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ASK YOUR DRUGGIST ABOUT IT! ?? There is a New Remedy that Takes the Place of Calomel. Recommended and Guaranteed by the Druggist W. K. Ardrey's drug store never sold a remedy that gave more complete satisfaction than Dodson's Liver Tone?a mild vegetable remedy for constipation, sour stomach and lazy liver. I Folks who have suffered for years rather than resort to dangerous calomel have found after one trial that this pleasanttasting vegetable liquid gives them a long sought relief without bad after-effects. Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed by Ardrey's drug store to be a safe liver stimulant and to be absolutely harmless ?without bad after-effects. You will find many persons in this locality who have tried it and every user will speak a good word for Dodson's Liver Tone. It livens up a torpid liver and makes you feel fresh, healthy and clean. The price of a large bottle is 50 cents?money back if not pleased. The success of Dodson's Liver Tone has brought many medicines into tne field that imitate its claims, aud some have name very similar and package same color, but remember Dodson's Liver Tone is guaranteed by W. B. Ardrey who will give you back your money if you want it. TAX NOTICE?1913. Office of the County Troeauror of York County. Yorkvllle, S. C.f Sept. 12. 1913. Notice in hereby given that the TAX BOOKS for York county will be opened on WEDNESDAY, the 15TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 1913. and remain open until the 31 ST DAY OF DECEMBER. 1913. for the' collection of STATE, COUNTY, SCHOOL and LOCAL TAXES, for the fiscal year 1913, without penalty, after whicn day ONE PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made in the mouth of JANUARY. 1914. and TWO PER CENT penalty for all payments made in the month of FEBRUARY. 1914, and SEVEN PER CENT, penalty will be added to all payments made from the 1ST DAY of MARCH. 1914, to the 16TH DAY of MARCH, 1914. ami after this date all unpaid taxes will go into executions and all unpaid Single Polls will be turned over td the several Magistrates for prosecution in accordance with law. For the convenience of taxpayers, 1 will attend the following places on the days named: At Fort Mill, Friday and Saturday, October 30 aud 31, At Rock Hill, from Monday. November 8, to Saturday. November 8. And at Yorkville from Monday, November 10, -until Wednesday the 31st I day of December, 1913, after which date the penalties will uttach as stated above. NOTE. ?The Tax Books are made up j by Townships, and parties writing about taxes will always expedite matters if they will mention the Township or Townships in which their property or properties are located. HARRY E. NEIL, Treasurer York County. Reai Estate For Sale. 23 4 acres in Fort Mill with three tenant houses on same. 20 acres within five miles of i Fort Mill, mostly forest oak and ! pine, three acres bottoms. 35 acres one mile from Fort Mill, house, barn, well. The Griffin store property, one mile from Fort Mill. We have a number of other farms near Fort Mill at prices ranging: from $12.50 to $50 per acre. Ask to see our list. We also have a number of desirable dwellings for sale in town, and will be glad to show same to those who are interested. BAILES & LINK, Brokers, Fort Mill, - - S. C. THIS COUPON IS GOOD FOR U 25 VOTES # IN THE BIG PRIZE CONTEST H - IF CLIPPED FROM THE H TIMES ANI) PRESENTED AT Pj THE STORE OF THE MILLS & YOUNG CO., | rORT r.IILL, s. c. B J"'T" w . *? TC-i7* i % HAii&RS Of LOCAL ihlcKLST. Slashed Mill Belts. At an unknown hour Wednesrlnv niirVif * -- ? * ..i6nb ouuic party or panics entered the cellar of the weave