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r TALKING CLOCK WAKENSONE / Qlv*a Alarm In Words of Dlagustad Wlfo Who Has Breakfast Ready. Although it would seem, that al- , most everything necessary to the I comfort and convenience of mankind had been fashioned, inventors keep right on dreaming and achieving. Among the latest offerings is an alarm clock which awakens you with the words of a disgusted wife who has breakfast on the table. In the evening before retiring you set the clock for 6:30; at 6:30 you will probably get up. Here is what will waken you: "Six-thirty, six-thirty, six-thirty; time to get up; get up, can't you? Get up, you miserable, lazy man. Get up, get up, get up!" rPl.? O1.0+ ~i?u <1.1.:?1 j u\ mot * *\*VIY ill \ HIS I % 11111 >VU0 CA" [hibited in 1800, but it cost $2,500 to make it. The present offering costs $25. If you are awake in the middle of the night and wish to know the time, press a button and the clock , "will tell you the nearest quarter-hour, ^ as: "Two fifteen" if it happens to be 2:lo or 2:18. The phonographic record is on an endless belt and the grooves in which the voice vibrations are recorded run lengthwise of the belt. The belt continues to give out sound until shut off when once started. So far the clocks have been supplied with belts which talk in 35 languages. EXTREMELY SO Ilardup?Is the widow interesting? j Nocoyne?No; but her fortune is. THE "KANGAROO" VESSEL. One of the most curious of recent inventions is the ship with a "pouch** for carrying submarines. The "kangaroo" vessel is being tried in several Europenf nnv^s. It is so called because the idea of taking the submarine aboard may be said to be in imitation of the way in which the female kangaroo carries her young. The vessel is built so that her stern may be sunk by water ballast and the plates, framework and beams removed from the bow. This manipulation , reveals a large chamber into ll'tiii-li fli?> aiiKtimrino >?a<> I... The how is then sunk, also by water ballast. The submarine slides into its traveling drv dock and n reverse series of manipulation brings the "kangaroo" back into position for a voyage. HE THOUGHT QUICKLY. Miss Klderleigh?So you remarked to Katharine that I looked as old as the hills. Now don't deny it; I heard you. Jack Spott?Oh?er?but you misunderstand. 1 was merely comparing your age with that of the Hill young ladies I am acquainted with? twins, you know.?Hoston Transcript. CONDOLENCE. Neighor?And how's yer guid man this mornin', Mrs. Tatnson? Mrs. Tamson?He deed last nicht. Neighbor?I'm real sorry to hear that. Ye'll no remember if he happened to say onything aboot a pot o' green paint before he slippet awa? ?Punch. PLENTY OF ROOM. "I saw ft dozen men onee covered with one barrel." "How could that he?" "It was the hnrrcl of a gun." M^R CHOICE. "Miss Oldgirl is going to make a very appropriate match." "Whom is she going to marry?" "A collector of antiques." THE DUMP. 1 Young Wife?That pudding I have just made for yon is a poem. , Hubby?And I suppose I'm to be the waste basket. I # . n SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Doctors Feared Lung Trouble, Restored to Health by VinoL The medical profession does not believe that lung troubles are Inherited, but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to them. Mrs. Kate Heckman, Springfield, Ohio, says: "A few years ago 1 was in a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told me I had consumption. I t\*ied another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right lung. I quit the physicians and started on 'VinoL' Today I am: perfectly healthy, and that is why I recommend 'VlnoF." Vinol soothes and heals the inflamed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens t^e digestive organs and giveg the patient strength to throw off incipient pulmonary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the tinderstandin~ that your money will be returned if it does not help you. P. S.?For any skin trouble try our Saxo Salvo. We guarantee it. W. H. AUDREY, Druggist, FORT MIl.L, S. ('. A Npw Fnrrp in A A ^ V* f ? M. VTA 'WW AAA Farming. Inoculate your Clover, Vetch,'Alfalfa and other Legumes with Nftra Germ for $2.00 per sere. See me or mail your ord? rs to Nitra Germ and Fertilizer Co., Savannah., Ga. .IAS. P. GULP, Agent, Rock Hill, S. C. 25 GIRLS 25 WANTED To operate power Sew- ing Machines, manufacturing overalls. Gil ls paid while learning. In the heart of the city. New building, sanitary , surroundings. % HAMILTON CARHARTT. Manufacturer, ROCK HILL, - S. C. "Haile's on the Corner." wwwwiv .WW Quick Work Metal Polish, "Made in lexas." Has no equal for polishing brass signs, railings, copper, zinc, harness and door trimmings, household articles, bicycles, enq^mel, silver and nickel plate, yacht trimmings, golf sticks, autos, etc. Would be glad to sell you a paqkage. Fort Mill Drug Compy, J. R. HAILE, Proprietor. Phone 43. Doors, Sashes and Blinds require good judgment in their selection, or else you must pur chase them at a Reliable Lumber Yard like ours. Contractors and builders know that good work cannot be done with poor material, and i that is why so many of them are i our customers. Fort Mill Lumber Company, 'Phone 72. \ I mmmmtm/m I s 1 l?tfi.