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... ' t \ ~~MY FRIENDS SAID I 1 Could Never Get Well Again. Thanks to Peruna 1 am Well. MIsb Clara i.ohr, 21 North Gold :>t.. Grand- Rapids, Mich.: "Doctors said I had consumption. Weighed only 90 pounds. Commenced taking Peruna. Now weigh 135 pounds. 1 am so thankful for what Peruna li;>? done for me." Those who object to liqu'd medicines car. now procure Peruna Tablets. W.L.DOUGLAS SHOES Men's li?oU?t<.3K?/l S\ Women'sUAIJ8 Misses, Boys. Children I L J J*, 1 SI.*?SI.75S2S2.50$3l \ 1, ^bnslnw^n ml \ I W^;-\ \m ii:m lirttl iridMm. \'\Q W. T,. Douclu shoes are famous I ra Ca.fl) everywhere. Why not cUc ihrm a I {+ ftg^irul Tbo \ . u.e you will recrKo m&ip ilrfx^jTor your inuury v. til astuuiali > ou. ff *AIf you would \ L-ll our factory. M- ~ a**Pafcs^. JL'he largest In the world under Jr. one roof, and we hot* rarrlutly r I w- 1 'ouulaa nhoca arc made * V \ you would undp;-'a id why thc> aro JlL X.tP \ warrattletl to lo k Iwttcr. hi beticr, \y a hold t hclrnhapo and ? enr lunger 11 tan MM I olhcr makes rbr the price. M Your dealer should supply you with Jfl . IS' thrm.liout takeaHiil*tttute.Nutic Jtr>\ Jnjat ^yt"^VKonuluo without IV. L. Iioiglax ?V ia~sai^*.J 11:1111c stampeil ou tH>ttorn. Shoes #vJL Y? sent everywhere. direct frou- fac^ KvVVW 'ory, by Parcel Pont, postaae free. Now t> tbo tlmo to begin to asve money on Y.'lrfSk. your footwear. Write tixlay for lllti-vr^V t rat rd Catalog allowing how to order by mall. w. L. DOUCJLAS. SIO Spark St.. Brockton. Mnaa. Constipation Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief?Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS never J fail. 1 'tircly vt'uctable ? act surely JHMp ADTFRS ' but gently on siTi-r-ri r the liver. JggBL& f TTLE Stop after jmkfskur HIVtK dinner dis- B PI IAS, tress?cure far mbbiwB indigestion. j improve the complexion, brighten the eyes, j SMAl.I. PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE, j Genuine must bear Signature ; Latest Unokcelled DiscoveryMlS'ALS Ointment # ECZEMA CURE Etnliodies the medicinal pro|?erties from the famous Texan MIn - Ala Natural Mineral Water, famous for its w-oudrrful cures. RecomuiciiUatiou.s and expensive advertising UBUwcssury. Try it and get relief and inmroven.ent ?' Send iini' dollar and a Jar Jf Min-Ala ointment will I*- uiailrd jon prepaid, from mih-ah mineral water ^>5? JT* "" DISTRIBUTING OFFICE EOW. H. WAGNER. 38 Part Place, N*? Tort, M. stomach sufferers! Gallstone Victims If voti liavo pa I us In lUglit Mlde. Bark. I'lidw Shoulder*. 1*1* of Stomach. (lolte. Gaa. nlnmarh i Trouble. Indigent ion. Mirk llendkclic. Iilnr Spell*. Barrousnrns. Jtud Color, Blurs. ( o?ll?eue.-,s, Yellow Jaaudlce. 'lWpId IJrrr. Append!- __ cltla or Gallstones, sriul today t Dk t for our 1.IVKK - GAI.I, BOOK 1 n E- E^i laSs one Remedy Co., Dept. 587.219 S Dearborn St.,Chicago /> 0 th? wonderful hair grower, rraKMnnQl mores dandruff, row lores gray hair m to youthful color. II per hoitlr. Trial site tOc. OOLORIKIO <)OM I'ANY. Tampa , KlA. WHENEVER YOU NEE A GENERAL 10 r _____ The Old Standard Grove's T, Valuable as a General Tonic I Drives Out Malaria, Enrich< the Whole System. For G You know what you are taking when as the formula is printed on every label s tonic properties of QUININE and IKON tonic and is in Tasteless Form. It has i Weakness, general debility and loss of a Mothers and Pale, Sickly Children. n^ncvcj nervous depression ami low sp purities the blood. A True Tonic and si No family should be without it. (iuaranti I powder and shot. \^-mjjJT 11143 shell cover n Ksr and all of them give f. ' satisfaction. Look for HIGH IN QUA LIT* /? # I ANOTHER SIDE TO MATTER One Man Has Discovered That Offering Floral Bouquets to the Living Is Not All Joy. "There has been a good deal in the paragraph section of our exchanges for some weeks to the effect that you should give the bouquets now; not wait to lay them on the cotiin lid," says Tom Thompson in the Howard Courant. hJlla Wheeler before she was a Wilcox wrote a poem on that t^eine; Chancellor ltrndford at the ehautauqtta dinged it into us, and most of us have been affected by it Hut say. my brother-sister, have you tried it yet? 1 have?twice. First. I tried it on a very dear friend of the other sex. and she began to get nervous like she thought I was trying to llirt with her. Then I quit, for I am pre-eminently no llirt. Next I tried it on a brother