institute at OMd iiiil. / n :(> -'irr-eiiM n is i^id tha& Farmers' insfi'ido will 0-held at. God J]i ' bch >ol ii'ithL* in-| day, ilie 12 (I, at \vh oh time tho neoplo of Fiirt Mill and vicioi'.y will have an opportunity of hearing a number of piomi- ; nent speakers representing Clem i son college, the State department of agriculture and the United States department of agriculture. ! A large crowd of iarme s and .others interested in agriculture; are expected to bs present. Elections by the Legislature. Circuit Judg1 Oeorjre W. Cage, of Chester, was elected associate : justice of the supreme court; by the General Assembly. Chief Justice Gary was reelected. Ernest Moore, of Lancaster, i was chosen judge of the sixth circuit to succeed Mr. Gage. Circuit Judges Bowen, Rice, Wilson and Spain wore all reelected without opposition. Contract for Court Ibu e. There will he a meeting of the Court House Commission here on Friday, Jan. 23, at w inch time the contract for the new court house w ill be let. Tim architect and contractors intending to submit bids, will be present at this meeting. The work of tearing down the old uuilding will begin as soon thereafter as practicable. York News. PANCAKES IN ENGLAND. We still oat pancakes, but their [preparation is no longer heralded by (ringing the church bolls. The "pnn(oake bell," however, was formerly confided at 11 o'clock on Shrove Tuesday, and its efleets have been detscribed by Taylor, the Water poet: '"As the clock strikes 11 there i? a bell rung, culled the pancake boll, the sound whereof makes thousands of people distracted and forgetful of manners and humanity. Then there lis a thing called wheaten flour, which ithe cooks do mingle with water, eggs, spice and other tragical, magical enchantments, ami then do put into a jfrying pan of boiling suet, until it (is transformed into a flip-jack, Palled 1 pancake, which ominous ineanta- . it ion the common people do devour igrcedily."? London ( broniele. TRAINING FOR OFFICE. , "How did your bov, Henry, come out at college?" "Why, I thought everybody/in the Tillage knew, lie was graduated at the bead of bis political economy class." "He* he gone to work yet?" "To vet. I'm making him take a two y< ars* business course at the com S' hool here. After lie iwt<i p 1 f H' u'!!i that the Civic club id yrvnjj .'o r-'? him for mayor."?St. jLouis. FOR SALE?At a r< asonnblc price, 220-Egg "Queen" Incubator and three Broooers. D. A. LEE. WANTED?District Manager with -. ability to secure sub-agents for a wonderful invention embodying six new patented points, placing our Portable Gasoline Lamp on a par with electricity. Agents c.7 rAllen-Sprrvn Gas Light Co., Lansing, Mich. FOR SALE, on reasonable terms, and at a fair price, the Mary Stephenson place, in Indian Land township. Lancaster county. One hundred acres, and a part of the Sixer lands. Address, jjr, J. Harry Foster, Attorney, Rock Hill. 8. C. Office, Railroad Avenue. Wuti m. * *".jQ&tL \v ik Card From Mr. Bknkenship. Editor Fori Mill Times: I*i the issue of your paper of; January- 15th fc noticed an ifem ! which in put says that "the Gold Hill correspondent of the York News is authority for the J statement that G. F. lilanken-l ship probably will not offer for reelection as lownsaip superv Isor next fall." To say that I was Chi'itrte/i/i fn o . i nii* '? f ^ ?i. ? > f i . r>vn |yi to\ \i i.w i uio r.iait* print is a mi a < xprcssion of my JTelings in the matter. As well us-1 remember, I nave not stUed, or ovei^intimau d, to any or'U "that I would not be a oat did ate f -r the office which I now hold, and i am at a loss to know hew such a rumor could have gained currency without my knowledge. I' is jri some seven months before ili?v people will le culled upon to elect a supervisor and, to be frank, I have up to this time given little thought as to whether or not i would again ask l:>r the place. I i the event I decide to nsk f >r r re?ection, i shad hi nom< iu.j c.n.uidacy through The Times at tin- T roper time, a <1 iu the m antime ask 'my 11 1 :id. to o i\ i ati< :?t? m to tiio ' ri-goi;. ; or otiicr riunurs w bra ;n. y i?e cltvitiated ostousih.