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DANGEROUS CALOMEL GOING OUT OF USE t A Safer, More Reliable Remedy Has Taken Its Place in the Dnig Store and in the Home. A few years ago, men, women and children took calomel for a sluggish liver and for constipation. They took risks when they did so, for calomel is a dangerous drug. Your family doctor will be the first to tell you this if he discovers you dosing yourself with calomel. But the drug trade has fonud a safer, more pieasant remedy than calomel in Dodson's Liver Tone. W. B, Ardrey tells us that their drug store; sells "Dodson's Liver Tone in practically every case of billiousness and liver trouble where calomel used to be taken. Dodson's Liver Tone is a vegetable liver tonic that is absolutely harmless for children and grown people. It sells for 50 cents a bottle and is guaranteed to be entirely satisfactory by Ardrey's drug store who will refund your money with a smile if it does not give quick, gentle relief without any of calomel's unpleasant after-effects. TAX NOTICE-1913. Office of the County Treasurer of York County. Yorkville, S. C., Sept. 12. 1913. Notice is hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on WEDNESDAY. the'lSTH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1913, ami remain open un- ; til the 31 ST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1913, for the collection of STATE, ! COUNTY, SCHOOL and I.QCAL TAXES, for the tiscal year 1913. without ; penalty, after which day ONE PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made in the mouth of .JANUARY, 1914, and TWO PER CENT penalty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUAkY. 1914. and SEVEN PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payment* made from the 1ST DAY Sf MARCH, 11)14, to the 16TH DAY of ! IARCH, 1914. and after this date all unpaid taxes will (?o into executions and all unpaid Sin^U' polls will be i turned over to the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, I will attend the following places on the days named: At Fort Mill, Friday atvd Saturday, October IK) and 31. At Rock Hill, from Monday. November 3, to Saturday, November 8. And at Yorkvilte from Monday, November 10, until Wednesday the 31st day of December, 1913, after which date the penalties will attach as stated above. NOTE.?Tht* Tax Books are made up by Townships, ami parties writing about taxes will always e xpedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HAKKY E. NEIL. Treasurer York County. I Real Estate For Sale. 23 4 acres in Fort Mill with three tenant houses on same. 20 acres within five miles of Fort Mill, mostly forest oak and pine, three acres bottoms. 35 acres one mile frorp Fort Mill, house, barn, well. % The Griffin store property, one mile from Fort Mill. We have a number of other i farms near Fort Mill at pi ices! ranging from $12.50 to $50 per acre. Ask to see our list. We also have a number of desirable dwellings for sale in i town, and will be glad td show same to those who are interested. BAILES & LINK, ; . Brokers, Fort Mill, - ^ S. C. \ ??: : REPAIRING I am prepared to repair your Guns, Pistols, Bicycles, Clocks, etc., in a satisfactory manner and at reasonable ' prices. Call at my shop one door north of L. A. Harris A Co.'s store. A. R. STARNES. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR 1 25 VOTES I IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST R IF CLIPPED FRO#THE | TIMES AND PRESENTED AT f THE STORE OF THE $ MILLS &c YOUNG CO., F FORT MILL, S. C. ! > PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Bratton Fennell &nd little sou arrived from Columbia Fri- | day and, with Mr. Fennell. are residing in the Ardrey dwelling on Clebourn street. Miss Mamie Caroihers, of Rock Hill,'was a guest Saturday at the hortie of her brother, Mr. ' N. L. Carothers. in thisfcity. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Harris and ! ltft-ltt ? -r ? - 1 vviv viuuguici, oi rcaK, fi, UM | are visiting at the home of Mr. I Harris' mother, Mrs. Margaret i Harris, in the Pleasant Valley community. S. S. Darnell, of the battleship South - Carolina, is spending a portion of a month's furlough with relatives in this township. Rev. S. P. Hair, accompanied by Mrs. Hair and the children, left Tuesday morning to spend his annual vacation of two weeks at his old home at Blackville, S. C. Friends of Miss Dora Grier will be pleased to know that she has fully recovered from a recent severe illness and is again at her desk in the office of the Fort Mill Mfg. company. Mr. F. E. Ardrey returned Friday evening from a six weeks' pleasure trip to the Pacific coast. Miss Lucy Merrit.t, of Edgemoor. arrived Sunday morning tn viait' ral'ifiwn" I" ?.U:~ Ituiv I viamca 111 11IIS City. Mrs. Sam McElhaney, with her 1 little daughters, Ethel and Blandina, has returned to Hebron. N. C.. after a visit to her sister, Mrs. R. L. Bennett, in j this place. Miss Annie Link to Wed. Fort Mill people