room of the Fort Mill Mfg. company's mill No. 1, and with a knife proceeded to slash the main 24-inch drive belt and another and smaller belt was slashed in such a manner as to be rendered practically worthless, it was said. This is the third time within a year that the -company has suffered such damage and should the party who committed the deed be apprehended a term in prison doubtless would be the penalty for the perpetrator of such a cowardly act. Military Boy* Visit Union. About 25 members of the local military organization, in charge of First Lieutenant S. W. Parks, returned Saturday from Union, where for several days they had been guests of the Union military company at the annual Union county fair. The trip to Union was made at the invitation of Capt. J. Frost Walker, of the Union company, which furnished free transportation and entertainment for the Fort Mill soldiers while there. All the boys enjoyed the trip thoroughly and pronounced the Union fair as a most successful and credit....?? auic event. Merchants After the Trade. If the fall shopper of Fort Mill and vicinity does not reap some rich bargains this week it is a matter of His own fault. At present the town is flooded with circulars, large and small, telling of the values being offered by three of the town's largest stores and messengers have been dispatched to the various quarters of the township telling of the big sales now on. The Times is also being extensively used by these merchants this week to make known their offerings and the readers of the paper should not fail to read carefully the advertising columns. Hallowe'en, Friday night, October 31st, will be Hallowe'en, the eve of all Saints Day. Upon this evening witches and fairies are always unusually active. The celebration of this occasion dates as far back as Scotch legend goes. The ancient custom of lighting family bonfires at night is obsolete, but the night is still regarded as one of supernatural activity. In recent years in this country the occasion has come to be used as a cover for all sorts of mischievous pranks such as fhancrinir eitrnc oyi/1 r> t> "'ft"" churhurch bells, setting Jack-olanterns, etc. The witches' cat is a necessary adjunct to a proper I celebration of the night. Suffer* Stroke of Paralysis. The many friends here and' elsewhere of Mr. Wm. F. Boyd, : one of Gold Hill's leading citi-1 zens, will regret to learn that he 1 suffered a slight stroke of paralysis Saturday afternoon, by which he has been partially; deprived of the use of the light side of his body as well as experiencing difficulty in speaking. Mr. Boyd had returned from hurt Mnl to his home Saturday afternoon and was fonnd near iiis trout steps where he had lalten when attacked by the paralytic stroke. The latest report is to the effect that Mr. Boyd is doing as well as could be expected. BeUir Coming to the Front. Time was when the Belair section of Lancaster county was looked upon as a country settlement in which few people lived and in which little if any inducements were held out to influence outsiders to locate there. But tunes have changed, and so has Belair, according to the statement of one of the community's m <st prosperous citizens. During ilie I.'St lew years many new homes have been erected there ami <? hers remodeled, li.e roads have been improved to a great exi.-ni. ai.d the manv travelers u i.) use the new road from Cnar! >ite u> K ?ck Hill speak in highest terms of t he #encr:Jl\ prosperous appearance of Belair. T.m? community has one of toe o s ar.d best country schools in .ins section of tiie State, t he sc'.. . i, in a practically new buildin#, wid i>e#in the fail and winter term next Monday with Miss Vailie Pettus in char#c. And it would be amiss to speak of Bolair without m6ntionin# three citizens, Messrs. John A. Kell, J L. Pettus and J. Z. Mowi< , who are piutn# forth every ejiort to make Belair a still m?ne d . ir. ble pla'?e in which to live. Vi s I.oeise .