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BP 1 ' . ? Housework Is a Burden It's hard enough to keep house if in perfect health, but a woman who is weak, tired and suffering from an aching back has a heavy burden. Any woman in this condition hasgood cause to suspect kidney trouble, especially if the kidney action seems disordered. Doan's Kidney Pills have cured thousands of sufleriug women. It's the best recommended special kidney remedy. A PENNSYLVANIA CASE Mr*. Ktiinm t\ Miller, 4^^^. 524.1 s*. links st I'hila"ErevPie CMHk ilrlyllla, IV. auya: I turr I flit a aulfeivil for Irii'inir* atu'k-" (r. in backai-be and dmi^T - Bordered khlncy* ami AT\Shs\ IT halt I lie time I vnuldn't Al<l^ j/itii tuy housework. 1 V rWlf'T. A M JpKhnally commenced ink X >' Stv'"H Ikuin'a khlnei I'lil* kW tin] It wumiT lungbrfurr Jfuff, jfy If lliejr removed rriTf \Z/v""Tr AI symptom of the trouble, df J<\\ Now i don't know fjjm. H ' \{C\ryll what It la to have U j k) Imrkschr and my Vl II health la tlni-. t 11 pi /I haven't hail a air" I-/ II of kidney ooinplalnt i l *1 " ain<-? l>oan"a Kidney I*iUs vuMti me." (Get Doan's at Any Store. 50c a Bos DOAN'S "pVLIV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Why Scratch? fl,'Hunt'sCu^e" is guaranteed to stop and permanentlycure that terrible itching. It is compounded for that purpose and your money will be promptly refunded WITHOUT QUESTION if Hunt's Cure fails to cure Itch, Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm or any other Skin Disease. 50c at your druggist's, or by mail direct if he hasn't it. Manufactured onlv Fur A. B. RICHARDS MEDICINE CO., Sherman. Texas Latest Unaxceiled Discovery MlS"AL? Ointment ECZEMA CURE Rmtxxlics tlie moilioina) proper'!*'? from the famous Texan Min-AI.? Natural Miueral Water, famous for it- .Mtre? KtH'ottiineiiUaliuiib ami e.\| eiiM\e ailvcrtlsing * onne.vns;.r\. Try it ami iret relief ati<f improvement at onef. 8enU tint* tlollar .ftiiil aj.iroi Min-Ala mmi will In* luaiie.l you : !. from MfN-ALA MINERAL WATER **>!5 JT*""1 DISTnitiUllHG OFFICE EDW. H. WAGNER. 38 ?ark Place, New fork,NT. ADVICE TO THE AGFD Age brings Infirmities. ouch n - bowels. weak kidney* ar.d tirplJ liver. tuft's Pills have a specific effect on these organs, stimulating the bowels, gives nut urul action. and Impart" vigor to the whole *> l? m. LARGE 74-PAGE " ILLUSTRATED CATALOG I'pj-jf of Camera* and Photographic Supplies mailed FREE DEVELOPING ?od PRINTING A SPECIALTY Parsons Optical Company, Dept. B CHARLESTON. S. C. BOYS and GIRLS hare tour <-lit !<-* <if an Air Kitle. Skate-;, Infield. > ? Glove,Stvuin Kngine. Koolbult, Punching Hair. Tool Cheat. Knife, Hnztlig Glove*. Secret Ixicket. Sowing Machine. Necklace, Cauiera. Magic lantern. Mrhli Porse, Itoll, Brooch or a Hrucelcl Kvtranr.--.-ni fur gulck work. 1IKNKV U IIITK COill P AN V. U'i rKIIALTA AVK., HAN LKANCISCO, IAL 111 H LITm Acreage to ten thouII IVI I l? I I sand acres, low priced, if fill I LaU Write at once w it h full particulars to .lolin M. Clark, 1S39 Santa Cruz St., I.os Angeles, Cal. /C\ 1/AVIl A I/O lIitfh ' ?raile ALg KUDAKo fUJIlJy elnl attention. I'ricca ichhoiih ld> Service prompt. Seutl lor Price List La.VHHf.s nil slilllk . ( HtUUCMTOX, a. ( . ^sakTHpMPSON'S.^;'rs?s"'l'" AO UN L.TIIOM I'stlN SON'S A; CO.,Tr??v. N.Y. n 0 ?n _ the wonderful hair grower, re\yQrjQYUnAJt inufM dandruff, restore* gray halt " to youthful color. II per bottle. Trial slzo 10c. COLOUIKIC COMPANY.Tuuipa, Kla ARCAI IITCI V amazing money tnnklng propoADjuLU I E>L 1 sltion; ezlra sjm>c..?I otter to rst live men replying. I <rnit rroten t?., tut PAIininATCC for Kourtb-Clasa I'oat masters ? HHHUIUH I hv uie ut once for valuable Information, ft. A. ( OX, Iwigttitvllle, Georgia Charlotte Directory Mm* TYPEWRITERS YnHGRZKr New. rebuilt and second hand. |17 ut hjk^r^il 0 k up ami guaranteed Hatlsfactorr We jMBHI?UrV sell supplies for all inakea. Wore yPylA', / pair all makes. J.CHiTTOS a COIPARY, Cfcarlstts, Two Fer a Nickel. Tom That gent certainly rose from the ranks. Jerry?So? Tom?Yes; he used to be a cigarmaker.?California Pelican. Disquieting. "Mama, why did you marry papa?" "So you've begun to wonder, too?"