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& ? THE FORT MILL TIMES Published Every Thursday. FORT MILL, 80UTN CAROLINA. Cold storage eggs have no real friends. Night workers make their hay after me sun goes down. The loudest dressed women are generally the homeliest. The Iletch Hetchy must be a first cousin to hoochic coochte. If possible, the autumn girl Is prettier than the summer Rirl. If hoopsklrts come back the tango will be still more sensational. Some men are such dead beats that they won't even pay a compliment. Pity the poor inan who attempts to keep track of the new aeroplane records. They say that seeing is believing, but. you had better not bank on it in a shell game. "Stork brings quadruplets," says n dispatch. Should the bird bo applauded or reprimanded? Football ;ih now played with the head Is about as Intellectual as a gladiatorial contest. Statistics prove that this country uses more sugar than any other. Not. however, more taffy. An aeroplane engagement Is reported. Was there ever a time when love was not in the clouds? No matter how much will power a man may have, he Ik not able to stop a sneeze after he has started it. The Olympic games at Merlin may yet be made fairly successful merely by substituting skat for golf The University of Peking is mor.' than r.UO years old. Reminiscences at n place like that mean something There probably won't be any out- i cry against the turkey trot due to begin in the barnyards in a few weeks. The king of Clreece gave a nine-cent tip to a Paris taxi driver. Wish we were a King He got away with it. too. It Is reported that there are 1,000.000 hail eggs in Kansas City. How the population of that town has I won In- ! creasing. There Is going to be an awful strain on the groat American voice. Hasketball promises to be a popular sport this winter. A Chicago college professor has abandoned his chair for a | eanut stand. Once In a while people do find their hearings. One galling distinction between rich and poor is the fact that the rich man can get somebody else to lix ills automobile for him. Scientist says that eating onions lends to make the hair curly. Possibly so. but we know that they always make the nose curl up. "He sure you are right and then go ' ahead." Hut one discouraging fen lure of life is that so many people who are not right get ahead. It is shrewdly suspected that the government expert who Is going around detecting the bad eggs in storage is a revengeful former hall room boarder. Six Paris seamstresses made a gown In twenty minutes. Hut the rhnnrt'ti nro It t/?nlr fhom !/*?*one M???n thnt to collect the bill. Of course the stage will decline to believe that the public doesn't want salacious plays so long as the box office registers to the contrary. The gold output of this country decreased during Ibl2. This information is printed for the benefit of jhtsoiih who haven't noticed a decrease. Tango teas are extremely popular In Kngllsh society and anybody with a sure cure for rheumatism should he ible to do a rushing business there. A sit I /Villa 111 a TV u-nnfo n * cause his wife telephoned to liiin so | often that he lost his Job. rrol>ahly ' another case of being called up and then down. Astronomers tell lis that the stars In the FUr Hipper are beginning to j disappear. And wo fonr that none of our plunibera will ever get up there to fix it. A German scientist savs the playing of hotel and restaurant orchestras Is driving people insane. There is a great deal to he said for that theory rtecause he shot himself with a blank cartridge, a Tarlatan's wife stabbed hlin In the back. She was a helpmate In every sense of the word. A man has been sentenced in Mexico to 150 years In prison. The Judge and the convict must both be converts to the Metchnlkoff sour-milk theory of longevity. Mk, - > WILSON OPPOSES SINGLE BANK PLAN HEARING OF THE COMMITTEE Ofo CURRENCY REFORM WILL CONCLUDE SOON. TRYING TO FORMULATE PLAN President Reiterates That the Owen Glass Bill Is Suited to the Needs of the Coutnry. Washington.?Whether there shall i he one Federal reserve hank with | branches throughout the United States. or several banks, as provided for in ; the administration bill, promises to I be the ehief issue ot the final curren 1 cy reform light in the senate committee. The hearings of the committee will conclude and the committee memi hers will begin the arduous task of attempting to agree upon a revision of | the Glass hill that will prove accepts| hie to President Wilson and the house. The president made it known in emj phutie terms that he was opposed to ! the central bank plan, as suggested by Frank A. Vanderlip of the National city Hank, of New York, and as indorsed informally by many members of the j r?vu?ir \UIUIIIIIHIT. lit- iriU'llllKU I through Secretary Tumulty that the Glass-Owen bill, with its system of i 11! regional reserve hanks related only through the functions of one Federal reserve board sitting at Washington "was admirably suited" to the needs of the country. While members of the senate committee, including several Democrats, were drawing out witnesses in further support of the single bank idea. President Wilson tailked at length with other senators, outlining his desire that (lie Glass hill be left unchanged in this particular. It was apparent that the course of several members of the committee, probably, will be determined finally by the attitude taken by President Wilson and other party leaders as to the expediency of the single hank plan. Senators O'Gorman. Hitchcock and Reed, Democrats, all favor the idea of a single Federal reserve hank, as opposed to many separate ones, hut it is believed that their advocacy of the plan may be abandoned in committee if the Democratic leaders insist that such a measure could not he passed through the house. COMMISSION FOR INDIANS Urge Ultimate Self-Government for Dependent Islanders. Molionk Lake. Ultimate self-government of the Philippines and Porto Itico and control of Indian allairs by a permanent. non-partisan national commission were recommended in the platform adopted at the closing session of the Lake Mohonk Conference of the Friends of Indians and Other Dependent Peoples. The conference declined to indorse the view of some members that the Philippines were ready for immediate independence, bat agreed that the Porto Ilicans. while preparing for "self-government under the American ting," should be granted full American citizenship. Notwithstanding condemnation the Democratic Philipines policy received during the convention, the platform dismissed the question as follows: "We venture to hope that the action of President Wilson in placing the upper bouse of the legislature (the Philippine commission) in control of the Filipinos will be found by its practical results to have been wise, and that an occasion of its revocation will not arise." The conference recommended that no date be set for the withdrawal of our supervision over the Philippines, and no decision be made as to the ultimate form of complete self-government until "through general education and familiarity with the principles of American liberty the people should be lit ted to decide wisely for themselves. 14 Men Topple Over Cliff. Thurmond, W. Va. Kliner Maimer and Amos Howell were killed and a dozen other men seriously hurt when a cable snapped on a mountain incline near Kay moor. The men were riding on a truck which, when the ceHe broke, toppled over a cliff. Others Nations Are Warned. Washington. -The United Stn'es government is preparing to notify the nations or the world generally that any interference in Mexican affairs win be regarded as unfriendly to tliis government. President Wilson Secre'e.ry Bryan and CojnseHor Jo> n Has sett Moore of tlie state department exchanged ideas on what the pan laination to the world should express. It will be copmiunicuted to foreign governments in. line with the policy of keeping other nations informed of every step luken in Mexico. Four Killed in Explosion. New York?- A gas oven in t Mrh metal was being enameled on th top floor of a six story factory build bo: in Canal street explode:!, killing fop persons. More than a score of others were injured or burned in the tire that followed the explosion and som* of them may die. The Identity of the lead was not known munv hours aft?T the bodies had been removed to the morgue. Three of those killed were women. Searchlights played o> the ruins all night, while firemen tearrhed for more bodies. ' 4 / SATURDAY NIGHT^ I TWE?T Y-F/VE V CCMf? 5HY'' < /^ wclJN I L ! OREGON TO LEAD FLEET i FAMOUS BATTLESHIPS WILL HEAD INTERNATIONAL FLEET IN YEAR 1915. Great Britain Accepts Invitation to Send Representative Vessels of British Navy. j Washington. Secretary Daniels formally announced that the historic battleship Oregon. which made the famous trip around Cape Horn in the early days of the Spanish war, will lead the groat international fleet through the Panama canal, when Use waterway it; opened in 15115. While plans for the event have not yet been formulated. Secretary Daniels w ill h<- aboard, and, in all probability, President Wilson, also it has been suggested that all surviving officers, who served on the Oregon during the 1S!?s cruise, be again at their posts ?if duty when the battleship heads the procession through the canal. In this event the Oregon will be commanded by Rear Admiral Charles E. Clark, retired. The acceptance by the Dritish for| eign office of the invitation from the United States