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2-".v V s . ' ? 1 9 ^ II ^ >1 ^ ll ^ M ^ II ^ ii % i j^ FORT MILL, S. C. j GENERAL INFORMATION. ( CI^Y GOVERNMENT. ? A. 11. McELHANEY Mnvor I C. S. LINK Cl.rk i i D. N.GASTON.. Chief of Police T DEPARTURE OF TRAINS. *( "No. 31 Southbound 6:00 a. m. i ? No. 35 Southbound 7:12 a. m. ! I No. 27 Southbound 5:12 p. m. 1 m No. 36 Northbound 8:50 a. m. f No. 28 Northbound 6:80 p. m. ] l No. 32 Northbound 9:07 p. m. f i , No. 113 Southbound.. 12:09 p. m. 4* No. 114 Northbound. 11:50 a. m. \ Note?Trains 31 and 32 stop at [ Fort Mill only when flagged. J 1 MAILS CLOSE. I ! i For train No. 36 8:30 a. m. i For train No. 27 "4:50 p. m. I i For train No. 28 6:00 p. m. i 1 Note?No mail is despatched on f trains 31, 32 and 35. Trains 27 ] and 28 do not handle mail Supday. f t POSTOFF1CE HOURS. \ ! Daily 7:30 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. Sunday 9:30 to 10 a. m., 5 to 5:30 p. m. i ACTS ON THE LIVER Dodson's Diver Tone Livens Up the Liver? Is More Than a Mere Laxative. Calomel was for years the only known medicine that would stimulate the liver. But caiomel is often dangerous, aad people are not to be blamed for being afraid of it. Within the last few years many medicines have been put out to be used instead of calomel, but their effect is the bowels ?not on the liver. Ardrey's drug store says that the only real liver medicine to actually take the Elace of calomel is Dodson's iver Tone, a mild, harmless, vegetable liquid that Ardrey's drug store recommended to take the place of calomel and which gives prompt relief in cases of constipation, biliousness and sluggish liver. So confident is Ardrey's drug store that they give their personal guarantee with every 50-cent bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone. You can be sure that you are getting Dodson's by asking at this store if they are giving you the medicine they personally guarantee to refund money on ii unsatisfactory. TAX RETURNS FOR 1914. Office of the County Auditor of York County, S. C. ( Yorkviile, S. C., December 2, 1913. As required by statute, my books will be opened at my office in Yorkvilb on THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914. and be kept open until FEBRUARY 90 1HU fnt" ?!>.? nnrrmuu f... taxation all PERSONA I, and HEAL PROPERTY held in York County 01 January 1, 1314. Taxpayers will please remember X his is the vear for re-assessment of REAI ESTATE. For .the purpose of facilitating th? taking of returns and for the greater convenience of Taxpayers, 1 will L?e at the following places on tin* dates named. At Fort Mill on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 21, 22, and 23. At McConnellsvilie on Monday, January 26. ? At. Ogden on Tuesday, January 27. At Coates' Tavern, (Roddey's), on Wednesday, January 28. At Rock Hill from Thursday, Januuary 29, to Wednesday, February 4And at York ville from Thursday, February 5, until Friday, February 20. All males between the ages of twenty-one an'd sixty years, except Confederate soldiers over the age of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1,00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give the numbers of their respective school districts in making their returns. BROADUS M. LOVE, County Auditor. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the Sunday Closing of Stores and Other Places of Business. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of Fort Mill, S. C., in council assembled and by authority of the same: Section 1. That from and after the passage of this ordinance, it ehnll be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to buy, sell, barter, exchange, or deliver goods of any description on the Sabbatn day; Provided, the sale of medicines and necessaries for burial purposes shall not be forbidden, and that restaurants and hotels or boarding houses may furnish regular meals to patrons of transients; and, Provided, further, that the sale of good* Gf any description between the hours of eight and ten a. in., and four and six p. m. on Sunday by drug stores and restaurants is not prohibited hereby; and, Provided further, that milk and ice may be delivered at any time prior to nine a. m Sec. 2. That any person or persons who shall violate this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than Thirty Days. Sec. 