\idi y returned i t y vi it of Several d , ion. 11 vi s at i inc \ ?.i<\ ? Vv *V# ? it ? - I n; V? <$> ?> $ 1 FOLLO & w It To t! BIG EXTW H. 1 t Come and get SO 4 4 rirnilara anJ ? <* *^ -w %* uaivi a vau ; today's paper, ther It < > A 1 We are going to gi7e you 1' T ? We are going to giv< t t We are going ^ We are 4 4 W 25 pounds of Sugar to eac i! 11 Our; Clothing and Dry < > o A pr < . o o o Calico, the yard, ;; Gingham, the yard, Sheeting, the yard, 4 O 4> oo ? ???? < < > Come to this Sat ii get $2.00 worth fc 44 , 5 Mills & i i NOTICE?This Sale is i 4 pany, of Washington, D. C., > * ? > ? r + . 4 -y ???? I Ten Grand I On Saturdc Second Grand Prize: i $100 Rock Hill Buggy I with Top and Rubber Tires a Third Grand Prize: ? $75 Putnam Organ, | j Guaranteed ten years. fi Fourth Grand Prize: !$50 Five-Piece Parlor Suit. A Beauty. I Eighth Grand Prize: Ladies' Tailored Coatj Suit. Value $25. S THE PROPOSITION?Every po One Vote, every dollar to 100 Votes, the greatest number ot Votes will br number ol votes gets the Second Gin I o tiro tr "RT ^ -* 1 r ? ?vr c* y ii u w, w c WISH 11 understood part and yon or your friend will v.rin ^ oughly understand the proposition c h GET BUSY TODAY?The early PI p| q ^ +*+^^+<s+4+^!^<S+&+<t+<$+&+$+$+$4 IWIHECR Mill's & Young l SPECIAL TEN mething for nothing. G over the price list. Oui efore we cannot quote 2 1) bars of Octagon Soap for 25c. e you 25 pounds of Granulated S??o to give you 10 packages of Gold I going to give you 10 plugs Brown h purchaser of $1.50 or more. Only oi r Goods Have Been Reduci etty good Suit for $4.48?worth do 2 l-2c Wool Dress Go 4c Sweaters, 75c 4c Boys' Knee Pa e and SAVE MONEY, r $1.00. Young C in the hands of the American Speci C. C. Cohen in charge. <? 4 a. a. a.A. Mill I? II Hill I II iimillllllll?I mil III! I ! W lllii? Prizes Abso iy, Decembei First Grand Prize: Handsome Hallet & Davis PIANO, Value, $409. Ninth Ginnd Prizr.: Man's $25 Suit orj Overcoat. i - ! uny ['Oil spen .1 in any one of our and so on. On Saturday, Decembe ) given the Fiist C ran 1 Prize; the o md Prize, and so on down the line r. , this is no chance game, 110 guess \ 1 one of the Ten Grand Prizo3 ail at anv one of our three stores ai starter stands the best show at win ^v" ;?*> 11 F I V . ' | -$>?<s*<?>???<s*<s>*s>*s*s*$*?*?*<$????????*??? ^9 OWDS | 1 i DAY SALE. | et one of our large 1|1 ' space is limited in I ill our good things. " ar for $1.00 )ust for 25 cents |;; Mill#* fr?r 9 ^ A < awa MWV ^Uf/VUIllg IMJ UUIJ.J <5> <5> ne package to a customer. 11 id Nearly One Half, iij l1' ; uble. ? < 1 < I . ods, the yard, 14c o * kind, 38c j;; | , . J" nt?, 19c !'l! .;N <?, . || , . < > s , ? ? ' < > . . B T~* ? ar??s * * ? fort Mill. it O.y S. C it | al Sales and Salvage Com- 4 ?I II - - ' M "l |f: . t ? lsitely FREE I r 20, 1913. I I Fifth Grand Prize: Princess Steel Range. Value $60. ; Sixth Grand Prize: $50 Standard Sewing Marhinp I lfp-limiJ C?ioran?fln lllWVIUIIVa LUIV UIIII> VIUU1 (lllitCa U I Seventh Grand Prize: a Beautiful $50 Diamond | Ring. 1 Tenth Gran.l Prize: ^ $25 Kitchen Cabinet. Its a Beauty. I three d'-partinents entitles you to h r ';!(), 191.the customer holding ?;i lstomer holding the second largest ntii the Ten Gr ml lh izes are given ^ vork. Just a litt le efl'ort on your ' flTIA i 5 I .ri.11 fin "A+ W..WV. t,V/V f V. A 4 J KJ VI uv ilV/ V tllUl " I HP I , id we'll explain it to you l'ully. , i | ,