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r THE rORT MILL TIMES. Democratic? Published Thursdays. B. W. BRADFORD - - Editor and Proprietor, j Somcrjptiom Rates: One Y?ar 11.88 | Bix Months ..... .86 ; i The Times invitee contributions on live subjects bat does not tgrse to publish more then 200 words a any subject. The right Is reserved to edit very oommun lost Ion sub.nltted for publication. On application to the publisher, advertising rates arn made lcnown to those interested. Telenhone. local and long distance. No. 118. Entered at the poatofllce at Port Mill. 8. C.. as malt matter of the second clans. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 18. 1918. THE PRESIDENT AND ROMANISM. One of the first, if not the first, official acts of President Wilson was the appointment of a Roman Catholic as his private secretary. He has since favored Romanists with a number of important appointments. Naturally there has been a grreat deal of complaint by the religious press, plprcrvm^n onrl 1 n irn. 4-Ur.A V? ? ^.r ?iv>> uiiu inj men l.lltlL IIC should extend such consideration to a church which if it is anything at all it is un-American. Every time a Catholic is selected by the President for an official station, the mouthpieces of that church proclaim the appointment as a great victory for their , church. Hence our statement that in appointing individual Romanists to office the President is exalting the Roman Catholic church. The latest criticism of the President in this connection? and the criticism, by the way, is . nation wide?comes from his at- , tending a mass at a Catholic ] church in Washington city ( Thanksgiving day. It being im- | possible for the President to dis- , associate his personality from j the great office he holds, the i Catholics have not failed to seize the opportunjty to make the most of his attendance upon ' the mass by claiming that he > 1_ . ? ? -- - nas tnus officially recognized the ?. papacy. We arc far from Vhe ! belief that President Wilson intended his visit to the Catholic church as anything more than a > courtesy to those who invited him to be present: doutless the 1 "service" bored and disgusted him quite as much as it would have any other Protestant, but we sincerely hope he will here- ' after bear in mind the fact that :" this is a Protestant country and that he will not again give cause for such widespread complaint. No President since the Civil J war is under iess obligation to ' Catholics than President Wilson, for few of them voted for him. < Surely if King Victor Emmanuel, | . reigning monarch of Catholic Italy, can afford to say to the ( Roman Catholic church, as he; # did less than a month ago, that | never again would his govern-: ment tolerate the interference of Romanism in State affairs, the : President of the United States ! should not hesitate to let it be known that this great American : government, founded and builded i1 upon the Protestant idea of no coordination of church and State, owes Komanism no recognition. No sane man objects to the individual aligning himself with the Catholic church ?this is a land of religious freedom ?but the average American does object , to anything that even remotely j suggests official recognition of;1 that church. ! i In the matter of securing a i cotton mill for Fort Mill, our 1 people should not forget the old proverb that "The l^ord helps 1 those who help themselves." In other words, if we expect to sit here and wait on some manufacturer to hand us a mill on a silver platter, we have a long 1 wait ahead of us. That. $2.50 you spent for a gallon of Chrisamas liquor would have been productive of more real pleasure had you spent it for j trinkets or edibles for the wife i and children. And, too, maybe ' the money would have made your grocer, or even the printer, a happier man, and increased his 1 confidence in your integrity ten \ fold. l L V " S." r&jf : . 