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Done and ratified in Council assembled this 16th day of January, 1914. A. R. McELHANY, Attest: Mayor, C. S. LINK, Clerk. L ITEHS OF LOCAL INTEREST. i ' I The ' days are beginning to i ; lengthen?the first sign of approaching Spring. Mrs. N. R. Hotehkiss and children, of New Haven, Conn., arrived during the past week for a visit to relatives in Fort Mill. Elmer Paige of Saco, Maine, j probably among the most widely known cotton mill nien in the industry, was a guest of Robert 17 Huninr /kMA /-!?* u. utmj uiic ua.y iaai vveth. Last Friday was observed as i Arbor Day by the Fort Mill troop of Boy Scouts and quite a number of shade trees were planted along the walks of the j front campus of the local graded ; school. The election of C. S. Link as a j member of the city council has i caused a vacancy in the board of trustees of the local school, and at a meeting of the board Tuesday evening, Mr. W. D. Wolfe was elected to the place. Among the important business transacted by the new city council in its first meeting held Friday night was the reenactment of the "Sunday Law" and the passage of the annual "License Tax" law. The ordinances are printed in another column. A most enjoyable event of the week was the "dime social" j given Tuesday evening at J,he j uume 01 ivirs. Jii. M. tJelk. The affair was for the purpose of raising funds for charity and quite a nice sum was realized therefrom. There were over three times the number of people in this State examined during 1913 for hookworm than in the two years , preceding, according to the State health department. Out of 1,895 people examined in York county, 331 were found to be afflicted with the disease. County Auditor B. M. Love arrived in Fort Mill yesterday morning and will remain here . through Friday for the purpose ot listing the property of Fort Mill township for taxation. Mr. Love will be found at the offlce of the Harris-Furniture company on Main street. Several of the teachers of the Fort Mill graded schooi and schools of the township wenL to , liock Hill Saturday to attend a meeting of the York Teachers' association at VVinthrop college, file meeting was said to have been the most largely attended ot any meeting oi the association yet held. ' i Mr. A. A. Young was called io ivucK 11111 ivionday to Hie bedside of ins sister, Mrs. Dorcas Graham, woo is dangerously in as tne result oi paralysis by . wnicn slie was. stricken Sunday ; aitenioon. Mrs. Graham, who 1 resided with lier lamiiy 111 Fori Mill some years ago, is the l motlier oi Mrs. J. L. Armstrong, oi mis eity. The Fort Mill Poultry association, the members of which include a number oi breeders ol iuncy poultry 111 i< oil Mill anu vicinity, was lormed the iasi week, and within a short tunc will oiler to tne public eggs and stock iroin several varieties oi ' standard bred poultry. B. W. Bradiord was elected secretary. treasurer of the association. Trustees of the South Carolina iSaptist hospital, oi which the Kev. S. F. iiair. oi Fort Mill, is a member, have secui eu a site of eight acres near the r southern limits of Columbia on which the hospital will be built, i The site, which was purchased , at a cost of $15,000, is near the 1 Columbia union passenger station, and will be very accessible | to the people of the State who may wish to visit the hospital from time to time. The new moving picture show, "The Maiestirv " waa Anonofl #f --I ?? vpvuvu W the people ?of the community ' Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, as advertised. The show is located in the Savings Bank building. Main street entrance, 1 and has quite an attractive and conveniently arranged place of , business. The pictures and side features thus far given by The ' Majestic have been excellent and 1 large crowds have attended the show. The management of the i show promises the people of the vicinity the very best in the way of movies, with occasional side features, and asks in return the patronage of the public. If our people care to support a moving picture show of real merit they have an opportunity ,to do so by visiting The Majestic. ^ uw \ m i ?* fl V5JL l| For a short ductions in the : Clothing. I Men's $25 Suits, only $18.