? Detroit Free Press. Pain in Back and Rheumatism re the daily torment of thousands. To effectually cure these troubles you must remove the cause. Foley Kidney Pills begin to work for yon from the first dose, and exert so direct and beneficial an action in the kidneys and bladder that the pain and torment of kidney trouble soon disappears. Ifti IIIII Ml I I Hn Comph Syrup. ThIm flood. On LJ la Uino. SnM tip Dniilati. pi IN1TO&TI0NAL SUNMSOIOOL f T?OOAII LL33UN ;Ky l?. O. SKI.I.Kits. Director of Kvrnlnc Department, The Moody Bible Institute. ChlcaRo.) LESSON FOR NOVEMBER 2 BALAK AND BALAAM. T.KRSON TKXT-Numbers 24:1CV19. Read Numbers chs. 21-24. OOIjDKN TKXT?"A double-minded nttin, unstable in all his ways." Jns. 1:55. Following our lart lesson the Isrealites marched along the borders of the wilderness meeting with much opposition. In Num. 20 we are told of the death of \arcn. They met Arad 121:1-2) and overthrew him. Moving around Kdom was a difficult process ami the people became discouraged. Again they murmured against Clod and against Moses. Swift punishment followed in the form of fiery serpents. Num. '21:4-11. Confessing their sins Moses interceded on their behalf and the look at a brazen serpent suggested to them the necessary attitude of faith towards Clod. After sundry wanderings, the dwelling among the Amorites and the overthrow of sundry tribes, we come to their encounter with Balak. As they journeyed the teporl of their victories preceded them and Ratak sought to protect himself against, these strange "people come ottt of Kgypt." by other means than that of war. Tor. said lie. "they ate covering the face of the earth." See Kx. la: la. Little Known About Balaxm. llere Balaam appears upon the scene. Little is known about him He evidently had a knowledge of Jehovah and yet v a a sorcerer or spiritist, dealing with evil spirits, and was, probably, a Midianite. I. The Call to Curse. Ch. 22:1-G. There are six personal pronouns in verse; Italak sought to fight fire with lire, to save his own face. He feared those whom Clod blessed. The world today hates those whom God blesses. Had I'.alak been vise he won hi have cast in his lot w it it Israel and not have miserably perished in battle along with his unwilling tool. Balaam. (See Num. 31:8, Josh 13:32.) Balaam at first refused Balak's invitation (v. 131, but Balak sends more exalted messengers and greater offers of honor and rewards, promising him honor in the kingdom if he would hut eurse Israel (v. IT). Balaam again returns word that litis is impossible <v. 18) for he cannot go beyond the word of Jehovah not that he was in sympathy with tnat word at all. but lie was eonscious of Jehovah's power. II. A Challenge b the way. Ch. 22: 22-35. The angel ?..f Jehovah, as (ho agent of his anger, interposed to save Balaam from himself. Lust had so blinded his eyes that oven an ass buked him and thus*- who trafficked with evil spirits in order to produce results are mocked by the fact that a dumb ass found voice and spoke. Finally, after repeating his conditional permission that he was to speak only the word Jehovah was to give him, he is permitted to proceed with the "princes of Ualak." Balaam a Prophet. III. The changeless message, Ch. 24. Head carefully the intervening chapters. in them we have the acount of Balaam meeting Balak and of his brief but wonderful prophecy concerning Israel. Balaam gives us a wonderful description of one who is a prophet (24:16). lie (1) "henreth the words of God." (2) "knoweth the knowledge of the most high." (3) "seeth the vision of the almighty." Verse IT is r. wonderful phophecy of the Lord Jesus, who is "a star." for ho "lighteth every man who cometh into the world." (See also 2 Pet. 1:19.) He is called "a sceptre" because of his kingly sway (see I.k. 1: ."2. 