to send a :~i|Uadron of warships to go through the canal with the international lleet, was conveyed | to Secretary 1 try an through Ambassador l'ltRc. Croat Itritain is tin* lirst of tin* nations to accept the invitation FILIPINOS THANK PRESIDENT President's Words Gratefully Accepted as Forerunner of Freedom. Washington.? The answer of the Philippines to President Wilson's message delivered through Governor General Harrison came by cable in the form of a resolution adopted by tin* | Philippine assembly. Emphatic belief ! in the right of the Filipinos to bo freely expressed in the resolution and the president's words are gratefully accepted as "a categorical declaration of the purpose of the nation to reeogniste the independence of the islands." The text of the resolution, made public by the war department, follows: "We. the representatives of the Filipino people constituting the Philippine assembly, solemly declare that it is evident to us that the Filipino people have the right to be free and independent so that in advancing alone along the road of progress it will on Us own responsibility work out Its prosperity and manage its own destinies for all the purposes of life. This was the aspiration of the people when it took up arms against Spain and the presence of the American flag first on Manila bay, and then in the interior oi the Archipelago did not modify, hut rather encouraged and strengthened the aspiration despite all the reverses suffered in war and difficulties encountered in peace. Roosevelt Welcomed to Brazil. Rio Janeiro.?Theodore Roosevelt was received with military honors as he stepped pel tore from his steamer here. Kdwiti V. .Morgan. United States ambassador to Hrazil, with the stuff of the embassy, went on board before the vessel docked with a reception committee headed by S?nor Moreira. representing the ministry of foreign affairs; Lieutenant Colonel Achilles ''ederneiras, Itra/ilian attache at Washington; Don Jose Carlos Rodriguez, \dmiral Antonio Olyetho Coutino, Gomez I'ereira. Woma? Chased by Murdrer. Chicago. Henry Spencer, confessed murderer of Mrs. Mildred All"son Itexreat. a (lancing teacher, and irony other persons, related In the Wheaton jail how he had for several days followed Mrs. Cotter Calmer and waited for a chance to rob her after her arrival in this city on the, 2d cf last November. Spencer said Mrs. Maimer's $lOn.t)(?0 diamond necklace was the prize for which he played. The confessed murderer said he read in the society columns of a paper that Mrs. rainier was coming to Chicago. I CURRENCY DEBATE j . ^ i! ) WN J w vSV t/bscpA BKITISU OISHUASE WILSON PRESIDENT THINKS BRITISH GOVERNMENT NOT FRIENDLY IN MEXICAN MATTER. I( Explanation of the Incident Made by the British Foreign Office Anent Attitude. i Washington.? While there was no change in cither the status of affairs j i at Mexico City or the American policy, I i ' j | an international phase of the Mexican ] < i situation that attracted wide attention ! I was the formal inquiry made by Am- ' hass.tdor l'a?e at London as to what J i was construed as an unsympathetic ; altitude toward the Cnited States by i Sir Lionel Carden, tlie lJritish minister to Mexico. It is understood that the basis of , the inquiry was a confidential report to 111o state department, the contents i of which were not divulged here. It is known, however, that what purlieu- j : larly displeased both 1'resident Wilson < and Secretary Bryan was the presen- j laiion ny t^ir Lionel of iiis credentials | t?? Provisional President Huerta, the j i very day after the latter had proclaim- i ed himself dictator. Tin American i i government felt that Hnerta's nulli-j . iication of the Mexican Constitution i j not only by his arrest of the deputies, j , but by his assumption of legislative j, ! powers, had so altered affairs ill the i | Mexican capital that the Kritish minister might well ha\e witliheld his pre- ! . sentation of credentials, SULZER GETS NOMINATION j Impeached Governor Is Nominated for ; Legislature by Progerssives. New York.- William Sul/.er. im- ' peached governor of the state, was nominated for the assembly by the Progressives of the Sixth assembly district. Mr. Sul/.er in 1880 began his 1 public career as a member of this branch of the state legislature. Mr. Sulzer has agreed to accept the nomination, it was announced at the meeting where he was chosen as the candidate. Max Steindler, Progressive leader in the Sixth assembly district. ' who placed the former governor's ' * name in nomination, said Mr. Sul/.er I reached him by phone from Albany in- j * quiring if he had been designated. Mr. 1 Steindler replied in the affirmative. | 1 He said he asked Mr. Sul/.er if he 1 would accept and Mr. Sul/.er replied j * he would gladly do so. President Defied by Cuban Congress. ' Havana.?llecnuse of the refusal of ' congress to convene in extraordinary 1 session to consider the presidential J 1 message urgently recommending a | 1 new foreign loan of $15,000,000, Pros- ' idont Menooal issued a public appeal. 