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r;: : > \ / PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Mary Ci.rothers has accepted : he position of cashier ? for the E. W. Kimbrell company. Mr. David Leonard, of Spencer, N. C., is visiting relatives in the township. Miss Bessie Henry, of St. Petersburg, Fla., is the guest of Miss Myrtle Sutton, of this townshin. Robert Grier, of Albermarle, N. C., spent several days of the last week at the home of his parents in this city. Miss Julia Boyd has pone to Conover, N. C., to be with her sister, Mrs. Helen Stewart, who has been ill for some time. The Mexican Situation. Three European Nations, Great Britain, Germany and France, have agreed to adopt no new policy toward Mexico until the Gove- nment of the United States can submit for their consideration a definite plan for the future treatment of the revolution-tot n , ' ? /' / .... 1 \ iwpuuiic m ocuciui /vuiui'tv-a. Tnat a request of the Powers to await a proposal regarding Mexico from this (invert, p cut had bv e i u a le. and that the throe gr t European Nations had yielded to the request Tuesday was announced by Secretary Brya i. President Wilson was enroute to Washington from the South when the announcement was made and the Secretary of ( Stat" did not indicate what would be the nature of the contemplated negotiations with the foreign Govern nents. Progress n the Soulb. (Washington Post.) "It is marvelous what great development has taken plac e in some of tiie Southern States during the last decade," remarked II. Scott Undei wood, a manufacturer of Birmingham, at the Shorehani. "Birmingham, you know, is the Pittsburg of the South, but there are other manufacturing cities. One would not think of Atlanta, Ga., for instance, in connection with manufactures, yet it is a fact that there are 207 different articles manufactured in Atlanta, and it is second only to Lynn, Mass., in the matter of wage earners in proportion to population. in most oi me southern States where great development is taking place the people give little attention to political affairs. The State primaries, of course, attract a small proportion of the vote, and most good people go to the polls every four years and vote, but then they forget all about politics for another four years. It has been proved to my satisfaction and to the satisfaction of most of the people down my way that politics and business will not mix." Will Add Automatic Looms. For the purpose of adding automatic looms to the Graniterville mill and doubling the capacity of the Vaucluse mill, both owned by the Granitville Mfg. company, directors of the company have issued a call to the stockholders to meet November 26, to consider the advisability of increasing the capital stock to $1,000,000. FOR SALE. Lady Thompson Strawberry Plants, splendid variety, at 50c per 100. S. P. Ulankenahip. STATEMENT Of the condition of the Savings Bank of Fort Mill, located at Fort Mill, S. C., at mc cioae 01 Dimness uci. ZI, liMJ. RESOURCES. Losnii anil Discount*.... $85 102 08 Overdrafts... .... .. ti26 94 Furniture and Fixtures 2 473 43 Due from Hanks and Bankers f> 960 91 Currency r> 200 00 Silver and other minor coin 1 434 26 Total $101 7X7 62 LIABILITIES. Capita! Stock paid in $25 000 00 Surplus Fund 12 000 00 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses and Taxes Pawl . 1 546 69 Individual Deposits subject to check 57 178 27 Time Certificates of Deposit 8X5 76 Cashier's Checks 177 90 Hills Payable, including Certificates for Money Borrowed ... . ... 50000C Total $101 787 62 STATE or SOUTH CAROLINA. ' County ok York. ? Heforo me came W B. Meachain. Cashier of tht alsive named Imnk. who. beinK duly sworn. say? that the above and foreiroinR statement is a trui condition of sakl hank, as shown by the books ol said bank. W. B. MEACHAM. Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 28tl day of October. 1913. T. B. Sl'RATT. Notary Public. Correct?Attest J. H. McMURRAY. ) S. L. MEACHAM. Directors. W. R. MEACHAM Jr. t I ' SEVERE BRONCHIAL COUGH Doctors Feared Lung Trouble, Restored to Health by VinoL The medical profession does not believe that lung troubles are Inherited, but a person may inherit a weakness or tendency to them. Mrs. Kate Heckm&n, Springfield, 'Ohio, says: "A few years ago I was In a very bad run-down condition, and the physician told me I had consumption. I tried another physician, and he told me I had ulcers on my right mug. & quii, me pnyeicians ana started on 'Vinol/ Today I am perfectly healthy, and that Is why 1 recommend 'Vlnol'." Vlnol soothes and heals the Inflamed surfaces and allays the cough, Vinol creates an appetite, strengthens the digestive organs and gives the patient strength to' throw off Incipient pulmonary diseases. Try a bottle of Vinol with the understanding that your money will be returned if it does not help you. P. S.?For any skin trouble try our Saxo Salvo. We guarantee it. W. B. ARDREY, Druggist, FORT MILL..S. C. A New Force in Farming. Inoculate your Clover, Vetch, Alfalfa and other Legumes with Nitra Germ for $:!.()') per : ere. See me or mail your orders to Nitra Germ and Fertilizer Co.. Savannah, Ga. .1 AS. I*. CUI.P, Agent, Rock Hill, S. C. 25 |! S* * E% * ?> vsa e 25 WANTEDj To operate power Sewing Machines, manufacturing overalls. Girls paid while learning. In the heart of the city. New building, sanitary surroundings. HAMILTON CARHARTT, Manufacturer, ROCK HILL, - S. C. ??'?