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fr V USE OF CALOMEL PRACTICALLY STOPPED Dangerous Drug Citing Way for Safer. More Reliable Remedy. Hundreds or people in this vicinity alone have stopped the use of dangerous calomel when their liver is acting slowly, and take Dodson's Liver Tone instead. Dodson's Liver Tone is always safe and has none of the bad after-effects which so often follow the use of calomel. It is a pleasant-tasting vegetable liquid that, starts the liver gently and sure1 xr n * 1 ?jr, anvt iciicvcB constipation and biliousness and causes no restriction of habit or diet. Many preparations have sprung up that imitate the claims made for Dodson's Liver Tone, but remember Dodson's Liver Tone is the tried and tested remedy that has proven such a good medicine and is so satisfactory to every % user?is the reason these imitations are on the market. Dodson's Liver Tone cannot hurt anyone and if it fails to do all that is claimed for it VV. B. Ardrey, who sells it. will give your money hack with a smile. Notice of Registration. Notice is hereby given that the books of registration of the town of Fort Mill, for the year 1914 are now open daily at the office of Bailes & Link and will close January 3rd, 1914. C. S. Link is the /Inly appointed registrar. By order of council this 5th day of November, 191 J. A. 11. McELHANY. Attest: Mayor. S. W. PARKS, Clerk. TAX NOTICE-1913. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 12. 1913. Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on WEDNESDAY. the'lBTIl DAY OF OCTOBER, 1913, and remain open until the 31 ST DAY OF OFF EMBER, 1913, for the collection of STATE. COUNTY. SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1913, without penalty, after which day ONE l'ER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made in the mouth of JANUARY, 1914. and TWO l'ER Cl-NT penalty for all pavmentsn;ade in the month of FEBRUARY. 1914. and SEVEN PER CENT, penally will be added to all payments made from tie 1ST DAY of MARCH. 1914. to th 1.7111 DAY of MARCH, 1914. and alter this date all unpaid taxes will go in*o executions and all unpaid Single Bolls will be turned over ?o the several Magistrates for prosecution it a with law. For the convent* nee of taxpayers. 1 will attend the following places on the days nam* d: At Yorkville from Monday, November 10. until Wednesday th< 31st day of December. 1913, after winch date the j ? : allies will attach its stated above. NOTE.?The Tax Books are made up by Townshij s, and parties writing abi ut taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer York County. Desirable Farms For Sale. 35 acres one mile from Fort Mill; house, barn, well, etc., $1,625. 155 acre tract within 4 miles of Fort Mill; good dwelling and outhouses, at $16.50 per acre. 145-acre tract about 3 miles from Fort Mill, good dwelling, barns, tenant houses, complete farm, $4,000. 130-acre tract 3 miles from Fort Mill; fully equipped wi'h buildings, etc., a bargain at $30 per acre. 48-acre tract about 4 miles from Fort Mill, with tenant house, $25 per acre. 134-acre tract 4 miles from Fort Mill, with dwelling and outhouses, at $12.50 per acre. ' Ask to see our list of town property for sale. BAILES & LINK, Brokers, Fort Mill, - - S. C. M THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR I :! 25 VOTES B IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST & IF CLIPPED FROM THE I TIMES AND PRESENTED AT 2 THE STORE OF THE | MILLS & YOUNG CO., p FORT MILL, S. C. i jvelh v t j* i Hh x % ITEMS or LOCAL INTEREST. Fort Mill Juror*. Messrs. J. T. Young and S. H. Epps have been drawn as petit jurors to serve the third week of the present term of York court. Green and Red Mail Wagon* | Postmaster General Burleson has issued an order affecting the I color of all vehicles used on rural mail routes and in cities for the rlolitr?i.?? i uviiki.) U1 (WIL't'lS U1 i I mail. The bodies are to be painted a medium coach preen j and the running gear a cardinal } red with black striping. Meets Next in Rock Hill. The examining board of the i South Carolina Pharmaceutical I Association closed its annual 1 meeting Friday at Orangeburg, j | after deciding to meet at Rock j : Hill on the third Wednesday in March, 1914. John M. Hutchinson, of Rock Hill, was among the number who successfully passed the examining board. Fort Mill Defeated Chester. Knowing little of that particular kind of sport called football and having failed to witness the contest on the local gridiron Saturday between the school teams of Chester and Fort Mill, we are forced to content ourselves with the statement that Fort Mill defeated Chester 6 to 0. Good game? Search us. Harris Young Marriage. One of the most beautiful weddings ever witnessed in Fort Mill was that of Miss Frances1 Harris and Manly S. Young, which was solemnized in the Presbyterian church last Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock. The front of the interior of j | the plain, old, "blue stocking"] Presbyterian church was trans! formed into a miniature Grecian I temple, t he entrance to which j at each aisle was a white heartI shaped gate. And all within these gales of love was pure | white, except the artistic grouping around the base of the stately Doric columns of luxuriant ferns and the graceful festoons of Southern smilax. An electric ! fan hidden among the ferns waved their long graceful fronds' as if the mellow brerze of the beautiful Indian summer night was playing among them. The ; burning tapers which capped each ol the six columns cast a soft glow over the Hymenal altar. .1 ist before the ceremony Mrs. Charles M. ilrov. n, of Salisbury, N (' I'Knfintiifr in l-,]..