in my lodge ami Sunday school, and he shied ofT like he expeeted me to ask him for a loan. So after this 1 shall water tny llower beds and raise nice bouquets for funeral occasions exclusively. Very few people know how to receive lloral offerings. anyway. Kansas City Star. GIRLS! GIRLS! TRY IT, BEAUTIFY YOUR HAIR Make It Thick. Glossy, Wavy, Luxuriant and Remove Dandruff?Real , Surprise for You. Your hair becomes light, wavy, fluffy. abundant and appears as soft, lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's after a "Danderino hair cleanse." Just try this?moisten a cloth with a little Danderino and carefully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. This will cleanse the hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil mm in jur>i .t it-n uiuiueiiis you nave doubled the beauty of your hair. lh?sidos beautifying the hair at once. Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff: cleanses, purifies and invigorates the scalp, forever stopping itch i ing and falling hair 1 tut what will please you most will I be after a few weeks' use when you will actually see new hair line and downy at first yes but really new haii- growing all over the scalp. If you care for pretty, soft hair and lots of it, surely get a cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any store and just try it. Adv. More Important Than Success. The most important thing in a man's "ife is that which lie has been striving at All that he actually accomplished was dependent to a considerable extent 011 purely accidental eircutn> stances, and in the best cases, proved only a far inadequate realization of his intentions. John Ituskin. His Supposition. "A couple," said Mrs. Simpkius. "got married a few days ago, after a courtship which ltad lasted ~>o years." "I suppose," replied Mr. Simpkius, "the poor old man had heconio too feeble to hold out any longer." Looks That Way. "There is more equality in America than many think." "So?" "Yes. sir. KveryboJy can have his own automobile." Family Reason. Why <lo you drink so hard all the time?" "My wife won't speak to me when I'm drinking."?Town Topics. Only a smart man can tell the truth truthfully that even a jealous woman can't tangle him up. 0 UKE GROVE'S astelcss chill Tonic is Equally because it Acts on the Liver, :s the Blood and Builds up rown People and Children. you take Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic liowing that it contains tiie well known It is as strong as the strongest bitter n<? equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever. ' ppetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Kemoves Ihliousncss without purging lirits. Arouses the liver to action and are appetizer. A Complete Strengthenrr. ced by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. 1,ESTER l tt 1 ? jvcpcuicr" i uokelcss Powder Shells grade shell at a reasonable price, ester Loaded "Repeater" has the : sportsmen who have tried all Jthough moderate priced, the loaded with the best quality ! The list of loads furnished tost shooters' requirements, a full measure of ^hooting w the W on the box. They arc 3 / TEXAS INVENTOR MAKES FIND . ' ! Lone Star State Man Discovers Way to Use Wind Power to Operate Agricultural Machinery. Austin. Tex.?If all the power of | \ wind, sun and water that is wasted ' on the earth could be gathered and set | to doing some useful work, the amount | of money that would thus be saved ! would, ^>o doubt, make many people "sit up and take notice." Already some inventors are giving thought to ways and means for harnessing the forces of the elements and some curious contrivances, more or less successful, have ieen evolved. Of course, men have long been used the wind for jmmping water, and in some cases for grinding, etc., but tiiis is only a very small fraction of the work it is capable of doing. It is altogether probable that the necessity occasioned by a diminishing fuel supply and other economic forces will stimulate inventors more and more as time goes on, and that they will succeed in producing engines capable of Texas Man's Invention. utilizing those great natural energies tor the product ion of light* heat and power. A traction plow run by wind power has been invented by II. M Fletcher, of Plaiuview, Tex. Some years ago he began experimenting with wind power for operating plows and other agricultural machinery. lie now claims to have perfected a mechanism which makes