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TEE FOET MILL TIMES. - Oi^wmtic ? Published Thursdays. B. W? H&ADFOItl) - - Kditor hihI Proprietor. tit. ' Bweeoetrno* IUtf.s Oo? T?r ?l.2r. . Mix Months .66 mm _ VfcoTlmas Invitee contributions on live subjects tot doeu not agree to publish more than ?00 words subject. The right is reserved to edit toy /nun in i in lost ton submitted for publication. ! % On ?pplleatlon to the publisher, advertising tntss or* nods known to those interested. 'ir teohooe. local and long distance. No. 118. Bnlwa) aft the oostoflW nt Fort Mill, S. C.. as mall matter of the second class. THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1914. h-jl! ? . Lot Every Citizen Attend. It is to be hoped that every citizen of Fort Mill will attend the meeting to be held in the wjwn nan next Monday night to discuss the proposed bond issue for a waterworks system for the town. The matter of protection from fire is one that should be of serious concern to every property 1^. owner of Fort Mill. Without W this protection our taxpayers are J each year paying the maximum ' rate for insurance, and each year the rate increases as the town builds and the houses become | more congested. It may not be generally known, but it is a fact ! nevertheless, at least one tax- , payer of the town is paying the ( very high rate of $2.80 per $100 for insurance carried. But, feside from the protection given , even at the high rate of insurance, , there probably is not a person in the town who has his home or ( business insured for more than ( two-thirds its real value and who would not suffer loan in case his property were sweDt awav hv _ _ - I? ? * ? * I fire. Fact is, the insurance rates in some instances are so high in Fort Mill that the people are , unable to carry it in amounts '{ which would anything like com- ( pensate them for their losses if ( burned out. A waterworks system would reduce the rates to ( such an extent na to enable people in the congested district to carry additional insurance and in the residence sections it would offer almost absolute protection to the owners of homes adjoining that in which the fire originated. The waterworks proposition has been hanging fire in Fort Mill for quite a number of years and it is to be hoped that the present agitation for the system will result in its early settlement. No matter whether you favor 01 oppose the system, attend the meeting next Monday night and let the people know \\h?t you think about it. Why Not? Today's issue of the Fort Mill Times carries a greeting to the newls elected mayor and town council, and then prints a list oi. eighteen suggestions for official activity on their part, most of which inrlicntp nlnco AlxaoHuofiAn ., ? ...MaVMvw vtvuv vwovi V MV|UH j and a comforting degree of good common sense. We cannot agree with our Fort Mill brother, however, in advocating a small compensation" to council men for attendance upon meetings and the placing of a limit upon the number of meetings to be held.? York News, Thursday. I ^ I, ....?I., The taxpayers of South Carolina are this year asked to pay j $192,846.08 for the maintenance of Winthrop College and $183,582.19 for the maintenance of the University, These figures show an increase of about $50,000 for each college as compared with the amounts allowed in the year 1913. And still the man of ordinary means is unable to bear the expense of sending his son or daughter to these "State supported" schools. ?kj? ? That young man who thinks he is poor because he has no bank account, little understands the value of God's free gift of health and strength; little appreciates the fact that the brightest and best of the country are self-made, and come to the ;-* notice of the world from just ^^^^^v^hfce^innings, I -2'sriyar I The General Assembly of South Carolina is to be congratulated for the wise judgment it displayed in promoting Circuit Judge Geo. W. Gage, of Chester, to th*e Supreme Court bench. Judge Gage is one of the State's most able jurists; a man of sterling character, and his elevation to the State's highest tribunal is an expression of the sentiments of the people of South Carolina of his entire fitness for the place. The only men of worth to a town or community are those who forget their own selfish ends long enough and are liberal enough in their ideas to encourage every public and private enterprise, who are ready with brain and purse to push every project calculated to build up the town and enhance its importance. There are few towns where the stores present a more pleasing appearance of their respective places of business than in Fort Mill, and such pride is certainly commendable. That is not all. They carry good, clean stocks, for fair dealing draws a splendid patronage from the surrounding territory. Fort Mill has never enjoyed such a trade as it has during the past few months, and every day it is increasing. The fact of the matter is our business men have got right down to business and are selling goods cheaper than they can be bought in any town af this size in the State. Just why William Banks of l-L- A _ J T._V t. me /viiueruon intelligencer picked the 13th to launch his new daily paper cannot be explained except by Banks himself. However, here's hoping that no jinx will camp on the trail of the Daily Intelligencer as a result ol its unlucky (?) birthday. When one finds he is out of sympthy with his town, and can only say a good word for it coupled with an apology, he ought to get out. Many people fall into a sort of unconscious haoit of growling. But it's a miserable habit. A large number of men have found out to their sorrow that it is easier to mortgage the home to buy an automobile than