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As to Registration. At a recent meeting- of the , county board of registration several Fort Mill men applied for certificates after the hour of 3 o'clock, not having been able to get to Yorkville sooner, and another Fort Mill man notified Chairman Wallace of the board that if certificates were issued there would be legal proceedings. Chairman Wallace took the position that the law merely fixes the hours at which the registra tion books shall be open, and that if the board was willing to work after that hoar it was of no coneern to anybody except the members of the board. The certificates were is ued, as have many other certificates been issued in the past under similar conditions. ? Yorkville Enquire". Suggested tor Trustees. Editor Times: Allow me space to suggest the names of T. B. Spri tt, VV. P. Ciayton and B. W. Brauloid as men suited to fill the positions on the local school board. Citizen. Dec. 16. Speaking c! tiTs Xmas Spirit, It's wonderful how the whole world loosens up when the great day comes. Po >r p; ople who have to skimp and save the whole year round, to keep the wolf from the door, determine upon a great spread at Christmas. If their own lives are sad and gray, they 're determined to make the lives of their children as bright as possible, and so they "blow" themselves like locoed million au aii'i uui'wujr Id ^Mll^ LU ICbuke thorn. The poor man who doesn't cut loose tor the benefit of his children at Christmas, deservos to be poor, and the poorer ho is the more he deserves it. Then, the old tightwads have a generous streak at Christmas. They thaw out for that one j day, even if they do make up for it by cheeseparing the rest of the year. I know a venerable tightwad who has been mourning all his days because he lost a nickel through a hole in his pocket when he was a boy. He is so close that his name is a by-word I for miles around. Several years | ago poor kids and kiddies in the | town had been receiving mysterious Christmas presents. No-1 body knew who was the giver until accident revealed the fact' that it was none other than Mr. Tightwad. It was acaution how the public sentiment changed ...U . i.:., I 1 n wiicrii i nir> Dt-Ciimtr Known. 130fore that there was none so poor * |fr to do him reverence, hut since the people learned that he has a heart in his breast, instead of the tin savings bank which was supposed to occupy its place, he is very much respected. Christmas is the time when we give things, and there is nothing better for us than giving. We spend so much time acquiring, so much time planning and scheming to add a few sesterces to our bank accounts, that a little exercise in the other direction is good for mind and soul. It beats all how the heart glows and warms up when you give some-1 thing to a friend; not an old hat that you don't want to wear any more, but something that cost you money and meant a little sacrifice. -vJust try it once; you'll feel younger and bigger and better. And, even if you can't afford to give much, you can afford to k be pleasant and genial, and can make yourself an asset, rather than a liability. You can wear that Christmas smile which is reeking on earth and good will to men, and thus contribute to the general happiness, and assist in spreading the Christmas spirit; and the Christmas spirit means a triumph of all that is best is in human nature. It means generosity, and kindness, and love. The Red Racket Store is Santa Clans' hf?fldnimrt??r<a Presents suitable for every class; old and young:, big and little folks, can be gotten here. Be sure and come to see the Tied Racket Store. ? (Ad Vt.) A. Special communicat i o n of Catawba Lodge No. 56. Thura^Sv ',l3rv\ ^:3?* *n" atallation of officers and work in second degree. Refreshments. Notice of Registration. Notice is hereby given that the books of registration of the town of Fort Mill, for the year 1914 are now open daily at the office of Bailee & Link and will close January 3rd, 1914. C. S. Link is the .duly appointed registrar. By order of council this 5th day of November, 1913. A. R. McELHANY, Attest: Mayor. S. W. PARKS, Clerk. If f TH MACON, 61. CHILD Made Strong and Well by Vinol. When we tell you that Vinol is the beet remedy in our whole stock for! making weak, puny, ailing children strong, robust and rosy we ore only telling you what has been proved by hundreds of mothers. J. L. Fickling, Macon, Ga., says: : "My child was very thin and delicate, no appetite, nervous, and did not sleep well. Doctors did not help her. Vinol was recommended and the change after a fair trial was wonder| ful. She sleepB soundly all night, has a splendid appetite and has gained in weight. I wish every mother knew what Vlnol will do for delicate children." What Vlnol did for this little girl It will do for every weak and ailing child because sickly children a need the strengthening cod liver elements and the tonic iron that Vlnol contains?that is why Vlnol builds them up quickly and giveG them a fine, healthy color. It is pleasant tx> take and we guarantee that the results will satisfy you?money back If they do not 1 P. S.?If you have Eczema try our Saxo Salve. We guarantee it W. B. AUDREY, Druggist, FORT MILL. S. C. ANNOUNCEMENTS. " For Vayor. I hereby announce myself a candi- j late for Mayor of Fort Mill, subject to the choice of the voters in the January , election. W. L. HALL. 1 The Times is authorized to announce Mr. J. J. BAILES as a candidate f< r , Mayor of Fort Mill, subject to the ac- I tion of the voters in the January elec- I tion. I hereby announce myself as a candi- 1 | date for re-election to the office of Mayor. 1 have possibly made misi takes in the past, but 1 have always | tried to do what 1 thought was for the ItPKt (if flip n (IM(I 'ill ?"