it. possible to put the wind at work in a practical way on the farm. Seated on his "wind plow" he made a trip of To miles in the vicinity of his home with the wind as the only motive power. The winds are usually strong and steady in the Texas "panhandle" where Mr. Fletcher lives, so that his machine is especially well adapted for use in that section. My means of fans ingeniously adjusted, and so arranged as to resemble the wheel of an ordinary windmill, he can guide his machine in any direction lie wishes irrespective of the quarter from which the wind happens to be blowing. His early experiments convinced him that the problem of lost motion was the one which nreseiit?-?1 )>.. t.wwt features, but he obviated that be devising a special kind of gearing by which the out tit is moved rapidly and with sutlicient power to cut a 10-inch furrow, even though the v.ind force ; may be comparatively small. It is said that Fletcher's neighbors gathered about him while lie worked on his plow and laughed at him, just as Noah's neighbors did when lie was building the ark Hut like Noah lie ! kept on with the work and followed the plan outlined until he attained ! success. That he was successful is shown by ; an account which says that no greater i wind pressure is necessary for oper! atitig this plow than is necessary for ' Hying a kite. WRECK DRIFTED 1,000 MILES Schooner Lottie R. Rucsell, Lo6t on April 15. Is Found by Revenue Cutter Seneca. Washington.?A bottom-up derelict | which the revenue vutter Seneca found lf>0 miles east of Halifax and towed Into that port recently proved to he the American schooner Lottie R. Russell which was abandoned | seven milys east of Cape Henry on April 15. In tive months the wreck | bad drifted one thousand milee and Its final capture in the path of remj merce by Captain Johnson of the Seneca was regarded us one of the most unusual incidents in the nistnrv of j the revenue cutter service. The schooner, lumber laden, left. Charleston, S. C.t for New York on April 11, and a few days later met disaster. The crew was taken off by the Itritish st- amor Georgian Prince. For several days the revenue cutter Onondaga searched the shoals of Hatteras for the disabled craft, but it bad been driven to sea and lost. Early in September a derelict was reported in the path of commerce off Halifax The Seneca, on September F>, started on the 700-mile chase which finally solved the mystery of the Ix)ttic it. llussell. Girl Does Sensational Stunt. Cloversvllle, N. Y.?Because a pretty eighteen-year old maid in the Glov- , ersville high school was forced" to walk through the street attired in tights as a part of a sorority initiation ( tho board of education lias issued an order barring societies and fraternities from the school. Orders Gold Tooth for Monkey. Lander, Wyo.?Mrs. Jennie ltoland, j landlady of the Albany hotel here, has placed with a local dentist an i order for a gold tooth for her pet J monkey, Mollie, which is suffering from a decayed incisor. % RARE PRESENCE OF MIND] I At Least It Is to Be Supposed Young Lady's Mother Regarded It as Such. Speaking of rare presence of tuiml recently recalled to ex-President Tuft the case of a handsome young woman of his acquaintance. She hud gone to the railway station to meet a man friend of the family, and when lie debarked from the train the young man lost his head and impulsively kissed hor. Thi" irlrl thiMU'ltt prudence to tell her mother of the at- j fair, upon which the latter was simply horrified. "You don't mean to tell mo that ho ; had the impudence to kiss you?" she cried. "Aud to think of the crowd at the station! Why, my dear, what did you do in such an embarrassing situation ?" "Why, mother, 1 just kissed him back, of course. "1 wanted to Rive all those people the impression that we were relatives." The Sunday .Magazine. What He Noticed. The extent to which the modern child is educated in matters of hygiene appears from a recent episode , in a Itoston school: The class had visited the art museum and the teacher wished to leafn what the children had obsi rved and how they were impressed. The subject. at the moment was thj^" exquisite head of Aphrodite, one of the chief treasures of the museum. A little boy who frantically waved his hand was called upon, lie announced triumph antly: j "i noticed she had adenoids!" "Why. Peter," exclaimed the shocked teacher, "what do you mean'." "She keeps her mouth open all the time," was the reply. Youth's Com| pan ion. IF HAIR IS TURNING GRAY. USE SAGE TEA Don't Look Old! Try Grandmother's Recipe to Darken and Beautify Gray. Faded, Lifeless Hair. Grandmother kept ln>r hair beautifully darkened, glossy and abundant with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair fell out or took on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful effort. Itv asking at any drug store for "W.veth's Sage and Sulphur Iiair Remedy," you will get a largo bottle of this old-time recipe, j ready Jo use. for about f<0 cents. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair and is splendid for dandruff, dry, itchy scalp and falling hair A well-known druggist says everybody uses Wveth's Sage and Sulphur, because it darkens so naturally and ovniilv Hint nnKmlf .^11 :? l * ? . ...j ...... ........... ..ill II II II II.IM lll'I'U applied?it's so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a eomb or soft luush and draw it through your hair, taking nno strand at a time, lly morning the gray hair disappears; after tinother application or two. it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft, and abundant.?Adv. Perpetual Motion.. Ono may well he sure that then* is 1 no "perpetual motion machine." For J this purpose machines have been constructed from time immemorial, hut nothing lias ever come of it. Men have gone mad on the subject, hut without any practical results. It was demon strated long ago hv Sir Isaac Newton ami l>e la Hire that perpetual motion Is impossible of attainment. Kveu the ! solar system, the most wonderful ma chine of which we have and knowl edge, will run down in the course of time, some say in about ll.OOii.ortn ot years from now RED, ROUGH HANDS MADE SOFT AND WHITE For red, rough, chapped and bleeding hands, dry. fissured. Itching, burning palnin, and painful llnger-cndr., with shapeless nails, a one night Outlcura treatment works wonders. Direction!;: Soak the hands. oiV retiring, in hot water and Cuticura Soap Dry, anoint with Cuticura Ointment, and wear soft bandages or old, looce gloves during iho night Those puro, ittl'ont Qnrl 1 1 : * _..wwv ...... (jvmir uiiixiiieius preserve the hands, prevent redness. roughness end chapping, and impart iti a single night that vol vet y softness and whiteness so much desired by women For those whose occupations tend to in- j Juro the liandn, Cutlcura Soap an?l Cutloura Ointment arc wonderful. Cutieura Soap atid Ointment sold throughout the world Sample of each free,with 22-p. Skin Hook. Address post- ! card "Cutlcura, Dept. I., Boston."?Adv. Not His Wife. Did 1 not see yon talking t<i vntir! \\ ife last night ?" N'ope; if it In en my wit I '.ould have been listening, not ing." Houston Host Mm. Wtnnlow'a Snollilng Syrup for ChiMrrn lerthlnft, soften* tnr (/urns, rr.iuers inflmiiuiiilion,al lam pa in,cum* wiiui ?-o?i?-.i"H- ;i Itot(1^.44* The man who falls in love with a 11 woman at sight by moonlight may f;iH in another direction In sunlight j , I ] Vse lliimnn Km Italian* for Ncal.liiig wnHiiiton in ryrm ami inflammation of fja? or | frrin'a. Ad?. | 'Ihe best thing about hope Is that ' s absolutely free. * PUTNAM lor more goods brighter and f.ivtrr color"", than anYou can dye any gari'.ent without tipping a;, irt. V 0 What So Pre A.s a B Every Youngster Can Have fine Digestion if Given a Good Baby Laxative. In spile of the greatest nersonal care and the most intelligent attention to diet. babies and children will become constipated, and it is a fact that constipation and indigestion have wi t eked many a young life. To start with a good digestive apparatus is to start life without handicap. I'.ut. as we cannot all have perfect working bowels, we must do the next best tiling and acquire tliein, or train them to become healthy. This can bo done by thy use of a laxatlve-tpnic ver> highly recommended by a great tnan\ mothers. The remedy is called l>r. Caldwell's Syrup 1'epsin and lias been on the market for two generations. it can be bought conveniently at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar a bottle, and those who are already convinced of its merits buy the dollar size. Its mildness makes it the ideal medicine for children, and it is also very pleasant to the taste, it is sure in its effect, and genuinely harmless. Very little of it is required and its frequent use does not cause it to lose its effect, as is the case with so many other remedies. Thousands can testify to its merits in constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headaches, etc., among (hem reliable people like Mrs. .lames , U House, of Marinette, Wis. Her lit-' tie von Howard was fifteen months old ! IKheumatis Backache, i. 44Yen, ilaugl Xi l iny back ia i f ua quickly n ^ gratcl'ul |>c<i I Sprained An "I *?