it is to mortgage an automobile to buy a home. Gentlemen of Council: Why not lorm a budget of the town's expenses for 1914?then tack on a lew hundreds for permanent improvements. Either of our banks wid gladly advance the cash. Like Banquo's ghost?the "license tax" law. LICENSE TAX UUr.. 1 otice is 1 ereby tiv?n that the Annu 1 License Tax'ol the town of Fort M II, S. C., is clue and payable, without p? ally, belore March 1, 1914. .By order of Council this 16th day of I January, 1914. C. S. LINK, Clerk. The Majestic Theatre Wednesday's Program. "What Her Diary Told," an intensely interesting society drama iull of action and pathos. (American film.) M|iU? T^V_ ' r ? x uc ijruBs 01 Liouta, '' a love drama of Little Italy. (Reliance film.) "Levinsky's Holiday," a comedy worth while. (Majestic film) Thursday's Program. "A Woman's Wit," an excptionally good Western picture. (K. B. film) "Two Men and a Mule," a highly laughable comedy, depicting the movements of "Pete" the famous hippodrome mule. (Reliahce film) "Makers and Spenders," an excellent picture. (Reliance) NOTE?Owing to the sudden departure of our operator, the show of Monday night was not up to the standard. Since that time, however, we have secured an expert machine man and in the future promise our patrons the very best in the picture line. Mana^MMf'ajestic. jH > Magazine Subscriptions JL We will accept your subscription for any magazine or news paper in the world at as low , rates, single or in clubs, as you can obtain elsewhere and in some cases lower. We save you the trouble and expense of forwarding the money ! and guarantee you to receive 1 every copy. 25 Cents Each we will allow for your old fountain syringe or hot water bottle for the next ten days, if applied to the purchase of a new one. We have a large stock for | 75 cents up. Ardrey's Drug Store. CALENDARS FOR 1914 We have a number of useful Calendars for 1914 and will be pleased for our friends snd patrons to call at our office over Ardrey's Drug Store and get one. We also have the best propositions to be had in Life Insurance Fire Insurance Accident Insurance Health Insurance and all other forms of Insurance and execute all forms of Bonds. Ask us and let us show you. BAILES & LINK, Fort Mill, - - S. C. J. Harry Foster, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Rock Hill, - - - S. C. I "Get it at 1 Save Your Cash P IBoYouW Do You W well and keep hei ber we have a coi medicines, chemi and quality guara Massey's 1 Get it at Massey'i I MEACHA New Sprin: Just, received, one case of teed colors, 10c and 12 l-2e. Swe Mens', VVomens' and Bo cotton fabric, to close out ai Good for school boys. TwoG Only two Coat. Suits in tin not carry them over. Only Black Coats at $3.75 and $7. One Case of Children's and see what you can buy : fast colors. MEACHA It's better at the same p ' * ^ " ? , ' - r V ^ % 1 A REG Ffl mm w would, of course, 1 more particularly business in 1914, it cheaper than th< prices, we issue y< We have some that will interest y supply. See us als Mr. We are headqu and Medicines for want wire, we hav and 5-foot at $2.9( J another barrel of t also a barrel of gei fully good that the We carry almos cash, we sell it ch< | M'ELHA || "The S i Massey's" j 'urchase Coupons. i mitoDije | ^ If so, use the Putnam ar Fadeless \ Dvf th#?v H ant to Live arty. Then rememmplete line of drugs, cals, etc., strength interd. Orug Store There's a Reason. ! M a EP P S - /! g umgnams Beautiful Ginghams, guaranaters ys' Sweaters, a good heavy ; 45c. Splendid for homework. oat Suits i store, and you know we will a few long coats. See our 95. Dresses just arrived. Come for, 50c, 75c and $1.00. All " ' M Sc EPFS rice, if it came from ~ I % ' .: j . TONAL BANK I S FOiiT Mnj. n be welcomed by all, but what we are * interested in is in doing more cash I and to this end have resolved to sell s other fellow. In addition to cheaper ou coupons worth 5 per cent in trade, exceptional prices on Flour in big lots IV /I f-1 - *1 ou, ivir. rarmer, in ouyingyour spring 5C for Molasses, Sugar and Coffee. Poultry Raiser arters for all kinds of Wire, Feeds, the chickens, and especially If you e it just a little cheaper: 4-foot at $2.40 3 the roll. fust Arrived hose good, old Home-made Molasses nuine N. O. Molasses that are so awy make your mouth water. . t i r t everything, and it you want to pay ^aper than the other fellow. See us. NY & COMPANY, I tore of Style and Quality." fl I Headache is a I . | Common Malady I ' \ \H| Good authorities claim it is IWJ ^ \vS generally a symptom of | m //M, 1(J ' \ Jl some other disorder. There I ? illy '' JQ+..O.J: ..c\ #yl - .1 are five distinct kinds of VllM aUI-rt/K headache. We do not claim I l-U-i. TT.-J--L. Tx ILiiat our neauacne rreparations will cause a permanent I cure, but we do claim to give you almost instant relief from | those dreadful pains. If you are subject to headache from whatever cause, you | will never be without our remedy after one trial. | . PARKS DRUG COMFY, , | S. W. PARKS, Manager. j "O u r Guarantee" Goes with each and every article sold by us. This means as to price and quality. We are merely stating a fact. Try us and be convinced. "there is Little Lost" when you buy Staple Groceries. You get what you pay for, use the entire article and there's no waste. "Good Stuff" is by far the cheapest in the "long run." Suppose you try our store, if thinking of making a change. "THE PURE FOOD STORE." JONES, the grocer. Phones 14 and 8. FREE VOTING BALLOT. k| GOOD FOR 50 VOTES | Name of Contestant .. J U Address ^ : I I IV This coupon, when filled out with name and address of con- 1 testant and brought or Rent to Contest Manager Fort Mill Times, will M count 60 votes. I , JI