? . |??ltii'H concerned. My platform is any- j thing for the up-building of.Fort Mill, and if yon choose to elect me again 1 this shall be my greatest aim. j | Respectfully submitted, A. It. McELAANEY. FOR ALDERMEN. The Times is authorized to announce Mr. W. -L. FERGUSON as a candidate for Alderman from Ward 1, subject to | the choice of the voters of said ward in the January election. Mr. W. J. STEELE authorizes The . Times to announce his candidacy for Alderman from Ward 1, and promises, if elected, to Eerve as such to the best of his ability. I hereby announce myself a Democratic candidate for Alderman from I Ward 4 at the approaching municipal , election. I promise my best services if elected. A. C. LYTLE. ' ALDERMAN WARD 3. The Times is authorized to announce I O. T. GULP as a candidate for Alder- I man from Ward 3, subject to the choice of the voters in the approaching town 1 election. I | ALDER MAITATTARGET" The Times is authorized to announce Dr. .). L. SPRATT as a candidate for Alderman at Large, subject to the choice of the voters in the approaching town election. The Times is authorized to announce ( S. W. PARKS as a candidate for Alderman at Large, subject to the choice of the voters in the approaching ) town election. ^XirDRRMA^\VARD 2. Mr. J. T. YOUNG is announced by his friends as a candidate for Alderman from Ward 2, subject, of course, to the will of the voters in the approaching election. j J. Harry Foster, i ATTORNEY AT LAW, I Rock Hill, - - - S. C. Let us furnish the ingredients for your Christmas Cake. ' We have every thing necessary j and it's all pure fresh and clean Stewart & Culp Phone 15. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 25 VOTES IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST IF CLIPPED FROM THE TIMES AND PRESENTED AT THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., FORT MILL, S. C p ' \ ? *' ;? ' ? I IE FORT MILL TIMES, THI THINK NO N LOOK OVER FOR WIFE?Toilet Bureai ly's Candy, Box Station* FOR SWEETHEART-Ca more. FOR HUSBAND-FounU Traveling case, Box Gigs FOR SWEETHEART-Be FOR MARY ?Manicure S FOR JOHN-Kodak, Foui lar Box* FOR LI ITLE BESSIE?Hi You can distribute a Bible 01 and be safe, for we have them Ardrey's D TJie ^ 8 3HHS j The Pa | Dry Gooi ? With a com I Dry Goods, N ing, Shoes, Ha I Gent's Furnis Curtain gooc m etc., is now (permanent q door to Ai I store. Come in and I Alir nnccc arid *1 jqp 'vfcBA *- Jf Ivinced that "Patt Less," | Patterson's Dr | OVER FIRST NAT L BANK j Pay by C I- When a farmer sells business man he recei\ business man knows th I him and be a receipt. 1 to his advantage to p I should not the fariper ! I bills by check? A cl chances of error and if large number of faritie :and there kte others w of them? fC,. - /o4' a - ^-* I Savings Bank " Leroy Springs, Prest. 1 i' ..i. J'jl NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that beginning with next week our ginnery will be in operation only one day in each week?Wednesday. The grist mill will be run Fridays only. Fort Mill Mfg. Co. JRSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1 1QRE THESE u Set, Manicure Set, NunnalJry. ndy, Box Stationery and some in Pen, Shaving Set, Leather irs, Collar Box. >x Cigars and some more, let, Kodak, Stationery, itain Pen, Safety Razor, Colair Set, Picture Book, Toys. * Book along to any of them [j for every age anH every sex. ^ rug Store, I xCJL Store | iftrtL'? fSggJigBL^ Q tap ? tterson | lis Store | piets line of | otions, Cloth- 1 ? ! 1 W is, JLaaies ana | shings, Rugs, g Is, Blankets, | occupying its | uarters?next | drey's drug | ook us over, get H ou will be con- 9 erson Sells It for | /i i ? y tioods Store, g "SELLS IT FOR LESS." g 'heck || his produce of any kind to a || res his pay by check. The II is check will come back to || If the business man finds it Si j ay all bills by check, why II be equally wise and pay his || neck account eliminates all Hv i an undisputal respect. A S| rs are now banking with us, |i ho should be. Are you one II II Fort Mill, I W. B. Meacham, Cashr. J| It -si Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZINEis the lariat and best edited magazine published at l-50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, TODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton. Ohio. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at The Times office. W E A C H A M & EPPS We have it?the present you want to give to father, mother, sister, brother, sweetheart or friend. Sometning that is serviceable and will be most appreciated. MEACHAM Sc EPFS It's better at the same price, if it came from Epps'. ?- 111 i.agai % V White and Black it S*- # 1 '2? *. <? r_.!i r l i i* ? I rrrni tane ingredients. Mgm Crystalized Cherries, Pineapple, Cocanut, Whole Cocanut, Shelled Ahwoiidi, ^ H 1 1 Citron, Raisins, Currants, Dates and Figs. ^ V H Let us fill your order for your Fruit Cake, /' - ? JONES, the grocer. \ Phones 14 and 8. 11 Lenox Combination* will gladden the heart of HER, HIM, THEM. jMi FOR HER. Famous LADY LENOX finest ingrain Sill: Lisle Stocking* BliifS Regular price per pair 50c. our price 3 pair packrd in hand- A i an m i Shamrock Hand Finiabed Handkerchief* in handiome wir? FOR HIM. 3 Pair. LORD LENOX Pura A 4 nAPHF. j Pihra Silk Lide lnrrain Stockings 50c. V 1 ||||pAirj jpS-jl ^1 valuea^our price packed in Htndiom* ^ I lUU ^ u jfl O ERING^ ^ ^ NOTE Special Introductory Offer. Tan may ardar .is of tha MB above combinations and thay will bo seat prepaid upon racaipt of your ckack or money ardor for f 5.00. jfflj Refcrenctt: W? Kara b?*a ia bvttaaM for muiy ymn, Amk any bunker or HV f^l tk. Editor of this popor. MONEY BACK IF YOU WANT IT. L K LENOX SILK WORKS, Inc. U| J 151 West 34th Street, (near Broadway).New York City - n ' Have You Paid j ' Your Taxes? I I ?? ? The First National Bank is a County Depository '* . g and you can pay your taxes here if you wish. I We are always glad to handle business of this I kind for the public. i ! I ll ' A | The First National Bank, 1 | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. <1 ' >l 1 8 J