* ill for a Inn:; fimo villi (Wrvrrrl] I.inipii-nt :i:ul now 1 nm able to lie nlmiitu cuiwo I tliink you deaenre a lot <if credit : _ m,,.,-! unti i Mi.iii niwnya lutio uuio lo S (./uu. ii>tuw, Uultuwrm, SJiL I At all Dealer*?25c.. 50c. anil $1.00. Sloa 'j and poultr 9 Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Inc. pm?rntmrnmrn?mmmmmmmmmm?mmmmmmm SEE HIM Before the fertilizer salesman arrives, go ' you will not buy 2 per cent, gout IVotash f Pcr ton' Show '''m ^at mini I pays I 5 t" 10 per cent. Potash, an 1 ? ellcct of crops on soils requi BiBnTrrp the per cent, of Potash sho incrrav d until it is as great jMrfc greater than, the per cent, of 'rv'' phoric Acid in the fertilizer. ?_?_? J - ?- I?? *"* * LARGE 74-PAGEr I ILLUSTRATED CATALOG I of Cameras and Photographic 5 Supplies mailed FREE '>->* | DEVELOPING aad PRINTING A SPECIALTY | Parsons Optical Company, Dept. IS I GALLSTONES Sill 'ration. A three weeka' home treatment for 5 Describe cave anil get free information. , . A L. REMEDY CO.. D**t. 9. 820 RJaia St.. PtUa. lawa npnpQV I"E*TED.u?ually RlTesontclt P.J UnUrulrelief ,aoonremotesswelling | S * Htiort breath.often rivea t utlre relief X "/# lnl&t<>2ri<iaT'4.'fr1altr''atiii?,t?taentFree A kL 0r THOMAS R. GRKF.N. Surrey to Or. H. H. Groans Sons. Box 0. Atlanta, Ga. FADELE' v i.tliei ?lyi One 10c packi.Rc colots all fiber* TE v'RlTti FOK l l.'Kli bcKiKlet. calendar. blotters, ett $ ** cious ' " fm lealthy Babyt:M HOWARD ROUSE last April, but ho was sick with bowel trouble from birth ar.d suffered intensely. Since Mrs. Rouse has heem giving him Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin all trouble has disappeared and ttan boy is becoming robust. Thousands keep Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin constantly in the houan, for every member of the family can use it from infancy to old age. Thn users of Syrup Pepsin have learned t. avoid cathartics, salts, mineral waters, pills and other harsh rcmcdlen for they do but temporary good an& are a shock to any delicate system. Families wishing to try n free sample bottle can obtain it postpaid by* addressing Dr. W. It. Caldwell, 203 Washington St., Monticello, 111. A pontal card with your iinmo and addresn Oil It IVill do. m, Sprains! Neuralgia I iter, that's ffood stufF. The pain in V ill prone?I never saw anything work B 3 Sloan's Liniment." Thousands of pic voice the same opinion. Here's I Relieved Pain in Back. I wns tri>ul l? il with i? very bail pain In tnr H for Home time. I went to a doctor but be H fdid not do me any good, 10 I I purchased a holtlo of Sloan's H I jiiiincnt, and now I am a well H woman. 1 always keep a hot- V tie of Sloan's Liniment in the I hou^e." ? Mm* Matilda Cotton, V JOS AJyrtU Ave., Drookljn, A*, f. A Sciatic Rheumatism. a' i i Tig a- "We have used Sloan's Lini- B mcnt for over six years and K found it the best we ever used. H '/&7 When my wife liad sciatic K / rheumatism the only thins that W ft, . diil her uny loxxl was Sloun'a M [ri liniment. Wo cannot praise lEt B' highly enough."?d/r. l)e* JluiiKt, JilWh K tie Relieved'. B ,* spruincil ;.nkl<*. I cot a bottle of Sloan's H likI can walk n Krcut ileul. 1 write tliia be- B for putting Bticli :x fino I.itiimcnt on tti* B rcoouimcnd L?r. Sloan's Lmi incut."?J,r?- B MIS 4ENTI n's initmctiri book on borsos, cattle, boas I jr tent free. ) K ? Boston, Msm. k I FIRST! ! to your dealer and explain to him that ds that contain only 40 pounds of Potash crn, profitable fertilizers contain from d that the comjiosition of crops and the 4 || POTASH ; ;| It is this grade of goods that pays yoa t lantity and quality r s ac tual plant food JfcS for Frat Book with | MAM KALI WORKS. Ibc Jt' m paaSMj six? tonic ih will be sent hw t>~? i'JS'JVH ? Mrn Peter & Co., Louuville, Ky. HaMvl ! Ill i IITrn Acreage to ten iboaaWUnllrll res. low prJc^L | fill I LU Wilt* at once with full particulars to John M. ( lark, ls'f.t Santa Crux St., Loa Angeles, CaL W. N. U? CHARLOTTE, NO. 4&-1913. 1 SS DYES r in rold water better than any other dyw. I MilNROt DRUG COMPANY, Qulaey, IR, I I