\ or the put pose of injuring i.'. .. (I '. B!a:iK?knship. i I'll .1 j . I, O . J I 11* . FEEBLE ulLI FtOFLE Are Told How to Regain Strength and Vigor. As one prows old the waste of the j system becomes more rapid than repair, the orpans act more slowly and less effectively than in vonth. the dr. I dilation is poor, the blood thin and digestion weak. Vlnol, our delicious cod liver and Iron tonic without oil is the ideal strengtheuer and body-builder for old folks, for It contains the very elements needed to rebuild wasting tissues and replace weakness with strength. Vlnol also fortifies the system against colds and thus prevents pneumonia. Mrs. Mary Ivey, of Columbus, Ga., says: "If people only knew the good Vlnol does old people, I am sure you would be unable to supply the demand. I never took anything before that did me so much good as' Vlnol. It Is the finest tonic and strength creator I ever used In my life." If Vlnol fails to build up the feeble, old people, and create strength wo will return your money, P. S.?Our Saxo Salve stops Itching and begins healing at once. W. AltDKbY, Druggist, FORT MILL. S. C. STATEMENT Of the condition of the Savings Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at the close of Lusinecs Jar. 13, 1914. | UKSOUKCBS. ' I l.?tiis ami Discounts. . $7li S70 ro I Ove li'Kl'tH .. 50t> 7. Furniture umi Fixtures- 2 02 Duo fiom {tanks and Bankers .. 10^05 63 Currency 4 000 00 Silver and other minor coin . 1 071 (52 Total $07 N.2 40 1.1 AMI.1TI ICS. Capital Stock pit id in. ... .?.. $2.7 000 00 Surplus Fund ... 1200000 Undivided Profits, loss Cut rent Kxpens oh uno l uxi'H rum. _ 352 63 Individual Deposits subject to check ... 55 MS) 67 Cashier's Checks. ...... 5 360 IS) Total. 197 862 4$) STATE ok SOUTH CAROLINA. > County ok York, t Before me came W. B. Mcacham. Cashier of the uliove named liank. who. Iieinx duly sworn, says that tlie above and foregoing statement is a true condition of huh! tmnh. its shown by the books of said bank. W. B. MKACHAM. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 20th day of January. 1914. T. B. SPRATT. Notary Public. Correct?Attest J. H. McMHRRAY. 1 S I,. MEACHAM. - Directors. W. B MEACHAM Jr. I No. 9041. Report of the Condition of FIRST NATIONAL BANK At I'ort Mill, in the State of South Carolina, at the close of business January 13, 1914. Resources: I. uns and Discounts $81 682 77 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 496 91 U. S. bonds to secureTirculation 25 000 00 Premiums on U. S. bonds 232 49 BankinK house. Furniture and Fixtures. 2 500 00 Due from National Banks (not reserve agents) 2 910 92 Due from approved Reserve Agent* ... 4 909 23 Notes of other National Banks 1 900 00 Fractional Paper Currency. Nickels and Cents 162 87 Lawful Money Reserve in bank, vis: Specie $2 000 00 Legal-tender notes ? 1.. 