33, Heb. 1:8). From the context we read how once his lips were opened he declared a wonderful prophecy concerning these whom Balak considered his enemies and with prophetic eye he sees the coming glory of Israel, Balak's anger is kindled, and he seeks to drive Halaam away, but each time there comes forth from his lips one of these unwelcome prophecies. These marvelous prophecies which fell from Balaam's lips, as an instrument, tausht that this entire under world of evil is under control of Jehovah and its curses upon his people are important. Me may even compel unwilling instruments, if needful, to become agents for the accomplish ment of his purposes. Balaam's sad end strikingly illustrates the fact that a man may admire the ideal of righteousness and the beauty of liolines'-and yet failing to yield his own life to those principles fail utterly in the consummation or nis lire ana nis influence. He taught Israel to sin. The Golden Text. It would almost seen; that Jaines must have had Balaam in mind when he wrote these words. Double-minded means 'twominded" and unstable means that we lack foundation, are "not fastened down" James is speaking ?>f the lack of wisdom which may be supj plied by asking hiin who gives liberally, but admonishes us to ask in I faith, "nothing wavering." This is a I picture of all men who. knowing God, yet deny his pow?r, and for the greed of gain refuse to yield to his claim and so fail in the realization at tlroLi true SMivna. 0 CHILDREN LOVE ! cvdiid nc nnc umur ur nuu It is cruel to force nauseating, harsh physic into a sick child. Look back at your childhood days. Remember the " dose" mother insisted od? castor oil. calomel, cathartics. How you hated them, how you fought against taking them. With our children it's different. Mothers who cling to the old form of physic simply don't reullze what they do. The children's revolt Is well-founded. Their tender little "insldes" are injured by them. If your child's stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing, give only delicious "California Syrup of Figs." Its action is positive, but gentle. .Millions of mothers keep this harmless "fruit laxative" handy; they know children love to take it; that it never fails to clean the liver and bowels and sweeten the stomach, and that a teasj.oont'ul given today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask at the store for a r>0-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for growu-ups plainly on each bottle AiK DID DRAW THE LINE AT THAT After All. There Was Something the Victorious .Insurgents Would Not Be Guilty Of. The successful revolutionist i for that month? leaned back in his chair. "While you correspondents have been reasonably accurate in youi aefounts," lie remarked, "you have overlooked some of our good points We acknowledge capturing the insurgent general, starving hint a week, beating hint regularly, cutting off his ears and finally banishing hint, hut?" lie paused that the foree of the re mark might be fully felt. "When yon say we have been inhuman and given to extreme eruelty. you overdraw it. We hav? n't even hinted at running hint for vice-president!" New York Kvening Post. FALLING HAIR MEANS DANDRUFF IS ACTIVE Save Your Hair! Get a 25 Cent Bottle of Dandsrine Flight Now?Also Stops Itching Scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalp; of dandruff?that awful scurf. There is nothing so destructive to uio natr as dandruff. It robs the hair of its luster, its strength and its very lif >; eventually producing a feverishnest and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hnir roots to shrink, loosen and die?then the hair talis out fast A little Danderino tonight?now- any time?will surely rave your hair. Get a 125 eeut bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from any store, and after the lirst application your hair will take on that life. luster and luxuriance which is so beautiful. It will become I wavy and flnlTy and have the appearance of abundance; an incomparable gloss and softness, but what will please you most will be after just a few weeks' use. when you will actually see a lot of fine, downy hair?new hair?growing ail over the scalp. Adv Unconquerable Cat. There is just one animal man has never conquered, never ran conquer. Centuries ago r-verv other beast he came the slave of mail or else lied far from human habitation One and one only refused to lice or to submit This only exception to a world of servants and of scared enemies is the domestic cat When some animals hoi came man's slaves and others lied from him tho cat did