generally will read with interest the following announcement which appeared ! in a recent issue of the Ilickofy (N. C.) Democrat: "Saturday afternoon the Pleiades Book club met with Miss Marguerite Link at the home of Mrs. George E. Bisanar. The book of the afternoon was the "glad" book, "Pollyanna," and ana the opera, "The Bohemian Girl," from which Miss Annie Link played several selections and Miss Margaret Bost read the history and sketch ot' the opera. After the meeting a dainty four course luncheon was served in the dining room, at which the engagement of Miss Annie Moore Link and Mr. Robert 'Sinclair Booth, of Atlanta, Ga., was announced." Miss Link is a sister of Mr. C. S. Link, of,Fort. Mill, and resided in this? city for several years. She is a highly accomplished young woman and is deservedly popular. Miss Link was for a number of years teacher of mu- j sic in the local graded school. ' NO PUZZLE TO THE MARRIED Benedict Could Quickly Aniwer Question Which Appears to Worry High Judicial Tribunal. Is a wife a "family?" . Married men laughed right out loud when they learned that the | court of appeals lma been asked to answer this question, the lower courts being unable to agree in the matter. That the valuable time of the highest tribunal in the state should be taken up with a question which unv benedict could answer with his eyes shut and both hands tied behind his) back has provided no end of n.erri- | merit for the matrimonial cuplives. j "The wife is always the family,'** said one married martyr. "When there are no children she is the head of the family. If the judges of I lie court of ufiponla doubt whether one woman thin constitute a family I'll send them a few assorted Christmas hills. They'll be convinced that my wife is a colony. If they wanted to [five tlie court some re?l ui.ri. uliu didn't they try to find out what part of the family the husband is?" INEVITABLE CONCLUSION. "Is that man in good odor in the business community?" "He ought to be; he's a dealer in perfumes." A HUMAN SORT. "That man is much like a pistol." "In what respect?" "He is either being loaded or getting fired." j f ? FINE PRETENSES. Mi.-s Quaint-?Can Miss Oldgirl read tine print without gla^s^s? j V:-- lb rt (.-iiv.M < ally )?Oh, yes. u< . a hat die don't. 1 1 I Card II Ill ?? l| II7E WISH I! ? public II I| sponse to Our 11 sold Thousands ii we want to sav Tt ? ceeds our expe< found a few mi; ti| tf of this kind, an< II f| attention shown 11 as we assure yc future date. Thanking yoi H ronage and soli< . I we beg to rema | Mills & I Ten Grand J On Saturdc gj Second Grand Prize: 8 $100 Rock Hill Buggy I with Top and Rubber Tires 3 Third Grand Prize: $75 Putnam Organ, ? Guaranteed ten years. Fourth Grand Prize: | $50 Five-Piece Parlor j| Suit. A Beauty. I Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coat Suit. Value $25. THE PROPOSITION?Every pe One Vote, every dollai to 100 Votes, the greatest number of Votes will be number of votes get3 the Second Gra away. Now, we wish it understood, part and vou or vour fripnd will w^n oughly understand the proposition c: ' GET BUSY TODAY-The early 1 ^SHS Pisa vi TT wenisziv* / V of Th TO THANK our i in general for the Great Ten-Day 5 ? of Dollars' worth the total amount stations. There ar stakes and errors in d if you have not i you, we ask you t )u that we will mal> u most cordially for :iting a continuance in Young C \ nnnMHHniMHnasaHBaHHM Prizes Absc ty, Decembei First Grand Prize: . Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $400. Ninth Grand Prize: Man's $25 Suit or Overcoat. nny yon spend in any one of our and so on. On Saturday, Decembe ! given the First Grand Prize; the c nd Prize, and so on down the line u , this is no chance game, no guess \ one of the Ten Grand Prizes meriti ill at any one of our three stores ai starter stands the best show at win H. YOU I L Wf avwwwv r*. - yr- * i ' '''^w?H f| ..^BH ' %SMI ? '.- * i r^iS '3/J > ri.i # ^#fr + ^ + .fr + & + (fr + (? + 'fc + c,t> + '? + <Tv^Q#?+^i?^(Ai#A ' 1 tanks 1 * * ' O i , :V. If ? < > < ; w, < < > ' 1 friends and the I:; 'V-; ir generous re- 1:: o < ' ]jf iale. We have |i: < M & < of goods, and ( to date far ex < < > e always to be fi: a Gigantic Sale ?? had the proper f s - .? o bear with us, || ie good at any I 11 your kind pat- I ; of the same, || 11 II ' Fort Mill, tt S. C. || + . + >*$>+<$ * *. ? ; ?>*? <$ <$> # <$> - - r 20, 1913. 7 Fifth Grand Prize: > Princess Steel Range. Value $60. * " '"a Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Machine. Life-time Guarantee. Seventh Grand Prize: ? Beautiful $50 Diamond 1 Ring. I lentil is ran J Prize: j? j $25 Kitchen Cabinet. I It's a Beauty. % three departments entitles you to r 20, 1913, the customer holding tistomer holding the second largest ntil the Ten Grand Prizes are given vork. Just a little effort on your oncd above. If you do not thor- % id we'll explain it to you folly. SJ M? CO. 1 wfUfl wwwif:- msncaPF . 'i