5rP&j THOUGHTS OF CHRISTMAS. "If Santa Claus has corns the ^ ^ 1 VI i oiuue as granapa," 3aid a wee tot the other day, "I fink he'd j be 'fraid to come down the chim- ) ney over a hot fire for fear his corns would pop." Christmas not being more than seven rods off and rapidly coming in this direction, it is incumbent on everyone to get a hustle on and attend to his holiday shopping without further delay. So many fires have been started by candles on Christmas trees that in some States laws have been passed against this form of illumination. In those States where the practice still prevails a hose or buckets of water should be kept handy to put out any blaze that might start. Early Christmas shopping will be appreciated by the merchants and clerks. Early buying can be conducted leisurely and with uuio anusj ticuon oocn to tne purchaser and the merchant. So make it satisfactory all around by immediately supplying your needs. In olden days there existed in many places a belief that the girl who was not kissed under the mistletoe during the Christmas season would not be married during the succeeding year. In such localities kissing a girl would be positive kindness. There is a story of one damsel who, to make sure, wore a twig of mistletoe on her hat?not a Fort Mill girl, however. In justice to Attorney General Peeples, who was acquitted last week of the charge of murdering a negro in Columbia, it is to be said that he was also not guilty of carrying a pistol, except from his automobile to the club room up-stairs. He was in the act o( putting the pistol away in the :!ub when the weapon was accidentally discharged killing he npffrft Governor Rlease is quoted in a lewspaper article as saying that f any fuss is raised between the sowing legislature and himself ie will not do the raising. It is o be hoped that the next session vill be devoted entirely to maters conducive to the public wel'areand that no factionalism and wrangling will be in evidence. Three small industries which ire greatly needed in Fort Mill ind which would doubtless prove jood investments to the pronoters are a bakery, a laundry md a dairy. Many towns smallsr than Fort Mill support these dustries and there is a field lere for each of them. The large amount of whiskey shipped into Fort Mill during the ast week indicates that many of >ur people will partake of Christmas nog?that is, the 3ggless variety. Latest dispatches from Mexico ?tate that General Villa has also assumed the role of dictator. When Uncle Sam assumes a like Aitiude the dickens will be to aay. Recital at Auditorium. Fort Mill people will look forward with pleasure to-the elocution and music recital to be given j in the school auditorium on I evening of Friday. December 19. by Miss Edna Ferguson and pupils of her music class. The recital will begin promptly at 7:30 o'clock and a small admission fee will be charged. Besides being a talented musician. Miss Ferguson is an elocutionist of note, having woo first honors in expression in a contest given a short time ago In Boiling Springs, N. C. She probably will be assisted in her recital at the auditorium by local talent. ?Advertisement. ONE CENT A WORD FOR SALE^^ Ma^y JT~X Stephenson tract, situated in Indian Land Township, formerly a part of the Sirer lands. J. Harry Foster, Rock Hill. S. C. FOR SALE?Oak and Hickory Wood, 8 and 10 foot lengths, 60c per cord, Cireen Oak und Hickory Tops. GOc per cord. Water Oak Farm, Osmond Barber, Prop. NOTICE- All persons are hereby warned against hunting, fishing or trespassing in any manner on the 'lands >f the undersigned Violators will be prosecuted. Osmond Barber. I J M \ 1 % NOTICE OF ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that an election will be held in the town of Fort Mill, S. C., between the legal hours for elections, on Tuesday, January 1H, 1914, for three Trustees for School District No. 28, to serve for six years. Presentation of County Registration Certificate will be necessary to vote in said election. J. M. Epps, D. A. Lee and J. H. McMurray are appointed as managers of election. By order of Board of Trustees this, 15th of December, 1913. ft. F. GRIER, Chairman. W. B. MEACHAM, Clerk. t II ! _ I U i._ .1)1 . I T A V Oi?nr? main - ?