neither. It simply took all the favors and advantages man had to offer, and refused to do one lick of work in exchange. Beat a dog and he will fawn on yon. Beat a cat and it will attack you and then desert you. You can't conquer | the eat. You can't make it work. For Nail in the Foot. Horses and ratlin are liable to blood poisoning from stepping on rusty nails For such an injury apply Hanford's Italsaiu of Myrrh and get it into the bottom of the wound. It. should kill the poison germs. Always have a hot tie In your stable, because you will find different uses for it. Adv. I . i Always on the Trail. "What is a nemesis?" ashed the politician's wife. "A nemesis." replied the politician, "is a man whom you once foolishly promised a political job." nous Yot it ii!-:\i? \< in:r Try Hicks' CAI't'PINK It's !i<|iiul? pleas, ant t<> take ? effects Immediate?yooti m | reveut j Sick Headache* nint Nervous lleud.-iclirs nlsn. Your money luck if not satisfied. 10c.,'die. and Mo. at medicine stores. Adv. Alas, that a wise man can't help I looking liko a fool at his own wed: ding! lira.Wlnalow'ia Soothing Syrup for Cliililret i ' teething, softens tint mints, reduces inltnmm? lion,allays paia,cures windCOIic,2I>e a Pottle.U? Patent medicines are used largely I by the Chinese. V POLITICS IN AUSTRIA After Much Toil a New Party Is Formed in Dual Empire. Count JuHus Andrassy Has Succeeded in Forming a Formidable Political Groun in Hiinnarx Gall*r< r ?- / the Constitutional Party. Vicuna.?After months of toil. Count Julius Andrassy, the able son of a great father, has succeeded in forming a new and formidable political party in Hungary, the so-called Constitutional party. It starts with a strength of f?4 in the Hungarian parliament. There are also political leaders of experience ami capacity within its ranks, outside of its illustrious founder. Hut there are. nevertheless, some peculiar features about this new organization. Political life in Hungary runs in two main currents; represented by the OTers and the -S5>ers, so-called. The first-named base their convictions and their action on the constitutional compromise effected with the emperor (as their kingi and with Austria proper in I Sti7. 'giving Huugary virtual autonomy and independence save in a few stipulated points. The IScrs. on the other hand, otherwise known as the Kossuthers, remain irreconcilable and demand a republic and complete independence. At prosont and for many years past the ISers are in the minority. Now the platform of Count Andrassy's new party has just been published. and in all hut non essential points it is i?l?>ntic-.t 1 with the declared principles of the party now in power, at whoso head stands the Utilitarian pn niier. Count Stephan Tisza, anil who is in treat favor with the emperor and is doing excellent wor'i for his country. The new party, it is true, has taken some paratraphs front the radicals, the 4Sers. such as a general grant of the franchise and a thorough reform of the election laws, and in this respect Count Stephan Tisza does not go so tar Hut in the main Andrassy's aims seem to he the same, notably in foreign politics, in tax and educational questions and in the handling of the nationality problems in Hungars, and the chief ambition of Andrassy and his followers appears to bo Austrian Rest House for Travelers. rather of a personal nature, i. e.. the ousting front power of the present government and the winning of such power for themselves. Hut inasmuch as thi? new movement practically means <1 split in the dominant party, it might he quite possible that the Radicals, the iSers. would eventually be the winners in this game and enter parliament, with living colors and in the majority. Count Tisza. however. who is very shrewd anil foresees this dilemma, will shortly confer with the emperor on this very point, and try to head olY his opponents. It will be many a day before the bubonic plagu* first imported from the Halkan battlefields?will have been completely stamped out in Austria-Hungary. and litis despite the excellent sanitary measures taken by tho authorities here. As a matter of fact. tli?' plat;in- spreads more and more. In the western half of the empire. In