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?Wg*: I DIZZY, HEADACHY, SICK, ^CASCARETS" Gently cleanse your liver and sluggish bowels while .you sleep. Get a 10-cent box. Sick headache, biliousness, dizziness, co-i' d tongue, foul taste and foul breath?always trace tlieni to torpid liver; del^ved, fermenting food in the bowels or 60ur. gassy stomach. Poisonous matter clogged in the Intestines, instead of being cast out Of the system is re-absorbed into the blood. When this poison reaches the delicate brain tissue it causes congestion and that dull, throbbing, sickening headnche. Cascarets immediately cleanse the stomach, remove the sour, undigested food and foul gases, take the excess bile from the llv? r and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poisons in the bowels. A Cascarct^ to-night will surely straighten you out by morning. They work while you sleep?a 10-cent box front your druggist means your head clear, stomach sweet and your liver and bowels regular for months. Adv. The Proper Thing. "That trial jury was packed." "That's all right. It was a trunk murder mystery case.'* FALLINGmMEANS n linnnrr ?e . UANUKUH- IS AUIIVt 8ave Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent BottU of Danderine Right Now?Also Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is niuto evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff?that awful scurf. There is nothing fo destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverishness and itching of the scalp, which If not remedied causes the ha'r roota to shrink, loosen and die?then the hair falls out last. A little Danderine tcnight - now?any time?will surely save your hair. Get a cent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderine from y store, and after the first application your hair will take on that life, luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become wavy and tluiTy and have the appearance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please yen most will be after Just a few weeks' ? o. when you will actual ?> ?ro u ne, downy hair?new linir?, : over the _v:?.p. Aav. > ne Kind. were straight issues in this cam: ..ign. vol.- .Ui ic no:?" "Yes; and one of them was straight whisky." indigestion, gas 00 bag stomach Time it! Pape's Diapepsin ends all Stomach misery in five minutes. Do Fomo foods you eat hit back? taste good, but work badly; ferment Into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, our. gassy stomach? Now. Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down: Pape's Diapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour at.' upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you will get happy relief in five minutes, but what phases you most is that it strengthens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite foods without fear. i oil iri i uinoreni as woon as i ape a Dlapepsin" comes in contact with the Btomach?distress just vanishes -your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food. (Jo now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large fiftycent case of Tape's Diapepsin from any store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indigestion, dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adv. A Surmise. "Dcbbs is a mild-mannered man." "Yes he is. I wonder if he's naturally so. or married?" Important to Mothers ^"amine carefully every bottle of CAriTOKIA, a safe and sure remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Signature of In Use For Over SO Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria Punctured Happiness. Miss Ethel?Kate says she's weary of living in a small apartment. Jack Carr?A case of Hat tire, eh? Hanford's Balsam has cured many cases of running sores of many years' standing. Adv. The man who Is handy around the Itouse usually Isn't much good anywhere else. INTTBNATIONAL SUNMYSOIOOI! Lesson (By E. O. SKLI.KIIS. Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible Institute Chicago.) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 30 CROSS!NG THE JORDAN. LESSON TEXT?Joshua 3:7-17. GOLDEN TEXT-"Fear thou not for I am with thee."