- - - >nA nc.iunil9 rVJK 1V14. Office of the County Auditor of York County, S. C. Yorkville, S. C., December 2, 1913. As required by statute, my books will be opened at my office in Yorkville on THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1914, and be kept open until FEBRUARY 20, 1914, for the purpose of listing for taxation all PERSONAL and REAL PROPERTY held in York County on January 1, 1914. Taxpayers will please remember this is the year foe re-assessment of REAL ESTATE. For the purpose of facilitating the taking of returns and for the greater convenience of Taxpayers, I will be at the following places on the dates named. At Ramah (A. M. McGill's Store), Friday, January 2. At Bethany (McGill Bros', store), Saturday, January 3. At Clover on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 6 and 7. At Bethel (Ford, Barnett & Co.'s store), Thursday, January 8. At Point (at Harper's), on Friday, January 9. At Bandana (Perry Ferguson's store) on Saturday, January 10. At Smyrna on Monday, January 12. At Hickory Grove on Tuesday and Wednesday, January 13 and 14. At Sharon on Thursday and Friday, January 15 and 16. At Bullock's Creek (Good's store) on Saturday, January 17. At Tirzah on Monday, January 19. At Newport, on Tuesday, January 20. At Fort Mill on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, January 21, 22, and i za. At McConiUfllsville on Monday, Januury 26. At Ogden on Tuesday, January 27. At Coates' Tavern, (Roddey's), on Wednesday, January 28. At lit civ Hill from Thursday, J&nuuury 29, to Wednesday, February 4. And at Yorkville from Thursday, February 6, until Friday, February 20. All mail s between the ages of twentv-or.e and sixty years, except Confederate soluiers over the age of fifty years, are liable to a poll tax of $1.00, and all persons so liable are especially requested to give tho numbers of their ret-p. ctive school districts in making their letuvn.-. BROADUS M. LOVE, County Auditor. Lin Mas Xmas Morning Delivery All Packages bought of us will be delivered early Christmas morning to the parties to whom addressed. Just leave your packages with card and address and you can rest assured that they will be promptly delivered. Make Our Store :-^Your Christmas Headquarters I Jar-' -?v^' S?J*? . S ' .?.-. ., * / ..\ JS* - ? X? . : ' % !? " . * * " ' ' v ' ' fC$ . 7 ' ,* . J " 1 Ann The WI2 says that t tickets to th< ber 1 3th to be given ch< Men's Suit Suit or Cloa Prize. No i as those Wi 1 prices on ? Furnishings. A Salvag< is left afte chance at the i for. ONLY 5 MC with the WIZA McEl sey Sa] He Has th< Just visit our st< and we will not ha All we ask is that Dollars Doi Complete lines of Station Goods, Toilet Articles, Book Casseroles, Brass Jardineres Xmas Cards, Booklets, I A useful Gift for every lady? PARKER LUCKY-CURV FOUNTAIN PEN. A new lot just in for Xrr gifts-$1.50 to$6.00. The Luck Curve doesn't leak. !5 - KITCHEN - $25 CABINET FREE Ixtra Extra Five chances on the KitchCabinet will be given this ;ek for every 25c purchase, ;ek ending Christmas Eve jht. lassey's Get It . B.?Our Prescription Depa m \ ouncei :ARD at McElh, he customer hoi 5 greatest amount December 24th, Dice of a regular ] or Overcoat, or k. You may wir such , prices ever b zard green-tag, < Duits, Hats, Cap: 2 Sales company :r Christmas Eve Sacrifice Prices the p c )RE DAYS. HURR lRD'S prices at? i lhaney & Com fs: e Gift Problem Solve; jre during the holida ive to urge you to bu you come. ing Double Duty. ery, Candies, Pipes, Cigars, Leat .s, Toilet Sets, Novelty Gifts, Pictui i?a gift for everybody. Post Cards, Decorations, etc. N_1~ ORRIS* EXQUISITE CANDIES ^ 80c per lb. Worth smacking your lips tan i over. Numerous sizes. iy- WELCH'S GRAPEJUICE Pints, 25c; Quart^ 50c. SECOND PRIZE?One pen (four hens and rooster), Partridge Wyandottes. ; Drug St ; at MASSEY'S?There's a I rtment will have our best attenl "HOSStPsSHB^H ~': .ePI? - JBIBbh ***' * /33s^v223^H III MB?H BHIDIHII^ I I aney & Co.'s I I ding purchase I from Decern- I inclusive will I ariced $ 1 5.00 I Ladies' Coat I i this $ 1 5.00 I leard of before I 1 Dut-belowrco^ K j 3, Shoes and I j| moves what^H Your last I ub"c ha;kmg" 1 Y! You 11 agree 1 1 ipanv's I Xmas Candies! ^ 40c to $1.00 per pound. jjgS Agency for 1MB NORRIS. NYLO, SPARROW xS 1 CHOCOLATpS. J r Big assortment of 5 cent aftd4 i and 10 cent Packages. Jjj | GOLD FISH J FREE I With each 50c purchase of A NYA1/S Toilet Articles you 9 get 2 Gold Fish and globe M free. 9H With each $1.00 purchase V of NYAL'S Toilet Articles you get 2 Big Fish and larger 9 globe free. 1|9 i ? ? la11a The NVAlJ ore. Sfore.fl leason. I tion during the holiday '