Austria proper, there have so far been only isolated eases reported, as In Vienna and in .Marienhad. where j by dint of stringent measures further infection appears to have been prevented. Hut in the other half, in Hungary and its dependencies, these have not been so successful, although there, too, severe precautions are being taken. Robin on a Jag. Fort Collins, Col A robin with a Joyful jag. making a frantic attempt to light on top of a fence post, was discovered by Mrs. A I I faker of West Mountain avenue. The bird war so drunk it was evidently seeing several posts and tried to light on a post that wasn't there. It finally crawled off under a tree, where it stood with one eye shut until the jag wore off A can of cherries which had "worked" and which had been dumped in the backyard was responsible for the jag Father Spanks Young Woman. PatchogU(**N. Y.?Miss Kiln Harney, Aged twenty, has disappeared from lier home because her father spanked her. | I .. I \ GOOD MEN ARE DISSATISFIED' Feel That They Don't Measure Up to Own Standards Every Day In Week. So you feel that you're a failure beeause you don't measure up to your own standards, every day In the *v eek ? Muck up. brother! That's the way sil good, go-ahead men feel sometimes! If they weren't dissatisfied with their performances as well as their promises, they'd be trotting around in a circle: and thut means business dry rot, if anyone asks you. A certain amount of self-dissatisfaction is the best tonic in the world for the genus, man. It keeps him from broodin' on bein' a man?like David Harum's flea-bitten dog. you know! As long us you can And fault with yourself and your works, you're alive, my friend. When > on get to the point where you feel sorry for other men becaus* they aren't such good salesmen, or managers, or presidents or porters as you. then is the time for the doctor to put you on a diet and prescribe perfect quiet to keep you from go it:g crazy about yourself! lkin't get the glooms over self-distrust Ambition and dissatisfaction are half brothers, anyway! ? Kxehange No Need for More. (tiles met an acquaintance 011 the street the other day, although he artfully tried to avoid him. "Hello. Ciles, deah boy!" exclaimed he other. So glad to see you. I'm going to 1/ondoti next week. Can I do anything faw you?" "Xo. goings enough, thanks," replied Ciles, moving 011 1 .ippincott's. PAINFUL ECZEMA ON HANDS Hienville. 1 >a.?"I was troubled with eczema in my hand > for several years. The skin would break and look like ii nun u'M*u v.ui nilii ti kiiup nnu iny hands were so son* ! could hardly boar to put them in water and could hardly use them. When 1 used them the blood would run out. They would heal a little and then they would get worse than ever again. They were very painful. The eczema not to breaking out on my arms in pimples which itched and burned very badly. "1 used different remedies also used all kinds of facial creams and ? on my hands and arms and 1 did not get any relief until 1 used C'uticuru Soap and Ointment. I cured my hands and eczema with c'uticura Soap and Ointment." (Signed) Miss Fannie Mostiller, Oct. 5, 11)12. C'uticura Soap and Ointment sold throughout the world. Sample of each free.w ith 112-p Skin Hook Address post card "C'uticura. Dept. L, ltoston.'?Adv Seme People Call It This. "What do you think of my ree par tee?" It's fierce You don't even know how to pronounce the word." t'or St MMI'.ll Iin tDAI HP.S Tllcks" CAI'I'hlXK is the lust remedy? lir? m;itt?*r wluit ? ti .. i.- .? Irotji tin- i ,- it. silting mi iliaiiithts, feverish condition, I'll-, n*?- t.V anil TiOc |K*r liuttle.ut medicine stores. Ailv. Naturally. On wUat lines is this piscatorial mapazitie rim?" ' ' "On fishing lines. W hat else?" Break up that cough. A single dose of I lean s Mentholated I nigh I )rop-? hting* prompt relict ">c at all Drug Stores. Few men know what not to say. and still fewer when not to say it. For harness sores apply Ilanford's Balsam. Adv. Ambition is the mother-in law of disappoint meiit. L. DOI W $3.oo *3^ *4. I\ 'l $4-^o AND s5i?J ?k\\ shoes H \4FOR MEN AND WOME! So7*' Shoes lit thr Mfor.'d ??[ il-OO. S-'.SO and tl.UU // \ Vm?S^\ bpoan business iw ?