1 declaring that lie may he compelled ! ' to have recourse to extraordinary ' t measures In the event of continued I 1 obstinacy on the part of congress. ' Says People Need Bible. Washington. "There never was a " time when the people needed the in- f terpretation of the Bible more than * they do at present," said Secrtury Bry- r an, in addressing the delegates to the ! I Women's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Kpiscopal church, in ses- i sion in Washington, "and," the score- f tary added, "there is not a community * which cannot be purified, redeemed t and improved by a better knowledge < and larger application of the Bible to r the daily life. No money that is in- ' vested pays so large a dividend." > Democratic Gains in Illinois. I Peoria, III. In the most fiercely contested judicial election in the history i of Illinois, Charles C. Craig, Democrat, r of Galesburg, was elected to the su- I preme bench to succeed Judge John 1 P. (land by a majority of ::.t>4G over < Judge Leslie I). Puterhaugh, Itepub- j lican of Peoria. Arthur II. Shay, the < Progressive candidate from St renter, t ran nearly f>,000 votes behind the lie- f publican. Political exports attribute j the Democratic success to the en- I trance of Progressive and \Vomai\ Suf- r frag Ik t element* into the campaign. 1 . '* * \ 0 MINE IS WRECKED; I MINERS ENTOMBED! ? I EXPLOSION OCCURRED IN A MINE AT DAWSON. NEW MEXICO. DEBRIS BLOCKED THE SHAFT Ownfrs of the Mine Say That It V/.? Supplied With All Latest Appliances to Make Safe. Rescuers Find One Hundred A Dead in Mine: More Buried. A A Dawson. X. Mex.?More than A | two hundred coal miners are A known to be dead. Rescue par- A ties have torn away more than a A mile of debris caused by terrific A explosion and revealed nearly A one hundred bodies. A News of this find was carried A t?i the top of the shaft, where a A crowd of nearly one thousand A men. women and children were A pushing against the ropes that A held them bark out of the way of the rescue crews. A Their bodies were piled in A In aps or scattered about the sub- A torranean chambers, two miles from the mln?' entrance. A A AAAAAAAAAAAAA Denver. Colo. Between 230 and 2S0 miners were entombed by an explosion in mine No. 2 of the Stag Canon f uel company at Dawson, N. M. i'he entombed miners included tlcneral Superintendent Frank McBermott of the mine and several other American miners. The cause of the explosion is link now 11. Immediately after the explosion all shifts were called to the work of rescue and those miners who were employed in other shafts were put to work drilling through the debris, which was said to have blocked the mine below the second level. MEMORIAL TO CLEVELAND At Same Time Princeton Graduate College Is Dedicated. " Princeton, N. J. Princeton University's graduate college and the Grover 'Icveiund memorial tower were dedicated here. Gifts amounting to <50,0(10 for the erection and endowment of the college enabled Princeton o realize an idea conceived twenty rears ago- the housing of graduate students in a hod.v. The tower was iresented to the university by tlie Cleveland Monument association a hioh received gifts from all over the Cuited States. President llihhen of Princeton pretided and about him were William 11. I'aft, who delivered the memorial adlress on Grover Cleveland; represent tives of practically all the universiies and colleges in the United States ind Canada; hundreds of alumni and ielegates from English, German and French universities. The presentation to the university >f the Cleveland memorial tower was 1 nuile by Richard V. l.indsbury, presi- \ lent of the Cleveland Memorial assoiation, who said funds for the memo*ial were contributed from all parts )t the United Stutes. Huerta Defied General Diaz. Vera Crus;. General Uelix Diaz, in letlance of the intimation from the government that lie proceed to Tarnlict) aboard tlie steamer Uorcovado inil there disembark, lias decided to remain at Vera Cruz. He is unwiling to admit lie is not free to come ind go and talks of a trip to tlie enptal. According to reports current lere. lie is likely to return to Havana ihoard a Mexican warship and unl?ss he orders from the capital are altered lie will he left no choice. General >iaz was to have been notified on he high seas of the governments vislies. but the contain of th? trim. >oat Zaragoza, who put to sea in the light. with Colonel Vidaurrazaga. sec etarv to the minister of war. to