*FWIgWB HE FORT MILL TIMES, THl Jnew'c J Fori E tvery train ever] New Goods to the I week we have rece B of Men's Popular or ckmmonf /-\f OliipiUUlll U1 Overcoats and ano I Shoes. Our first sh 9 Misses' and Child] J? and Cloaks just r< J Goods, Underwear I alls, Etc., well, w( them. Looks like on to our way of s< Kor Less. Every < Iter business. Don't part corr good, hard-earned vestigate our wa) I money on every p cation is high, th goods is. high, but I Patterson's Dr 0 OVER FIRST NATL BANK I P a by c fi When a farmer sells business man he receiv business man knows th him and be a receipt, to his advantage to pi should not the farmer I bills by check? A cf chances of error and is large number of farmei and there are others wl of them? ; I Savings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest, \ Fill your bins with our COAL The best Coal mined. We are now making summer deliveries at summer | prices. Buy now, prices will advance later. We guarantee the quality of our Coal. We never overcharge, and offer you only the best grade of Tennessee Coal. Stewart & Culp _ Phone 15. KILLthi couch ?hd CURE th? LUNCS , wim Dr. King's New Discovery /^ONSUWrtlON * Price *fUH I OUGHS&na 50c & $1.00 ISOLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Oure for all : TMHOAT and LUNG TROUBLES, or MONEY BACK. * ?? .' '."w'rMiJii.u IRSDAY, OCTOBER 6,1913. iOODsi Less. j y day brings more I New Store. This ? iived a shipment 8 Priced Suits, an- 1 Boys* Suits and 1 ther shipment of ? ipment of Ladies', r ren's Long Coats E reived. Fleeced E , Sweaters, Over- g * just can t keep ? : everybody's got 8 dling.New Goods gj day brings us bet- gg ipany with your g? cash until you in- B r of saving you g )urchase. Our lo- m a ni 1 o 1 if,r /^f , v UUilLy Wl UUl jA prices are lowest, g y Goods Store, | "SELLS IT FOR LESS." & KID ICHKH5KKE? ? Q) 'heck j| his produce of any kind to a II es Iiis pay by check. The II 1*5 pltppt will i>nmn Ko%lr tn II .w vkvvii kiii wiiiv wav^rv i.vs Hp If the business man finds it ay all bills by check, why >e equally wise and pay his leek account eliminates all ai* undisputal respect. A rs are now banking with us, ho should be. Are you one Fort Mill, I N. B. Meacham, Cashr. ?| The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at the Price of a Weekly. No other Newepaprr in the world give* ?o much at eo low a price. This is a time of great events antl you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control ] both branches of CongreA. The political news is sure to be the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe? just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which cornes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular valne to you now. The Thrice-a-Week World also abounds in other strong features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons: in fnet nvorutViin<r be found in a first-class daily. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 papers. We offer this unequaled newspaper and The Fort Mill Times together tor one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $2.25. ? j-i? OLD NEWSrAPERS for sale at The Times office. Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZINEis the largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magazine should send for a fret sample copy and premium catalog.. Address, TODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton, Ohio. , , ( f KURFEESPAINT ] H% / THE KURFEES PAINT rmiirHmtuD i FOR* OXIDX Of UNO I AOS ONT/T PUR* HUMID Ul . I or ' rVRM DRYIR PURS OOLOR8 I AND HOTBIHO KTM I RVSilKfifittHHIl B?ld subjeot to ohemieU aMlysia If it's PURE PAINT yqu want we have it in the KURFEES PAINT. A guaranteed PURE LEAD and ZINC Paint. The formula is shown on the can. It is sold subject to chemical analysis. Kurfees OUTSIDE WHITE is the WHITEST WHITE you can get. The fifty standard and up-to-date colors are all good and permanent. The paint is very heavy bodied, has the greatest possible covering . power and we guarantee it to cover more surface, to cover it better,, look better and wear longer than any Lead and Oil hand-mixed paint or ! cheap ready mixed paint. Call and let us show you the most attractive line of colors ever seen in this market. We will save you money on your paint bill and sell you an absolutely Pure Paint. J Massey's Drug Store, Fort Mill, S. C. ? - r~ =li ?H lf=l?i ==l; Hi lf=l | Shoes, Yes, Shoes! !! Let the If | 1 E D RACKET.! Shoe you with the | the best Shoes for the least money. The Red Racket Store. 31 II? ?IE llE=dt 11= II = E * l-J |M . ??^ | For BREAKFAST, g P . For DINNER,' ! For SUPPER, * * There s Nothing better than PEERLESS It makes good loaf; it makes good biscuits; it makes good pies; it makes good cakes; in fact, it i , makes HtALlH. Try a bag; it's a little better and the price is the same. For sale by LMcELHANEY & CO., ? FORT MILL, S. C. K II? _ 1 Your Bank ' L Is what we would like our Bank to be. I We would like you to make us your de- || F pository-to have you talk over your fi- | nancial affairs with us?to lot. na holn your business matters. We try to (meet our customers' wants (some- times it is very inconvenient to do 2 this, but we submit that no financial | institution has stood by its customers any better than we do). In fact, we | want to be of service to you. | Our bank should be n | Your bank. | The First National Bank, | Fort Mill, - - - S. C. | ? * * > * \ * ^ * rfi , %