--. ... ... . , . .... i. i . i in uiuc lit1 : chere and embroidered chiffon with crystal trimmings, sang "Because" and "O, Perfect, Love." Then Misses Carrie Gulp, Mary Boyd, Bessie Spratt, Blanche Lawrence, and Messrs. ( Link. At water, Meacham and! Alex. Young, sang the Bridal chorus from Lohengrin, during which the bridal party came in. i First, the ushers, Oscar Gulp j with Frank Lewis, and Richard) Fulp with Holt Ardrey. As the dame of honor, Mrs. J. L. Spratt, , I came down the right aisle, the! maid of honor, Miss Nell Ligon, j eamedown the left. Both were I handsomely clad in yellow satin ! and carried large yellow chrysanthemums. Then came little Elinor Spratt, dainty in white accordion plaited chiffon, and bearing the ring in a large yellow chrysanthemum. The bride, who was given away by her brother, L. A. Har- i ris, was met at the altar by the i groom and his best man, Murray Mack. She was beautifully gowned in white duchess satin, trimmed in princess lace and pearls. Her veil was fastened with a coronet of orange blossoms, and she carried a large shower bouquet of bride's roses and lillies of the valley. mi ? ? 1 int' oeauuiui riour ceremony was performed by the bride's pastor. Rev. W. A. Hafner, durinp (\iiich Mrs. C. S. Junk softly played "IIumorescpie." Imirw diately after the ceremony a larjre reet ption was given ai tut* home of the bride's mot or, Mrs. Alice Harris, after whin Mr. and Mrs. Youiiff left f? r Wjishinffion, I), C. Many handsome presents attest the popularity of this young coup e. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Iugon, Misses Nell and Julia Ligon and Jack Liffon, ot Shelby, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Rruce, of Winnsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Baker, of Columbia; Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Salisbury, N. C.; John Clark, Charlotte; Miss Gertie Gillligan. Charlotte; Mrs. J. K. Roach, Misses Florence Tliornwell and Florence Boyd, and Albert Fricuhicm, of Rock Hill. \ 1 It's 1 I! Tn fjii w gtfiu ^ * < :: It is but H Prize \ I ' * 11 nouncec *? > I] to supp] ?> ft ^nr] ct k.t c laii\a ovvv > ? 0 H Saturda1 > > a ????? <> * H Mills ik ? * > 1 T. P J a iwi urana I On Saturd? ^ Second Grand Prize: I $100 Rock Hill Buggy | with Top and Rubber Tires | Third Grand Prize: I $75 Putnam Organ, ' Guaranteed ten years. y Fourth Grand Prize: | $50 Five-Piece Parlor ; Suit. A Beauty. Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat I Suit. Value $25. THE PROPOSITION?Every p< b One Vote, every dollar fo 100 Votes S the greatest number ol Votes will b number of votes gets the Second Or: U away. Now, we wish it understood part and you or your friend will wii oughly understand the proposition t riX^T" T5TTOV imT\ ATT rn. . i 'lux j_> u o i curiy I u j hvB 9 iL' ^H?'.&5? V~/'.t-vT^V?:'cA4tXa 2CB?GMe?e: t . :.TOi?.uJt*w,k^+Q _ -4 $> <?> Mow '. lint Your a short time V inners will 1, and now is ly your Holidc _u 3ii your vote. Special prices y, so COME / . Young C > . 4 . ? . . <. . ^ . Vv . + <- 4 ? AO. \ *> . * v ? O > <? 3 n a i r 2C, 1913, tho customer holding ustomal* holding the second largest titi 1 the Ten Grand Prizes arc given rone. Jnst a little effort on your j oiicd above. If you do not thorul we'll explain it to you fully. j IQ ?0? 1 j razes Abso \y, Decembei First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit or I * overcoat. inn;/ you spend in any one of our . and so or. On Saturday, Deoc'.nb:' c given Uk First Grand Prizo; the c inJ Piize, iicl so 0:1 down the line u: !, this is no chance game, no guess v 1 one of the Ten Grand Prizes menti rill at any one of our three stores an starter stands the best 3how at win \ <S3I 3 <fc#W8 -t" s * , -vts - *' 'jWPBB S ' ' w -*x NHH Fime I II 1 II I Votes. | < M < ? < ~ < * * " M < > until the :i[i be an- || i z & & the time II II iy wants || ^mmb wmmm m ? - ? * * v* i ( > f # * * * . > 11 for next *1 \LONG I ! l|l ! Fort Mill, 'II | ? ? s. c. H i tit Linn aagaBMBBwaaBMBiM ktely FREE 1 - OA 1 A10 III r l^lO. I Fifth Grand Prize: - jjj Princess Steel Range. | Value $60. Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-time Guarantee. Seventh Grand Prize: Beautiful $50 Diamond Ring. \ Tenth Grand Prize: | $25 Kitchen Cabinet. I It's a Beauty. I Jr t'noe departments entitles you to |