2 40000 4 400 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1 250 00 Total $126 436 19 Liabilities: Capital Stock paid in ... . $25 000 00 Surplus fund 1400 00 Undivkled Profits, less Expenses and Taxes paid 999 11 National Bank Notes outstanding 25 000 00 Dividends unpaid 168 00 ! Individual deposit* subject to check . ??3 197 21 Demand certificates of deposit 6 1P9 38 Cashier's checks outstanding 3 561 47 72 868 08 Total $125 435 19 j State of South Carolina. County of York. a.a. , I. T. 11. Spratt. Cashier of the above-named hank, do solemnly swear that theabovaatatement j Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. i T. B. SPRATT. Cafhier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 17th day of January, 1913. W. B. MEACHAM. Notary Public. Correct?Attest: / W. B. ARDREY 1 7 ' . L. A. HARRIS Directory \V A.R.McELHANY ? b ^iPfMPfg ? ? ^ s RO I This Handsome Does not cost one ^ penny to-enter contest. ;-&fe" /^? t* vL'ces not cost one .. penny . to win the prizes. SEVERAL PRIZES WILL EE GIVEN-ALL OF 1 HEM Absolutely Free. 1st Pi : NOMINATION COUPON To enter the Contest for one of the Prizes, send this Coupon to the Contest Department, Fort i Mill Times, Fort Milll S. C. GOOD FOR 1,000 VOTES 1 HEREBY NOMINATE: Mr., Mrs., Miss Postofpice Nominated By Address Only one nomination Coupon will he credited to a contestant. The name of the nominator will not be divulged. | /7jT'HE PERSON WHO READS m fifty-two times a year sir fifty times better than if he had re I once. We want yon to know us wel ner in which we do business. After if the result is satisfactory, we want whether the same is large or small. Savings Bank of F< Leroy Springs, Prest. W. B. Meac B15H5E5HSTB5S55H5H5H5B5555HI H5H55H5TH5c | DID - II U -KT IUII That we are better prepared to furnish the best of everythii CROCERY line? Try us with order and you will learn that t great advantage in having yo ^filled promptly with the very bei on the market. The quality of is par-excellent, our delivery perfect and we gladly take bacl that proves unsatisfactory to yo\ PARKS GROGER E. S. PARKS, Manager. . V j * * ' " $300 Palmer ad a $23 Gold *V& ii& " V * ?Htr? v~- ' ^ " ' H ' ' _.:' ;? ppl ' * * .' -v I *r"> J J&ps&r'.: -^Hai 1 jji 2nc "Mi 3-sc v *rtf' Set ize?$300 Piano. p^e?of u Now is Your Chance to Own a Handsome Piano or Gold Watch. They are to be Given Away Absolutely Free Address all Coi Contest Mgr., The T I IP? > ABOUT US M g ould know us |i ? ad of us but | U | 1 and the man- |? ? .fL iL investigation, EE R your business II O] Ig Can be g | good judgf art Mill, I g Footwear f :ham, Cashr. I R | ==.-.!] I Lon gapa5^a5a^g5aj| I wear frorr 3 15 than other mow 1 arthan ever K r -.g in the ja | ?r every pi your next g | These S here is a ljy| ur order. [l I leather by st eatables fjj our goods m ft manufactu service is n)II c anything uj I atlQ by till II yco. 11 Patterso HI | TELEPHONE NO. 85. msBsnsrasBsaBl ? * / ' ' ' - A 1 : % % '* " .- r. ?!&" ' ' - i ? > . \ * -- v % j \ * - a ? t Upright Grand I Watch. , | ^ i Cut out tlie Nomination Coupon or information Blank, write ycvr name and address, and luring or mail it to the Contest Manager The Times, ! Fort Mil!, S. C. I Prize DO 11 TODAY! jautiful One minute in your iold Watch favor may cause you fr? Witt tKio .v WW ? *. m. fcaABO IXC&I1VIOUI11C ' furth,,r Part^u- Piano or Gold Watch mtest on another lis paper. DO IT TODAY! INFORMATION BLANK Contest Manager The Times, Fort Mill, South Carolina.: Plenir send me full information about your Great Prize Contest by return mail. Name Addresa 'Phone No. PuiT Cut out and mail above Coupon to Contest Department, Fort Mill Times, Fort Mill, S. C. m muni cations to inies, Fort Mill, S. C. r ?ir' " ???mma??mmmmmrmmi in Bin ml caBHSffi ?ajB3gt&Ea& e m # -THF. ! ;h cost , F LIVING I reatly reduced by using a iment in the selection of I br the family. 5 g-Wear Shoes j , i 30 to 60 days longer I 1 makes at the same price. 5.1 few as good and none I ^ M There's a bell on the sole I jfl .... a hoes are guaranteed All Craddock-Terry Co., the I I re s, of Lynchburg, Va., B I s store. I I n's Dry Goods Store, |fl "SELLS IT FOR LESS."