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,T- , I ? ? ? $*$*? ? <$ <$ $ $ $ * $ * <5 ^ ^ ^ nDBBRBBHHHBBBIHHH ** <{> 5> <^> ? rj Only | Wrnt ||| i\l Y oun I GUF i o lit We still have and we want you 1 ftt prepare for the G I || gjg*5* 25 Pol m Hi ZZZZZSZ^ZZSI . I The NIL] V l|| lit . . r J ? .. ^ " \ I I v 2+t tor one i % ?<?>< $ % 8 We Are Gc HI Just Think of bu 1 . . Co. $25 Coat Suits for $12 ?????i??? ??????? t.TT III Calico, the yard,... ||| Gingham, the yar Vtt Bleaching, the yai And Ten Thousand < HI ttt So come along, fol ft Grand Prize drawing t; of the other good thing tt|> it Remember, Sai Hi < > Hi it I I THE FORT MILL TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOB 4+4 +4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+<$+4+4+0444?+4+4+4+ >+4+4+^4+4+4+4+4 4+4+S+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+ 9+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+ v+4+^+4+9+4+4+4 4+4+4+4+4+4+444+4+4+4+4+4+9+4+4+4+^+4+4+4+4+ :he last i THREE DAYS LEF1 er Clothing and Suppli ig Company's - - LT 10-DA Th r\l icon jc r*~n?' \\r?ii?c m. nv/uouAiuo vji JL/WIIUI d V V UI Lit U1 JU to avail yourself of this Grand Opj old Weather that is ahead. YOUR LAST CHANCE unds of Sugar for - $1.00 10 Bars of Octagon Soap for 10 Packages of Gold Dui PACKAGE TO EACH CUSTOMER. * p |1 All of Our $20.0 ung to Sell: essstiis A 11 / A ? ? ? ? mi,, n All ot Uur t) 10.0 lying an All-Wool Boys' Suit fo its and Coat Suits foi .50. $20 Coats and Coat Suits for $10.00. 21-2c Sheeting, d, 4c Good Wa 'd, _. 4c Counterp Dther Bargains of Every Description Wil low the crowds, and when making purchase: akes place December 20th. Try to win the s that are to be given away. turday, Nov. 8th, is the LA Come and get Something ? LS & YOUNG CO! ? ? - m ER 6,1913. * ?> ? ? $ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? $ o?o#Me?M#????M?M*mm ' % ^22B^BI <**$>?<??fr?s???$?s???#????????+??????s????+??#+#?Q?????+ B ?>+^>?<fr?<fr?<S?S???O?C?C#e?e?????O#??e?????e?0?O???O?#???? jHB x M * X* J CALL 1 1 f * Q ^^ 11 i iu gci yuur ||| es at Mills & Jj Y SAT/F.I I I is::: .'-J dependable Goods on our shelves if:; -|| >ortunity to stock yourselves and ' ! m m H J st for - 25c ||;: a h < 00 i MM * $&<> ??????????________v<>?y a8 >0 Suits for .... $9.98 ' iilf .9 0 Suits for .... $9.00 Iff . ^ n _ ^ - - tu Suits tor .... $8.00 ffi 0 and $12.00 Suits for - - $4.98 ||:; :| r $2.49 ||i' | r the Ladies. || $15.00 Coats and Coat Suits for $7.98 ||:i ??????? the yard, 4c pi Lrm Blankets at 79c pi anes at 89c If: || 1 be sold at GIVE AWAY PRICES, f ff fj s DON'T FORGET to ASK for VOTES. || Piano, Buggy, Kitchen Cabinet or some ' ||| ST DAY of the BIG SALE. | j :or Nothing. vj ill 1 MPANY, FORI g^r ?as?a?m>m??mmmmi?:?????? Syfi i > , i . > ^A.*<a2ii % "L:te' .?' ,f^J w