/\ VSK&Vi \ 0N **18 CA| ITAL. now TH / \ VU^g^uJi LAROEST MAKER or ti so i \ SHOEB IN THE WORL wRln V ) \ja A*k your ilnler lo thim W I, lionirla* $i.OOan< / wLA iIium. .In*I a* ifoml lii *tyli f wear as oilier make* ro* Ki. only difference I* Ihi / S?* 4 leather*, alyle* and al AL ^ P Ji|kwJ I' you roiild elalt H. I.. |?^S. V;. V" al Hrorklon. Ma**.. an V\Y?> 1 carefully W. I,. Iionirla V v\V'>\ would then underafand why ,ry vi V fit heller, look lieller, hold I *"<* V ^JL lhan any other make for \ Vs. If W. I.. I>ouKla? ahoea are y.A or.ler illreet from ilie far! nEw/ . I t-er of tlie family, al all prl CAUT10HI free. Will. I'.,r lllnaii li j' v, .a >.u how i.i .>r.l -r t )?."iirla? name la ?a?e money on your fnotwi lami^.1 mi Ine lii.lloin. W I.. Ihiiiulat, SOI I m \v soft ygR '*y$m '* V73M DOCTORS DID 1 | NOT HELP HER 1 .1 But Lydia E. Pinkham's Vef-' ?table Compound Restored | Mrs. LcClear's Health? Her Own Statement. A Detroit. Mich. ? "I am glad to discover a remedy that relieves me from I " Y Suffering M D <1 pains. For two year* . :} J I suffered bearing F down pains and got ^ v^Spii all run down. I was \ Cx. yy under a nervous -nj \-e?- ypMr strain and could not. :i -SIC ^ WM sleep at night. I J ' Hr went doctors hem 'n ?ty but they d d not do me any L?/( (* " Seeing Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised, I tried it. My health improved wonderfully and I am now quite well again. No woman suffering from female ills will regret it if she takes this medicine."?Mrs. James G. Lc Clear 836 Hunt St., Detroit, Mich. Another Case. Philadelphia. To. ? "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is all yoa claim it to be. About two or threo days before my periods 1 would get bad hnrlf nehoQ tVinn mina In ?rrV?f on/4 , ..^uiouu rcifc sides, and my head would ache. I called the doctor and he said I hnd organic inflammation. I went to him for a while bat did not get well so I took Lydia E.Pinkhum's Vegetable Compound. Afier taking two hot* h-s I was relieved and Anally my troubles left me. I married and have two little girls. I have had no return of th? old troubles."?Mrs. Cras. Boell, 2G50 S. Chadwick St., Fhila.,Pa? Do You Wish to Enfoy the comfort of a clear head, m sweet stomach, keen appetite and a good digestion? USE VIDIAN Send for free sample ttr Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill Co. 372 Pear! Street, New York MOVING PICTURES M.tollmen. Su|i|)ltra, Curtain* .ml IS V Ai'VPhwiplrf. KnIilikiK Chiilr . 10 Oy i. Opera rich. Oas M.iLing Oii(fltn,Oiuiip, LlaiCiEthrr. Kvrry^jjr Yp Itiiuir uhoiI in the moving Piotur* BiisliirMi. A few si-oiiiiil liaaii ma** ( htur. jurfeot i-onit illim very cheap. Ail vice ami Information ttlailly furnislirU fr ea Motion Picture Center ol Atlanta#fnc.. 65 Walton SC. llhe Mohon Picture Department Start of the * arid . AtianU.Ga. Ar^PISITfSif m 4"" 9 "^1 Hi VP BIG 3FITS AND/ BCAU'I :<, !,L PREMIUMS' for Boiling theold rolinblo japanoMOII (tww alhvl En-Ar.Cn Oil) and our otber ntamlard K.-iihhIu"*. No Money Requlrod. Wnt?n? ut .>11.-0 for t.-rnw NATIONAL REMEDY CO. 130 Charlton 8troet( Now York City. GALLSTONES^ rrntlnn. A throe wrrlc^' home treatment too *?>. Iteerrlbe cane uud net free In form at low. S. * L. REMEDY CO.. Dept. t. 820 Mtia St . r.lta. I.n SU KODAKS FINfSRIN* iwIIIIk Send for catalogue and yrice*. G. L. HALL OPTIOAL COMPANY Norfolk Richmond Lynchburg. Vw. (INK It It; !!-<> I(AI>K t'I'ltltlHT I'l tNOTO ItK. (ilVKN AWAY KltK.K.. Write lor ulars. r.Mi KroliU; i'miium, IH-pl. a, Uateile, I.C _ ; W. N. U., CHARLOTTE. NO. 44-1913. (TING SHOTGUNS. tcr Repeating Shotguns are B safe to shoot, but sure to [*hey arc easy to load or un- I 'to take down or put together, t? >ng and reliable in every I lat's why the U. S. Ordnance if idorsed them as being safe, H ing and simple. Over 450,000 fl sportsmen are using them, fig Winchester and You Won't Get Stuck |j| it* and Winchester Ammunition?the Red \MLM |H uf? for Each Other and Sold Everywhere f| ^9 JGLAS^^^ fin* $n.OO to $7.00 ? the l> prlre. shora la all V~ J?\ i?p?-? to mil fikDkod;. not for ?*!> in yoor vicinity, ^JSg^^^j^jgaaio >y mail.aiwl wli"?you can NO Nr.,.. Wr?*!?.. M~. WaiTITUTt