?Isa. 41:10. The spies sent out by Joshua (ch. 2) were animated by quite a different motive than that which governed those who first visited Canaan, and they brought back a much different report (Num. ch. 13). The story of their experience in Jericlvp with Rahab, their escape from her house, and the incident of the "scarlet thread," will prove an interesting introduction for today's lesson. There are two suggestions in the preparation for the crossing of the Jordan mentioned in the first seven verses of this chapter: (1) It was to be an orderly advance (v. 4); no disorderly crowding about those who led. This was also to be a sure path, though they had not passed that way before, for God was leading. (2) It was to be a prayerful advance (v. 5). Literally, they were to "undertake great things for God and to expect great things from God." Jesus Must Lead. 1. The Leader, vv. 7, 8. The circumstances surrounding this episode are far different from those at the crossing of the Keu sen Moses encounter with Pharaoh had stamped him as the one who should save the nation. True, in the battles and in his association with Moces Joshua had occupied a position of leadership, hut now he is to deliver Israel from the death of the wilderness into the life ami possessions of Canaan, hence the words, "I will magnify thee in the sight of al. Israel." It is noticeable, however, that Joshua did not lead this forward march, hut rather the priests. The ark which they bore is a type of Christ and he must always lead. Jehovah magnified Joshua because Joshua had magnified Jehovah. see I. Sam. 2:.10, John 17:4, 5. II. Those Led, vv. 9-13. Joshua at once communicates Jehovah's order for a forward march to the people (I. Tliess. 2:13). Hut God graciously accompanies his word by a visible manifestation of his presence (v. 10. 11) cf. 1. John 1:1. Col. 2:1). It was the word and presence of the "living God" (v. 10) that was to work this miracle, and to accomplish the victorious possession of the land in accordance with his own sure promise. This lesson is a great lesson of types. God. through the leading of his priests bearing the ark (a type of Christ), lends man from the failures of his wilderness experience, through death (the Jordan), into newness of life (Canaan), Rom. 6:4. 9. Previously the mention of the names of these enemies (v. 10) had so frightened Israel that they turned aside in a. panic, but Israel had been learning in the bitter school of discipline and failure. "The I^ird of all the earth" (v. 11) is to lead, why then fear? There was, however, to be a test. viz.. the path was not to open until their feet were in the waters. There was no sm*1i test at the Red sea. for they did not then have sufliciont faith, I. Cor. 10:13, I. Peter 1:7. Israel's One Way. III. The Drv Ground, ww. 14-17. ITn until the moment they stepped into the water, priest and people alike relied upon the bare word of Jehovah, I. Sam. 15:22. We. too. will surely find a way of escape if we yield him implicit obedience, Tsa. 42:2; I. Cor. 10:12. As if to heighten this miracle we need to remember it was the season of flood tide (v. 15). The river Jordan is a great type of the Judgment passed upon sin. Verse sixteen tells us that the waters were backed up beyond "the city of Adam." Our Joshua delivers not only us from all sin but his deliverance is also suflicient for the whole hutnnn race. Hob. 9:28. T. John 1:7. Our deliverance is complete, let us praise him. Tho Jordan would not, however, have opened had those bearing the ark paused upon the bank. The peoplo could not have been delivered except as the ark remained in the river bed. Jesus went into the waters for us, 2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:12. Ho has condemned sin for us. ltom 8:2. He alone has opened a pathway for our deliverance. There was no other way whereby Israel could be delivered and further they were delivered "right against Jericho" (v. 16) viz.. beforo their next big task, and "all the nation were passed clean over Jordan" (v. 17). John 17:12. Representatives of each tribe (rh. 4) carried from the river twelve - V. ~ V...11 Jl ? a _ ? mtjut-r? iui iuc i>uii(iiiik tn nil iiunr so that the history of that deliverance might h? perpetuated. IV. The Lesson, 'n this lesson wo ar" brought, in company with Israel, into the land at last. Abraham saw and believed. Jacob and his sons left it when threatened with moral ; contamination and physical death. Much has happened since that time, but flod's purposes have gone on unchanged. Nor has Jehovah ever b~en defeated. Israel is delivered because. | in the language of Ps. 114:2, "Judah became his sanctuary, Israel his dominion." Note how Ps. 114:3 united forty years of history. "The sea saw It and tied: Jordan was driven back." This is the hlstors of Israel. CHILDREN LOVE SVRUPJF FIGS It is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhoou days. Remember the "dose" mother insisted on?castor oil, calomel, cathartics. UntV vnil h'i? nil hnw v**?' .AXZ .. jr vu >>(l \ V u lilt III, UV " ?UU I VII jll V against taking them. With our children it'B different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't realize what they do. The children's revolt is well-founded. Their tender little "insides" are Injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only delicious "California Syrup of Figs ." Its action is positive, but gentle. Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teaspoonful given today saves a sick child t norrow. Ask at the store for a 50-ccnt bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has full directions lor babies, children of all ages and for grown-ups plainly Dn each bottle. Adv. Good luck is like a lot of other things. You never fully appreciate it until you haven't it. GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR She Made Up a Mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, Gioss, Thickness. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly compounded. brings back the natural color and lustre to the liair when faded, streaked or pray; also mds dandruff. itehing scalp and steps tailing hair. Years npo the only way to get tuis mixture was to rnako it at home, which is nittssy and trouble, oinu. Nowadays, by asking tit any store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Hair Hctnedy," you will g? t a large bottle of this famous old rec'pe f< r about cents. Don't stay pray! Try It! No one can possibly tell that you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this throuph your hair, takinp one small strand at a time; by mornitip the pray hair disappears, and after application or two. your itair becomes beautifully dark, thick and glossy. Adv. Few men en re to say what they think about women. COLDS & LaGRIPPE 5 or 6 doses bb6 will break any case of Chills Ac Fever, Colds ?.\c I~iC.rippe; It acts on th" liver better than Calomel and does gripe or sicken. Price 25c.?-Adv. Gnat opportunities seldom employ an advaiu ay- nt *n.*Al |- INTO VOl It SHOKS < , l!A i? jp m>v. vr for Tlr*y* ?? %:* 1? *!. ui\ps rt,fci j.. ' cm:... t. m. ? a ilcl i^ht. SoM pvpry lu-rt*. 2i.<\ I f . . .i , t ii j . ; /?.* f1.' tif K'-r I KKL saiu* pie, ;iuUiUb% Ainu h. OiuiM I. I a* Hoy, N V. A civ An unmarried man ne\ w realizes how many fsiults he lias. rain ir? Sack and Rheumatism are the daily tctment of thousands. To effectually cure these troubles vou must re move the cause. Foley Kidney 1 'ills begin to work for you from the first dose, an ! ex ert so direct and beneficial an action in the kidneys and bladder that the pain and torment of kidney trouble soon disappears. The Typewriter for the Rural I Business Man ,Whether you ate a small town merchant wlr^^'Ertt or a ^armer< >'ou need If >ou are writing Lonu Wearing your letters and hills by hand, you are not getting full efficiency. It doesn't require an expert operator to run the L. C. Smith A: Bros, typewriter. It is simple, compact, complete, durable. Send in the attached coupon and we will give especial attention to your typewriter needs. t L. C. Smith .t Rros Typewriter Co, Syini'Wir, N V Ploii-c x?-iul iuo your free book about I Niime ; : r. <> i ; Slate : RAW FURS prVCVbullet IN FREE BOUCHT-? Write for It t?>ci?y a. e. burkhardt International Kur Merchant. Cincinnati, O. /<\ if fl fi ?i I# nn> I Mttfh Orn.le ?. o Kl lURKd I'till' *% r'"kl Rt,<M,"on- Price* rcaeoiiatde. Service prompt. Send for l'rlco l.ut :. A LtNNKlL'H 4111 OHIIIK UliKUSlIM, ?. C. < llKi:il 1 1" S. . ...| t> r 1 r. -'(7.1*1 \?Sample "<J! II II." Ii slops 11 <-11 1 n 1 :asoL 11 EM 1 \ 1. < <' O't'n. Phil*. Pa j E^ggHTRbifsaasarffa Im 1iw! Cotif h Ryr ip. T .?*? * I"?c Efl h4 in time. F??M iy I)rof(c??U. ? J ^i,i:i.i.iin!nrmin^i THIS MAN'S TIGER IS PET OF THE TOWN n n _ O..U ft L I .sauyiH 19 ct ouu 111 oururai America Michigander Has Raised It. Grand Rapids. Mich.?William Holcotnb of Stanton has a unique pet in the person of a South American tiger, measuring 54 inches from tip to tip and nearly 24 inches In height. It is tame and playful and roams at lnrge. not only in the Holcomb household, but also In the village streets. Children plav with it. grown-ups stop to pet it and stroke its spotted fur. About four years ago Holcomb went to Central America on a government Job. One day while hunting he shot a tigress. When he went up to the dead animal he saw In the grass beside her a playful cub. He carried I 1 ' I iHjSMf There Was a Mix-Up. tlir little fellow hack to ? amp nit<! nurtured it. !t was Km I lr and never showed ; ny disposition to return to wild life. It tuade friends with all the campers, shared their hunks and frolicked with them when they lolled nhout on the ground. When the joh was finished last sunt nur, iioicouiO returned to the slates, bringing tin animal with him His sweetheart fell in love with his pet and linked him tu give it to her. 1 tolcomli was in a quandary. "Tell you what I'll do." he said. "If you want that tiger you'll have to take me, too. Then it will he the pet for both of us." Two