- ? " "Haile's on the Corner." Our line of Drugs and Medicines is practical ly complete in every particular. - Should you wish anything in our line, not in stock, I it will be our pleasure to order it, post haste. / Come to see us. j Fort Mill Drug Comp'y, J. R. HAILE, Proprietor. Phone 43. i | Doors, Sashes and Blinds | require good judgment in their :; selection, or else you must purchase them at a Reliable Lumber Yard > like ours. Contractors and build; ers know that good work cannot r be done with poor material, and that is why so many of them are our customers. Fort Mill Lumber Company, 'Phone 72. - 1 J . |NEW~ j For. I Every train ever J New Goods to the I week we have rec of Men's Popular I other shipment oi J Overcoats and anc I Shoes. Our first si 1 Misses' and Child B and Cloaks just r ^ Goods, Underweai *g alls, Etc., well, w a m I rvrvlro 111-. insula i_jvviv z> i4"\i Son to our way of s Yor Less. Every Iter business*. Don't part con good, hard-earned vestigate our wa; I money on every \ cation is high, tf goods is high, but I Pattersons Dr gj OVER FIRST NAT L BANS 3eSK?ffiB5BttaB5S?BT&B TuiHKgmro iwni'hw ob aurmri || Pay by C When a farmer sells business man he recei business man knows t! 4 him and be a receipt, to his advantage to y should not the farmer bills by check? A c chances of error and i large number of farmc and there are others w of them? Sayings Bank Leroy Springs, Prest. lLaaasga=si Fill your bins with our COAL j The best Coal mined. We are now making summer deliveries at summer prices. Buy now, prices will advance later. We guarantee the quality of our Coal. We never overcharge, and offer you only the best grade of Tennessee Coal. Stewart & Culp Phone 15. KILLthe couch AND CURE THE LUNCSf ""Dr. King's New Discovery ONSUMPTION Price FDR I OUGHSana 50cA$1.00 ^OLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickeet Cure for ail . THItOAT and LUNG TROUB- | LBS, or MONEY BACK. ? ? ? n a... A_V .. iOODsj I y day brings more I : New Store. This J eived a shipment I Priced Suits, an- I : Boys* Suits and I )ther shipment of lipment of Ladies*, 1 lren*s Long Coats R eceived. Heeced $ r, Sweaters, Over- ? e just can't keep ji ^ everybody's got || elling New Goods gj n t r no l-v K5 vaciy kJini^o U.L5 UCL" g npany with your K cash until you in- g y of saving you gj purchase. Our lo- jj le qucility of our 9 pi ices are lowest. |j y Goods Store, i "SELLS IT FCR LESS.'' ft 3BE91 OBBSSHSK if ffl? ?. m rvt? \mmtitFJamm ? cujrxwin m iU' .-7Lar.ift-W3M HllllWIll AttrttHTTWiBW0M>?|1 "heck I ?9 his produce ol' any kind to a jj? ves his pay by check. The || lis check will come back to I? la If the business man finds it *8 >ay all bills by check, why I be equally wise and pay his * heck account eliminates all I s an undisputal respect. A | ?rs are now banking: with us, I 'ho should be. Are you one 1. : of Fort Mill, || W. B. Meacham, Cashr. "g 588 The Thrice-A-Week Edition OF THE NEW YORK WORLD Practically a Daily at tha Prica of a Weakly. No other Newtpaptr in the world sire* to much at *o low a prica. This is a time of great events and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The Democrats, for the first time in sixteen years, will have the Presidency and they will also control both branches of Congress. The political news is sure to be the most absorbing interest. There is a great war in the Old World, and you may read of the extinction of the vast Turkish Empire in Europe, just as a few years ago you read how Spain lost her last foot of soil in America, after having ruled the empire of half the New World. The World long since established a record for impartiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week edition, which comes every other day in the week, except Sunday. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a-Week I World also abounds in other strong | features, serial stories, humor, markets, cartoons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class daily. THE THRICE-A-WEEK WORLD'S . regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, anil this pays for 156 papers. We ofTer this unequated newspaper and i The Fort Mill Times together for one year for $1.76. The regular subscription price of the two pape rs is $2.26. OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale at The Times office. Largest Magazine in the World. TODAY'S MAGAZINEis the largest and best edited magazine published at 60c per year. Five cents per copy at ? all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciatee a good magazine should send tor a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, TODAY'S MAGAZINE, Canton, Ohio. ( \ . - ?1 Bulbs, Bulbs, Bulbs. Fresh lot just received and selling fast. Make haste while they last. 'Phone No. 91, and we will reserve them for you as long as the supply lasts. Special orders will have our prompt attention. Q;n?iA n ui_ u - anu jl/uuuic nyacinuis (Red, rose, pink, blue, lavender and purple. All shades of yellow and white.) Paper White Narcissus, Chinese Sacred Lillies, "Purity" Freesias, Good supply of Sweet Pea Seed. Massey's Drug Store. Get it at Massey's?There's a Reason. \ ?=hi ~==ii -][==i:=)j! -ir= ??f=] Shoes, Yes, Shoes! j ill W -a - * I Let tne | RED RACKET [ Shoe you with the | the best Shoes for ] '! the least money. Yfee Red Racket Store. rrn- ?II 1, ifif=!i?T?!| jrrz 1 j 3 ZIIZLT '"'il'TZZ . ZIZ ^ !| (Two years old March 9, 1913.) | Calls the attention of the publ lie to its statement of condi- I tion at the close of business October 21 st, 1913, published by order of I the Comptroller of the Currenc}'. The First National Bank, || Fort Mill, - - - S. C. j| For BREAKFAST, 1 For DINNER, ' For SUPPER, There s Nothing better than PEERLESS It makes good loaf; it makes good biscuits; it makes good pies; it makes good cakes; in fact, it makes GOOD HEALTH. Try a bag; it's a little better and the price is the same. r ?_ i___ Lror sate oy { J McELHANEY & CO;, I I j The First Nal'l Bank I