whom lie mission had been entrusted, lost lis course. A new captain for the taragoza was named. Troop Struck by Lightning. Houston. Texas. A bolt of lightning itruek a inarching column of the Sixth United States cavalry between Texas City and Galveston, instantly tilling Privates Monroe Morris. George Morris and John Zirnmer, Veterinary Surgeon Devine was injured, but not teriously. Several horses and mules vere killed. Several troopers are said o have been unhorsed, but not oth- j rwise injured. The regiment was en onto to Galveston for target practice The bolt struck the wagon train with ' vhicli the three men were derailed. _ynch Named Labor Commissioner. Albany, N. V. The senate unnninously continued Governor Glynn's ! lomination of James M. Lynch of Syr- J tcuse. president of the International j Tvprographical Union, as state labor ommissioner. The senate twice reeded Governor Sulzer's nomination >f John Mitchell, former president of he United Mine Workers of America, or the position. After the second reection Governor Sulzer nominated .yncli. The nomination was never eported from the senate linance comnittee. DIGS HIS OWN GRAVE?" LIVES TO TELL OF IT Mexican Army Officer Arrestee as Spy?Reprieve Granted In Nick of Time. El Paso. Tex.?A California Is. rn Mexican, a major under Central Orozco and a follower of Madero is (he only man who ever dug his own gra\ e. faced a firing squad in Mcxur and lived to tell his experience. lie is Maj. C. 11. Echagary, who was held incomunicado for 1 months in Chihuahua City prison. ;i> a Villa spy, taken at midnight to a lonely burying ground and forced to Made to Dig His Own Grave. ?li^ liis own grave while being 1m a i on the back by a saber in the hands of a Mexican captain. After escaping from hit predicament he walked to the nearest : .1 road station and came to 1-11 1\im never to return. The Mexican major was arrested in Juarez on a trumped up < :..?:*ii <>t sedition, was taken to Chihuahua am! imprisoned in the dark cells with other condemned militar: prison*-: and had nothing to eat but a : beans, thirty-six to be exact, for 1 counted them, daily, and dry hr* ad Alter being left alone in his cell, without anyone to speak *o and witu the vermin crawling over him. h*- * taken front his cell at nigh' by a <itail of soldiers in comntand of a federal first captain, marched to 'in graveyard and there git en pick ami shovel and made to dip his own prat* While this was being don* the f? d eral captain beat him over the back witli tin* flat siil?* of his saber. sweai lug at him in vile Spanish all the tin;Finally Major Kchaparay says h? could stand it no longer and d? manded that he he shot rather than hear his mother's name insulted, .lust as the firing squad was lining up in front of him to tire the midnight hellon the cathedral in Chihuahua rang and were followed by a trumpet call to cease tiring. A reprieve had been granted ntm and a detail of ollic rhad boon sent in an automobile t notify the federal coininander. who was about to execute him. He \\us liberated the next days as it was found that he was not ; spy and h<slept in the hills until he could hoard a train and reach the border. RODENTS CUT OUT CIRCUIT Rat and Mouse in Electric Switch Shut Off Circuit for FortyFive Minutes. Memphis. Tenn.? A mouse, and a rat Mlmbed into a switch of the Memphis* Consolidated Has and Klectric company lines, created a short circuit and sltvit off till power for 4f> minutes tlm otlier night. More than 500 offices <?f a telegraph company, between Nashville. Memphis and Texarkana, Ark., and Cairo and New Orleans, were out of commission. Elevators in hotels and office buildings were "dead" and the other sort" of business were still while men were inspecting sources of trouble and switching power onto other supply cables. Twenty-five men worked from midnight until four o'clock before the cauee of the trouble was found, and in order to be certain of it, the men bad to inspect 11 miles of jkower cables, lifting lids to manholes and testing connections. About four o'clock, or < of the ex IHTts found troubles that caused him to climb the pole where the circuit box was attached to an oil box. Taking off the lid. he discovered the charred re mains or a mouse and in a liolo in the oil box he found half the body of it rat. The new wij-es were connected and in a minute every power cable went to working as usual. Then She Woke Up. (Jreenville, Pa.?Mrs. Mary Kvertart. an aged resident, awoke from ;* trance to find the family tearfully arranging with an undertaker for her funeral. Met Hit Match. Paris.?A Paris "Apache." terror of :ouristR, met his match in an American ?fOtnan, when Mrs. Ford Thornp?on of St. Ixniis, whose pocketbook ho matched, pursued and caught him.