days later they were married The tiger does various stunts, and is regarded as a pet by everyone except dogs. Recently a hull terrier with a reputation as a lighter was trotting past the Iiolcomh home when he spied the finer and growled a challenge. The tiger answered with a snarl. Iintaediati Iv there was a mix-up but it lasted only a moment. The terrier, bleeding from myriad scratches from the tiger's claws, stuck its tail between its legs and streaked it around the nearest corner. MUD HOLE SAVES MAN'S LIFE Pittsburgher Plunges 400 Feet From Retaining Wall ? Auto Pulls Him Out Unhurt. Pittsburgh Walking along the retaining wall in (Irani boulevard the other night. Stephen Harr slipped on a banana peeling, pirouetted for an sftuit, then toppling over the low railing, shot 4Oh feet into darkness and into a chance mud hole 30 feet above the railroad tracks, on a narrow shelf of the cliff. If the banana peel had been 20 feet either way from the spot where Harr encountered it. his death would have been certain. Am it was. Burr was iinb??dde<l in sticky clay. He managed to get his face above the surface and began struggling to extricate himself. In response to a telephone call a squad of police with a stretcher arrived in a patrol wagon. Heo (laus was lowered with a rope which he tied to Barr. The crowd at the top of the cliff was unable to pull Barr lrom his iucaseinent of mud llarr> (leiss, passing in an automobile was stopped. The rope was attached to the machine, and Oelss slowly started ahead Once drawn from the mud hide, Barr was hauled to safety. Aside from bruises, ho was unhurt. BUCK DEER DEFEATS A BULL Latter Was Without Horns, and Gets the Worst of a Tercifir Battle.' I'ottstown, I'ji. A largo buck deer suddenly appeared among Mil win (?orbir's cattle, grazing in a field near (his town, ami attacked out' of the largest bulls in tin- her 1 A fierce battle emsued The deer plunged its largo antlors into the bovine'* sides and 1m ad and had an advantage In the light because its antagonist was dohorned. Farm hands lmard the commotion, and. armed with pitchforks, hurried to the scene of conflict. The deer jumped a five-foot stone fence and disappeared. It was a member of a prlvate herd and had escaped frt/m an enclosure. I What is Won \nd the Basis of Ilcr Health and Vigor Lies in the Careful Regulation of the Botvels. If woman's beauty depended upon josmetics, every woman wouiu be a )lcture of loveliness. Dot beauty lies leeper than that. It lies in health. In he majority of cases the hubis of lealth, and the cause of sickness, can >e traced to the action of the bowels. The headaches, the lassitude, the tallow skin and the lusterless eyes are isually due to constipation. So many hings that women do habitually con luce to this trouble. They do not eat arefully, they eat indigestible foods because the foods are served daintily ind they do not exercise enough. Hut whatever the particular cause may be t is important that the condition should be corrected. An ideal remedy for women, and one jspecially suited to their delicate requirements. is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, which thousands of women endorse highly, among them Mrs. C. S. Vance, of 511 S. hay St., New Castle. Ha. At times sh?? had spells of indigestion so severe that she thought she would die. Syrup Pepsin regulated her stomach and bowels, and she attributes her excellent health today to this remedy. All the family can use Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, for thousands of mothers give it to babies and children. It is also admirably suited to the requirements of elderly people, in fact to all who by reason of age or infirmity cannot stand harsh salts, cathartics, pills >r purgatives. These should always be 1 low scornfully women look at a man who is the father of 11 children. llanford's Kalsnm should relieve ?Vi>n the worst burns. Adv. Why Inn- a trained nurse to nurse i grievance? "hubhnrii Colds and irritat(*d imnoliial immIi relieved l>\ IKmii's Menii dated C<>ugh Drops .">o at Druggists. Ia>\ e is respon-Ible for most of the Happiness and unhappiness in the world. For Domestic Animals. Horses, cattle and sheep are liable to sores, sprains. galls. calks, kicks. ^ bruises and cuts, and Hauford's Bal- ' satti of Myrrh is the standard remedy for such cases. When you consider 1 how valuable your stnek is. having the Balsam always on hand for them is a cheap form of Insurance. Adv. What Did He Mean? Hewitt Is Cruel out of danger yet? Jewitt No, he still has the doctor. DISFIGURED WITH PIMPLES It. F. I). No. 2, Box 4i>, Matthews, tJa.?"For three years or more 1 was troubled with pimples and blackheads. At lirst my face would Itch and burn and then the pimples would break out. They looked almost as If 1 had measles. causing great disfigurement. They would make my fa?" very red and sore. Tlier *?iey festered and came to .? heaa and large boils would come on iny el.i.t r:?.l nose. " 4 also had dandruit willed ccuc^d my scalp to Itch and burn, it itched and burned so that 1 had to scratch it until it was irritated. The dandruff scaled off and show * <1 plainly in my n.Br. It also caused my hair to break ofT and become very thin. I used several remedies which did not cure and gave but little relief. After I received a free sample of Cuticu.v Soap and Ointment I beean using them according to directions. 