( 15 44 44 10.< 13 44 44 8.1 10 44 44 7.1 Other Suits in proportion. Boys' Suits. Boys' $10 Suits, only _$G.i 1 8 44 4 4 5J 5 44 44 .. 3.! 3.50 44 44 . 2.: Overcoats. Men's$17 Overcoats, $10.< 12 44 7.' I x K 1 - ? 5 " 3J IDres 48 inch All Wool Katine, 5j 34 inch Corduroy, ?1.00 qi 50 inch Broadcloth, $1.00 44 inch Serge, $1.00 quali I The above duced prices, sc MIL j|| Telephone 12 ?? Our Fii Of Fine Young Mules is on hand a our stables on Railroad Street. It buying. We can please you. We also carry a full line of Bi and positively our prices are the 1 ity of the goods we sell. MILLS & Y Particular Mechanics are always pleased when they coon a job to find that the Lumber to be used came from our Lumber Yard. It makes work easier if good material is used, and the work is better, too. Let us figure with you on your next bill. Fort Mill Lumber Company, RllPtfl pn'r 18 the only genuine ARNICA SALVE i kfc ~*zx?s?essx> Hi' H"0^ : while we offer, for several departments Neckwear. X) Men's 50c Ties only .25 SO 44 25c 44 .15 )0 44 15c 4 4 4 4 ____ .05 SO Hats. 30 Men's $3.50 Hats $2.50 30 44 2.50 44 .... 2.00 1.50 44 1.00 1.25 44 .80 Shirts. FiO . Mens $1.50 Dress Shirt, 1.00 30 .. 1 oo * .78 50 " .75 44 44 -.59 25 44 .50 44 44 .42 .50 Work 44 .42 [)0 Mean's and Women's 00 Shoes. 75 All $3.50 & 3.00 Shoes $2 9K 00 " 3 00 44 2.50 44 2.75 S Goods. 51.50 quality, $1.15 uality, .69 quality, .75 ty, .89 goods will not rem? > come early before .LS&Y rst Car nd ready for your inspection at will pay you to see them be I ore iggies Wagons, Harness, Ftc., owest consistent with the qualOUNG CO. Happy a T V new teal May Peace, Goodwill and Prosperity this glad season continue to surround you always. Accept our thanks for past favors and patronage. Stewart & Culp Phone 15. J '? +\MiS8iF*5fB5E&P. jgSOTjWMRWM ' wwmiAiK <crufrc -v? rc- ?? nr-.arw.gTO-Tw. .? .mi iaw irwo?? OmIMMBMBPBMBMMBB . dvic ilons.? vl Y cash only, the following price re- I *JfB|| > of our big store: We have a bijr line of Ladies' Coats. "{ Men? and Women's Odd $laoo Coats $12.50 a and Lnn Shoes that we are c ,, T _A selling at HALF PRICE. lo*50 ia50 fl Don't, miss this clvmoo nf 19 SO " ? ^ getting a good pair of Shoes 10.00 " 6.98 I at half price. 5,00 44 3.98 I Overalls. Ladle.'Skirt.. 9 I We have just received a __ e, . oc - ' . new lot "Headlight" Over- $6.50 Skirts at $ 4.25 alls, the best Overall on the 5.50 " " 3.50 market. 5.00 3.25 Coat Suits. 4.50 44 2.75 A 1W $22.50 Coat Suits $14.98 4.00 44 44 2.50 | V 20.00 13.50 o rrv 44 *0 oc I 18.00 12.00 . t , ^ I m 16 5 0 4 4 44 1 0.75 Ladies' Sweaters. 15(H) 4 4 4 4 .. 10T.00 $3.50 Sweaters _$ 2.50 iV&M 13.50 8.50 2.75 ... 1.75 0 Q 10.00 44 44 6.75 2.25 44 1.50 Other Coat Suits from 1.00 44 .50 . $2.50 to $5.00. .50 .37 Dress Goods. 8 1 36 inch Silk Mohair, 50c quality, $ .42 H 36 inch Dress Flannel, 50c quality, .42 E 36 inch Cotton Suiting, 35c quality, 25 H '' 27 inch Trecot Dress Flannel, 25c quality, 16 2-3 E tin with us long at these greatly re the stocks are broken. 1 I 'sa OUNG CO. I "Buy and Sell Everything" MB Have Your Eyes \ Tested Free. Don't take medicines for headache, when it is caused by defective eyesight. With 30 years ex- *|| perience in fitting glasses, we are in position to corIrect all kinds of defects. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed, and our prices I are very low, so why will you go to a stranger for & this service and pay twice as much for your glasses? L. J. Massey. 1 I I Where Are They Now? | % 8 t 1 | I In your time you have seen a good many spendthrifts? the good fellows as they are called. I Where are they now? We don't need to tell you. . T T t Then?the fellows who worked hard and saved their f f money slowly until they had backing caDital ?where are * ? I 'I'hey are the employers?the spendthrifts are the em- 2 + ployed. This doesn't imply that every employe is a spend- 2 ^ thrift; the hardworking, thrifty laboring man is the back- r + bone of this and any other community. But every man who 2 ? saves can become his own boss. T * We'll help you along by welcoming small deposits, T guarding your interests safely and giving you the very best % of courtesy and modern scientific banking service. % j The First National Bank, 1