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fWi i-/,\ v ^^^PSOES wROHG . EHnHHRBPodr Na?d? ? Liver StimuTime or Another. PB8^K^8B|fc?- everybody now and w'th a ^lusrsrish, $'": Of bv ronsrinatiMn nr |_p 1 ?? i reason that Dod>ne is such a good :eep always in the Iren or grown-ups Ison's Liver Tone after-effects and iction of habit or i vegetable liquid it taste, but a restipation and liver entirely takes the lei. ug store guarantee M Dodson's Liver . It costs 50 cents id if you Ure not it is worth the vill hand your half gou with a smile, tied by preparations claims of Dodson's Just remember store will give you noney if Dodson's ils vou. That is a %Jlinv (^uaiailLCCDi HHRe's on the Corner." ^^B%ur Xmas Stock jf aelionery, Candies, HHfc^Tgars, Cigarettes, ToMBs^^baccos and Smoking L? articles is complete in I every respect. ^5* E Fort Mill Drug Comp'y, jfi? J. K. HAILE, Proprietor. TAX NOTICE - 1913< IcAA Office of the Cpunty Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 12, 1913. wnfi.n 1 I ?: -.1- . *> ' I raw nvnw ib nncujf n: v <_ 11 mai IflP 1 A A ?*; BOOKS for York county will be opened t V on WEDNESDAY, the 15TH DAY OF fc.' OCTOBER, 1918, and remain open un\til the 81ST DAY OF DECEMBER, '1918. for the collection of STATE, I;, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXE9, for the fiscal year 1913, without penalty, after which day ONE PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made in the mouth of .lANfTARY. 1914, and TWO PERCENT penalty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUARY, 1914, and SEVEN PER CENT, penalty will be added to Yall payments made from the 1ST DAY >;V s of MARCH, 1914, to the 15TH DAY of MARCH, 1914, and after this date all ^ unpaid taxea will go into executions ... ana all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of tax1 0\ern, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Yorkville from Monday, November 10, until Wednesday the 31st MB day of December, 1913, after which date the penalties will attach as stated aSfcfv 5 above. a NOTE. ?The Tax Books are made up by Townships, and parties writing about f taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or h V Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer York County. Desirable Farms For Sale. 35 acres one mile from Fort Mill Vinn qo Ko*?n titoll /v*-/* f vc* i Hp til j ULC* f $1,625. 155 acre tract within 4 miles of Port Mill; good dwelling and outhouses, at $16.50 per acre. 145-acre tract about 3 miles from Fort Mill, good dwelling. Darns, tenant houses, complete farm, $4,000. 130-aere tract 3 miles from Fort Mvi'l; fully equipped with buildings, etc., a bargain at $30 per acre. 48-acre tract about 4 miles from Fort Mill, with tenant house, $25 per acre. 134-aere tract 4 miles from .Fort Mill, with dwelling and outhouses, at $12.50 per acre. Ask to see our list of towu* property for sale. ? BAILES & LINK, jjH , F M Jl, S. * tV ,, ..ify,x} .. . C( # e?M??Ma?a?M-?-*~?-*W_e-^-??r~ HENS or LOCAL INTEREST. : Next Week'* Paper. The issue of The Times of next I week will be mailed out to sub1 scribers on Tuesday evening instead of Wednesday evening, in I order to allow the office force a , short holiday. The issue of January 1st will be mailed out at the usual time. Finerille Merchant Dead. Mr. J. E. McClure, a well known merchant of Pineville, died Friday at a sanatorium at Asheville, N. C., where he had hppn linger ft..V. ..... viboniiiciii. iui tuucrculosis for short time. Mr. McClure was stricken with the disease only about four months ago and his decline was rapid. He was about 32 years age and is survived by a wife and several children. The burial was made at Pineville Saturday morning. Contest Closes Saturday. The Mills & Young company have had two young men employed the greater part of the week tabulating the votes in the prize contest which the firm has been conducting for several months. The last votes were turned in Monday and the awarding of the prizes will be made next Saturday night. Much interest has been manifested of late in the contest. Visitors From Texas. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Lee and little daughter arrived Monday morning from Finley, Texas, for a short visit to relatives in Fort Mill. Before returning to Texas about the first of January, Mr. Lee and family will visit New York and other points East. Big Business ait Express Office. nonaay shipments are on in full swing and Mr. E. T. Whitest ll, local agent for the Southern Express company, and his asxistantant, Mr. Bert Patterson, are working overtime in dispa' chirtg and delivering the large number of packages passing through the office. Already the shipments are large; they are growing each day. and this condition will continue until the last of the Christmas packages have been forwarded and those received at the office have been delivered. Some Fine Corn. Remembering that The Times "man has his "pet" corn patch, Mr. Boyce Bennett, of Lower Fort Mill brought to this office on Saturday twelve ears of corn which in size and uniformity ot grain is just a little bit superior to anything in the way of corn we have seen lately. The twelve ears weigh ten pounds and four ounces. The corn will be- planted in due season next spring and if the yield should smash the record of Jerry Moore, the fact will be made known to the readers of this paper. Anxiously Awaiting Holidays. The Fort Mill graded school pupils are anxiously looking forward to the Christmas holidays, which begins Friday, December 19th, and continues until the first Monday of the new year. Examinations for the first term's work began on last Monday, and the excellent showing made by the different grades is evidence that the term now closing has been one of the most successful in the history of the schoo'. The requirement that a pupil make a general average of .95 i order to gain the monthly honor roll seems to have put new life into the student body and the class work has shown wonderful improvement since the beginning of the term. Englishman Praises Sen. Tillman. Major Arnold Mackenzie, an Englishman, writing-in Pulitzer's Magazine on the development of the South, has this to say: "In South Carolina where, after the war, it seemed uncertain for a time whether the ! cotton fields would once again 1 give way to the pine scrub, political rivalry was one of the leading factors in bringing about I 1 - ' ,n Liu* evoiuuon. me old line families in politics were all { planters with methods somewhat old-fashioned. Governor after : governor, senator after senator ' came and went, all cotton planters?born aristocrats. Then came Ben Tillman. Swiftly he made himself a leader among 1 the poorer classes. They made him governor, a poor n,an's governor, and he hegan forthI with to develop the State for the ' poor man's benefit. In the great agricultural school I he existence of which he made possible, poor men's sons have been taught modern farming methods. | Now they are disseminating their I knowledge, each in his own comi muoity, and the State is wide awake and progressive ficm trie sea to the mountains." M i "Pi U i r?*: T /^gBBaggw ? >m> >i m t//1 ?<2>I <&====m^p rj'; I I * ? V r:ri-0 i/iiusuiias i] 11 is: We Have Them. Never before in the history of this establishment have we gotten together a larger or better lot of toys, trinkets and serVI r U P nri ffe frw ^ ?^11 u 1V/1 LI V>iil IdLllldd trade. Our three big departments are full to the point of overflowing with things to make glad the hearts of old and young alkike. We have overlooked none. Tovs. Tovs. V / f " In our furniture department you will find a wide assortment of the little things that are essen il to the happiness of the little ones. Among the many things we have are Dolls, Doll Beds, Doll Trunks, Pianos, Mechanical Trains and Autos, Horns, Wagons, Velocipedes, Irish Mails, Masks, all kinds of Pictures, Picture and Story Books, Fancy Lamps, Miniature Furniture, Air Rifles, Fire Engines, Tin Tops, Iron Toys, Sewing Machines, Tool Chests, Balls, Cups and Saucers, Dinner Sets, Cake Plates, Salad dishes, Vases and everything in China and Glass. SERVICABLE GIFTS. (DRY GOODS DEFT) FOR LADIES ? H?ndkf?rrhi??f? Q! J? - MVWIVUIU tJlippCI O, Wool Scarfs, Aviation Caps, Underskirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Laundry Bags, Center Pieces, Perfumes, etc. FOR MEN?Bedroom Slippew, Cravats, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Suspenders, Clothing, etc. FOR CHILDREN?Sweaters, Fur Sets, Leggings, Caps, Bootees, Hose, Shoes, Gloves Clothing, etc. Our Grocery Department is headquarters for Confectioneries and Fruits, and everything that will aid the ladies in preparing their Xmas meals. We agree to deliver the things at your door on short notice. FURNITURE DEPT. Why not select your presents here where you will find a choice line of Ranges, Suits, Stoves, Organs, Pirnos, Chairs, Sideboards, Princess Dressers, tables, Lounges, Sewing Machinesi Davenports, Parlor Suits, Mattings, Art Squares, Rugs, etc., etc. To you and yours we extend our best wishes for the fullest enjoyment of all the tenderness, happiness and sweetness that comes on Chris'mas Day. Company. v ' ' ' ?