1 secured two cakes of Cutlcura Soap and two boxes of Cutlcura Ointment, which cured me perfectly." (Signed) Miss Willie M. Walker, July 31, 1912. Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.with 32-p. Skin Hook. Address postcard "Cutlcura, Dept. D, Boston."?Adv. Mean Intimation. ('holly Did you see where they had such a big lobster in Boston? Maude Why, you weren't there. 1 were you? i:i.ixir riaiibk a noon tonic And DrlwM Malaria out of the S>nlnn. "Vour 'llabt-k' acts like magic; I have given it to numerous people in my parish who were suffering with chills, malaria and fever. I recommend it to those who are sufferers and in need of a gorffl tonic.- Itev. S. K/.ym inowskl, St. Stephen's Church. Perth Amhoy. N'. J. Kll\lr linhrk DO cents, all druggists or by parcels 1'ost prepaid from Kloczawbki a- Co.. Washington. I>. C. Demise Distant. "Iki you think a person can bo too healthy?" "My rich uncle Is." Rifles Shoot Well, Wor The rough, hard usage that requires them to be constr principles and of the best r I rifles are so made. Nothing i them shoot well, work wel Wlnchattr Gam and Ammunition?The KtJ \ Winchester Repeating Arms Co., | 1 ' liTTL 9 V '.J ; but Health?f|j L-^^jaPk. - .NE^mSraid MRS. C. S. VANCE avoided, for at best their effect is only for that day. while n genuine remedy like Syrup Pepsin acts mildly but permanently. It can be conveniently obtained at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar a bottle. Results are always guaranteed or money will be refunded. You will find it gentle in action, pleasant in taste, and free from griping, and its tonic properties have a distinct value to women. It is the most widely used laxative-tonic in America today and thousands of families are now uov-v er without it. Families wishing to try a free sample bottle can obtain it postpnid by addressing Dr. \Y. 11. Caldwell. 203 Washington St.. Monticello, 111. A postnl card with your name and address on it will do. MANY A MAN is blamed for a bad disposition when it is really the fault of his liver. will expel all BILSOUS HUMORS Get them today. Why Scratch? t"Hunt'sCure"is guaranteed to stop and permanentlycure that terrible itching. It i9 compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to euro Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Rinff Worm or any other Skin Disease. 50c nt your druggist's, or by mail direct if he hnsn't it. M " r.'-. ? nrc 1 only by A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman. Texas LARGE 7-HpAGErt} A ILLUSTRATED CATALOG LajjpJr of Cameras and Photographic L flpHW Supplies r. tailed FREE DEVELOPING and PXIN 'iNG A jri'lUTY I Parsons Optical Company, Dept. B CHARLESTON, S. C. f -* I???aro?? ??,.. ? > I MIIU tar " r-?- r? h n i? ? I i vvMivic.wrtLLSP:r Holland's Kiiyinano quickly relieves extreme nervousness, (fcheiul weakness and other uilinents peculiar to the sex. An excellent remedy endorsed by physicians. One Month's Treatment $1. Prepared by Holland Manufacturing Co., Washington, D. C. To cure cnstlvcness the medicine must be more than a purgative; it must contain tonic, alterative and cathartic properties. Tail's Pills possess these qualities, and speedily restore to the bowels their natural peristaltic motion, so essential to i i n lilwi It | at I inirO s,-nri for free sample for removing hair A llr\ national hkmkhtcus knUILu p. .Mortice Hox (4M, Atlanta, Leorgie Kill SAI.K?l.JWMl \.. IN ('AI.III)t N <?? OA.j SoO n cull . bill. Kood Undo r 1 ' houses, plcult oulhhlKS . ! mull a. much . Ic. l'rlce anil ! rois \\ . M. Hrnhlmm. Itiiinlierir. M. C. Charlotte Directory ??&?& TYPEWRITERS New. rebuilt nnd second hand. 117 09 tf!\ up guaranteed sail,factory We \* / * "" supplies for all makes. We reiSESWftrys pair ull mokes. J.K.CIUYTOH k COIPAXY, < burlolt,, S.CW . W. N. U.. CHARLOTTE, NO. 48-19131 fF.sw.n k Well and Wear Well ^ hunting rifles often reteive acted on sound mechanical natcrials. All Winchester t~ ,s left undone that will make 1, look well and wear well. D/ Brand?art mad* for all kindt of Hunting NKW HAVINi OONN. ^^